// void Update() { // if (input.PressFire()) { StartJumpAnticipation(); } if (getUpCounter > 0) { getUpCounter -= Time.deltaTime; // // ***************** LIFT ARMS OFF OF THE GROUND SLOWLY WHEN GETTING UP ************ // foreach (CharacterMaintainHeight h in otherMaintainHeight) { h.desiredHeight = Mathf.Lerp(h.desiredHeight, 0.2f, Time.deltaTime * 3); } } if (jumpAnticipation) { //*********************************** CROUCHING BEFORE JUMP ********************** // jumpCounter += Time.deltaTime; if (jumpCounter >= jumpDelay) { Jump(); } } else if (inAir) { //*********************************** AIR BORNE ********************** // jumpCounter += Time.deltaTime; if (jumpCounter >= airTimeDelay) { GetUpFromJump(); } // } else { //*********************************** STANDING ON GROUND ********************** // inputDirection = Vector3.zero; if (input.HoldRight()) { inputDirection += Vector3.right; } if (input.HoldLeft()) { inputDirection += Vector3.left; } if (input.HoldUp()) { inputDirection += Vector3.forward; } if (input.HoldDown()) { inputDirection += Vector3.back; } if (inputDirection != Vector3.zero) { // *** MOVE BASED ON INPUT DIRECTION **** // inputDirection.Normalize(); // currentFacing = chestBody.transform.forward; currentFacing.y = 0; currentFacing.Normalize(); // if (!legs.walking) { legs.StartWalking(); } // faceDirection.facingDirection = inputDirection; // } else { // *** STAND STILL WHEN ZERO INPUT **** // faceDirection.facingDirection = currentFacing; // if (legs.walking) { legs.StopWalking(); } } } }