public void JavaScriptStringEncode_AllRangesAllowed_StillEncodesForbiddenChars_Extended() { // Arrange JavaScriptStringEncoder encoder = new JavaScriptStringEncoder(UnicodeRanges.All); // Act & assert - BMP chars for (int i = 0; i <= 0xFFFF; i++) { string input = new String((char)i, 1); string expected; if (IsSurrogateCodePoint(i)) { expected = "\uFFFD"; // unpaired surrogate -> Unicode replacement char } else { if (input == "\b") { expected = @"\b"; } else if (input == "\t") { expected = @"\t"; } else if (input == "\n") { expected = @"\n"; } else if (input == "\f") { expected = @"\f"; } else if (input == "\r") { expected = @"\r"; } else if (input == "\\") { expected = @"\\"; } else if (input == "/") { expected = @"\/"; } else { bool mustEncode = false; switch (i) { case '<': case '>': case '&': case '\"': case '\'': case '+': mustEncode = true; break; } if (i <= 0x001F || (0x007F <= i && i <= 0x9F)) { mustEncode = true; // control char } else if (!UnicodeHelpers.IsCharacterDefined((char)i)) { mustEncode = true; // undefined (or otherwise disallowed) char } if (mustEncode) { expected = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @"\u{0:X4}", i); } else { expected = input; // no encoding } } } string retVal = encoder.JavaScriptStringEncode(input); Assert.Equal(expected, retVal); } // Act & assert - astral chars for (int i = 0x10000; i <= 0x10FFFF; i++) { string input = Char.ConvertFromUtf32(i); string expected = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @"\u{0:X4}\u{1:X4}", (uint)input[0], (uint)input[1]); string retVal = encoder.JavaScriptStringEncode(input); Assert.Equal(expected, retVal); } }
protected static string ParseString(char[] json, ref int index, ref bool success) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(BUILDER_CAPACITY); char c; EatWhitespace(json, ref index); // " c = json[index++]; bool complete = false; while (!complete) { if (index == json.Length) { break; } c = json[index++]; if (c == '"') { complete = true; break; } else if (c == '\\') { if (index == json.Length) { break; } c = json[index++]; if (c == '"') { s.Append('"'); } else if (c == '\\') { s.Append('\\'); } else if (c == '/') { s.Append('/'); } else if (c == 'b') { s.Append('\b'); } else if (c == 'f') { s.Append('\f'); } else if (c == 'n') { s.Append('\n'); } else if (c == 'r') { s.Append('\r'); } else if (c == 't') { s.Append('\t'); } else if (c == 'u') { int remainingLength = json.Length - index; if (remainingLength >= 4) { // parse the 32 bit hex into an integer codepoint uint codePoint; if (!(success = UInt32.TryParse(new string(json, index, 4), NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out codePoint))) { return(""); } // convert the integer codepoint to a unicode char and add to string s.Append(Char.ConvertFromUtf32((int)codePoint)); // skip 4 chars index += 4; } else { break; } } } else { s.Append(c); } } if (!complete) { success = false; return(null); } return(s.ToString()); }
public bool CheckIfUtf32Letter() { return(Char.IsLetter(Char.ConvertFromUtf32(Char.ConvertToUtf32((char)InputStream.LA(-2), (char)InputStream.LA(-1))).Substring(0)[0])); }
public void TestConvertFromUtf32Fail1() { Char.ConvertFromUtf32(-1); }
public void TestConvertFromUtf32Fail3() { Char.ConvertFromUtf32(0xD800); }
public static void Game_OnGameWndProc(WndEventArgs args) { if (Game.IsChatOpen && Menu.Item("EnableColor").GetValue <bool>()) { if (args.Msg == 0x0101 && args.WParam == 0x0D) { if (Game.IsKeyDown(0x10)) { team = false; } else { team = true; } } if (Menu.Item("Color").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == (int)color.Olive) { modifier = "10"; } if (Menu.Item("Color").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == (int)color.Pink) { modifier = "11"; } if (Menu.Item("Color").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == (int)color.Red) { modifier = "12"; } if (Menu.Item("Color").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == (int)color.Orange) { modifier = "13"; } if (Menu.Item("Color").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == (int)color.DarkYellow) { modifier = "14"; } if (Menu.Item("Color").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == (int)color.LightGreen) { modifier = "15"; } if (Menu.Item("Color").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == (int)color.Purple) { modifier = "16"; } if (Menu.Item("Color").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == (int)color.Grey) { modifier = "17"; } if (Menu.Item("Color").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == (int)color.Green) { modifier = "18"; } if (Menu.Item("Color").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == (int)color.Blue) { modifier = "19"; } if (Menu.Item("Color").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == (int)color.White) { modifier = ""; } if (Menu.Item("Color").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == (int)color.Rainbow) { modifier = rand(); } if (Menu.Item("Color").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == (int)color.HotPink) { modifier = "0E"; } if (Menu.Item("Color").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == (int)color.VibrantOrange) { modifier = "0F"; } if (Menu.Item("Color").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == (int)color.Violet) { modifier = "1A"; } if (Menu.Item("Color").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == (int)color.RedishPink) { modifier = "1C"; } if (args.Msg == 256) { if (args.WParam == 13) { int hexnum = Int32.Parse(modifier, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); string stringmodifier = Char.ConvertFromUtf32(hexnum); if (Command == "") { return; } if (Menu.Item("Russia").GetValue <bool>()) { Command = Romanize(Command); } if (Menu.Item("Color").GetValue <StringList>().SelectedIndex == (int)color.Rainbow) { Command = space(Command); } Game.ExecuteCommand(((team) ? "say_team " : "say ") + stringmodifier + Command); Command = ""; return; } if (args.WParam == 8) { Command = Command.Substring(0, Command.Length - 1); return; } if (args.WParam == 32) { Command += " "; return; } if (args.WParam == 186) { if (Game.IsKeyDown(16)) { Command += ":"; return; } else { Command += ";"; } return; } if (args.WParam == 222) { if (Game.IsKeyDown(16)) { Command += "\""; return; } else { Command += "'"; } return; } if (args.WParam == 191 || args.WParam == 193) { if (Game.IsKeyDown(16)) { Command += "?"; return; } else { Command += "/"; } return; } if (args.WParam == 190) { if (Game.IsKeyDown(16)) { Command += ">"; return; } else { Command += "."; } return; } if (args.WParam == 188) { if (Game.IsKeyDown(16)) { Command += "<"; return; } else { Command += ","; } return; } if (args.WParam == 49) { if (Game.IsKeyDown(16)) { Command += "!"; return; } else { Command += "1"; } return; } if (args.WParam == 50) { if (Game.IsKeyDown(16)) { Command += "@"; return; } else { Command += "2"; } return; } if (args.WParam == 51) { if (Game.IsKeyDown(16)) { Command += "#"; return; } else { Command += "3"; } return; } if (args.WParam == 52) { if (Game.IsKeyDown(16)) { Command += "$"; return; } else { Command += "4"; } return; } if (args.WParam == 53) { if (Game.IsKeyDown(16)) { Command += "%"; return; } else { Command += "5"; } return; } if (args.WParam == 54) { if (Game.IsKeyDown(16)) { Command += "^"; return; } else { Command += "6"; } return; } if (args.WParam == 55) { if (Game.IsKeyDown(16)) { Command += "&"; return; } else { Command += "7"; } return; } if (args.WParam == 56) { if (Game.IsKeyDown(16)) { Command += "*"; return; } else { Command += "8"; } return; } if (args.WParam == 57) { if (Game.IsKeyDown(16)) { Command += "("; return; } else { Command += "9"; } return; } if (args.WParam == 48) { if (Game.IsKeyDown(16)) { Command += ")"; return; } else { Command += "0"; } return; } if (args.WParam == 189) { if (Game.IsKeyDown(16)) { Command += "_"; return; } else { Command += "-"; } return; } if (args.WParam == 187) { if (Game.IsKeyDown(16)) { Command += "+"; return; } else { Command += "="; } return; } if (args.WParam == 192) { if (Game.IsKeyDown(16)) { Command += "~"; return; } else { Command += "`"; } return; } if (args.WParam == 45 || args.WParam == 46 || args.WParam == 19 || args.WParam == 36 || args.WParam == 35 || args.WParam == 34 || args.WParam == 33 || args.WParam == 93 || args.WParam == 91 || args.WParam == 17 || args.WParam == 9 || args.WParam == 16 || args.WParam == 112 || args.WParam == 113 || args.WParam == 114 || args.WParam == 115 || args.WParam == 116 || args.WParam == 117 || args.WParam == 118 || args.WParam == 119 || args.WParam == 120 || args.WParam == 121 || args.WParam == 122 || args.WParam == 123) { return; } if (args.WParam == 27) { Command = ""; return; } if (args.WParam == 107) { Command = "+"; return; } if (args.WParam == 109) { Command = "-"; return; } if (args.WParam == 106) { Command = "*"; return; } if (args.WParam == 219) { Command = "é"; return; } if (Game.IsKeyDown(16)) { Command += Utils.KeyToText((uint)args.WParam).ToUpper(); return; } else { Command += Utils.KeyToText((uint)args.WParam).ToLower(); } return; } } }
//file 선택 후 binary stream 읽고 parsing public void eventlog_parsing_max_xt() { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Title = "file open"; ofd.FileName = "test"; ofd.Filter = "event log 파일|*.evl"; DialogResult dr = ofd.ShowDialog(); if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { dt = new DataTable(); fileName = ofd.SafeFileName; filePath = ofd.FileName; FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(filePath); fileLength = fi.Length; if (!fileName.Contains("MX")) { MessageBox.Show("Wrong file!"); } else { BinaryReader rdr = new BinaryReader(File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open)); byte[] Header_bytes = new byte[2]; byte[] info_bytes = new byte[18]; rdr.BaseStream.Position = 0; int i = 0; SetUpData(); while (rdr.BaseStream.Position < fileLength) { do { Header_bytes[i] = rdr.ReadByte(); } while (Header_bytes[i] == 0xff); if (i > 0 && Char.ConvertFromUtf32(Header_bytes[i - 1]) == "S" && Char.ConvertFromUtf32(Header_bytes[i]) == "N") { string sn = ""; int h_cnt = 0; string size = ""; byte s; //header while (rdr.BaseStream.Position < fileLength) { s = rdr.ReadByte(); //serial number if (h_cnt == 0 && s == 0x3a) { s = rdr.ReadByte(); while (s != 13) { sn += Char.ConvertFromUtf32(s); s = rdr.ReadByte(); } } //size if (h_cnt == 4 && s == 0x3a) { s = rdr.ReadByte(); while (s != 13) { size += Char.ConvertFromUtf32(s); s = rdr.ReadByte(); } } if (s == 0x0d && rdr.ReadByte() == 0x0a) { h_cnt++; } if (h_cnt == 5) { break; } } //eventlog parsing int sz = Convert.ToInt32(size); do { info_bytes = rdr.ReadBytes(18); sz -= 18; if (info_bytes[0] != 0xff) { string[] reverse = new string[18]; string date_bytes; BitArray bits = new BitArray(info_bytes); for (int n = 0; n < 144; n++) { reverse[n / 8] = make_bit(bits[n]) + reverse[n / 8]; } date_bytes = reverse[0] + reverse[1] + reverse[2] + reverse[3]; int hour = Convert.ToInt32(date_bytes.Substring(16, 4), 2); if (date_bytes.Substring(0, 1).Equals("1")) { hour += 12; } DateTime date_time = new DateTime((2000 + Convert.ToInt32(date_bytes.Substring(1, 6), 2)), Convert.ToInt32(date_bytes.Substring(7, 4), 2), Convert.ToInt32(date_bytes.Substring(11, 5), 2), hour, Convert.ToInt32(date_bytes.Substring(20, 6), 2), Convert.ToInt32(date_bytes.Substring(26, 6), 2)); int duration = Convert.ToInt32((reverse[4] + reverse[5]).Substring(1, 15), 2); //string bump = chk_bump(reverse[4].Substring(0, 1)); string H2S_status = status(reverse[6]); float H2S_Peak = gas_reading(reverse[6], reverse[7], reverse[8]); string CO_status = status(reverse[9]); float CO_Peak = gas_reading(reverse[9], reverse[10], reverse[11]); string O2_status = status(reverse[12]); float O2_Peak = gas_reading(reverse[12], reverse[13], reverse[14]); string LEL_status = status(reverse[15]); float LEL_Peak = gas_reading(reverse[15], reverse[16], reverse[17]); dt.Rows.Add(sn, date_time.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), "Peak Exposure", duration, H2S_status, H2S_Peak, CO_status, CO_Peak, O2_status, O2_Peak, LEL_status, LEL_Peak); } } while (sz >= 18); } i += 1; i = i % 2; } rdr.Close(); } } }
void __clickEmoji2(EventContext context) { GButton item = (GButton); _input2.ReplaceSelection(Char.ConvertFromUtf32(Convert.ToInt32(UIPackage.GetItemByURL(item.icon).name, 16))); }
static string fromCharCode(int c) { return(Char.ConvertFromUtf32(c)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Wklej adres strony:"); string url, folder = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\images\"; List <string> exts = new List <string>() { ".jpg", ".png" }; List <string> attributes = new List <string>() { "data-media-s4", "data-media-s3", "data-media-s2", "data-media-s1", "data-src-mobile", "srcset", "data-src-pc", "src" }; try { Directory.CreateDirectory(folder); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { Console.WriteLine("Brak uprawnień\r\nUruchom jako administrator albo zmień lokalizację programu"); return; } while (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(url = Console.ReadLine())) { if (url[0] == '\n') { break; } Uri uriResult; if (Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out uriResult) && (uriResult.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttp || uriResult.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttps)) { string subFolder = folder + uriResult.Host + @"\"; for (int i = 0; i < uriResult.Segments.Length; i++) { subFolder += uriResult.Segments[i] + @"\"; } Directory.CreateDirectory(subFolder); using (ExcelPackage excel = new ExcelPackage()) { if (excel.Workbook.Worksheets["Images"] == null) { excel.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Images"); } var worksheet = excel.Workbook.Worksheets["Images"]; List <string[]> rows = new List <string[]>() { new string[] { "Lp", "Url", "File name", "File extension", "Size(kB)", "HTML tag", "attribute", "Alt" } }; HtmlNode html = LoadHtmlDocument(uriResult); List <HtmlNode> nodes = new List <HtmlNode>(); if (html != null) { nodes.Add(html); } List <string> fileNames = new List <string>(); List <ImageInfo> images = GetImagesInfo(nodes, exts, attributes, subFolder); int i = 1, duplicates = 0; foreach (ImageInfo image in images) { string[] row = new string[8]; row[0] = i.ToString(); row[1] = image.Uri.ToString(); row[2] = image.FileInfo.Name.Substring(0, image.FileInfo.Name.LastIndexOf(".")); row[3] = image.FileInfo.Extension; row[5] = image.Name; row[6] = image.Attribute; row[7] = image.Alt; if (fileNames.Contains(image.FileInfo.Name)) { duplicates++; } else { Console.WriteLine($"Saving as {image.FileInfo.FullName}"); if (!DownloadImage(image.FileInfo.Directory.ToString(), image.Uri, new WebClient())) { continue; } } if (File.Exists(image.FileInfo.FullName)) { row[4] = Math.Round(image.FileInfo.Length / 1024f).ToString(); fileNames.Add(image.FileInfo.Name); } rows.Add(row); i++; } ; string headerRange = "A1:" + Char.ConvertFromUtf32(rows[0].Length + 64) + "1"; worksheet.Cells[headerRange].LoadFromArrays(rows); worksheet.Cells[$"A1:{'A'+ Char.ConvertFromUtf32(rows[0].Length + 64)}{i+1}"].AutoFitColumns(); int groupIndex = 0; foreach (var group in images.GroupBy(x => x.Parent)) { if (groupIndex % 2 == 1) { int min = 0, max = 0; min = group.Min(x => images.IndexOf(x)) + 2; max = group.Max(x => images.IndexOf(x)) + 2; var test = $"A{min}:{'A' + Char.ConvertFromUtf32(rows[0].Length + 64)}{max}"; worksheet.Cells[$"A{min}:{'A' + Char.ConvertFromUtf32(rows[0].Length + 64)}{max}"].Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid; worksheet.Cells[$"A{min}:{'A' + Char.ConvertFromUtf32(rows[0].Length + 64)}{max}"].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.LightGray); } groupIndex += 1; } string fileName = ""; for (int j = 0; j < uriResult.Segments.Length; j++) { fileName += uriResult.Segments[j]; } fileName = fileName.Replace("/", "-"); if (fileName.Length > 100) { fileName = fileName.Substring(0, 100); } try { excel.SaveAs(new FileInfo(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/Images-cc" + fileName + ".xlsx")); Console.WriteLine($"\r\n\r\nLiczba obrazków na stronie(bez <noscript></noscript>): {images.Count}"); Console.WriteLine($"Liczba tagów <picture>: {images.Where(x => x.Name == "source").GroupBy(x => x.Parent).Select(x => x.First()).Count()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Liczba tagów <img>: {images.Where(x => x.Name == "img" && x.Parent.Name != "picture").GroupBy(x => x.Parent).Select(x => x.First()).Count()}"); Console.WriteLine($"\r\nZapisano do .xlsx: { i - 1 }"); Console.WriteLine($"Duplikatów: {duplicates}\r\n"); Console.WriteLine($"Pobrano plików: {fileNames.GroupBy(x => x).Select(x => x.First()).Count()}\r\n\r\nKoniec\r\n\r\nWklej kolejny adres strony"); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Nie można nadpisać pliku xlsx, prawdopodobnie jest używany przez inny proces"); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Zły adres(tylko http/https)"); } } }
private static void imprimePlanilhaConcatenada(IEnumerable <PlanilhaCoordenadas> planilhaJoin, IEnumerable <LojaImportacao> lojas, IEnumerable <LojaImportacao> lojaSemFim) { using (ExcelPackage excel = new ExcelPackage()) { excel.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Planilha comparada com KML"); excel.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Worksheet2"); excel.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Lojas Sem Fim no Mapa"); List <string[]> headerRowPlanilha1 = new List <string[]>() { new string[] { "Loja", "Cidade", "coordenada KML", "coordenanda Poligono", "coordenada Mapa", "potencial", "loja", "cidade", "regional", "nome reduzido" } }; List <string[]> headerRowPlanilha2 = new List <string[]>() { new string[] { "Loja", "Cidade", "coordenada KML", "coordenanda Poligono", "coordenada Mapa" } }; // Determine the header range (e.g. A1:D1) string headerRange1 = "A1:" + Char.ConvertFromUtf32(headerRowPlanilha1[0].Length + 64) + "1"; string headerRange2 = "A1:" + Char.ConvertFromUtf32(headerRowPlanilha2[0].Length + 64) + "1"; // Target a worksheet ExcelWorksheet worksheet1 = excel.Workbook.Worksheets["Planilha comparada com KML"]; ExcelWorksheet worksheet2 = excel.Workbook.Worksheets["Worksheet2"]; ExcelWorksheet worksheet3 = excel.Workbook.Worksheets["Lojas Sem Fim no Mapa"]; // Popular header row data worksheet1.Cells[headerRange1].LoadFromArrays(headerRowPlanilha1); worksheet2.Cells[headerRange2].LoadFromArrays(headerRowPlanilha2); worksheet1.Cells[2, 1].LoadFromCollection <PlanilhaCoordenadas>(planilhaJoin); worksheet2.Cells[2, 1].LoadFromCollection <LojaImportacao>(lojas); if (lojaSemFim.Count() > 0) { worksheet3.Cells[headerRange2].LoadFromArrays(headerRowPlanilha2); worksheet3.Cells[2, 1].LoadFromCollection <LojaImportacao>(lojaSemFim); } FileInfo excelFile = new FileInfo(@"C:\Users\thiago.hpereira\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\Teco\Lojas18-03-19.xlsx"); excel.SaveAs(excelFile); } }
protected static string ParseString(char[] json, bool sanitarizeHtml, ref int index, ref bool success) { var s = new StringBuilder(BuilderCapacity); EatWhitespace(json, ref index); // " char c = json[index++]; bool complete = false; while (!complete) { if (index == json.Length) { break; } c = json[index++]; if (c == '"') { complete = true; break; } if (c == '\\') { if (index == json.Length) { break; } c = json[index++]; if (c == '"') { s.Append('"'); } else if (c == '\\') { s.Append('\\'); } else if (c == '/') { s.Append('/'); } else if (c == 'b') { s.Append('\b'); } else if (c == 'f') { s.Append('\f'); } else if (c == 'n') { s.Append('\n'); } else if (c == 'r') { s.Append('\r'); } else if (c == 't') { s.Append('\t'); } else if (c == 'u') { int remainingLength = json.Length - index; if (remainingLength >= 4) { // parse the 32 bit hex into an integer codepoint uint codePoint; if (!(success = UInt32.TryParse(new string(json, index, 4), NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out codePoint))) { return(""); } // convert the integer codepoint to a unicode char and add to string s.Append(Char.ConvertFromUtf32((int)codePoint)); // skip 4 chars index += 4; } else { break; } } } else { s.Append(c); } } if (!complete) { success = false; CommonFunctions.CatchExceptions(new Exception("JSON parser error Decode JSON. ParseString"), string.Format("json={0} index={1}", CommonFunctions.CharToString(json), index)); return(null); } return(sanitarizeHtml ? HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(Sanitizer.GetSafeHtmlFragment(s.ToString().Replace(" ", " ")).Replace(" ", " ")) : s.ToString()); }
public static string FromRStringLiteral(this string s) { if (s.Length < 2) { throw new FormatException("Not a quoted R string literal"); } char quote = s[0]; if (s[s.Length - 1] != quote) { throw new FormatException("Mismatching quotes"); } var sb = new StringBuilder(); bool escape = false; for (int i = 1; i < s.Length - 1; ++i) { char c = s[i]; if (escape) { // switch (c) { case 'n': sb.Append("\n"); break; case 'r': sb.Append("\r"); break; case 't': sb.Append("\t"); break; case 'b': sb.Append("\b"); break; case 'a': sb.Append("\a"); break; case 'f': sb.Append("\f"); break; case 'v': sb.Append("\v"); break; case 'x': // 1 to 2 hex digits, lowercase or uppercase if (i < s.Length - 1) { int val; if (HexCharToDecimal(s[i + 1], out val)) { i++; if (i < s.Length - 1) { int nextVal; if (HexCharToDecimal(s[i + 1], out nextVal)) { i++; val = (val << 4) | nextVal; } } sb.Append(Char.ConvertFromUtf32(val)); } else { throw new FormatException("Expected hex character"); } } else { throw new FormatException("Unexpected end of string"); } break; case '\\': sb.Append(c); break; case '"': sb.Append(c); break; case '\'': sb.Append(c); break; default: if (c >= '0' && c <= '7') { // 1 to 3 octal digits int val = c - '0'; if (i < s.Length - 1) { char next = s[i + 1]; if (next >= '0' && next <= '7') { i++; val = (val << 3) | (next - '0'); if (i < s.Length - 1) { next = s[i + 1]; if (next >= '0' && next <= '7') { i++; val = (val << 3) | (next - '0'); } } } } sb.Append(char.ConvertFromUtf32(val)); break; } throw new FormatException("Unrecognized escape sequence"); } escape = false; } else { if (c == quote) { throw new FormatException("Unescaped embedded quote"); } else if (c == '\\') { escape = true; } else { sb.Append(c); } } } return(sb.ToString()); }
public void JavaScriptStringEncode_DoesNotOutputHtmlSensitiveCharacters() { // Per the design document, we provide additional defense-in-depth // by never emitting HTML-sensitive characters unescaped. // Arrange JavaScriptStringEncoder javaScriptStringEncoder = new JavaScriptStringEncoder(UnicodeRanges.All); HtmlEncoder htmlEncoder = new HtmlEncoder(UnicodeRanges.All); // Act & assert for (int i = 0; i <= 0x10FFFF; i++) { if (IsSurrogateCodePoint(i)) { continue; // surrogates don't matter here } string javaScriptStringEncoded = javaScriptStringEncoder.JavaScriptStringEncode(Char.ConvertFromUtf32(i)); string thenHtmlEncoded = htmlEncoder.HtmlEncode(javaScriptStringEncoded); Assert.Equal(javaScriptStringEncoded, thenHtmlEncoded); // should have contained no HTML-sensitive characters } }
/// <summary> /// Strip RTF Tags from RTF Text /// </summary> /// <param name="inputRtf">RTF formatted text</param> /// <returns>Plain text from RTF</returns> public static string StripRichTextFormat(string inputRtf) { if (inputRtf == null) { return(null); } string returnString; var stack = new Stack <StackEntry>(); bool ignorable = false; // Whether this group (and all inside it) are "ignorable". int ucskip = 1; // Number of ASCII characters to skip after a unicode character. int curskip = 0; // Number of ASCII characters left to skip var outList = new List <string>(); // Output buffer. Match match = _rtfRegex.Match(inputRtf); if (!match.Success) { // Didn't match the regex return(inputRtf); } while (match.Success) { string word = match.Groups[1].Value; string arg = match.Groups[2].Value; string hex = match.Groups[3].Value; string character = match.Groups[4].Value; string brace = match.Groups[5].Value; string tchar = match.Groups[6].Value; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(brace)) { curskip = 0; if (brace == "{") { // Push state stack.Push(new StackEntry(ucskip, ignorable)); } else if (brace == "}") { // Pop state StackEntry entry = stack.Pop(); ucskip = entry.NumberOfCharactersToSkip; ignorable = entry.Ignorable; } } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(character)) // \x (not a letter) { curskip = 0; if (character == "~") { if (!ignorable) { outList.Add("\xA0"); } } else if ("{}\\".Contains(character)) { if (!ignorable) { outList.Add(character); } } else if (character == "*") { ignorable = true; } } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(word)) // \foo { curskip = 0; if (destinations.Contains(word)) { ignorable = true; } else if (ignorable) { } else if (specialCharacters.ContainsKey(word)) { outList.Add(specialCharacters[word]); } else if (word == "uc") { ucskip = Int32.Parse(arg); } else if (word == "u") { int c = Int32.Parse(arg); if (c < 0) { c += 0x10000; } outList.Add(Char.ConvertFromUtf32(c)); curskip = ucskip; } } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(hex)) // \'xx { if (curskip > 0) { curskip -= 1; } else if (!ignorable) { int c = Int32.Parse(hex, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); outList.Add(Char.ConvertFromUtf32(c)); } } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tchar)) { if (curskip > 0) { curskip -= 1; } else if (!ignorable) { outList.Add(tchar); } } // Get the next match match = match.NextMatch(); } returnString = String.Join(String.Empty, outList.ToArray()); return(returnString); }
protected static string parseString( char[] json, ref int index ) { string s = ""; char c; eatWhitespace( json, ref index ); // " c = json[index++]; bool complete = false; while( !complete ) { if( index == json.Length ) break; c = json[index++]; if( c == '"' ) { complete = true; break; } else if( c == '\\' ) { if( index == json.Length ) break; c = json[index++]; if( c == '"' ) { s += '"'; } else if( c == '\\' ) { s += '\\'; } else if( c == '/' ) { s += '/'; } else if( c == 'b' ) { s += '\b'; } else if( c == 'f' ) { s += '\f'; } else if( c == 'n' ) { s += '\n'; } else if( c == 'r' ) { s += '\r'; } else if( c == 't' ) { s += '\t'; } else if( c == 'u' ) { int remainingLength = json.Length - index; if( remainingLength >= 4 ) { char[] unicodeCharArray = new char[4]; Array.Copy( json, index, unicodeCharArray, 0, 4 ); uint codePoint = UInt32.Parse( new string( unicodeCharArray ), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber ); // convert the integer codepoint to a unicode char and add to string s += Char.ConvertFromUtf32( (int)codePoint ); // skip 4 chars index += 4; } else { break; } } } else { s += c; } } if( !complete ) return null; return s; }
public static string UnescapeString(string str) { if (str.IndexOf('\\') == -1) { return(str); //20131215 DKh 6.3% speed improvement in JSON Integration test - similar problem } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) { char c = str[i]; if ((i < str.Length - 1) && (c == '\\')) { i++; char n = str[i]; switch (n) { case '\\': sb.Append('\\'); break; case '0': sb.Append((char)CharCodes.Char0); break; case 'a': sb.Append((char)CharCodes.AlertBell); break; case 'b': sb.Append((char)CharCodes.Backspace); break; case 'f': sb.Append((char)CharCodes.Formfeed); break; case 'n': sb.Append((char)CharCodes.LF); break; case 'r': sb.Append((char)CharCodes.CR); break; case 't': sb.Append((char)CharCodes.Tab); break; case 'v': sb.Append((char)CharCodes.VerticalQuote); break; case 'u': // \uFFFF string hex = string.Empty; int cnt = 0; //loop through UNICODE hex number chars while ((i < str.Length - 1) && (cnt < 4)) { i++; hex += str[i]; cnt++; } try { sb.Append(Char.ConvertFromUtf32(Convert.ToInt32(hex, 16))); } catch { throw new StringEscapeErrorException(hex); } break; default: throw new StringEscapeErrorException(String.Format("{0}{1}", c, n)); } } else { sb.Append(c); } }//for return(sb.ToString()); }
//file 선택 public void eventlog_parsing_bwc() { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Title = "file open"; ofd.FileName = "test"; ofd.Filter = "event log 파일|*.evl|bin 파일|*.bin"; byte[] binfile; DialogResult dr = ofd.ShowDialog(); if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { dt = new DataTable(); fileName = ofd.SafeFileName; filePath = ofd.FileName; FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(filePath); fileLength = fi.Length; DataRow workRow; //.bin 파일 parsing if (Path.GetExtension(ofd.FileName) == ".bin") { SetUpData_bin(); int cnt = 0; binfile = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath); string sn = ""; int sz = binfile.Length; sz -= 40; cnt += 40; for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++) { sn += Convert.ToChar(binfile[i]); } while (sz >= 21) { workRow = dt.NewRow(); workRow[0] = sn; workRow[1] = bwTime(BitConverter.ToUInt32(binfile, 4 + cnt)); workRow[2] = bwTime(BitConverter.ToUInt32(binfile, 8 + cnt)); int mins = Convert.ToUInt16(binfile[14 + cnt]); int RemainMin = BitConverter.ToUInt16(binfile, 12 + cnt) * 30 + mins; workRow[3] = RemainMin; int days = RemainMin / 1440; int hrs = (RemainMin - (days * 1440)) / 60; workRow[4] = days + " days, " + hrs + " hrs, " + mins + " mins"; workRow[5] = "SO2"; string eventType = ""; switch (binfile[20 + cnt]) { case 0xa0: eventType = ("Peak Exposure"); break; case 0xa1: eventType = ("Bump Test"); break; case 0xa2: eventType = ("Zero Cal"); break; case 0xa3: eventType = ("Span Cal"); break; } workRow[6] = eventType; workRow[7] = Math.Round((((float)BitConverter.ToInt32(binfile, cnt) / 256)), 1); workRow[8] = BitConverter.ToInt16(binfile, cnt + 18); workRow[9] = Math.Round(((float)BitConverter.ToInt32(binfile, 18) / 256), 1); workRow[10] = Math.Round(((float)BitConverter.ToInt32(binfile, 22) / 256), 1); workRow[11] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(binfile, 30); workRow[12] = BitConverter.ToUInt32(binfile, 36) / 86400 + " days"; bool check_overlap = false; foreach (DataRow d in dt.Rows) { if (d[2].Equals(workRow[2])) { check_overlap = true; } } if (!check_overlap && !workRow[2].ToString().Contains("0/0/0")) { dt.Rows.Add(workRow); } sz -= 21; cnt += 21; } } //.evl 파일 parsing else if (Path.GetExtension(ofd.FileName) == ".evl") { if (filePath.Contains("BC")) { string[] log_distinct_bits = new string[fileLength / 8]; BinaryReader rdr = new BinaryReader(File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open)); byte[] Header_bytes = new byte[40]; byte[] info_bytes = new byte[21]; int i = 0; SetUpData(); while (rdr.BaseStream.Position < fileLength) { do { Header_bytes[i] = rdr.ReadByte(); } while (Header_bytes[i] == 0x00); if (i > 0 && Header_bytes[i - 1] == 0x53 && Header_bytes[i] == 0x4e) //find "SN" { string sn = ""; int header_cnt = 0; string s_size = ""; string dock_time = ""; string FW = ""; DateTime DockTime = new DateTime(); byte s; //Header(IDX) while (rdr.BaseStream.Position < fileLength) { s = rdr.ReadByte(); //serial number if (header_cnt == 0 && s == 0x3a) { s = rdr.ReadByte(); while (s != 0x0d) { sn += Char.ConvertFromUtf32(s); s = rdr.ReadByte(); } } //DockTime if (header_cnt == 1 && s == 0x3a) { s = rdr.ReadByte(); while (s != 0x0d) { dock_time += Char.ConvertFromUtf32(s); s = rdr.ReadByte(); } string[] logtime = dock_time.Split(':', ' ', '-'); DockTime = new DateTime(int.Parse(logtime[0]), int.Parse(logtime[1]), int.Parse(logtime[2]), int.Parse(logtime[3]), int.Parse(logtime[4]), int.Parse(logtime[5])); } //FW if (header_cnt == 2 && s == 0x3a) { s = rdr.ReadByte(); while (s != 0x0d) { FW += Char.ConvertFromUtf32(s); s = rdr.ReadByte(); } } //Size if (header_cnt == 4 && s == 0x3a) { s = rdr.ReadByte(); while (s != 0x0d) { s_size += Char.ConvertFromUtf32(s); s = rdr.ReadByte(); } } if (s == 0x0d && rdr.ReadByte() == 0x0a) { header_cnt++; } if (header_cnt == 5) { break; } } int sz = Convert.ToInt32(s_size); //Header(log) Header_bytes = rdr.ReadBytes(40); sz -= 40; //Data(log) while (sz >= 21) { workRow = dt.NewRow(); info_bytes = rdr.ReadBytes(21); sz -= 21; workRow[0] = sn; workRow[1] = FW; workRow[2] = bwTime(BitConverter.ToUInt32(info_bytes, 4)); workRow[3] = bwTime(BitConverter.ToUInt32(info_bytes, 8)); int mins = Convert.ToUInt16(info_bytes[14]); int RemainMin = BitConverter.ToUInt16(info_bytes, 12) * 30 + mins; workRow[4] = RemainMin; int days = RemainMin / 1440; int hrs = (RemainMin - (days * 1440)) / 60; workRow[5] = days + " days, " + hrs + " hrs, " + mins + " mins"; workRow[6] = "SO2"; //get event type string eventType = ""; switch (info_bytes[20]) { case 0xa0: eventType = ("Peak Exposure"); break; case 0xa1: eventType = ("Bump Test"); break; case 0xa2: eventType = ("Zero Cal"); break; case 0xa3: eventType = ("Span Cal"); break; } workRow[7] = eventType; workRow[8] = Math.Round((((float)BitConverter.ToInt32(info_bytes, 0) / 256)), 1); //Peak Gas Reading workRow[9] = BitConverter.ToInt16(info_bytes, 18); //Duration of Alarm (seconds) workRow[10] = Math.Round(((float)BitConverter.ToInt32(Header_bytes, 18) / 256), 1); //Low Alarm Pt workRow[11] = Math.Round(((float)BitConverter.ToInt32(Header_bytes, 22) / 256), 1); //High Alarm Pt workRow[12] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(Header_bytes, 30); //Total Unit Alarm Time (minutes) workRow[13] = BitConverter.ToUInt32(Header_bytes, 36) / 86400 + " days"; //Remaining Hibernate time bool check_overlap = false; foreach (DataRow d in dt.Rows) { if (d[2].Equals(workRow[2])) { check_overlap = true; } } if (!check_overlap && !workRow[2].ToString().Contains("0/0/0")) { dt.Rows.Add(workRow); } } } i++; i = i % 2; } rdr.Close(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Wrong File"); } } }
public override string ToString() { return(Char.ConvertFromUtf32(m_Unicode)); }
public string ParseString(char[] jsonChars, ref int index) { // " find end " ... add chars to string builder ... escape \", \t, \n , etc. => \\", \\t, \\n // return string formatted var result = new StringBuilder(); char c; // move to first " var stringToken = this.MoveAndGetNextToken(jsonChars, ref index); if (stringToken != JsonToken.String) { throw new JsonLibException("Invalid Json. Expected double quotes"); } bool stringClosed = false; while (!stringClosed) { if (index == jsonChars.Length) { break; } c = jsonChars[index]; index++; if (c == '"') { stringClosed = true; break; } else if (c == '\\') { if (index == jsonChars.Length) { break; } c = jsonChars[index]; index++; if (c == '"') { result.Append('"'); } else if (c == '\\') { result.Append('\\'); } else if (c == '/') { result.Append('/'); } else if (c == 'b') { result.Append('\b'); } else if (c == 'f') { result.Append('\f'); } else if (c == 'n') { result.Append('\n'); } else if (c == 'r') { result.Append('\r'); } else if (c == 't') { result.Append('\t'); } else if (c == 'u') { int remainingLength = jsonChars.Length - index; if (remainingLength >= 4) { if (!UInt32.TryParse(new string(jsonChars, index, 4), NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out uint codePoint)) { throw new JsonLibException("Invalid Json at index " + index); } result.Append(Char.ConvertFromUtf32((int)codePoint)); index += 4; } else { break; } } } else { result.Append(c); } } if (!stringClosed) { throw new JsonLibException("Invalid Json.String not closed at index " + index); } return(result.ToString()); }
public void TestConvertFromUtf32() { Assert.AreEqual("A", Char.ConvertFromUtf32(0x41), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual("\uD800\uDC00", Char.ConvertFromUtf32(0x10000), "#2"); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary> /// Construct the text arguments from a text event /// </summary> /// <param name="e">Text event</param> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public TextEventArgs(TextEvent e) { Unicode = Char.ConvertFromUtf32((int)e.Unicode); }
public void TestConvertFromUtf32Fail2() { Char.ConvertFromUtf32(0x110001); }
public static String ConvertFromUtf32(this Int32 utf32) { return(Char.ConvertFromUtf32(utf32)); }
// Perform lexical analysis using a classical deterministic finite state machine. private void Lex(TextReader reader) { var tempbuf = ""; var token = new StringBuilder(); var state = 0; var c = reader.Read(); var lastc = -1; var line = 1; var column = 0; var updatepos = true; while (c != -1) { var ch = (char)c; if (updatepos) { if (ch == '\n') { line++; column = 0; } else { column++; } } switch (state) { case 0: // Eat whitespace if (ch == '#') { state = 9; } else if ("+-*%".IndexOf(ch) != -1) { token.Append(ch); state = 10; } else if ("()[],;".IndexOf(ch) != -1) { tokens.Add(new Token(ch.ToString(), TokenType.Interpunction, new SourcePos(filename, line, column))); } else if (ch == '/') { state = 5; } else if ("<>=!".IndexOf(ch) != -1) { token.Append(ch); state = 2; } else if (ch == '"') { state = 3; } else if (ch == '\'') { state = 4; } else if (ch == '0') { state = 70; } else if ("123456789".IndexOf(ch) != -1) { token.Append(ch); state = 7; } else if (" \t\r\n".IndexOf(ch) == -1) { token.Append(ch); state = 1; } break; case 1: // normal token if ("()+-*/%[]<>=,;!\"' \t\r\n#".IndexOf(ch) != -1) { if (token.Length > 0) { var t = token.ToString(); if (t == "TRUE") { tokens.Add(new Token("TRUE", TokenType.Boolean, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - "TRUE".Length))); } else if (t == "FALSE") { tokens.Add(new Token("FALSE", TokenType.Boolean, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - "FALSE".Length))); } else if (Keywords.IsKeyword(t)) { tokens.Add(new Token(t, TokenType.Keyword, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - t.Length))); } else { tokens.Add(new Token(t, TokenType.Identifier, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - t.Length))); } token = new StringBuilder(); } lastc = c; state = 0; } else { token.Append(ch); if (token.ToString() == "...") { tokens.Add(new Token(token.ToString(), TokenType.Interpunction, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - token.Length))); token = new StringBuilder(); state = 0; } } break; case 2: // <>, <=, >=, ==, <<, >>, <<<, >>>, => if (ch == '=') { token.Append(ch); tokens.Add(new Token(token.ToString(), TokenType.Operator, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - token.Length + 1))); token = new StringBuilder(); state = 0; } else if (ch == '>' && token.ToString() == "=") { token.Append(ch); tokens.Add(new Token(token.ToString(), TokenType.Interpunction, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - token.Length + 1))); token = new StringBuilder(); state = 0; } else if (ch == '>' && token.ToString() == "<") { tokens.Add(new Token("<>", TokenType.Operator, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - 1))); token = new StringBuilder(); state = 0; } else if (ch == '*' && token.ToString() == "<") { tokens.Add(new Token("<*", TokenType.Interpunction, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - 1))); token = new StringBuilder(); state = 0; } else if (ch == '>' && token.ToString() == "!") { tokens.Add(new Token("!>", TokenType.Operator, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - 1))); token = new StringBuilder(); state = 0; } else if (ch == '<' && token.ToString() == "<") { token.Append(ch); state = 21; } else if (ch == '>' && token.ToString() == ">") { token.Append(ch); state = 21; } else { tokens.Add(new Token(token.ToString(), TokenType.Operator, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - token.Length))); token = new StringBuilder(); lastc = c; state = 0; } break; case 21: // <<, >>, <<<, >>> if (ch == '<' && token.ToString() == "<<") { tokens.Add(new Token("<<<", TokenType.Interpunction, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - 3))); token = new StringBuilder(); state = 0; } else if (ch == '>' && token.ToString() == ">>") { tokens.Add(new Token(">>>", TokenType.Interpunction, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - 3))); token = new StringBuilder(); state = 0; } else { tokens.Add(new Token(token.ToString(), TokenType.Interpunction, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - token.Length))); token = new StringBuilder(); lastc = c; state = 0; } break; case 3: // double quotes if (ch == '"') { tokens.Add(new Token(token.ToString(), TokenType.String, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - token.Length - 2 + 1))); token = new StringBuilder(); state = 0; } else if (ch == '\\') { state = 31; } else { token.Append(ch); } break; case 31: // double quotes escapes if (ch == 'n') { token.Append("\n"); state = 3; } else if (ch == 'r') { token.Append('\r'); state = 3; } else if (ch == 't') { token.Append('\t'); state = 3; } else if (ch == 'x') { state = 311; } else { token.Append(ch); state = 3; } break; case 311: tempbuf = ch.ToString(); state = 312; break; case 312: tempbuf += ch.ToString(); token.Append(Char.ConvertFromUtf32(Convert.ToInt32(tempbuf, 16))); state = 3; break; case 4: // single quote if (ch == '\'') { tokens.Add(new Token(token.ToString(), TokenType.String, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - token.Length - 2 + 1))); token = new StringBuilder(); state = 0; } else if (ch == '\\') { state = 41; } else { token.Append(ch); } break; case 41: // single quotes escapes if (ch == 'n') { token.Append("\n"); state = 4; } else if (ch == 'r') { token.Append('\r'); state = 4; } else if (ch == 't') { token.Append('\t'); state = 4; } else if (ch == 'x') { state = 411; } else { token.Append(ch); state = 4; } break; case 411: tempbuf = ch.ToString(); state = 412; break; case 412: tempbuf += ch.ToString(); token.Append(Char.ConvertFromUtf32(Convert.ToInt32(tempbuf, 16))); state = 4; break; case 5: // check for pattern if (ch == '/') { token.Append("//"); state = 6; } else if (ch == '=') { tokens.Add(new Token("/=", TokenType.Operator, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - 1))); state = 0; } else { tokens.Add(new Token("/", TokenType.Operator, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - 1))); lastc = c; state = 0; } break; case 6: // pattern token.Append(ch); if (token.ToString().EndsWith("//")) { tokens.Add(new Token(token.ToString(), TokenType.Pattern, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - token.Length - 4 + 1))); token = new StringBuilder(); state = 0; } break; case 7: // int or decimal if (ch == '.') { token.Append(ch); state = 8; } else if ("0123456789_".IndexOf(ch) != -1) { token.Append(ch); } else if ("()[]<>=! \t\n\r+-*/%,;#".IndexOf(ch) != -1) { tokens.Add(new Token(token.ToString().Replace("_", ""), TokenType.Int, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - token.Length))); token = new StringBuilder(); lastc = c; state = 0; } else { token.Append(ch); state = 1; } break; case 70: // int, decimal or hex/binary int literal if (ch == 'x') { state = 71; // hex int literal } else if (ch == 'b') { state = 72; // binary int literal } else { token.Append('0'); lastc = c; state = 7; } break; case 71: // hex int literal if ("0123456789abcdefABCDEF_".IndexOf(ch) != -1) { token.Append(ch); } else if ("()[]<>=! \t\n\r+-*/%,;#".IndexOf(ch) != -1) { tokens.Add(new Token(Convert.ToUInt64(token.ToString().Replace("_", ""), 16).ToString(), TokenType.Int, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - token.Length))); token = new StringBuilder(); lastc = c; state = 0; } else { token.Append(ch); state = 1; } break; case 72: // binary int literal if ("01_".IndexOf(ch) != -1) { token.Append(ch); } else if ("()[]<>=! \t\n\r+-*/%,;#".IndexOf(ch) != -1) { tokens.Add(new Token(Convert.ToUInt64(token.ToString().Replace("_", ""), 2).ToString(), TokenType.Int, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - token.Length))); token = new StringBuilder(); lastc = c; state = 0; } else { token.Append(ch); state = 1; } break; case 8: // decimal if ("0123456789_".IndexOf(ch) != -1) { token.Append(ch); } else if ("()[]<>=! \t\n\r+-*/%,;#".IndexOf(ch) != -1) { tokens.Add(new Token(token.ToString().Replace("_", ""), TokenType.Decimal, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - token.Length))); token = new StringBuilder(); lastc = c; state = 0; } else { token.Append(ch); state = 1; } break; case 9: // comment if (ch == '\n') { state = 0; } break; case 10: // potentially composite assign, ->, *> if (ch == '=') { token.Append(ch); tokens.Add(new Token(token.ToString(), TokenType.Operator, new SourcePos(filename, line, column))); token = new StringBuilder(); state = 0; } else if (token.ToString() == "-" && ch == '>') { tokens.Add(new Token("->", TokenType.Operator, new SourcePos(filename, line, column))); token = new StringBuilder(); state = 0; } else if (token.ToString() == "*" && ch == '>') { tokens.Add(new Token("*>", TokenType.Interpunction, new SourcePos(filename, line, column))); token = new StringBuilder(); state = 0; } else { tokens.Add(new Token(token.ToString(), TokenType.Operator, new SourcePos(filename, line, column))); token = new StringBuilder(); lastc = c; state = 0; } break; } if (lastc != -1) { c = lastc; lastc = -1; updatepos = false; } else { c = reader.Read(); updatepos = true; } } if (token.Length > 0) { var t = token.ToString(); switch (state) { case 1: if (t == "TRUE") { tokens.Add(new Token("TRUE", TokenType.Boolean, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - "TRUE".Length))); } else if (t == "FALSE") { tokens.Add(new Token("FALSE", TokenType.Boolean, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - "FALSE".Length))); } else if (Keywords.IsKeyword(t)) { tokens.Add(new Token(t, TokenType.Keyword, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - t.Length))); } else if (Operators.IsOperator(t)) { tokens.Add(new Token(t, TokenType.Operator, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - t.Length))); } else { tokens.Add(new Token(t, TokenType.Identifier, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - t.Length))); } break; case 21: tokens.Add(new Token(t, TokenType.Interpunction, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - t.Length))); break; case 3: case 4: tokens.Add(new Token(t, TokenType.String, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - t.Length - 2))); break; case 7: tokens.Add(new Token(t.Replace("_", ""), TokenType.Int, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - t.Length))); break; case 71: tokens.Add(new Token(Convert.ToUInt64(t.Replace("_", ""), 16).ToString(), TokenType.Int, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - t.Length))); break; case 72: tokens.Add(new Token(Convert.ToUInt64(t.Replace("_", ""), 2).ToString(), TokenType.Int, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - t.Length))); break; case 8: tokens.Add(new Token(t.Replace("_", ""), TokenType.Decimal, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - t.Length))); break; case 9: // ignore comment break; default: if (Keywords.IsKeyword(t)) { tokens.Add(new Token(t, TokenType.Keyword, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - t.Length))); } else if (Operators.IsOperator(t)) { tokens.Add(new Token(t, TokenType.Operator, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - t.Length))); } else { tokens.Add(new Token(t, TokenType.Identifier, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - t.Length))); } break; } } else if (state == 70) { tokens.Add(new Token("0", TokenType.Int, new SourcePos(filename, line, column - 1))); } }
/// <summary> /// Reads a JSON string /// </summary> /// <param name="expectedType"></param> /// <returns>string or value which is represented as a string in JSON</returns> private object ReadString(Type expectedType) { if (this.Source[this.index] != JsonReader.OperatorStringDelim && this.Source[this.index] != JsonReader.OperatorStringDelimAlt) { throw new JsonDeserializationException(JsonReader.ErrorExpectedString, this.index); } char startStringDelim = this.Source[this.index]; // consume opening quote this.index++; if (this.index >= this.SourceLength) { throw new JsonDeserializationException(JsonReader.ErrorUnterminatedString, this.index); } int start = this.index; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); while (this.Source[this.index] != startStringDelim) { if (this.Source[this.index] == JsonReader.OperatorCharEscape) { // copy chunk before decoding builder.Append(this.Source, start, this.index - start); // consume escape char this.index++; if (this.index >= this.SourceLength) { throw new JsonDeserializationException(JsonReader.ErrorUnterminatedString, this.index); } // decode switch (this.Source[this.index]) { case '0': { // don't allow NULL char '\0' // causes CStrings to terminate break; } case 'b': { // backspace builder.Append('\b'); break; } case 'f': { // formfeed builder.Append('\f'); break; } case 'n': { // newline builder.Append('\n'); break; } case 'r': { // carriage return builder.Append('\r'); break; } case 't': { // tab builder.Append('\t'); break; } case 'u': { // Unicode escape sequence // e.g. Copyright: "\u00A9" try { // unicode ordinal int utf16; if (this.index + 4 < this.SourceLength && Int32.TryParse( this.Source.Substring(this.index + 1, 4), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, out utf16)) { builder.Append(Char.ConvertFromUtf32(utf16)); this.index += 4; } else { // using FireFox style recovery, if not a valid hex // escape sequence then treat as single escaped 'u' // followed by rest of string builder.Append(this.Source[this.index]); } } //Adding emoji support on reading. catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { String cleanHex = Source.Substring(index - 1, 12).Replace("\\u", ""); var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < cleanHex.Length; i += 4) { string temp = cleanHex.Substring(i, 4); char character = (char)Convert.ToInt16(temp, 16); stringBuilder.Append(character); } builder.Append(stringBuilder); index += 10; } break; } default: { builder.Append(this.Source[this.index]); break; } } this.index++; if (this.index >= this.SourceLength) { throw new JsonDeserializationException(JsonReader.ErrorUnterminatedString, this.index); } start = this.index; } else { // next char this.index++; if (this.index >= this.SourceLength) { throw new JsonDeserializationException(JsonReader.ErrorUnterminatedString, this.index); } } } // copy rest of string builder.Append(this.Source, start, this.index - start); // consume closing quote this.index++; if (expectedType != null && expectedType != typeof(String)) { return(this.Settings.Coercion.CoerceType(expectedType, builder.ToString())); } return(builder.ToString()); }
public void TestStringLarge() { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var avg = 0.0; Random random = new Random(); var sb = new StringBuilder(1000 * 1000 * 200); // large size string for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { sb.Length = 0; int len = ( int )random.Next() % 100 + (1 << 24); for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) { sb.Append('a' + (( int )random.Next()) & 26); } avg = (avg + sb.Length) / 2.0; TestString(sb.ToString()); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Large String ({1:#,###.0} chars): {0:0.###} msec/object", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 10.0, avg); sw.Reset(); GC.Collect(); sw.Start(); avg = 0.0; // large size string for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { sb.Length = 0; int len = ( int )random.Next() % 100 + (1 << 24); for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) { sb.Append('a' + (( int )random.Next()) & 26); } avg = (avg + sb.Length) / 2.0; TestString(sb.ToString(), Encoding.Unicode); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Large String (UTF-16LE) ({1:#,###.0}): {0:0.###} msec/object", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 10.0, avg); sw.Reset(); GC.Collect(); sw.Start(); // Non-ASCII avg = 0.0; // medium size string for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { sb.Length = 0; int len = ( int )random.Next() % 100 + (1 << 8); for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) { var cp = random.Next(0x10ffff); if (0xd800 <= cp && cp <= 0xdfff) { cp /= 2; } sb.Append(Char.ConvertFromUtf32(cp)); } avg = (avg + sb.Length) / 2.0; TestString(sb.ToString()); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Medium String (Non-ASCII) ({1:#.0}): {0:0.###} msec/object", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 100.0, avg); }
public static void DisplayRange(uint start, uint end) { const uint upperRange = 0x10FFFF; const uint surrogateStart = 0xD800; const uint surrogateEnd = 0xDFFF; if (end <= start) { uint t = start; start = end; end = t; } // Check whether the start or end range is outside of last plane. if (start > upperRange) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("0x{0:X5} is outside the upper range of Unicode code points (0x{1:X5})", start, upperRange)); } if (end > upperRange) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("0x{0:X5} is outside the upper range of Unicode code points (0x{0:X5})", end, upperRange)); } // Since we're using 21-bit code points, we can't use U+D800 to U+DFFF. if ((start <surrogateStart& end> surrogateStart) || (start >= surrogateStart & start <= surrogateEnd)) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("0x{0:X5}-0x{1:X5} includes the surrogate pair range 0x{2:X5}-0x{3:X5}", start, end, surrogateStart, surrogateEnd)); } uint last = RoundUpToMultipleOf(0x10, end); uint first = RoundDownToMultipleOf(0x10, start); uint rows = (last - first) / 0x10; for (uint r = 0; r < rows; ++r) { // Display the row header. Console.Write("{0:x5} ", first + 0x10 * r); for (uint c = 0; c < 0x10; ++c) { uint cur = (first + 0x10 * r + c); if (cur < start) { Console.Write(" {0} ", Convert.ToChar(0x20)); } else if (end < cur) { Console.Write(" {0} ", Convert.ToChar(0x20)); } else { // the cast to int is safe, since we know that val <= upperRange. String chars = Char.ConvertFromUtf32((int)cur); // Display a space for code points that are not valid characters. if (CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(chars[0]) == UnicodeCategory.OtherNotAssigned) { Console.Write(" {0} ", Convert.ToChar(0x20)); } // Display a space for code points in the private use area. else if (CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(chars[0]) == UnicodeCategory.PrivateUse) { Console.Write(" {0} ", Convert.ToChar(0x20)); } // Is surrogate pair a valid character? // Note that the console will interpret the high and low surrogate // as separate (and unrecognizable) characters. else if (chars.Length > 1 && CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(chars, 0) == UnicodeCategory.OtherNotAssigned) { Console.Write(" {0} ", Convert.ToChar(0x20)); } else { Console.Write(" {0} ", chars); } } switch (c) { case 3: case 11: Console.Write("-"); break; case 7: Console.Write("--"); break; } } Console.WriteLine(); if (0 < r && r % 0x10 == 0) { Console.WriteLine(); } } }
protected string ParseString(char[] json, ref int index) { string s = ""; char c; EatWhitespace(json, ref index); // " c = json[index++]; bool complete = false; while (!complete) { if (index == json.Length) { break; } c = json[index++]; if (c == '"') { complete = true; break; } else if (c == '\\') { if (index == json.Length) { break; } c = json[index++]; if (c == '"') { s += '"'; } else if (c == '\\') { s += '\\'; } else if (c == '/') { s += '/'; } else if (c == 'b') { s += '\b'; } else if (c == 'f') { s += '\f'; } else if (c == 'n') { s += '\n'; } else if (c == 'r') { s += '\r'; } else if (c == 't') { s += '\t'; } else if (c == 'u') { int remainingLength = json.Length - index; if (remainingLength >= 4) { // fetch the next 4 chars char[] unicodeCharArray = new char[4]; Array.Copy(json, index, unicodeCharArray, 0, 4); // parse the 32 bit hex into an integer codepoint uint codePoint = UInt32.Parse(new string(unicodeCharArray), NumberStyles.HexNumber); // convert the integer codepoint to a unicode char and add to string s += Char.ConvertFromUtf32((int)codePoint); // skip 4 chars index += 4; } else { break; } } } else { s += c; } } if (!complete) { return(null); } return(s); }
public void Export() { var workbook = new XLWorkbook(); var ws = workbook.Worksheets.Add("PO Details"); ws.Cell("A1").Value = "PO Number"; ws.Cell("A1").Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; ws.Cell("A1").Style.Alignment.Vertical = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center; ws.Range("A1:A2").Merge(); ws.Cell("B1").Value = "Manufacturer"; ws.Cell("B1").Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; ws.Cell("B1").Style.Alignment.Vertical = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center; ws.Range("B1:B2").Merge(); ws.Cell("C1").Value = "Season code"; ws.Cell("C1").Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; ws.Cell("C1").Style.Alignment.Vertical = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center; ws.Range("C1:C2").Merge(); ws.Cell("D1").Value = "Material"; ws.Cell("D1").Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; ws.Cell("D1").Style.Alignment.Vertical = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center; ws.Range("D1:D2").Merge(); ws.Cell("E1").Value = "Material Description"; ws.Cell("E1").Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; ws.Cell("E1").Style.Alignment.Vertical = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center; ws.Range("E1:E2").Merge(); ws.Cell("F1").Value = "Plan Ex-fty"; ws.Cell("F1").Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; ws.Cell("F1").Style.Alignment.Vertical = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center; //ws.Cell("F1").Style.NumberFormat.Format = "dd-mmm-yy"; ws.Column(6).Style.NumberFormat.Format = "dd-mmm-yy"; ws.Range("F1:F2").Merge(); ws.Cell("G1").Value = "Original Ex-fty"; ws.Cell("G1").Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; ws.Cell("G1").Style.Alignment.Vertical = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center; ws.Range("G1:G2").Merge(); ws.Cell("H1").Value = "Total PO qty"; ws.Cell("H1").Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; ws.Cell("H1").Style.Alignment.Vertical = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center; ws.Range("H1:H2").Merge(); ws.Cell("I1").Value = "PO unit price"; ws.Cell("I1").Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; ws.Cell("I1").Style.Alignment.Vertical = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center; ws.Range("I1:I2").Merge(); ws.Cell("J1").Value = "Delivery Address"; ws.Cell("J1").Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; ws.Cell("J1").Style.Alignment.Vertical = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center; ws.Range("J1:J2").Merge(); ws.Cell("K1").Value = "Trans Mode"; ws.Cell("K1").Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; ws.Cell("K1").Style.Alignment.Vertical = XLAlignmentVerticalValues.Center; ws.Range("K1:K2").Merge(); ws.Cell("L1").Value = "Size"; Dictionary <string, int> sizeMapping = new Dictionary <string, int>(); int sizeKeyIndex = 76; var row = 3; foreach (var key in ExtractedLines.Keys) { var line = ExtractedLines[key]; if (!line.HasErrors) { string cellName = "A" + row; ws.Cell(cellName).Value = line.PONumber; cellName = "B" + row; ws.Cell(cellName).Value = line.Manufacturer; cellName = "C" + row; ws.Cell(cellName).Value = line.SeasonCode; cellName = "D" + row; ws.Cell(cellName).Value = line.Material; cellName = "E" + row; ws.Cell(cellName).Value = line.MaterialDescription; cellName = "F" + row; ws.Cell(cellName).Value = line.Plan_ExFTY; cellName = "G" + row; ws.Cell(cellName).Value = line.Original_ExFTY; cellName = "H" + row; ws.Cell(cellName).Value = line.TotalPOQty; cellName = "I" + row; ws.Cell(cellName).Value = line.POUnitPrice; cellName = "J" + row; ws.Cell(cellName).Value = line.DeliveryAddress; cellName = "K" + row; ws.Cell(cellName).Value = line.TransMode; foreach (var sizeKey in line.Sizes.Keys) { int sizeColumnNo = 0; if (sizeMapping.ContainsKey(sizeKey)) { sizeColumnNo = sizeMapping[sizeKey]; } else { sizeMapping.Add(sizeKey, sizeKeyIndex); string newSizeColumnName = Char.ConvertFromUtf32(sizeKeyIndex) + "2"; ws.Cell(newSizeColumnName).Value = sizeKey; ws.Cell(newSizeColumnName).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; sizeColumnNo = sizeKeyIndex; sizeKeyIndex++; } var sizeValue = line.Sizes[sizeKey]; string sizeValueColumnName = Char.ConvertFromUtf32(sizeColumnNo) + row; ws.Cell(sizeValueColumnName).Value = sizeValue; } row++; } } string sizeRangeColumn = "L1:" + Char.ConvertFromUtf32(sizeKeyIndex - 1) + "1"; ws.Cell("L1").Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center; ws.Range(sizeRangeColumn).Merge(); //Adjust column widths to their content ws.Columns().AdjustToContents(); ws.RangeUsed().Style.Border.OutsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thick; string headerRange = "A1:" + Char.ConvertFromUtf32(sizeKeyIndex - 1) + "2"; var rngTable = ws.Range(headerRange); var rngHeaders = rngTable.Range(headerRange); // The address is relative to rngTable (NOT the worksheet) rngHeaders.Style.Font.Bold = true; string destination = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}", this.Destination, "PODetails_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_hh_mm_tt")) + ".xlsx";; workbook.SaveAs(destination); }