void OnCollisionEnter(Collision other) { if (other.gameObject.tag == "Player") { if (isTouched) { //Debug.Log("****************** BEEN TOUCHED ALREADY!"); return; } else { if (padNumber == gm.nextPad) { // In here I need to put a variable that I'm on the pad, which is sent to an update loop that times down. When done, sets isTouched = true. If false, isTouched = true; Debug.LogWarning(" **** TOUCHED PAD " + padNumber); gm.Advance(); Debug.LogWarning(" **** MOVING ON to pad " + gm.nextPad); } else { isTouched = false; Debug.LogWarning("THIS IS NOT THE TARGET PAD! Try again! Target is " + gm.nextPad + " but this is pad " + padNumber); } } } else { //Debug.LogWarning("Uh-oh. Something hit me, but I didn't recognize it as player."); } }
void FixedUpdate() { if (isTouching && taxiRb.velocity.magnitude < 0.01f) { landingTime = landingTime - (int)(Time.deltaTime * landingTimeMax); // Later turn this into seconds, instead of an arbitrary int //Debug.Log("<color=red>************************* </color> Landing Time: " + landingTime + ", Max Time: " + landingTimeMax + ", and divide: " + (float)((float)landingTime / (float)landingTimeMax)); revealOffset = 1.0f - (((float)landingTime / (float)landingTimeMax) * .9f); //Debug.Log("<color=blue>************************* </color> revealOffset = " + revealOffset); gaugeMesh.material.SetFloat("_Cutoff", revealOffset); if (landingTime < 0) { isTouching = false; isTouched = true; Debug.LogWarning(" **** TOUCHED PAD " + padNumber); gm.Advance(); Debug.LogWarning(" **** MOVING ON to pad " + gm.nextPad); } } }