public void JustTestingOutDoublesWithShouldly()
     var playerCharacter = new PlayerCharacter();
     // The additional parameter is a floating point tolerance
     // This uses the configured tolerance assigned in the constructor
     playerCharacter.AddDoubles(1.1, 2.2).ShouldBe(3.3);
     // This tolerance is to high, it passes
     playerCharacter.AddDoubles(1.1, 2.2).ShouldBe(3.4, 0.1);
 public void JustTestingOutDoublesWithShouldlyAgain()
     var playerCharacter = new PlayerCharacter();
     // The additional parameter is a floating point tolerance
     // This uses the configured tolerance assigned in the constructor
     playerCharacter.AddDoubles(1.1, 2.2).ShouldNotBe(0);