        // Set this sets and computes the displacement from the passed prim to the center-of-mass.
        // A user set value for center-of-mass overrides whatever might be passed in here.
        // The displacement is in local coordinates (relative to root prim in linkset oriented coordinates).
        // Returns the relative offset from the root position to the center-of-mass.
        // Called at taint time.
        public virtual Vector3 SetEffectiveCenterOfMassDisplacement(Vector3 centerOfMassDisplacement)
            Vector3 comDisp;

            if (UserSetCenterOfMassDisplacement.HasValue)
                comDisp = (Vector3)UserSetCenterOfMassDisplacement;
                comDisp = centerOfMassDisplacement;

            // Eliminate any jitter caused be very slight differences in masses and positions
            if (comDisp.ApproxEquals(Vector3.Zero, 0.01f))
                comDisp = Vector3.Zero;

            DetailLog("{0},BSSPrimDisplaced.SetEffectiveCenterOfMassDisplacement,userSet={1},comDisp={2}", LocalID,
                      UserSetCenterOfMassDisplacement.HasValue, comDisp);
            if (!comDisp.ApproxEquals(PositionDisplacement, 0.01f))
                // Displacement setting is changing.
                // The relationship between the physical object and simulated object must be aligned.
                PositionDisplacement = comDisp;
                ForcePosition        = RawPosition;