Example #1
 public static void JunglerTimer()
     if (AIOmode != 1 && Config.Item("timer").GetValue <bool>() && jungler != null && jungler.IsValid)
         if (jungler.IsDead)
             timer = (int)(enemySpawn.Position.Distance(Player.Position) / 370);
         else if (jungler.IsVisible)
             float Way         = 0;
             var   JunglerPath = Player.GetPath(Player.Position, jungler.Position);
             var   PointStart  = Player.Position;
             if (JunglerPath == null)
             foreach (var point in JunglerPath)
                 var PSDistance = PointStart.Distance(point);
                 if (PSDistance > 0)
                     Way       += PSDistance;
                     PointStart = point;
             timer = (int)(Way / jungler.MoveSpeed);
Example #2
        public static void WardJump(Vector3 pos, bool useWard = true, bool checkObjects = true, bool fullRange = false)
            if (WStage != WCastStage.First)
            pos = fullRange ? _player.ServerPosition.To2D().Extend(pos.To2D(), 600).To3D() : pos;
            WardCastPosition = NavMesh.GetCollisionFlags(pos).HasFlag(CollisionFlags.Wall)
                ? _player.GetPath(pos).Last()
                : pos;
            var jumpObject =
                ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Base>()
                .OrderBy(obj => obj.Distance(_player.ServerPosition))
                    obj =>
                    obj.IsAlly && !obj.IsMe &&
                    (!(obj.Name.IndexOf("turret", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0) &&
                     Vector3.DistanceSquared(pos, obj.ServerPosition) <= 150 * 150));

            if (jumpObject != null && checkObjects && WStage == WCastStage.First)
            if (!useWard)

            if (Items.GetWardSlot() == null || Items.GetWardSlot().Stacks == 0)
Example #3
        public static void useESmart(Obj_AI_Base target)
            if (!E.IsReady())

            float trueAARange = Player.AttackRange + target.BoundingRadius;
            float trueERange  = target.BoundingRadius + E.Range;

            float dist = Player.Distance(target);

            var path = Player.GetPath(target.Position);

            if (!target.IsMoving && dist < trueERange)
                Player.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, target.Position);
                E.Cast(path.Count() > 1 ? path[1] : target.ServerPosition);
            if ((dist > trueAARange && dist < trueERange) || rushDown)
                E.Cast(path.Count() > 1 ? path[1] : target.ServerPosition);
Example #4
 public static float GetNeededMoveTimeHeavy(Obj_AI_Hero hero, Vector3 moveTo)
     var path = hero.GetPath(moveTo);
     var time = (path[0] - hero.Position).Length() / hero.MoveSpeed;
     for (int i = 1; i < path.Length; i++)
         time += (path[i] - path[i - 1]).Length() / hero.MoveSpeed;
     return time;
        public static float GetNeededMoveTimeHeavy(Obj_AI_Hero hero, Vector3 moveTo)
            var path = hero.GetPath(moveTo);
            var time = (path[0] - hero.Position).Length() / hero.MoveSpeed;

            for (int i = 1; i < path.Length; i++)
                time += (path[i] - path[i - 1]).Length() / hero.MoveSpeed;
        private void DrawWaypoint(Obj_AI_Hero hero, Vector3 endPos)
            List <Vector3> waypoints = hero.GetPath(endPos).ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < waypoints.Count - 1; i++)
                Vector2 oWp = Drawing.WorldToScreen(waypoints[i]);
                Vector2 nWp = Drawing.WorldToScreen(waypoints[i + 1]);
                Drawing.DrawLine(oWp[0], oWp[1], nWp[0], nWp[1], 1, System.Drawing.Color.GreenYellow);
        public static float GetNeededMoveTimeWithoutMsHeavy(Obj_AI_Hero hero, Vector3 moveTo)
            var path = hero.GetPath(moveTo);
            var time = (path[0] - hero.Position).Length();

            for (int i = 1; i < path.Length; i++)
                time += (path[i] - path[i - 1]).Length();
Example #8
        public static float GetPath(Obj_AI_Hero hero, Vector3 b)
            var path      = hero.GetPath(b);
            var lastPoint = path[0];
            var distance  = 0f;

            foreach (var point in path.Where(point => !point.Equals(lastPoint)))
                distance += lastPoint.Distance(point);
                lastPoint = point;
Example #9
        public static Vector3 GetPointAfterTimeFromPath(Obj_AI_Hero hero, Vector3 b, float timeInSec)
            var path      = hero.GetPath(b);
            var lastPoint = path[0];
            var distance  = 0f;
            var maxDist   = hero.MoveSpeed * timeInSec;

            foreach (var point in path.Where(point => !point.Equals(lastPoint)))
                if (distance > maxDist)
                distance += lastPoint.Distance(point);
                lastPoint = point;
Example #10
        public static float realDistanceTill(AttackableUnit unit)
            float dist  = 0;
            var   dists = player.GetPath(unit.Position);

            if (dists.Count() == 0)
            Vector3 from = dists[0];

            foreach (var to in dists)
                dist += Vector3.Distance(from, to);
                from  = to;
Example #11
        public static void JunglerTimer()
            if (Config.Item("timer").GetValue <bool>() && jungler != null && jungler.IsValid)
                foreach (var enemy in Enemies.Where(enemy => enemy.IsValid))
                    if (Config.Item("ro" + enemy.ChampionName) != null && Config.Item("ro" + enemy.ChampionName).GetValue <bool>())
                        jungler = enemy;

                if (jungler.IsDead)
                    enemySpawn = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_SpawnPoint>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsEnemy);
                    timer      = (int)(enemySpawn.Position.Distance(ObjectManager.Player.Position) / 370);
                else if (jungler.IsVisible && jungler.IsValid)
                    float Way         = 0;
                    var   JunglerPath = Player.GetPath(Player.Position, jungler.Position);
                    var   PointStart  = Player.Position;
                    if (JunglerPath == null)
                    foreach (var point in JunglerPath)
                        if (PointStart.Distance(point) > 0)
                            Way       += PointStart.Distance(point);
                            PointStart = point;
                    timer = (int)(Way / jungler.MoveSpeed);
Example #12
 public static float GetNeededMoveTimeWithoutMsHeavy(Obj_AI_Hero hero, Vector3 moveTo)
     var path = hero.GetPath(moveTo);
     var time = (path[0] - hero.Position).Length();
     for (int i = 1; i < path.Length; i++)
         time += (path[i] - path[i - 1]).Length();
     return time;
Example #13
        public static void OnFlee()
            bool useWalljump = Config.BoolLinks["fleeWalljump"].Value;
            bool useAA       = Config.BoolLinks["fleeAA"].Value;

            // A jump has been triggered, move into the set direction and
            // return the function to stop further calculations in the flee code
            if (wallJumpTarget.HasValue)
                // Move to the target
                player.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, wallJumpTarget.Value);

                // This is only to validate when the jump get aborted by, for example, stuns
                if (Environment.TickCount - wallJumpInitTime > 500)
                    wallJumpTarget   = null;
                    wallJumpInitTime = null;

            // Quick AAing without jumping over walls
            if (useAA && !useWalljump)
                var dashObjects = VectorHelper.GetDashObjects();
                Orbwalking.Orbwalk(dashObjects.Count > 0 ? dashObjects[0] : null, Game.CursorPos);

            // Wall jumping with possible AAing aswell
            if (useWalljump)
                // We need to define a new move position since jumping over walls
                // requires you to be close to the specified wall. Therefore we set the move
                // point to be that specific piont. People will need to get used to it,
                // but this is how it works.
                var wallCheck = VectorHelper.GetFirstWallPoint(player.Position, Game.CursorPos);

                // Be more precise
                if (wallCheck != null)
                    wallCheck = VectorHelper.GetFirstWallPoint((Vector3)wallCheck, Game.CursorPos, 5);

                // Define more position point
                Vector3 movePosition = wallCheck != null ? (Vector3)wallCheck : Game.CursorPos;

                // Update fleeTargetPosition
                var tempGrid = NavMesh.WorldToGrid(movePosition.X, movePosition.Y);
                fleeTargetPosition = NavMesh.GridToWorld((short)tempGrid.X, (short)tempGrid.Y);

                // Also check if we want to AA aswell
                Obj_AI_Base target = null;
                if (useAA)
                    var dashObjects = VectorHelper.GetDashObjects();
                    if (dashObjects.Count > 0)
                        target = dashObjects[0];

                // Reset walljump indicators
                wallJumpPossible = false;

                // Only calculate stuff when our Q is up and there is a wall inbetween
                if (Q.IsReady() && wallCheck != null)
                    // Get our wall position to calculate from
                    Vector3 wallPosition = movePosition;

                    // Check 300 units to the cursor position in a 160 degree cone for a valid non-wall spot
                    Vector2 direction     = (Game.CursorPos.To2D() - wallPosition.To2D()).Normalized();
                    float   maxAngle      = 80;
                    float   step          = maxAngle / 20;
                    float   currentAngle  = 0;
                    float   currentStep   = 0;
                    bool    jumpTriggered = false;
                    while (true)
                        // Validate the counter, break if no valid spot was found in previous loops
                        if (currentStep > maxAngle && currentAngle < 0)

                        // Check next angle
                        if ((currentAngle == 0 || currentAngle < 0) && currentStep != 0)
                            currentAngle = (currentStep) * (float)Math.PI / 180;
                            currentStep += step;
                        else if (currentAngle > 0)
                            currentAngle = -currentAngle;

                        Vector3 checkPoint;

                        // One time only check for direct line of sight without rotating
                        if (currentStep == 0)
                            currentStep = step;
                            checkPoint  = wallPosition + 300 * direction.To3D();
                        // Rotated check
                            checkPoint = wallPosition + 300 * direction.Rotated(currentAngle).To3D();

                        // Check if the point is not a wall
                        if (!checkPoint.IsWall())
                            // Check if there is a wall between the checkPoint and wallPosition
                            wallCheck = VectorHelper.GetFirstWallPoint(checkPoint, wallPosition);
                            if (wallCheck != null)
                                // There is a wall inbetween, get the closes point to the wall, as precise as possible
                                Vector3 wallPositionOpposite = (Vector3)VectorHelper.GetFirstWallPoint((Vector3)wallCheck, wallPosition, 5);

                                // Check if it's worth to jump considering the path length
                                if (player.GetPath(wallPositionOpposite).ToList().To2D().PathLength() - player.Distance(wallPositionOpposite) > 200)
                                    // Check the distance to the opposite side of the wall
                                    if (player.Distance(wallPositionOpposite, true) < Math.Pow(300 - player.BoundingRadius / 2, 2))
                                        // Make the jump happen
                                        wallJumpInitTime = Environment.TickCount;
                                        wallJumpTarget   = wallPositionOpposite;

                                        // Update jumpTriggered value to not orbwalk now since we want to jump
                                        jumpTriggered = true;

                                        // Break the loop
                                    // If we are not able to jump due to the distance, draw the spot to
                                    // make the user notice the possibliy
                                        // Update indicator values
                                        wallJumpPossible = true;

                    // Check if the loop triggered the jump, if not just orbwalk
                    if (!jumpTriggered)
                        Orbwalking.Orbwalk(target, movePosition, 90f, 0f, false, false);
                // Either no wall or Q on cooldown, just move towards to wall then
                    Orbwalking.Orbwalk(target, movePosition, 90f, 0f, false, false);
Example #14
 private void DrawWaypoint(Obj_AI_Hero hero, Vector3 endPos)
     List<Vector3> waypoints = hero.GetPath(endPos).ToList();
     for (int i = 0; i < waypoints.Count - 1; i++)
         Vector2 oWp = Drawing.WorldToScreen(waypoints[i]);
         Vector2 nWp = Drawing.WorldToScreen(waypoints[i + 1]);
         Drawing.DrawLine(oWp[0], oWp[1], nWp[0], nWp[1], 1, System.Drawing.Color.GreenYellow);
 public static Vector3 GetPointAfterTimeFromPath(Obj_AI_Hero hero, Vector3 b, float timeInSec)
     var path = hero.GetPath(b);
     var lastPoint = path[0];
     var distance = 0f;
     var maxDist = hero.MoveSpeed * timeInSec;
     foreach (var point in path.Where(point => !point.Equals(lastPoint)))
         if (distance > maxDist)
         distance += lastPoint.Distance(point);
         lastPoint = point;
     return lastPoint;
 public static float GetPath(Obj_AI_Hero hero, Vector3 b)
     var path = hero.GetPath(b);
     var lastPoint = path[0];
     var distance = 0f;
     foreach (var point in path.Where(point => !point.Equals(lastPoint)))
         distance += lastPoint.Distance(point);
         lastPoint = point;
     return distance;
Example #17
        private static void Flee()
            if (!_player.IsCougar() && _aspectOfTheCougar.IsReady() && CW < 0.2)
            // We need to define a new move position since jumping over walls
            // requires you to be close to the specified wall. Therefore we set the move
            // point to be that specific piont. People will need to get used to it,
            // but this is how it works.
            var wallCheck = VectorHelper.GetFirstWallPoint(_player.Position, Game.CursorPos);

            // Be more precise
            if (wallCheck != null)
                wallCheck = VectorHelper.GetFirstWallPoint((Vector3)wallCheck, Game.CursorPos, 5);
            // Define more position point
            var movePosition = wallCheck != null ? (Vector3)wallCheck : Game.CursorPos;
            // Update fleeTargetPosition
            var tempGrid = NavMesh.WorldToGrid(movePosition.X, movePosition.Y);

            _fleeTargetPosition = NavMesh.GridToWorld((short)tempGrid.X, (short)tempGrid.Y);
            // Also check if we want to AA aswell
            // Reset walljump indicators
            // Only calculate stuff when our Q is up and there is a wall inbetween
            if (_player.IsCougar() && _pounce.IsReady() && wallCheck != null)
                // Get our wall position to calculate from
                var wallPosition = movePosition;
                // Check 300 units to the cursor position in a 160 degree cone for a valid non-wall spot
                Vector2     direction     = (Game.CursorPos.To2D() - wallPosition.To2D()).Normalized();
                const float maxAngle      = 80;
                const float step          = maxAngle / 20;
                float       currentAngle  = 0;
                float       currentStep   = 0;
                bool        jumpTriggered = false;
                while (true)
                    // Validate the counter, break if no valid spot was found in previous loops
                    if (currentStep > maxAngle && currentAngle < 0)
                    // Check next angle
                    if ((Math.Abs(currentAngle) < 0.001 || currentAngle < 0) && Math.Abs(currentStep) > 0.000)
                        currentAngle = (currentStep) * (float)Math.PI / 180;
                        currentStep += step;
                    else if (currentAngle > 0)
                        currentAngle = -currentAngle;
                    Vector3 checkPoint;
                    // One time only check for direct line of sight without rotating
                    if (Math.Abs(currentStep) < 0.001)
                        currentStep = step;
                        checkPoint  = wallPosition + _pounce.Range * direction.To3D();
                    // Rotated check
                        checkPoint = wallPosition + _pounce.Range * direction.Rotated(currentAngle).To3D();
                    // Check if the point is not a wall
                    if (!checkPoint.IsWall())
                        // Check if there is a wall between the checkPoint and wallPosition
                        wallCheck = VectorHelper.GetFirstWallPoint(checkPoint, wallPosition);
                        if (wallCheck != null)
                            // There is a wall inbetween, get the closes point to the wall, as precise as possible
                            Vector2?firstWallPoint = VectorHelper.GetFirstWallPoint(
                                (Vector3)wallCheck, wallPosition, 5);
                            if (firstWallPoint != null)
                                Vector3 wallPositionOpposite = (Vector3)firstWallPoint;
                                // Check if it'spell worth to jump considering the path length
                                if (_player.GetPath(wallPositionOpposite).ToList().To2D().PathLength() -
                                    _player.Distance(wallPositionOpposite) > 200)
                                    // Check the distance to the opposite side of the wall
                                    if (_player.Distance(wallPositionOpposite, true) <
                                        Math.Pow(375 - _player.BoundingRadius / 2, 2))
                                        jumpTriggered = true;
                                    Render.Circle.DrawCircle(Game.CursorPos, 35, Color.Red, 2);
                // Check if the loop triggered the jump, if not just orbwalk
                if (!jumpTriggered)
                    Orbwalking.Orbwalk(null, Game.CursorPos, 90f, 0f, false, false);
            // Either no wall or W on cooldown, just move towards to wall then
                Orbwalking.Orbwalk(null, Game.CursorPos, 90f, 0f, false, false);
                if (_player.IsCougar() && _pounce.IsReady())