void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if(other.tag == "Player")
            // change the move direction
            playerControllerRef = other.gameObject.GetComponentInParent<PlayerController>();
            if (_type == TriggerType.startDrift)
                bool tDir = false;
                if (_turnDirection == TurnDirection.left) { tDir = false; }
                else if (_turnDirection == TurnDirection.right) { tDir = true; }
                else Debug.Log("No Turn Direction Set.");
                playerControllerRef.SetCorner(_cornerMagnitude, tDir);
                //change the end trigger's turn magnitude to cancel the right amount of turn when you hit it
                if (_endTrigger != null)
                    _endTrigger.GetComponent<TriggerScript>()._cornerMagnitude = _cornerMagnitude;
            else if (_type == TriggerType.endDrfit)
                playerControllerRef.EndCorner(_cornerMagnitude, _nextTrigger.transform.position);
            else if (_type == TriggerType.launch)
                playerControllerRef.SetLaunch(_launchForceMagnitude, _launchAngle);

        //turn the character to it's side a bit
        //start the drifting animation