public void Apply(bool isCalculatingBounds = false) { mesh.Clear(); mesh.SetVertices(vertices); mesh.SetTriangles(triangles, 0); mesh.SetUVs(0, uv); mesh.RecalculateNormals(); if (isCalculatingBounds) { mesh.RecalculateBounds(); } }
public void MakeMesh(UnityEngine.Mesh mesh, Vector3[] verts, int[] triangles, Vector2[] uvs = null, Color[] colors = null) { if (mesh == null) { return; } if (verts.Length < 3) { return; } if (triangles.Length < 1) { return; } mesh.Clear(); mesh.vertices = verts; mesh.triangles = triangles; mesh.uv = uvs; mesh.colors = colors; mesh.RecalculateBounds(); // 重算bounds,bounds的size、extent、center常用 mesh.RecalculateNormals(); // 重算法线 mesh.RecalculateTangents(); // 重算切线 }
/// <summary> /// Clears out the mesh, fills in the data, and recalculates normals and bounds. /// </summary> /// <param name="aMesh">An already existing mesh to fill out.</param> public void Build (ref Mesh aMesh, bool aCalculateTangents) { // round off a few decimal points to try and get better pixel-perfect results /*for(int i=0;i<mVerts.Count;i+=1) mVerts[i] = new Vector3( (float)System.Math.Round(mVerts[i].x, 3), (float)System.Math.Round(mVerts[i].y, 3), (float)System.Math.Round(mVerts[i].z, 3));*/ aMesh.Clear(); aMesh.vertices = mVerts .ToArray(); aMesh.uv = mUVs .ToArray(); aMesh.triangles = mIndices.ToArray(); aMesh.colors = mColors .ToArray(); aMesh.normals = mNorms .ToArray(); aMesh.tangents = mTans .ToArray(); if (mUV2s != null) { #if UNITY_5 aMesh.uv2 = mUV2s.ToArray(); #else aMesh.uv1 = mUV2s.ToArray(); #endif } if (mNorms.Count == 0) aMesh.RecalculateNormals(); if (aCalculateTangents && mTans.Count == 0) { RecalculateTangents(aMesh); } else { aMesh.tangents = null; } aMesh.RecalculateBounds (); }
static void CreateQuad(Mesh mesh, float W, float H) { Vector3[] verts = new Vector3[4]; Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[4]; verts[0] = new Vector3(-W/2, H/2, 0); verts[1] = new Vector3(W/2, H/2, 0); verts[2] = new Vector3(W/2, -H/2, 0); verts[3] = new Vector3(-W/2, -H/2, 0); uvs[0] = new Vector2(0, 1); uvs[1] = new Vector2(1, 1); uvs[2] = new Vector3(1, 0); uvs[3] = new Vector3(0, 0); int[] triangles = new int[6]; triangles[0] = 0; triangles[1] = 1; triangles[2] = 3; triangles[3] = 3; triangles[4] = 1; triangles[5] = 2; mesh.Clear(); mesh.vertices = verts; mesh.uv = uvs; mesh.triangles = triangles; }
public void Begin() { gameObject.transform.position =; Min = * 1000; Max = * -1000; if (gameObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>() == null) gameObject.AddComponent<MeshFilter>(); if (gameObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>() == null) gameObject.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>(); mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh; mesh.Clear(); var rnd = GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(); rnd.material = material; rnd.receiveShadows = true; rnd.shadowCastingMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.On; //back = GameObject.Find("BACK"); //if (back.GetComponent<MeshFilter>() == null) // back.AddComponent<MeshFilter>(); //if (back.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>() == null) // back.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>(); //mesh_b = back.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh; //mesh_b.Clear(); //var rnd_b = back.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(); //rnd_b.material = material; //rnd_b.receiveShadows = true; //rnd_b.shadowCastingMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.On; GO = true; }
float gr = (1.0f + Mathf.Sqrt(5.0f)) / 2.0f; //golen ratio (a+b is to a as a is to b) #endregion Fields #region Methods void Start() { Nose = GameObject.Find("Nose"); Nose.AddComponent<MeshFilter>(); Nose.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>(); noseMesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;//attach mesh to nose noseMesh.Clear(); noseMesh.vertices = new Vector3[] {//construct pyramid for nose new Vector3( gr, 1, 0), new Vector3( gr-1, -gr*0.6f, -gr*0.75f), new Vector3( gr-1, -gr*0.6f, gr*0.75f), new Vector3( gr*1.5f, -gr*0.6f, 0)}; List<int> noseTrianglesIndices = new List<int>() {//arrange triangles 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 1, 0, 2, 3, 1, 3, 2}; noseMesh.triangles = noseTrianglesIndices.ToArray(); //Set Colour Material material = new Material(Shader.Find("Standard")); Color fleshtone = new Color(10, 205, 180); material.SetColor("fleshtone", fleshtone); Nose.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = material; noseMesh.RecalculateBounds(); noseMesh.RecalculateNormals(); noseMesh.Optimize(); }
public override Mesh ComputeMesh() { Vector3 p0 = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); Vector3 p1 = new Vector3(0, 0.66f, 0); Vector3 p2 = new Vector3(0.33f, 1, 0); Vector3 p3 = new Vector3(1, 1, 0); Vector3 p4 = new Vector3(0.4f, 0.6f, 0); Vector3 anchor = new Vector3(0.25f, 0.75f, 0); var vertices = new Vector3[] { p0, p1, p2, p3, p4 }; for(int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++) { vertices[i].Set(vertices[i].x - anchor.x, vertices[i].y - anchor.y, vertices[i].z - anchor.z); } var mesh = new Mesh(); mesh.Clear(); mesh.vertices = vertices; mesh.triangles = new int[]{ 0,1,4, 1,2,4, 2,3,4 }; mesh.colors = new Color[] { new Color(0, 0, 0, 0), new Color(255, 255, 255, 0), new Color(0, 0, 0, 0), new Color(0, 0, 0, 0), new Color(0, 0, 0, 0) }; mesh.RecalculateNormals(); mesh.RecalculateBounds(); mesh.Optimize(); return mesh; }
private void UpdateMesh() { unityMesh.Clear(); unityMesh.vertices = vectors; unityMesh.triangles = triangles; unityMesh.RecalculateNormals(); }
public bool AddTypeElement(System.Xml.Linq.XElement elemtype) { XAttribute fileAtt = elemtype.Attribute("file"); if (fileAtt == null) { //Add error message here return false; } string filePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(new Uri(elemtype.BaseUri).LocalPath), fileAtt.Value); filePath = Path.GetFullPath(filePath); // Load the OBJ in var lStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open); var lOBJData = OBJLoader.LoadOBJ(lStream); lStream.Close(); meshData = new MeshData[(int)MeshLayer.Count]; Mesh tempMesh = new Mesh(); for (int i = 0; i < meshData.Length; i++) { tempMesh.LoadOBJ(lOBJData, ((MeshLayer)i).ToString()); meshData[i] = new MeshData(tempMesh); tempMesh.Clear(); } lStream = null; lOBJData = null; return true; }
private void initialize() { if (_sharedMesh == null) { _sharedMesh = new Mesh (); } p_Mesh = _sharedMesh; p_Vertices = new Vector3[4]; p_Triangles = new int[6]; p_UVs = new Vector2[4]; p_Renderer = GetComponent<MeshRenderer> (); if (p_Renderer.sharedMaterial == null) { p_Renderer.sharedMaterial = Resources.GetBuiltinResource <Material> ("Sprites-Default.mat"); } p_Mesh.Clear (); p_Filter = GetComponent<MeshFilter>(); p_Triangles[0] = 0; p_Triangles[1] = 1; p_Triangles[2] = 2; p_Triangles[3] = 2; p_Triangles[4] = 3; p_Triangles[5] = 0; }
/// <summary> /// Use this for initialization. /// </summary> public void Start() { m_tangoApplication = FindObjectOfType<TangoApplication>(); m_tangoApplication.Register(this); m_uwTss.SetColumn (0, new Vector4 (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); m_uwTss.SetColumn (1, new Vector4 (0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); m_uwTss.SetColumn (2, new Vector4 (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); m_uwTss.SetColumn (3, new Vector4 (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); m_cTuc.SetColumn (0, new Vector4 (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); m_cTuc.SetColumn (1, new Vector4 (0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); m_cTuc.SetColumn (2, new Vector4 (0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); m_cTuc.SetColumn (3, new Vector4 (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); m_triangles = new int[VERT_COUNT]; // Assign triangles, note: this is just for visualizing point in the mesh data. for (int i = 0; i < VERT_COUNT; i++) { m_triangles[i] = i; } m_mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh; m_mesh.Clear(); m_mesh.triangles = m_triangles; m_mesh.RecalculateBounds(); m_mesh.RecalculateNormals(); }
public static void Create(GameObject go, IEnumerable <Vector3> vertices) { if (vertices == null || vertices.Count <Vector3>() < 3) { return; } MeshFilter meshFilter = (MeshFilter)go.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); if (Object.op_Equality((Object)meshFilter, (Object)null)) { meshFilter = (MeshFilter)go.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); } UnityEngine.Mesh mesh = meshFilter.get_mesh(); mesh.Clear(); mesh.set_vertices(vertices.ToArray <Vector3>()); int[] numArray = new int[(mesh.get_vertices().Length - 2) * 3]; int index = 0; int num = 0; while (index < numArray.Length) { numArray[index] = 0; numArray[index + 1] = num + 1; numArray[index + 2] = num + 2; index += 3; ++num; } mesh.set_triangles(numArray); mesh.RecalculateNormals(); mesh.RecalculateBounds(); meshFilter.set_sharedMesh(mesh); }
static public int Clear(IntPtr l) { try { int argc = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(l); if (argc == 1) { UnityEngine.Mesh self = (UnityEngine.Mesh)checkSelf(l); self.Clear(); pushValue(l, true); return(1); } else if (argc == 2) { UnityEngine.Mesh self = (UnityEngine.Mesh)checkSelf(l); System.Boolean a1; checkType(l, 2, out a1); self.Clear(a1); pushValue(l, true); return(1); } pushValue(l, false); LuaDLL.lua_pushstring(l, "No matched override function Clear to call"); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
public static void addMesh(List<MeshAttributes> meshAttributesList, Mesh shipMesh) { List<Vector3> shipVertices = new List<Vector3>(); List<int> shipTris = new List<int>(); if (shipMesh.vertices.Count() > 0) shipVertices = shipMesh.vertices.ToList(); if (shipMesh.triangles.Count() > 0) shipTris = shipMesh.triangles.ToList(); int lastVertices = shipVertices.Count; foreach (MeshAttributes meshAttributes in meshAttributesList) { for (int i = 0; i < meshAttributes.triangles.Length; i++) { meshAttributes.triangles[i] = meshAttributes.triangles[i] + shipVertices.Count; } shipVertices.AddRange(meshAttributes.vertices); lastVertices = meshAttributes.vertices.Count(); shipTris.AddRange(meshAttributes.triangles); } shipMesh.Clear(); shipMesh.vertices = shipVertices.ToArray(); shipMesh.triangles = shipTris.ToArray(); shipMesh.RecalculateNormals(); }
static int Clear(IntPtr L) { try { int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); if (count == 1 && TypeChecker.CheckTypes(L, 1, typeof(UnityEngine.Mesh))) { UnityEngine.Mesh obj = (UnityEngine.Mesh)ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); obj.Clear(); return(0); } else if (count == 2 && TypeChecker.CheckTypes(L, 1, typeof(UnityEngine.Mesh), typeof(bool))) { UnityEngine.Mesh obj = (UnityEngine.Mesh)ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); bool arg0 = LuaDLL.lua_toboolean(L, 2); obj.Clear(arg0); return(0); } else { return(LuaDLL.luaL_throw(L, "invalid arguments to method: UnityEngine.Mesh.Clear")); } } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
void ClearScene() { //clear objects foreach (var item in objects) { Destroy(item.Value); } objects.Clear(); newPrims.Clear(); //clear avatars foreach (var item in avatars) { Destroy(item.Value); } avatars.Clear(); renderAvatars.Clear(); avHasTex.Clear(); newAvatars.Clear(); newTerseAvatarUpdates.Clear(); //clear terrain mesh1.Clear(); mesh2.Clear(); }
// Mesh Generation ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary> /// Generate the playground /// </summary> public void GenerateArena() { //Set the camera Camera.main.transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3(SizeX / 2.0f, 0, SizeY / 2.0f) + Camera.main.transform.forward * -(Mathf.Max(SizeX, SizeY) + 10); Camera.main.orthographicSize = Mathf.Max(SizeX, SizeY) * 0.75f; Camera.main.transform.GetChild(0).localScale = new Vector3(3.6f * Camera.main.orthographicSize, 2.025f * Camera.main.orthographicSize, 1); //Clean old and set new mesh mesh = new Mesh(); = "Arena"; mesh.Clear(); //Set up the arrays vertices = new Vector3[(SizeX + 1) * (SizeY + 1)]; triangles = new int[SizeX * SizeY * 6]; uvs1 = new Vector2[vertices.Length]; uvs2 = new Vector2[vertices.Length]; colors = new Color[vertices.Length]; //Set the vertices and vertex colors and uvs for(int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++){ int x = i % (SizeX + 1); int y = Mathf.FloorToInt(i / (SizeX + 1)); vertices[i] = new Vector3(x, 0, y); colors[i] = new Color(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f, 1); uvs1[i] = new Vector2((float) x / SizeX, (float) y / SizeY); //Main UV over the full mesh uvs2[i] = new Vector2(x, y); //Sub uv over only one tile } //Set the triangles for(int i = 0; i < triangles.Length / 6; i++){ int firstTri = i + Mathf.FloorToInt(i / SizeX); //Position of the first tri of the quad triangles[i * 6] = firstTri; triangles[i * 6 + 1] = firstTri + (SizeX + 1); triangles[i * 6 + 2] = firstTri + 1; triangles[i * 6 + 3] = firstTri + 1; triangles[i * 6 + 4] = firstTri + (SizeX + 1); triangles[i * 6 + 5] = firstTri + (SizeX + 2); } //Set mesh parts mesh.vertices = vertices; mesh.triangles = triangles; mesh.uv = uvs1; mesh.uv2 = uvs2; mesh.colors = colors; mesh.RecalculateBounds (); mesh.RecalculateNormals (); //Assign to components GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh; GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = FloorMaterial; generateEdge(); Debug.Log("Arena generated"); }
public void Start() { _mushroom = new GameObject("Mushroom"); _mushroom.AddComponent<MeshFilter>(); _mushroom.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>(); _mesh = new Mesh(); _vertices = new List<Vector3>(); _indices = new List<int>(); _uvs = new List<Vector2>(); _mesh.Clear(); GenerateVertices(); GenerateIndices(); GenerateUvs(); //DrawVertices(); _mesh.vertices = _vertices.ToArray(); _mesh.triangles = _indices.ToArray(); _mesh.uv = _uvs.ToArray(); _mesh.RecalculateBounds(); _mesh.RecalculateNormals(); _mushroom.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = _mesh; _mushroom.renderer.material.color = Color.grey; }
private void BuildMesh (MeshFilter mf, MeshRenderer mr, MeshCollider mc, int i, int j) { Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); mesh.Clear(); // the vertices of our new mesh, separated into two groups Vector3[] inner = new Vector3[grid.smoothness + 1]; // the inner vertices (closer to the centre) Vector3[] outer = new Vector3[grid.smoothness + 1]; // the outer vertices // vertices must be given in local space Transform trnsfrm = mf.gameObject.transform; // the amount of vertices depends on how much the grid is smoothed for (int k = 0; k < grid.smoothness + 1; k++) { // rad is the current distance from the centre, sctr is the current sector and i * (1.0f / grid.smoothness) is the fraction inside the current sector inner[k] = trnsfrm.InverseTransformPoint(grid.GridToWorld(new Vector3(i, j + k * (1.0f / grid.smoothness), 0))); outer[k] = trnsfrm.InverseTransformPoint(grid.GridToWorld(new Vector3(i + 1, j + k * (1.0f / grid.smoothness), 0))); } //this is wher the actual vertices go Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[2 * (grid.smoothness + 1)]; // copy the sorted vertices into the new array inner.CopyTo(vertices, 0); // for each inner vertex its outer counterpart has the same index plus grid.smoothness + 1, this will be relevant later outer.CopyTo(vertices, grid.smoothness + 1); // assign them as the vertices of the mesh mesh.vertices = vertices; // now we have to assign the triangles int[] triangles = new int[6 * grid.smoothness]; // for each smoothing step we need two triangles and each triangle is three indices int counter = 0; // keeps track of the current index for (int k = 0; k < grid.smoothness; k++) { // triangles are assigned in a clockwise fashion triangles[counter] = k; triangles[counter+1] = k + (grid.smoothness + 1) + 1; triangles[counter+2] = k + (grid.smoothness + 1); triangles[counter+3] = k + 1; triangles[counter+4] = k + (grid.smoothness + 1) + 1; triangles[counter+5] = k; counter += 6; // increment the counter for the nex six indices } mesh.triangles = triangles; // add some dummy UVs to keep the shader happy or else it complains, but they are not used in this example Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[vertices.Length]; for (int k = 0; k < uvs.Length; k++) { uvs[k] = new Vector2(vertices[k].x, vertices[k].y); } mesh.uv = uvs; // the usual cleanup mesh.RecalculateNormals(); mesh.RecalculateBounds(); mesh.Optimize(); // assign the mesh to the mesh filter and mesh collider mf.mesh = mesh; mc.sharedMesh = mesh; }
static public int Clear(IntPtr l) { try{ if (matchType(l, 2, typeof(System.Boolean))) { UnityEngine.Mesh self = (UnityEngine.Mesh)checkSelf(l); System.Boolean a1; checkType(l, 2, out a1); self.Clear(a1); return(0); } else if (matchType(l, 2)) { UnityEngine.Mesh self = (UnityEngine.Mesh)checkSelf(l); self.Clear(); return(0); } LuaDLL.luaL_error(l, "No matched override function to call"); return(0); } catch (Exception e) { LuaDLL.luaL_error(l, e.ToString()); return(0); } }
void Start() { m_meshFilter = gameObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>(); m_meshRenderer = gameObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(); Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); = "testMesh"; mesh.Clear(); Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[m_triangleCount * 3]; Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[m_triangleCount * 3]; int[] triangles = new int[m_triangleCount * 3]; for (int i = 0; i < m_triangleCount * 3; i++) { vertices[i] = Random.insideUnitSphere * m_size; uv[i] = new Vector2(Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f), Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f)); triangles[i] = i; } mesh.vertices = vertices; mesh.uv = uv; mesh.triangles = triangles; mesh.RecalculateNormals(); m_meshFilter.mesh = mesh; m_meshRenderer.renderer.material.color =; }
public void ShowMarquee(RaycastHit hit) { verts.Clear (); uvs.Clear (); tris.Clear (); WorldPos pos = RaycastUtility.GetBlockPos (hit); Block.Direction direction = Block.Direction.up; float norX = hit.normal.x; float norY = hit.normal.y; float norZ = hit.normal.z; if (norX > 0) direction = Block.Direction.east; if (norX < 0) direction = Block.Direction.west; if (norY > 0) direction = Block.Direction.up; if (norY < 0) direction = Block.Direction.down; if (norZ > 0) direction = Block.Direction.north; if (norZ < 0) direction = Block.Direction.south; BuildFace (pos, direction); mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter> ().mesh; mesh.Clear (); mesh.vertices = verts.ToArray (); mesh.triangles = tris.ToArray (); mesh.uv = uvs.ToArray (); mesh.RecalculateNormals (); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter> ().mesh; float x = transform.position.x; float y = transform.position.y; float z = transform.position.z; newVertices.Add( new Vector3 (x , y , z )); newVertices.Add( new Vector3 (x + 1 , y , z )); newVertices.Add( new Vector3 (x + 1 , y-1 , z )); newVertices.Add( new Vector3 (x , y-1 , z )); newTriangles.Add(0); newTriangles.Add(1); newTriangles.Add(3); newTriangles.Add(1); newTriangles.Add(2); newTriangles.Add(3); mesh.Clear (); mesh.vertices = newVertices.ToArray(); mesh.triangles = newTriangles.ToArray(); mesh.Optimize (); mesh.RecalculateNormals (); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { mesh = new Mesh(); = "testMesh"; mesh.Clear(); Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[4]; vertices[0] = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); vertices[1] = new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); vertices[2] = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); vertices[3] = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); mesh.vertices = vertices; //TraceMesh(mesh); int[] triangles = new int[6] { 3, 2, 0, 2, 1, 0}; mesh.triangles = triangles; mesh.uv = new Vector2[] { new Vector2 (0, 0), new Vector2 (0, 1), new Vector2 (1, 1), new Vector2 (1, 0) }; //Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[4] { Vector3.forward, Vector3.forward, Vector3.forward, Vector3.forward }; //mesh.normals = normals; mesh.RecalculateNormals(); MeshFilter mf = (MeshFilter)gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(MeshFilter)); MeshRenderer mr = (MeshRenderer)gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(MeshRenderer)); mf.mesh = mesh; mr.material.color = Color.white; }
private static void SetDataToMesh(UnityEngine.Mesh mesh, MyMeshData meshData, NativeArray <TurtleMeshAllocationCounter> submeshSizes) { UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample("applying mesh data"); int vertexCount = meshData.vertexData.Length; int indexCount = meshData.indices.Length; mesh.Clear(); mesh.SetVertexBufferParams(vertexCount, GetVertexLayout()); mesh.SetVertexBufferData(meshData.vertexData, 0, 0, vertexCount, 0, MeshUpdateFlags.DontRecalculateBounds | MeshUpdateFlags.DontResetBoneBounds | MeshUpdateFlags.DontValidateIndices); mesh.SetIndexBufferParams(indexCount, IndexFormat.UInt32); mesh.SetIndexBufferData(meshData.indices, 0, 0, indexCount, MeshUpdateFlags.DontRecalculateBounds | MeshUpdateFlags.DontResetBoneBounds | MeshUpdateFlags.DontValidateIndices); mesh.subMeshCount = submeshSizes.Length; for (int i = 0; i < submeshSizes.Length; i++) { var submeshSize = submeshSizes[i]; var descriptor = new SubMeshDescriptor() { baseVertex = 0, topology = MeshTopology.Triangles, indexCount = submeshSize.totalTriangleIndexes, indexStart = submeshSize.indexInTriangles, }; mesh.SetSubMesh(i, descriptor, MeshUpdateFlags.DontRecalculateBounds | MeshUpdateFlags.DontResetBoneBounds | MeshUpdateFlags.DontValidateIndices); } mesh.bounds = meshData.meshBounds[0]; UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.EndSample(); }
public void ApplyChunkSettings(Chunk chunk, CubedObjectBehaviour parent) { this.chunk = chunk; renderer.materials = new Material[] { chunk.blockMaterial }; var mesh = new Mesh(); mesh.Clear(); mesh.vertices = chunk.meshData.RenderableVertices.ToArray(); mesh.triangles = chunk.meshData.RenderableTriangles.ToArray(); mesh.uv = chunk.meshData.RenderableUvs.ToArray(); mesh.RecalculateNormals(); var meshFilter = GetComponent<MeshFilter>(); // sharedMesh is null during generation // TODO: Fix this as the generator shows errors in the console when using mesh vs. sharedMesh //mesh = (meshFilter.mesh if EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode else meshFilter.sharedMesh) if(Application.isPlaying) meshFilter.mesh = mesh; else meshFilter.sharedMesh = mesh; if(parent.colliderType == ColliderType.MeshColliderPerChunk) { var colliderMesh = new Mesh(); colliderMesh.vertices = chunk.meshData.CollidableVertices.ToArray(); colliderMesh.triangles = chunk.meshData.CollidableTriangles.ToArray(); var meshCollider = GetComponent<MeshCollider>(); if(colliderMesh != null) { if(meshCollider == null) meshCollider = gameObject.AddComponent<MeshCollider>(); meshCollider.sharedMesh = colliderMesh; meshCollider.convex = false; meshCollider.enabled = true; } else { if(meshCollider != null) meshCollider.enabled = false; } } transform.localPosition = (chunk.gridPosition * parent.chunkDimensions).ToVector3() * parent.cubeSize; }
// Initializes a mesh with a plane with nVerticesX * nVerticesY vertices. public void InitPlane(Mesh mesh, int nVerticesX, int nVerticesY, Vector3[] vertices=null) { mesh.Clear (); int nVertices = nVerticesX * nVerticesY; int nTriangles = (nVerticesX - 1) * (nVerticesY - 1) * 6; bool initVertices = (vertices == null); if (initVertices) { vertices = new Vector3[nVertices]; } Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[nVertices]; int[] triangles = new int[nTriangles]; int i = 0; int iTriangles = 0; float incX = 1.0f / (nVerticesX - 1); float incY = 1.0f / (nVerticesY - 1); float xCoord = -0.5f; float yCoord = -0.5f; for(int y = 0; y < nVerticesY; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < nVerticesX; x++) { if (initVertices) { vertices[i] = new Vector3(xCoord, yCoord, 0); } uvs[i] = new Vector2(xCoord + 0.5f, yCoord + 0.5f); if (x < nVerticesX - 1 && y < nVerticesY - 1) { int v0 = i; int v1 = i + 1; int v2 = i + nVerticesX; int v3 = i + nVerticesX + 1; triangles[iTriangles++] = v0; triangles[iTriangles++] = v2; triangles[iTriangles++] = v3; triangles[iTriangles++] = v0; triangles[iTriangles++] = v3; triangles[iTriangles++] = v1; } xCoord += incX; i++; } yCoord += incY; xCoord = -0.5f; } mesh.vertices = vertices; mesh.triangles = triangles; mesh.uv = uvs; mesh.RecalculateNormals (); }
private static void UpdateMesh(UnityEngine.Mesh mesh, Vector3[] vertices, int[] triangles) { mesh.Clear(); mesh.vertices = vertices; mesh.triangles = triangles; mesh.RecalculateNormals(); mesh.RecalculateBounds(); }
/// <summary> /// Fill label mesh. /// </summary> /// <param name="mesh">Mesh.</param> /// <param name="width">Label width.</param> /// <param name="height">Label height.</param> /// <param name="text">Label text.</param> /// <param name="color">Color.</param> /// <param name="align">Text align.</param> /// <param name="font">Font.</param> /// <param name="fontSize">Font size.</param> /// <param name="lineHgt">Line height multiplier.</param> /// <param name="effect">Effect.</param> /// <param name="effectValue">Effect value.</param> /// <param name="effectColor">Effect color.</param> public static void FillText( Mesh mesh, int width, int height, string text, Color color, TextAnchor align, Font font, int fontSize, float lineHgt, GuiFontEffect effect = GuiFontEffect.None, Vector2? effectValue = null, Color? effectColor = null) { if (mesh == null) { return; } mesh.Clear (); if (font == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty (text)) { return; } _settings.fontSize = (int) (fontSize * GuiSystem.Instance.VirtualToRealScaleFactor); _settings.resizeTextMaxSize = _settings.fontSize; var scale = fontSize / (float) _settings.fontSize; _settings.font = font; _settings.textAnchor = align; _settings.generationExtents = new Vector2 (width, height) / scale; _settings.lineSpacing = lineHgt; _settings.color = color; _generator.Invalidate (); if (!_generator.Populate (text, _settings)) { return; } _generator.GetVertices (_verts); GuiMeshTools.PrepareBuffer (effect, effectValue, effectColor); for (int i = 0, iMax = _verts.Count - 4, charID = 0; i < iMax; charID++) { if (text[charID] == ' ') { i += 4; continue; } _uiV = _verts[i++]; _c = _uiV.color; _v0 = _uiV.position * scale; _uv0 = _uiV.uv0; _uiV = _verts[i++]; _v1 = _uiV.position * scale; _uv1 = _uiV.uv0; _uiV = _verts[i++]; _v2 = _uiV.position * scale; _uv2 = _uiV.uv0; _uiV = _verts[i++]; _v3 = _uiV.position * scale; _uv3 = _uiV.uv0; GuiMeshTools.FillBuffer (ref _v0, ref _v1, ref _v2, ref _v3, ref _uv0, ref _uv1, ref _uv2, ref _uv3, ref _c); } GuiMeshTools.GetBuffers (mesh, false); mesh.bounds = new Bounds (, new Vector3 (width, height, 0f)); }
/// Collect and bind geometry from stream public void Bind(UnityEngine.Mesh mesh) { var vertices = new List <Vector3>(); var triangles = new List <int>(); var uv = useUV ? new List <Vector2>() : null; var color = useColor ? new List <Color32>() : null; var normals = useUV ? new List <Vector3>() : null; // Collect foreach (var gp in geometry.Geometry) { gp.VertexOffset = vertices.Count; vertices.AddRange(gp.Vertices); triangles.AddRange(gp.Triangles); if (uv != null) { uv.AddRange(gp.UV); } if (color != null) { color.AddRange(gp.Color); } if (normals != null) { normals.AddRange(gp.Normals); } } // Attach mesh.Clear(); mesh.vertices = vertices.ToArray(); mesh.triangles = triangles.ToArray(); if (useUV) { mesh.uv = uv.ToArray(); } if (useColor) { mesh.colors32 = color.ToArray(); } if (useNormals) { mesh.normals = normals.ToArray(); } // Bind if (!useNormals) { mesh.RecalculateNormals(); } mesh.RecalculateBounds(); mesh.Optimize(); // Summary vertexGen = vertices.Count; triangleGen = triangles.Count; }
public static void ApplyToMesh(Mesh mesh, MeshDesc desc) { mesh.Clear(); mesh.vertices = desc.positions.ToArray(); mesh.normals = desc.normals.ToArray(); mesh.triangles = desc.indices.ToArray(); mesh.Optimize(); mesh.RecalculateBounds(); }
private void MeshUpdated(Mesh m) { MeshFilter filter = GetComponent<MeshFilter>(); mesh = filter.mesh; mesh.Clear(); mesh.vertices = m.vertices; mesh.triangles = m.triangles; }
private void UpdateMesh() { meshVertices[0] = a.position - center; meshVertices[1] = b.position - center; meshVertices[2] = c.position - center; uMesh.Clear(); uMesh.vertices = meshVertices; uMesh.triangles = meshTriangles; }
public void GenerateMesh() { mesh = new Mesh (); mesh.Clear (); mesh.vertices = vertices.ToArray(); mesh.triangles = triangles.ToArray(); mesh.uv = uv.ToArray(); mesh.normals = normals.ToArray(); mesh.Optimize (); }
/// <summary> /// Function to pre-allocate vertex attributes for a mesh of size X. /// </summary> /// <param name="mesh"></param> /// <param name="size"></param> public TMP_MeshInfo (Mesh mesh, int size) { // Clear existing mesh data mesh.Clear(); this.mesh = mesh; int sizeX4 = size * 4; int sizeX6 = size * 6; this.vertexCount = 0; this.vertices = new Vector3[sizeX4]; this.uvs0 = new Vector2[sizeX4]; this.uvs2 = new Vector2[sizeX4]; this.uvs4 = new Vector2[sizeX4]; // SDF scale data this.colors32 = new Color32[sizeX4]; this.normals = new Vector3[sizeX4]; this.tangents = new Vector4[sizeX4]; this.triangles = new int[sizeX6]; int index_X6 = 0; int index_X4 = 0; while (index_X4 / 4 < size) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { this.vertices[index_X4 + i] =; this.uvs0[index_X4 + i] =; this.uvs2[index_X4 + i] =; this.uvs4[index_X4 + i] =; this.colors32[index_X4 + i] = s_DefaultColor; this.normals[index_X4 + i] = s_DefaultNormal; this.tangents[index_X4 + i] = s_DefaultTangent; } this.triangles[index_X6 + 0] = index_X4 + 0; this.triangles[index_X6 + 1] = index_X4 + 1; this.triangles[index_X6 + 2] = index_X4 + 2; this.triangles[index_X6 + 3] = index_X4 + 2; this.triangles[index_X6 + 4] = index_X4 + 3; this.triangles[index_X6 + 5] = index_X4 + 0; index_X4 += 4; index_X6 += 6; } // Pre-assign base vertex attributes. this.mesh.vertices = this.vertices; this.mesh.normals = this.normals; this.mesh.tangents = this.tangents; this.mesh.triangles = this.triangles; }
static void CreateMesh() { GameObject newSpriteObject = new GameObject(); = "Sprite"; newSpriteObject.AddComponent("MeshFilter"); MeshFilter meshFilter = newSpriteObject.GetComponent("MeshFilter") as MeshFilter; if (meshFilter==null) { Debug.LogError("MeshFilter not found!"); return; } Vector3 p0 = new Vector3(-5, -5, 0); Vector3 p1 = new Vector3(5, -5, 0); Vector3 p2 = new Vector3(-5, 5, 0); Vector3 p3 = new Vector3(5, 5, 0); Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); meshFilter.mesh = mesh; mesh.Clear(); mesh.vertices = new Vector3[] { p1, p0, p2, p1, p2, p3 }; mesh.triangles = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; Vector2 uv0 = new Vector2(0f,0f); Vector2 uv1 = new Vector2(1f,0f); Vector2 uv2 = new Vector2(0f,1f); Vector2 uv3 = new Vector2(1f,1f); mesh.uv = new Vector2[] { uv1, uv0, uv2, uv1, uv2, uv3 }; mesh.RecalculateNormals(); mesh.RecalculateBounds(); mesh.Optimize(); newSpriteObject.AddComponent("MeshRenderer"); newSpriteObject.AddComponent(typeof(Sprite)); = "SpriteMesh"; }
void Start() { world=GameObject.Find("World").GetComponent("World") as World; mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter> ().mesh; for(int i = -25; i < 25; i+=1){ for(int z = -25; z < 25; z+=1){ //if((i > 1 || i < -1) || (z > 1 || z < -1)){ Debug.Log("Special kinda stupid"); unModVerts.Add(new Vector3 (((i*400))/50, (world.terrainHeight((i*400), (z*400)+400))/50, ((z*400)+400)/50)); unModVerts.Add(new Vector3 (((i*400)+400)/50, (world.terrainHeight((i*400)+400, (z*400)+400))/50, ((z*400)+400)/50)); unModVerts.Add(new Vector3 (((i*400)+400)/50, (world.terrainHeight((i*400)+400, (z*400)))/50, (z*400)/50)); unModVerts.Add(new Vector3 (((i*400))/50, (world.terrainHeight((i*400), (z*400)))/50, (z*400)/50)); if(world.terrainHeight((i*200), (z*200)) > 180){ unModUV.Add(new Vector2 (.25f, 0)); unModUV.Add(new Vector2 (.5f, .25f)); unModUV.Add(new Vector2 (.5f, 0)); unModUV.Add(new Vector2 (.25f, .25f)); }else if (world.terrainHeight((i*200), (z*200)) > 30){ unModUV.Add(new Vector2 (0, 0)); unModUV.Add(new Vector2 (.25f, .25f)); unModUV.Add(new Vector2 (.25f, 0)); unModUV.Add(new Vector2 (0, .25f)); }else{ unModUV.Add(new Vector2 (.5f, 0)); unModUV.Add(new Vector2 (.75f, .25f)); unModUV.Add(new Vector2 (.75f, 0)); unModUV.Add(new Vector2 (.5f, .25f)); } unModTris.Add(faceCount * 4 ); //1 unModTris.Add(faceCount * 4 + 1 ); //2 unModTris.Add(faceCount * 4 + 2 ); //3 unModTris.Add(faceCount * 4 ); //1 unModTris.Add(faceCount * 4 + 2 ); //3 unModTris.Add(faceCount * 4 + 3 ); //4 faceCount++; //} } } mesh.Clear (); mesh.vertices = unModVerts.ToArray(); mesh.uv = unModUV.ToArray(); mesh.triangles = unModTris.ToArray(); mesh.Optimize (); mesh.RecalculateNormals (); }
public void GenerateLines() { mesh = linesObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh; mesh.Clear(); foreach(Edge e in edges) { AddLine(mesh, MakeQuad(e, lineWidth), false); } mesh.RecalculateNormals(); mesh.RecalculateBounds(); }
// Use this for initialization void Init() { m_Filter = gameObject.GetComponent< MeshFilter >(); m_Mesh = m_Filter.mesh; m_Mesh.Clear(); IsDirty = true; m_Initialized = true; print (name + " initialized"); }
public static void BuildMeshFromNodeHandleForColoredCubesVolume(Mesh mesh, uint nodeHandle, bool onlyPositions) { // Get the data from Cubiquity. ColoredCubesVertex[] vertices; ushort[] indices; CubiquityDLL.GetMesh<ColoredCubesVertex>(nodeHandle, out vertices, out indices); int noOfVertices = vertices.Length; int noOfIndices = indices.Length; #endif // Cubiquity uses 16-bit index arrays to save space, and it appears Unity does the same (at least, there is // a limit of 65535 vertices per mesh). However, the Mesh.triangles property is of the signed 32-bit int[] // type rather than the unsigned 16-bit ushort[] type. Perhaps this is so they can switch to 32-bit index // buffers in the future? At any rate, it means we have to perform a conversion. int[] indicesAsInt = new int[noOfIndices]; for (int ct = 0; ct < noOfIndices; ct++) { indicesAsInt[ct] = indices[ct]; } // Clear any previous mesh data. mesh.Clear(true); // Required for the CubicVertex decoding process. Vector3 offset = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); // Copy the vertex positions from Cubiquity into the Unity mesh. Vector3[] positions = new Vector3[noOfVertices]; for (int ct = 0; ct < noOfVertices; ct++) { // Get and decode the position positions[ct].Set(vertices[ct].x, vertices[ct].y, vertices[ct].z); positions[ct] -= offset; } // Assign vertex data to the mesh. mesh.vertices = positions; // For collision meshes the vertex positions are enough, but // for meshes which are rendered we want all vertex attributes. if(!onlyPositions) { Color32[] colors32 = new Color32[noOfVertices]; for (int ct = 0; ct < noOfVertices; ct++) { // Get and decode the color colors32[ct] = (Color32)vertices[ct].color; } // Assign vertex data to the mesh. mesh.colors32 = colors32; } // Assign index data to the mesh. mesh.triangles = indicesAsInt; }
Mesh CreateMesh() { mesh = new Mesh(); mesh.Clear(); float length = zSize; float width = xSize; int resX = resolution; int resZ = resolution; Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[resX * resZ]; for (int z = 0; z < resZ; z++) { float zPos = ((float)z / (resZ - 1) - .5f) * length; for (int x = 0; x < resX; x++) { float xPos = ((float)x / (resX - 1) - .5f) * width; vertices[x + z * resX] = new Vector3(xPos, 0f, zPos); } } Vector3[] normales = new Vector3[vertices.Length]; for (int n = 0; n < normales.Length; n++) normales[n] = Vector3.up; Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[vertices.Length]; for (int v = 0; v < resZ; v++) { for (int u = 0; u < resX; u++) { uvs[u + v * resX] = new Vector2((float)u / (resX - 1), (float)v / (resZ - 1)); } } int nbFaces = (resX - 1) * (resZ - 1); int[] triangles = new int[nbFaces * 6]; int t = 0; for (int face = 0; face < nbFaces; face++) { int i = face % (resX - 1) + (face / (resZ - 1) * resX); triangles[t++] = i + resX; triangles[t++] = i + 1; triangles[t++] = i; triangles[t++] = i + resX; triangles[t++] = i + resX + 1; triangles[t++] = i + 1; } mesh.vertices = vertices; mesh.normals = normales; mesh.uv = uvs; mesh.triangles = triangles; return mesh; }
public void BuildMesh() { if (gameObject.GetComponent("MeshFilter") == null) { gameObject.AddComponent("MeshFilter"); } if (gameObject.GetComponent("MeshRenderer") == null) { gameObject.AddComponent("MeshRenderer"); } UnityEngine.Mesh mesh = GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh; mesh.Clear(); mesh.subMeshCount = 3; verticeslist = new List <Vector3>(); UVlist = new List <Vector2>(); trianglelist = new List <int>(); wallTrianglelist = new List <int>(); solidRoof = new List <int>(); Generate(size, Level); MeshRenderer mr = gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); mesh.vertices = verticeslist.ToArray(); mesh.uv = UVlist.ToArray(); mesh.SetTriangles(trianglelist.ToArray(), 0); //make floor mesh.SetTriangles(wallTrianglelist.ToArray(), 1); //make walls mesh.SetTriangles(solidRoof.ToArray(), 2); //make walls mesh.Optimize(); mesh.RecalculateBounds(); mesh.RecalculateNormals(); mesh.calculateMeshTangents(); Material[] tempm = new Material[3]; tempm[0] = floorMaterial; tempm[1] = wallMaterial; tempm[2] = solidRoofMaterial; mr.materials = tempm; MeshFilter mf = GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); if (mf == null) { Debug.Log("MeshFilter is null."); } else { mf.mesh = mesh; } }
/// <summary> /// deactivate and free up this object for use again by the level controller /// </summary> public void deactivateAndClear() { gameObject.SetActive(false); currentChunkMesh = new UnityEngine.Mesh(); currentChunkMesh.Clear(); currentChunk = null; chunkLocation = default; colliderBakerHandler = default; isMeshed = false; isActive = false; }
public void UpdateMeshCollider() { collisionMeshVertices[0] = a.position - center; collisionMeshVertices[1] = b.position - center; collisionMeshVertices[2] = c.position - center; collisionMeshVertices[3] = -Vector3.Cross(b.position - a.position, c.position - a.position).normalized * 0.025f; collisionMesh.Clear(); collisionMesh.vertices = collisionMeshVertices; collisionMesh.triangles = collisionMeshTriangles; if (!(a.position == b.position || b.position == c.position)) { meshCollider.sharedMesh = collisionMesh; } }
public void UpdateMesh() { mMesh.Clear(); var spriteName = mIsAnimated ? FindNextFrameName() : mSpriteName; if (mSpriteSheet.Sprites.ContainsKey(spriteName)) { var descr = mSpriteSheet.Sprites[spriteName]; UpdateComponents(descr); mMesh.vertices = mVertex.Select(v => v.position).ToArray(); mMesh.uv = mVertex.Select(v => v.uv).ToArray(); mMesh.triangles = mIndices; SpriteSize = descr.mSpriteSize; } }
/// <summary> /// Update the mesh for it's assigned chunk /// </summary> public void updateMeshWithChunkData() { currentChunkMesh = new UnityEngine.Mesh(); currentChunkMesh.Clear(); currentChunkMesh.vertices = currentChunk.mesh.getVertices(); currentChunkMesh.colors = currentChunk.mesh.getColors(); currentChunkMesh.SetTriangles(currentChunk.mesh.triangles, 0); currentChunkMesh.RecalculateNormals(); transform.position = chunkLocation * Chunk.Diameter; meshFilter.mesh = currentChunkMesh; meshCollider.sharedMesh = currentChunkMesh; isMeshed = true; }
void MakeMesh(UnityEngine.Mesh mesh, Face face, int vertices_begin, int vertices_end, int indices_begin, int indices_end, int indices_offset) { //we have to clear the mesh first, otherwise there will be exceptions. mesh.Clear(); int vertices_count = vertices_end - vertices_begin + 1; UnityEngine.Vector3[] vertices = new UnityEngine.Vector3[vertices_count]; UnityEngine.Vector3[] normals = new UnityEngine.Vector3[vertices_count]; UnityEngine.Vector2[] uv = new UnityEngine.Vector2[vertices_count]; for (int k = vertices_begin, i = 0; k <= vertices_end; ++k, ++i) { vertices[i].x = face.Vertices[k].Position.X; vertices[i].y = face.Vertices[k].Position.Y; //HACK: unity3d uses left-hand coordinate, so we have to mirror z corrd vertices[i].z = -face.Vertices[k].Position.Z; normals[i].x = face.Vertices[k].Normal.X; normals[i].y = face.Vertices[k].Normal.Y; //HACK: unity3d uses left-hand coordinate, so we have to mirror z corrd normals[i].z = -face.Vertices[k].Normal.Z; uv[i].x = face.Vertices[k].TexCoord.X; //HACK: unity3d uses left-bottom corner as the origin of the texture uv[i].y = 1 - face.Vertices[k].TexCoord.Y; if (face.Vertices[k].TexCoord.X < 0 || face.Vertices[k].TexCoord.X > 1) { Debug.Log("Texture Repeat!" + face.Vertices[k].TexCoord.X.ToString()); } } //indices for this face int[] triangles = new int[indices_end - indices_begin + 1]; for (int k = indices_begin, i = 0; k <= indices_end; k += 3, i += 3) { //HACK: OpenGL's default front face is counter-clock-wise triangles[i] = face.Indices[k + 2] - indices_offset; triangles[i + 1] = face.Indices[k + 1] - indices_offset; triangles[i + 2] = face.Indices[k + 0] - indices_offset; } mesh.vertices = vertices; mesh.normals = normals; mesh.uv = uv; mesh.triangles = triangles; }
/// <summary> /// Update the mesh for it's assigned chunk /// </summary> public void updateMeshWithChunkData() { currentChunkMesh = new UnityEngine.Mesh(); currentChunkMesh.Clear(); currentChunkMesh.vertices = currentChunk.mesh.getVertices(); currentChunkMesh.colors = currentChunk.mesh.getColors(); currentChunkMesh.SetTriangles(currentChunk.mesh.triangles, 0); currentChunkMesh.RecalculateNormals(); transform.position = chunkLocation * Chunk.Diameter; meshFilter.mesh = currentChunkMesh; meshCollider.sharedMesh = currentChunkMesh; isMeshed = true; /// schedule a job to bake the mesh collider asyncly so it doesn't lag. colliderBakerHandler = (new ColliderMeshBakingJob(currentChunkMesh.GetInstanceID())).Schedule(); }
/// <summary> /// Update the mesh for it's assigned chunk /// </summary> public void updateMeshWithChunkData() { currentChunkMesh = new UnityEngine.Mesh(); currentChunkMesh.Clear(); currentChunkMesh.vertices = currentChunkMeshData.vertices; currentChunkMesh.colors = currentChunkMeshData.colors; currentChunkMesh.SetTriangles(currentChunkMeshData.triangles, 0); currentChunkMesh.RecalculateNormals(); transform.position = (chunkLocation * Chunk.Diameter).vec3; meshFilter.mesh = currentChunkMesh; meshCollider.sharedMesh = currentChunkMesh; isMeshed = true; /// schedule a job to bake the mesh collider asyncly so it doesn't lag. /// //@todo: use threadpool here to go over unity's priority? colliderBakerHandler = (new ColliderMeshBakingJob(currentChunkMesh.GetInstanceID())).Schedule(); }
public static void CopyFromPositionOnly(this UnityEngine.Mesh mesh, GeneratedMeshContents contents) { if (object.ReferenceEquals(contents, null)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("contents"); } if (contents.description.vertexCount < 3 || contents.description.indexCount < 3) { mesh.Clear(); return; } mesh.SetVertices(contents.positions); mesh.SetTriangles(contents.indices.ToArray(), 0, false); mesh.bounds = contents.bounds; }
void InitializeVerts() { int w = Size.x; int h = Size.y; float3 start = -new float3(w, h, 0) / 2f; for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) { int i = y * w + x; float3 p = start + new float3(x, y, 0); // 0---1 // | / | // 2---3 int vi = i * 4; _verts[vi + 0] = p + new float3(0, 1, 0); _verts[vi + 1] = p + new float3(1, 1, 0); _verts[vi + 2] = p + new float3(0, 0, 0); _verts[vi + 3] = p + new float3(1, 0, 0); int ii = i * 6; _indices[ii + 0] = vi + 0; _indices[ii + 1] = vi + 1; _indices[ii + 2] = vi + 2; _indices[ii + 3] = vi + 3; _indices[ii + 4] = vi + 2; _indices[ii + 5] = vi + 1; } } _mesh.Clear(); _mesh.SetVertices(_verts); _mesh.SetIndices(_indices, MeshTopology.Triangles, 0); _mesh.RecalculateBounds(); _mesh.RecalculateNormals(); _mesh.RecalculateTangents(); }
public void updateMesh() { mesh.Clear(); if (vertices == null) { vertices = new List <Vector3> (); } else if (vertices.Count > 0) { vertices.Clear(); } for (int i = 0; i < levels.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < levels [i].vertices.Count; j++) { vertices.Add(levels [i].vertices [j]); } } mesh.vertices = vertices.ToArray(); mesh.triangles = DelanunayTriangulation.Calculate(mesh.vertices); }
public UnityEngine.Mesh CreateNewUnityMesh(GeneratedMeshKey meshKey) { UnityEngine.Mesh sharedMesh = null; if (garbageMeshes.Count > 0) { var lastIndex = garbageMeshes.Count - 1; sharedMesh = garbageMeshes[lastIndex]; garbageMeshes.RemoveAt(lastIndex); if (sharedMesh) { sharedMesh.Clear(); } } if (!sharedMesh) { sharedMesh = new UnityEngine.Mesh() { name = meshKey.GetHashCode().ToString() } } ; return(ReturnOrRegisterUnityMeshAndIncreaseRefCount(meshKey, sharedMesh)); }
public void HandleOnUpdateMesh( ) { if (Vertices.Length < 3) { throw new System.Exception("A Mesh must needs more than 3 points, no less!"); } //var _mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh; //if ( !_mesh ) //{ // _mesh = new UnityEngine.Mesh ( ); // GetComponent<MeshFilter> ( ).mesh = _mesh; //} var _mesh = new UnityEngine.Mesh(); _mesh.Clear( ); _mesh.vertices = Vertices; _mesh.uv = UV; _mesh.triangles = Triangles; _mesh.normals = Normals; GetComponent <MeshFilter> ( ).mesh = _mesh; GetComponent <MeshCollider> ( ).sharedMesh = _mesh; }
public void Apply(UnityEngine.Mesh mesh) { mesh.Clear(); if (vertices != null) { mesh.SetVertices(vertices); } if (triangles != null) { mesh.SetTriangles(triangles, 0); } if (normals != null) { if (normals.Count == vertices.Count) { mesh.SetNormals(normals); } else if (normals.Count > 0 && Batching.verbose > 0) { Debug.LogWarning("Skipping collider normals because some meshes were missing them."); } } }
public void Apply(UnityEngine.Mesh mesh) { mesh.Clear(); if (this.vertices != null) { mesh.SetVertices(this.vertices); } if (this.triangles != null) { mesh.SetTriangles(this.triangles, 0); } if (this.normals != null) { if (this.normals.Count == this.vertices.Count) { mesh.SetNormals(this.normals); } else if (this.normals.Count > 0 && Batching.verbose > 0) { Debug.LogWarning("Skipping mesh normals because some meshes were missing them."); } } if (this.tangents != null) { if (this.tangents.Count == this.vertices.Count) { mesh.SetTangents(this.tangents); } else if (this.tangents.Count > 0 && Batching.verbose > 0) { Debug.LogWarning("Skipping mesh tangents because some meshes were missing them."); } } if (this.colors32 != null) { if (this.colors32.Count == this.vertices.Count) { mesh.SetColors(this.colors32); } else if (this.colors32.Count > 0 && Batching.verbose > 0) { Debug.LogWarning("Skipping mesh colors because some meshes were missing them."); } } if (this.uv != null) { if (this.uv.Count == this.vertices.Count) { mesh.SetUVs(0, this.uv); } else if (this.uv.Count > 0 && Batching.verbose > 0) { Debug.LogWarning("Skipping mesh uvs because some meshes were missing them."); } } if (this.uv2 != null) { if (this.uv2.Count == this.vertices.Count) { mesh.SetUVs(1, this.uv2); } else if (this.uv2.Count > 0 && Batching.verbose > 0) { Debug.LogWarning("Skipping mesh uv2s because some meshes were missing them."); } } if (this.positions != null) { mesh.SetUVs(2, this.positions); } }
public void Clear() { mesh1.Clear(); mesh2.Clear(); }
public static void CopyFrom(this UnityEngine.Mesh mesh, List <GeneratedMeshContents> contents, List <int> triangleBrushes) { if (object.ReferenceEquals(contents, null)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("contents"); } if (contents.Count == 0) { mesh.Clear(); return; } var bounds = new Bounds(); sPositionsList.Clear(); sNormalsList.Clear(); sTangentsList.Clear(); sUV0List.Clear(); sBaseVertices.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < contents.Count; i++) { if (contents[i] == null || contents[i].positions.Length == 0 || contents[i].indices.Length == 0) { continue; } sBaseVertices.Add(sPositionsList.Count); sPositionsList.AddRange(contents[i].positions); if (contents[i].normals.IsCreated) { sNormalsList.AddRange(contents[i].normals); } if (contents[i].tangents.IsCreated) { sTangentsList.AddRange(contents[i].tangents); } if (contents[i].uv0.IsCreated) { sUV0List.AddRange(contents[i].uv0); } if (i == 0) { bounds = contents[i].bounds; } else { bounds.Encapsulate(contents[i].bounds); } } mesh.Clear(keepVertexLayout: true); mesh.SetVertices(sPositionsList); if (sNormalsList.Count == sPositionsList.Count) { mesh.SetNormals(sNormalsList); } if (sTangentsList.Count == sPositionsList.Count) { mesh.SetTangents(sTangentsList); } if (sUV0List.Count == sPositionsList.Count) { mesh.SetUVs(0, sUV0List); } mesh.subMeshCount = sBaseVertices.Count; for (int i = 0, n = 0; i < contents.Count; i++) { if (contents[i] == null || contents[i].indices.Length == 0) { continue; } triangleBrushes.AddRange(contents[i].brushIndices); var triangles = contents[i].indices.ToArray(); var submesh = n; var calculateBounds = false; int baseVertex = sBaseVertices[n]; //mesh.SetSubMesh() mesh.SetTriangles(triangles: triangles, submesh: submesh, calculateBounds: calculateBounds, baseVertex: baseVertex); n++; } mesh.bounds = bounds; }
public void Apply(UnityEngine.Mesh mesh) { mesh.Clear(); if (vertices != null) { mesh.SetVertices(vertices); } if (triangles != null) { mesh.SetTriangles(triangles, 0); } if (normals != null) { if (normals.Count == vertices.Count) { mesh.SetNormals(normals); } else if (normals.Count > 0 && Batching.verbose > 0) { Debug.LogWarning("Skipping renderer normals because some meshes were missing them."); } } if (tangents != null) { if (tangents.Count == vertices.Count) { mesh.SetTangents(tangents); } else if (tangents.Count > 0 && Batching.verbose > 0) { Debug.LogWarning("Skipping renderer tangents because some meshes were missing them."); } } if (colors32 != null) { if (colors32.Count == vertices.Count) { mesh.SetColors(colors32); } else if (colors32.Count > 0 && Batching.verbose > 0) { Debug.LogWarning("Skipping renderer colors because some meshes were missing them."); } } if (uv != null) { if (uv.Count == vertices.Count) { mesh.SetUVs(0, uv); } else if (uv.Count > 0 && Batching.verbose > 0) { Debug.LogWarning("Skipping renderer uvs because some meshes were missing them."); } } if (uv2 != null) { if (uv2.Count == vertices.Count) { mesh.SetUVs(1, uv2); } else if (uv2.Count > 0 && Batching.verbose > 0) { Debug.LogWarning("Skipping renderer uv2s because some meshes were missing them."); } } if (positions != null) { mesh.SetUVs(2, positions); } }
/** * Copy @src mesh values to @dest */ public static void Copy(Mesh dest, Mesh src) { dest.Clear(); dest.vertices = src.vertices; List<Vector4> uvs = new List<Vector4>(); src.GetUVs(0, uvs); dest.SetUVs(0, uvs); src.GetUVs(1, uvs); dest.SetUVs(1, uvs); src.GetUVs(2, uvs); dest.SetUVs(2, uvs); src.GetUVs(3, uvs); dest.SetUVs(3, uvs); dest.normals = src.normals; dest.tangents = src.tangents; dest.boneWeights = src.boneWeights; dest.colors = src.colors; dest.colors32 = src.colors32; dest.bindposes = src.bindposes; dest.subMeshCount = src.subMeshCount; for(int i = 0; i < src.subMeshCount; i++) dest.SetIndices(src.GetIndices(i), src.GetTopology(i), i); = z_Util.IncrementPrefix("z",; }