public void GenerateAbyssBattleMSB(int mapLevel, List <int> bossCategoriesUsed) { // Basically, create thin New Londo MSB containing boss, then enable "done" flag. // EMEVD handles the rest. Map newLondo = Maps.GetMap("NewLondoRuins"); MSB1 msb = MSB1.Read(ModMSBPath + $"{newLondo.MsbName}.msb"); EMEVD emevd = EMEVD.Read(ModEMEVDPath + $"{newLondo.EmevdName}.emevd.dcx"); EMEVD.Event constructor = emevd.Events.Where(evt => evt.ID == 0).First(); HashSet <int> enemyModels = new HashSet <int>(); HashSet <int> logicGoalIDs = new HashSet <int>(); HashSet <int> battleGoalIDs = new HashSet <int>(); MapPointManager pointManager = new MapPointManager(newLondo.Name, Rand); // ABYSS BOSS int bossEntityID = newLondo.GetBossID(0); if (!Maps.BossLocations.Keys.Contains(bossEntityID)) { throw new Exception($"Could not find information about location for (non-twin) boss ID {bossEntityID}."); } (GamePoint bossPoint, int emevdIndex) = Maps.BossLocations[bossEntityID]; Boss boss = EnemyGenerator.GetRandomBoss(Rand, bossPoint.ArenaSize, bossCategoriesUsed); Enemy bossEnemy = EnemyGenerator.GetEnemy(boss.Name); MSB1.Part.Enemy bossPart = bossEnemy.GetMSBPart("Abyss Boss", bossEntityID, bossPoint, bossPoint.Angle, mapLevel, isRedPhantom: true); msb.Parts.Enemies.Add(bossPart); enemyModels.Add(bossEnemy.ModelID); logicGoalIDs.Add(Mod.GPARAM.AI[bossPart.ThinkParamID].LogicID); battleGoalIDs.Add(Mod.GPARAM.AI[bossPart.ThinkParamID].BattleID); // TWIN BOSSES: // If arena is Large or Giant, there's a chance of a twin boss (capping their combined aggression). // Mornstein ring makes it 100% chance. Boss twinBoss = null; if ((Roll(TwinBossOdds) || Run.GetFlag(GameFlag.MornsteinRingFlag)) && Maps.BossLocations.ContainsKey(bossEntityID + 1) && bossPoint.ArenaSize.In(ArenaSize.Large, ArenaSize.Giant) && boss.AggressionLevel < 5) { (GamePoint twinBossPoint, _) = Maps.BossLocations[bossEntityID + 1]; List <Boss> twinOptions = new List <Boss>(EnemyGenerator.BossList.Where( twin => twin.Category != boss.Category && twin.AggressionLevel + boss.AggressionLevel <= 5 && twin.RequiredArenaSize <= bossPoint.ArenaSize)); twinBoss = twinOptions.GetRandomElement(Rand); Enemy twinBossEnemy = EnemyGenerator.GetEnemy(twinBoss.Name); var twinPart = twinBossEnemy.GetMSBPart($"Abyss Boss Twin", bossEntityID + 1, twinBossPoint, twinBossPoint.Angle, mapLevel, isRedPhantom: true); msb.Parts.Enemies.Add(twinPart); logicGoalIDs.Add(Mod.GPARAM.AI[twinPart.ThinkParamID].LogicID); battleGoalIDs.Add(Mod.GPARAM.AI[twinPart.ThinkParamID].BattleID); Run.BossCategoriesUsed.Add(twinBoss.Category); enemyModels.Add(twinBossEnemy.ModelID); Run.EnableFlag(newLondo.GetBossTwinFlag(0)); } else { Run.DisableFlag(newLondo.GetBossTwinFlag(0)); } // Inject name and item lot reward into EMEVD constructor. EMEVD.Instruction bossBattleCall = constructor.Instructions[emevdIndex]; List <byte> argData = bossBattleCall.ArgData.ToList(); int itemLotID = bossEnemy.RedPhantomItemLotParamID; argData[32] = (byte)itemLotID; argData[33] = (byte)(itemLotID >> 0x08); argData[34] = (byte)(itemLotID >> 0x10); argData[35] = (byte)(itemLotID >> 0x18); argData[52] = (byte)boss.NameTextID; argData[53] = (byte)(boss.NameTextID >> 0x08); if (twinBoss != null) { argData[54] = (byte)twinBoss.NameTextID; argData[55] = (byte)(twinBoss.NameTextID >> 0x08); } bossBattleCall.ArgData = argData.ToArray(); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($" Updating models..."); #endif UpdateMSBModels(msb); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($" Writing MSB..."); #endif msb.Write(Mod.GameDir + $@"map\MapStudio\{newLondo.MsbName}.msb"); // No '.rls' copy needed. #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($" Writing EMEVD..."); #endif emevd.Write(Mod.GameDir + $@"event\{newLondo.EmevdName}.emevd.dcx"); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($" Writing LUABND..."); #endif WriteMapLUABND(newLondo.EmevdName, battleGoalIDs, logicGoalIDs); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($" Writing FFXBND..."); #endif WriteMapFFXBND(newLondo.MapID[0], enemyModels); }
public void GenerateMapData(Map map, double redPhantomOdds) { // Generate and write MSB, LUABND, and tweaked EMEVD for given map. #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($"GENERATING MAP: {map.Name}"); #endif MSB1 msb = MSB1.Read(ModMSBPath + $"{map.MsbName}.msb"); EMEVD emevd = EMEVD.Read(ModEMEVDPath + $"{map.EmevdName}.emevd.dcx"); EMEVD.Event constructor = emevd.Events.Where(evt => evt.ID == 0).First(); HashSet <int> enemyModels = new HashSet <int>(); HashSet <int> logicGoalIDs = new HashSet <int>(map.DefaultLogicScriptIDs); HashSet <int> battleGoalIDs = new HashSet <int>(map.DefaultBattleScriptIDs); MapPointManager pointManager = new MapPointManager(map.Name, Rand); int rarePhantomCount = 0; int basicPhantomCount = 0; string regionLabel; for (int i = 0; i < map.BossCount; i++) { // BOSSES int bossEntityID = map.GetBossID(i); if (!Maps.BossLocations.Keys.Contains(bossEntityID)) { throw new Exception($"Could not find information about location for (non-twin) boss ID {bossEntityID}."); } (GamePoint bossPoint, int emevdIndex) = Maps.BossLocations[bossEntityID]; Boss boss = EnemyGenerator.GetRandomBoss(Rand, bossPoint.ArenaSize, Run.BossCategoriesUsed); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($"Boss {i}: {boss.Name}"); #endif Enemy bossEnemy = EnemyGenerator.GetEnemy(boss.Name); bool isRedPhantom = map.Name == "ChasmOfTheAbyss" || boss.AlwaysRedPhantom; // Red phantom bosses are otherwise fought in Abyss battles only. var part = bossEnemy.GetMSBPart($"Boss {i}", bossEntityID, bossPoint, bossPoint.Angle, Run.MapLevel, isRedPhantom); msb.Parts.Enemies.Add(part); logicGoalIDs.Add(Mod.GPARAM.AI[part.ThinkParamID].LogicID); battleGoalIDs.Add(Mod.GPARAM.AI[part.ThinkParamID].BattleID); Run.BossCategoriesUsed.Add(boss.Category); enemyModels.Add(bossEnemy.ModelID); // TWIN BOSSES: // If arena is Large or Giant, there's a chance of a twin boss (capping their combined aggression). // Mornstein's ring makes it 100% chance whenever possible. Boss twinBoss = null; if ((Roll(TwinBossOdds) || Run.GetFlag(GameFlag.MornsteinRingFlag)) && Maps.BossLocations.ContainsKey(bossEntityID + 1) && bossPoint.ArenaSize.In(ArenaSize.Large, ArenaSize.Giant) && boss.AggressionLevel < 5) { (GamePoint twinBossPoint, _) = Maps.BossLocations[bossEntityID + 1]; List <Boss> twinOptions = new List <Boss>(EnemyGenerator.BossList.Where( twin => twin.Category != boss.Category && twin.AggressionLevel + boss.AggressionLevel <= 5 && twin.RequiredArenaSize <= bossPoint.ArenaSize)); twinBoss = twinOptions.GetRandomElement(Rand); Enemy twinBossEnemy = EnemyGenerator.GetEnemy(twinBoss.Name); bool twinIsRedPhantom = map.Name == "ChasmOfTheAbyss" || twinBoss.AlwaysRedPhantom; // Red phantom bosses are otherwise fought in Abyss battles only. var twinPart = twinBossEnemy.GetMSBPart($"Boss {i} Twin", bossEntityID + 1, twinBossPoint, twinBossPoint.Angle, Run.MapLevel, twinIsRedPhantom); msb.Parts.Enemies.Add(twinPart); logicGoalIDs.Add(Mod.GPARAM.AI[twinPart.ThinkParamID].LogicID); battleGoalIDs.Add(Mod.GPARAM.AI[twinPart.ThinkParamID].BattleID); Run.BossCategoriesUsed.Add(twinBoss.Category); enemyModels.Add(twinBossEnemy.ModelID); Run.EnableFlag(map.GetBossTwinFlag(i)); } else { Run.DisableFlag(map.GetBossTwinFlag(i)); // e.g. may have been set for New Londo Abyss boss previously } if (map.Name != "Lost Izalith") { // Inject name and item lot reward into EMEVD constructor. EMEVD.Instruction bossBattleCall = constructor.Instructions[emevdIndex]; List <byte> argData = bossBattleCall.ArgData.ToList(); int itemLotID = isRedPhantom ? bossEnemy.RedPhantomItemLotParamID : bossEnemy.ItemLotParamID; // twin item lot ignored argData[32] = (byte)itemLotID; argData[33] = (byte)(itemLotID >> 0x08); argData[34] = (byte)(itemLotID >> 0x10); argData[35] = (byte)(itemLotID >> 0x18); argData[52] = (byte)boss.NameTextID; argData[53] = (byte)(boss.NameTextID >> 0x08); if (twinBoss != null) { argData[54] = (byte)twinBoss.NameTextID; argData[55] = (byte)(twinBoss.NameTextID >> 0x08); } bossBattleCall.ArgData = argData.ToArray(); } } if (Roll(InvaderOdds)) { // INVADER if (map.Name == "Blighttown") { regionLabel = Roll(BlighttownSwampOdds) ? "Swamp" : "Shanty"; } else { regionLabel = ""; } int invaderIndex = Run.InvadersAvailable.GetRandomElement(Rand); int invaderParamID = 7000 + 10 * invaderIndex; int invaderEntityID = map.BaseNPCEntityID + 50; GamePoint spawnPoint = pointManager.CheckOutRandomPoint("Invader", (int)ChrSize.Normal); GamePoint triggerPoint = pointManager.CheckOutRandomPointWithinDistance("Invader Trigger", spawnPoint, 20.0, 40.0); float angle = MapPointManager.GetFacingPoint(spawnPoint, triggerPoint); MSB1.Part.Enemy invader = GetInvaderPart(invaderEntityID, spawnPoint, angle, invaderParamID, Run.MapLevel); msb.Parts.Enemies.Add(invader); Run.InvadersAvailable.Remove(invaderIndex); Run.InvadersUsed.Add(invaderIndex); Run.EnableFlag(GameFlag.InvaderUsedBaseFlag + invaderIndex); MSB1.Region triggerRegion = new MSB1.Region() { Name = "Invader Trigger", Position = triggerPoint.Position - new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), // 1.0 units below point Shape = new MSB1.Shape.Box() { Width = 20.0f, Depth = 20.0f, Height = 10.0f }, EntityID = map.InvaderTriggerRegionID, }; msb.Regions.Regions.Add(triggerRegion); MSB1.Region spawnRegion = new MSB1.Region() { Name = "Invader Spawn", Position = spawnPoint.Position, Shape = new MSB1.Shape.Point(), EntityID = map.InvaderSpawnPointID, }; msb.Regions.Regions.Add(spawnRegion); } if (Roll(VeryRareEnemyOdds * (Run.GetFlag(GameFlag.MornsteinRingFlag) ? 2 : 1))) { // VERY RARE ENEMY if (map.Name == "Blighttown") { regionLabel = Roll(BlighttownSwampOdds) ? "Swamp" : "Shanty"; } else { regionLabel = ""; } bool isRedPhantom = Roll(redPhantomOdds); int entityID = map.BaseEntityID + VeryRareEnemyOffset; Enemy enemy = EnemyGenerator.GetRandomEnemyWithRarity(Rand, EnemyRarity.VeryRare, Run.MapLabels[map]); GamePoint point = pointManager.CheckOutRandomPoint("VeryRare Enemy", (int)enemy.Size); // don't care about region label if (map.Name == "NewLondoRuins" && point.RegionLabel == "Lower") { entityID += NewLondoVeryRareEnemyOffset; } var part = enemy.GetMSBPart("VeryRare Enemy 1", entityID, point, GetRandomAngle(), Run.MapLevel, isRedPhantom); msb.Parts.Enemies.Add(part); logicGoalIDs.Add(Mod.GPARAM.AI[part.ThinkParamID].LogicID); battleGoalIDs.Add(Mod.GPARAM.AI[part.ThinkParamID].BattleID); enemyModels.Add(enemy.ModelID); } if (!map.Name.In("PaintedWorld", "ChasmOfTheAbyss", "NewLondoRuins") && (Run.GetFlag(GameFlag.LoganRingFlag) || Roll(AbyssPortalOdds))) { // ABYSS PORTAL GamePoint point = pointManager.CheckOutRandomPoint("Abyss Portal", 0); MSB1.Part.Player portalWarpBack = new MSB1.Part.Player() { Name = "Portal Return", Position = point.Position, Rotation = new Vector3(0.0f, GetRandomAngle(), 0.0f), EntityID = map.PortalWarpPointID, IsShadowSrc = 1, IsShadowDest = 1, ModelName = "c0000", }; msb.Parts.Players.Add(portalWarpBack); MSB1.Region portalPoint = new MSB1.Region() { Name = "Portal VFX Point", Position = point.Position + new Vector3(0.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f), Shape = new MSB1.Shape.Point(), EntityID = -1, }; msb.Regions.Regions.Add(portalPoint); MSB1.Event.SFX portalVFX = new MSB1.Event.SFX() { Name = "Portal VFX", FFXID = 120027, RegionName = "Portal VFX Point", PartName = point.CollisionName, EntityID = map.PortalFXID, }; msb.Events.SFXs.Add(portalVFX); MSB1.Part.Enemy portalTrigger = new MSB1.Part.Enemy() { ModelName = "c1000", Name = "Portal Trigger", Position = point.Position + new Vector3(0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f), EntityID = map.PortalTriggerCharacterID, NPCParamID = 100000, TalkID = 0, CollisionName = point.CollisionName, ThinkParamID = 1, }; msb.Parts.Enemies.Add(portalTrigger); } if (!Run.MapsVisited.Contains(Maps.GetMap("PaintedWorld")) && Roll(PaintingOdds)) { // Painting appears, in a random choice of its possible positions (pre-existing in base MSB). // TODO: 3-4 positions per map. Wherever it fits. Proper collision assignment, etc. Also prompt regions for simplicity. } foreach (Merchant merchant in CharacterGenerator.MerchantList) { // MERCHANTS if (Run.GetFlag(merchant.DeadFlag)) { continue; // Merchant is dead and cannot appear again. } if (map.Name == "Blighttown") { regionLabel = Roll(BlighttownSwampOdds) ? "Swamp" : "Shanty"; } else { regionLabel = ""; } double merchantOdds = merchant.Name == "Marvelous Chester" ? ChesterOdds : MerchantOdds; if (Roll(merchantOdds)) { if (map.Name == "NewLondoRuins") { regionLabel = "Upper"; // no merchants in lower } GamePoint point = pointManager.CheckOutRandomPointCustomNearbyRadius("Merchant", 2.0, 5, regionLabel); var part = merchant.GetPart(point, pointManager.GetAngleFacingNearestPoint(point), map.TalkIDBase); msb.Parts.Enemies.Add(part); logicGoalIDs.Add(Mod.GPARAM.AI[part.ThinkParamID].LogicID); battleGoalIDs.Add(Mod.GPARAM.AI[part.ThinkParamID].BattleID); } } int chestCount = Math.Max(0, Rand.Next(map.ChestCount - 2, map.ChestCount)); List <int> usedChestTreasure = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < chestCount; i++) { // CHESTS if (map.Name == "Blighttown") { regionLabel = Roll(BlighttownSwampOdds) ? "Swamp" : "Shanty"; } else { regionLabel = ""; } int chestID = map.BaseChestEntityID + i; GamePoint point = pointManager.CheckOutRandomPointCustomNearbyRadius("Chest", 2.0, 5, regionLabel); float angle = pointManager.GetAngleFacingNearestPoint(point); var part = GetChestPart(i, chestID, angle, point); msb.Parts.Objects.Add(part); var objAct = new MSB1.Event.ObjAct() { Name = $"Chest ObjAct {i}", ObjActEntityID = map.BaseChestObjActFlagID + i, ObjActPartName = $"Chest {i}", EventFlagID = 0, }; msb.Events.ObjActs.Add(objAct); var treasure = new MSB1.Event.Treasure() { Name = $"Chest Treasure {i}", TreasurePartName = $"Chest {i}", PartName = point.CollisionName, InChest = true, StartDisabled = true, // can't get the treasure to disable itself based on 'InChest' alone... }; // Choose random treasure in unlocked range. treasure.ItemLots[0] = GetChestTreasureID(map.BaseChestItemLotID, usedChestTreasure); usedChestTreasure.Add(treasure.ItemLots[0]); msb.Events.Treasures.Add(treasure); } if (Roll(MimicOdds)) { // MIMIC if (map.Name == "Blighttown") { regionLabel = Roll(BlighttownSwampOdds) ? "Swamp" : "Shanty"; } else { regionLabel = ""; } bool isRedPhantom = Roll(redPhantomOdds); int mimicEntityID = map.BaseEntityID + MimicOffset; if (map.Name == "NewLondoRuins") { regionLabel = "Upper"; // no Mimics in lower } Enemy mimic = EnemyGenerator.GetEnemy("Mimic"); GamePoint point = pointManager.CheckOutRandomPoint("Mimic", (int)mimic.Size, regionLabel); float angle = pointManager.GetAngleFacingNearestPoint(point); var part = mimic.GetMSBPart("Mimic", mimicEntityID, point, angle, Run.MapLevel, isRedPhantom); msb.Parts.Enemies.Add(part); logicGoalIDs.Add(Mod.GPARAM.AI[part.ThinkParamID].LogicID); battleGoalIDs.Add(Mod.GPARAM.AI[part.ThinkParamID].BattleID); enemyModels.Add(mimic.ModelID); MSB1.Region mimicNest = new MSB1.Region() { Name = "Mimic Nest", Position = new Vector3(point.Position.X, point.Position.Y - 0.1f, point.Position.Z), Rotation = new Vector3(0.0f, angle, 0.0f), Shape = new MSB1.Shape.Box() { Width = 5.0f, Depth = 5.0f, Height = 2.0f }, EntityID = mimicEntityID + 5, }; msb.Regions.Regions.Add(mimicNest); } int itemCount = Math.Max(0, Rand.Next(map.ItemCorpseCount - 5, map.ItemCorpseCount)); List <int> usedCorpseTreasure = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { // ITEM CORPSES if (map.Name == "Blighttown") { regionLabel = Roll(BlighttownSwampOdds) ? "Swamp" : "Shanty"; } else { regionLabel = ""; } GamePoint point = pointManager.CheckOutRandomPointWeightedInverseNearby($"Item Corpse {i}", 0, regionLabel); int pose = Objects.CorpsePoses.GetRandomElement(Rand); float poseOffset = Objects.CorpsePoseYOffsets[pose]; MSB1.Part.Object corpse = new MSB1.Part.Object() { ModelName = "o0500", // Not using o0502 or o0504, as they have different pose enums. Name = $"Item Corpse {i}", CollisionName = point.CollisionName, Position = new Vector3(point.Position.X, point.Position.Y + poseOffset, point.Position.Z), Rotation = new Vector3(0.0f, GetRandomAngle(), 0.0f), EntityID = -1, // not needed ObjectPose = (short)pose, }; corpse.ClearDrawGroups(); corpse.ClearDispGroups(); msb.Parts.Objects.Add(corpse); MSB1.Event.Treasure treasure = new MSB1.Event.Treasure() { Name = $"Item Corpse Treasure {i}", TreasurePartName = $"Item Corpse {i}", PartName = point.CollisionName, InChest = false, }; // Assign random corpse treasure from unlocked ranges. treasure.ItemLots[0] = GetCorpseTreasureID(map.BaseCorpseItemLotID, usedCorpseTreasure); usedCorpseTreasure.Add(treasure.ItemLots[0]); msb.Events.Treasures.Add(treasure); } int rareCount = Math.Max(0, Rand.Next(map.RareEnemyCount - 3, map.RareEnemyCount)); List <Enemy> usedRareEnemies = new List <Enemy>(); for (int i = 0; i < rareCount; i++) { // RARE ENEMIES if (map.Name == "Blighttown") { regionLabel = Roll(BlighttownSwampOdds) ? "Swamp" : "Shanty"; } else if (map.Name == "NewLondoRuins" && i == 0) { regionLabel = "Upper"; // first rare enemy is always in Upper New Londo Ruins (for Holy Sigil drop) } else { regionLabel = ""; } Enemy enemy; if (usedRareEnemies.Count > MaxRareEnemyTypeCount) { enemy = usedRareEnemies.GetRandomElement(Rand); } else { enemy = EnemyGenerator.GetRandomEnemyWithRarity(Rand, EnemyRarity.Rare, Run.MapLabels[map]); usedRareEnemies.Add(enemy); } bool isRedPhantom = rarePhantomCount < 15 && Roll(redPhantomOdds); GamePoint point = pointManager.CheckOutRandomPoint("Rare Enemy", (int)enemy.Size, regionLabel); int entityID = map.BaseEntityID + RareEnemyOffset + i; if (map.Name == "NewLondoRuins" && point.RegionLabel == "Lower") { entityID += NewLondoLowerRareEnemyOffset; } MSB1.Part.Enemy enemyPart = enemy.GetMSBPart($"Rare Enemy {i}", entityID, point, GetRandomAngle(), Run.MapLevel, isRedPhantom); msb.Parts.Enemies.Add(enemyPart); logicGoalIDs.Add(Mod.GPARAM.AI[enemyPart.ThinkParamID].LogicID); battleGoalIDs.Add(Mod.GPARAM.AI[enemyPart.ThinkParamID].BattleID); enemyModels.Add(enemy.ModelID); if (isRedPhantom) { rarePhantomCount++; } } int basicEnemyCount = Math.Max(0, Rand.Next(map.BasicEnemyCount - 5, map.BasicEnemyCount)); int basicNonPhantomCount = 0; List <Enemy> usedCommonEnemyTypes = new List <Enemy>(); List <Enemy> usedUncommonEnemyTypes = new List <Enemy>(); for (int i = 0; i < basicEnemyCount; i++) { // BASIC (COMMON/UNCOMMON) ENEMIES if (map.Name == "Blighttown") { regionLabel = Roll(BlighttownSwampOdds) ? "Swamp" : "Shanty"; } else { regionLabel = ""; } Enemy enemy; EnemyRarity rarity = Roll(UncommonEnemyOdds) ? EnemyRarity.Uncommon : EnemyRarity.Common; if (rarity == EnemyRarity.Common) { if (usedCommonEnemyTypes.Count > MaxCommonEnemyTypeCount) { enemy = usedCommonEnemyTypes.GetRandomElement(Rand); } else { enemy = EnemyGenerator.GetRandomEnemyWithRarity(Rand, rarity, Run.MapLabels[map]); usedCommonEnemyTypes.Add(enemy); } } else { if (usedUncommonEnemyTypes.Count > MaxUncommonEnemyTypeCount) { enemy = usedUncommonEnemyTypes.GetRandomElement(Rand); } else { enemy = EnemyGenerator.GetRandomEnemyWithRarity(Rand, rarity, Run.MapLabels[map]); usedUncommonEnemyTypes.Add(enemy); } } bool isRedPhantom = basicPhantomCount < 15 && Roll(redPhantomOdds); int entityID = map.BaseEntityID + (isRedPhantom ? BasicPhantomOffset + basicPhantomCount : BasicEnemyOffset + basicNonPhantomCount); GamePoint point = pointManager.CheckOutRandomPoint("Basic Enemy", (int)enemy.Size, regionLabel); if (map.Name == "NewLondoRuins" && point.RegionLabel == "Lower") { entityID += isRedPhantom ? NewLondoLowerBasicPhantomOffset : NewLondoLowerBasicEnemyOffset; } MSB1.Part.Enemy enemyPart = enemy.GetMSBPart($"Basic Enemy {i}", entityID, point, GetRandomAngle(), Run.MapLevel, isRedPhantom); msb.Parts.Enemies.Add(enemyPart); logicGoalIDs.Add(Mod.GPARAM.AI[enemyPart.ThinkParamID].LogicID); battleGoalIDs.Add(Mod.GPARAM.AI[enemyPart.ThinkParamID].BattleID); enemyModels.Add(enemy.ModelID); if (isRedPhantom) { basicPhantomCount++; } else { basicNonPhantomCount++; } } int vagrantCount = Rand.Next(3); for (int i = 0; i < vagrantCount; i++) { // VAGRANTS (max of 2) if (map.Name == "Blighttown") { regionLabel = Roll(BlighttownSwampOdds) ? "Swamp" : "Shanty"; } else { regionLabel = ""; } if (map.Name == "NewLondoRuins") { regionLabel = "Upper"; // No Vagrants in Lower New Londo } bool isRedPhantom = Run.GetFlag(GameFlag.MornsteinRingFlag) ? Roll(0.2) : Roll(0.1); int entityID = map.BaseEntityID + VagrantOffset + i; Enemy enemy = EnemyGenerator.GetEnemy(Roll(0.5) ? "Good Vagrant" : "Evil Vagrant"); GamePoint point = pointManager.CheckOutRandomPoint("Vagrant", (int)enemy.Size, regionLabel); var part = enemy.GetMSBPart($"Vagrant {i}", entityID, point, GetRandomAngle(), Run.MapLevel, isRedPhantom); msb.Parts.Enemies.Add(part); logicGoalIDs.Add(Mod.GPARAM.AI[part.ThinkParamID].LogicID); battleGoalIDs.Add(Mod.GPARAM.AI[part.ThinkParamID].BattleID); enemyModels.Add(enemy.ModelID); } #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($" Updating models..."); #endif UpdateMSBModels(msb); // Output MSB. Also output a '.rls' copy, so it can be reloaded and modified at bonfire creation. #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($" Writing MSB..."); #endif msb.Write(Mod.GameDir + $@"map\MapStudio\{map.MsbName}.msb"); msb.Write(Mod.GameDir + $@"map\MapStudio\{map.MsbName}.msb.rls"); // file to modify for bonfire creation #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($" Writing EMEVD..."); #endif emevd.Write(Mod.GameDir + $@"event\{map.EmevdName}.emevd.dcx"); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($" Writing LUABND..."); #endif WriteMapLUABND(map.EmevdName, battleGoalIDs, logicGoalIDs); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($" Writing FFXBND..."); #endif WriteMapFFXBND(map.MapID[0], enemyModels); }