public bool PosTest2() { bool retVal = true; // Add your scenario description here TestLibrary.TestFramework.BeginScenario("PosTest2: Verify method GetByteCount(Char[],Int32,Int32) with null char[]"); try { Char[] chars = new Char[] { }; UTF8Encoding utf8 = new UTF8Encoding(); int byteCount = utf8.GetByteCount(chars, 0, 0); if (byteCount != 0) { TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("001.1", "Method GetByteCount Err."); retVal = false; } } catch (Exception e) { TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("001", "Unexpected exception: " + e); TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogInformation(e.StackTrace); retVal = false; } return retVal; }
static void Main() { Console.Write("Enter word: "); string word = Console.ReadLine(); char[] letters = new Char[52]; for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) { if (i < 26) { letters[i] = (char)(i + 65); } else { letters[i] = (char)(i + 71); } } for (int i = 0; i < word.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < letters.Length; j++) { if (word[i] == letters[j]) { Console.WriteLine("{0} -> {1}", letters[j], j); } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //make call to external url and display results WebResponse result = null; string output = ""; WebRequest req = WebRequest.Create(ServletCallUrl); result = req.GetResponse(); Stream ReceiveStream = result.GetResponseStream(); Encoding encode = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8"); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ReceiveStream, encode); Char[] read = new Char[256]; int count = sr.Read(read, 0, read.Length); while (count > 0) { String str = new String(read, 0, count); output += str; count = sr.Read(read, 0, read.Length); } if (result != null) { result.Close(); } Response.Write(output); }
public void SetCompare(Char c) { if (c == 'Y') _CompareDel = CompareToY; else _CompareDel = CompareToX; }
public Tile(int x, int y, TYPE type, Char c) { _x = x; _y = y; this.type = type; SetCompare(c); }
public static bool VerifyCharTryParse(string value, Char expectedResult, bool expectedReturn) { Char result; if (verbose) { TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("Test: Char.TryParse, Value = '{0}', Expected Result, {1}, Expected Return = {2}", value, expectedResult, expectedReturn); } try { bool returnValue = Char.TryParse(value, out result); if (returnValue != expectedReturn) { TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Value = '{0}', Expected Return: {1}, Actual Return: {2}", value, expectedReturn, returnValue); return false; } if (result != expectedResult) { TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Value = '{0}', Expected Result: {1}, Actual Result: {2}", value, expectedResult, result); return false; } return true; } catch (Exception ex) { TestLibrary.Logging.WriteLine("FAILURE: Unexpected Exception, Value = '{0}', Exception: {1}", value, ex); return false; } }
private static Int32 WcsToMbsConverter(int codePage, IntPtr inStr, Int32 inLen, IntPtr outBuffer, Int32 outSize) { Char[] inBuffer = new Char[inLen]; Marshal.Copy(inStr, inBuffer, 0, inBuffer.Length); Encoding encoder; if(codePage==936) { encoder = Encoding.UTF8; } else { encoder = Encoding.GetEncoding(codePage); } if (outBuffer == IntPtr.Zero) //query out length { return encoder.GetByteCount(inBuffer); } else { Byte[] outData = encoder.GetBytes(inBuffer); if (outData.Length > outSize) //out buffer too small return -1; Marshal.Copy(outData, 0, outBuffer, outData.Length); return outData.Length; } }
static void Main() { Console.Write("Enter an unsigned integer number: "); uint number = uint.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Enter first bit position: "); int p = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Enter second bit position: "); int q = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Enter number of bits to swap: "); int k = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (Math.Abs(q - p) < k) { Console.WriteLine("Bits to swap are overlapping! You stupid w***e!"); return; } string bitStr = Convert.ToString(number, 2).PadLeft(32, '0'); char[] newStr = new Char[32]; newStr = bitStr.ToCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { newStr[31 - p - i] = bitStr[31 - q - i]; newStr[31 - q - i] = bitStr[31 - p - i]; } string new_bitStr = new String(newStr); uint new_num = Convert.ToUInt32(new_bitStr, 2); Console.WriteLine("The old number was: {0}", bitStr); Console.WriteLine("The new number is: {0}", new_bitStr); }
public static string GetMessageFromWeb(string strURL) { System.Text.StringBuilder sbuBuilder; // Creates an HttpWebRequest with the specified URL. HttpWebRequest myHttpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(strURL); // Sends the HttpWebRequest and waits for the response. HttpWebResponse myHttpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)myHttpWebRequest.GetResponse(); // Gets the stream associated with the response. Stream receiveStream = myHttpWebResponse.GetResponseStream(); Encoding encode = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8"); // Pipes the stream to a higher level stream reader with the required encoding format. StreamReader readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream, encode); sbuBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); Char[] read = new Char[READ_CHUNK_SIZE]; // Reads 256 characters at a time. int count = readStream.Read(read, 0, READ_CHUNK_SIZE); while (count > 0) { sbuBuilder.Append(read); if (count < READ_CHUNK_SIZE) { sbuBuilder.Remove(sbuBuilder.Length - (READ_CHUNK_SIZE - count), READ_CHUNK_SIZE - count); } count = readStream.Read(read, 0, READ_CHUNK_SIZE); } myHttpWebResponse.Close(); readStream.Close(); return sbuBuilder.ToString(); }
public static SqlBoolean ArraysFullyIncluded(String AArray, String ASubArray, Char ASeparator) { //String // LArray = (AArray.IsNull ? null : AArray.Value), // LSubArray = (ASubArray.IsNull ? null : ASubArray.Value); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ASubArray) || ASubArray.Equals(ASeparator)) return true; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(AArray) || AArray.Equals(ASeparator)) return false; if (AArray.Equals("*")) return new SqlBoolean(true); if (ASubArray.Equals("*")) return new SqlBoolean(false); AArray = ASeparator + AArray + ASeparator; foreach(String LItem in ASubArray.Split(new char[]{ASeparator}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { if(AArray.IndexOf(ASeparator + LItem + ASeparator) == -1) return false; } return true; }
Int32 ShortestDistance(Char[,] map) { Int32 i, j, sh, shi, shj, n = map.GetLength(0), m = map.GetLength(1); Int32[,] dist = new Int32[n, m]; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) { dist[i, j] = -1; } } dist[0, 0] = 0; Queue<Int32> qu = new Queue<Int32>(); qu.Enqueue(0); qu.Enqueue(0); while (qu.Count != 0) { i = qu.Dequeue(); j = qu.Dequeue(); if (map[i, j] == 'x') { return dist[i, j]; } for (sh = 0; sh < 4; ++sh) { shi = i + shift[sh, 0]; shj = j + shift[sh, 1]; if (shi >= 0 && shj >= 0 && shi < n && shj < m && map[shi, shj] != '#' && dist[shi, shj] < 0) { dist[shi, shj] = dist[i, j] + 1; qu.Enqueue(shi); qu.Enqueue(shj); } } } return -1; }
private bool VerifyInvalidReadValue(int iBufferSize, int iIndex, int iCount, Type exceptionType) { bool bPassed = false; Char[] buffer = new Char[iBufferSize]; ReloadSource(); DataReader.PositionOnElement(ST_TEST_NAME); DataReader.Read(); if (!DataReader.CanReadValueChunk) { try { DataReader.ReadValueChunk(buffer, 0, 5); return bPassed; } catch (NotSupportedException) { return true; } } try { DataReader.ReadValueChunk(buffer, iIndex, iCount); } catch (Exception e) { CError.WriteLine("Actual exception:{0}", e.GetType().ToString()); CError.WriteLine("Expected exception:{0}", exceptionType.ToString()); bPassed = (e.GetType().ToString() == exceptionType.ToString()); } return bPassed; }
public virtual bool runTest () { System.Console.Error.WriteLine( "String.EndsWith: Co1150EW runTest starting..." ); int nErrorBits = 0; System.String swrString2 = null; swrString2 = "nOpqRs"; if ( swrString2.EndsWith( "qRs" ) != true ) nErrorBits = nErrorBits | 0x1; if ( swrString2.EndsWith( "qrs" ) != false ) nErrorBits = nErrorBits | 0x2; if ( swrString2.EndsWith( "nOp" ) != false ) nErrorBits = nErrorBits | 0x4; Char[] swrString3 = new Char[8]; IntlStrings intl = new IntlStrings(); swrString2 = intl.GetString(10, true, true); swrString2.CopyTo(2, swrString3, 0, swrString2.Length - 2); String swrString4 = new String(swrString3); if(swrString2.EndsWith(swrString4) != true) { nErrorBits = nErrorBits | 0x1; } System.Console.Error.WriteLine( nErrorBits ); if (nErrorBits == 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }
public void PosTest2() { Char[] chars = new Char[] { }; UTF8Encoding utf8 = new UTF8Encoding(); int byteCount = utf8.GetByteCount(chars, 0, 0); Assert.Equal(0, byteCount); }
public bool PosTest1() { bool retVal = true; // Add your scenario description here TestLibrary.TestFramework.BeginScenario("PosTest1: Verify method GetByteCount(Char[],Int32,Int32) with non-null char[]"); try { Char[] chars = new Char[] { '\u0023', '\u0025', '\u03a0', '\u03a3' }; UTF8Encoding utf8 = new UTF8Encoding(); int byteCount = utf8.GetByteCount(chars, 1, 2); } catch (Exception e) { TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("001", "Unexpected exception: " + e); TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogInformation(e.StackTrace); retVal = false; } return retVal; }
public bool PosTest1() { bool retVal = true; Char[] chars = new Char[] { } ; UnicodeEncoding uEncoding = new UnicodeEncoding(); int expectedValue = 0; int actualValue; TestLibrary.TestFramework.BeginScenario("PosTest1:Invoke the method with a empty char array."); try { actualValue = uEncoding.GetByteCount(chars,0,0); if (expectedValue != actualValue) { TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("001", "ExpectedValue(" + expectedValue + ") !=ActualValue(" + actualValue + ")"); retVal = false; } } catch (Exception e) { TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("002", "Unexpected exception:" + e); retVal = false; } return retVal; }
public override sealed void ReadChar(Char ch) { switch (state) { case State.END: case State.ERROR: state = State.ERROR; break; case State.START: switch (ch) { case 'L': state = State.L; break; case '\"': state = State.Q; fsachar.Reset(); break; default: state = State.ERROR; break; } break; case State.L: if (ch == '\"') { state = State.Q; fsachar.Reset(); } else { state = State.ERROR; } break; case State.Q: if (fsachar.GetStatus() == FSAStatus.NONE && ch == '\"') { state = State.QQ; fsachar.Reset(); } else { fsachar.ReadChar(ch); switch (fsachar.GetStatus()) { case FSAStatus.END: state = State.Q; val = val + fsachar.RetrieveChar(); raw = raw + fsachar.RetrieveRaw(); fsachar.Reset(); ReadChar(ch); break; case FSAStatus.ERROR: state = State.ERROR; break; default: break; } } break; case State.QQ: state = State.END; break; default: state = State.ERROR; break; } }
public bool runTest() { Console.WriteLine(s_strTFPath + "\\" + s_strTFName + " , for " + s_strClassMethod + " , Source ver " + s_strDtTmVer); int iCountErrors = 0; int iCountTestcases = 0; String strValue = String.Empty; Char[] chArr = new Char[]{ Char.MinValue ,Char.MaxValue ,'\t' ,' ' ,'$' ,'@' ,'#' ,'\0' ,'\v' ,'\'' ,'\u3190' ,'\uC3A0' ,'A' ,'5' ,'\uFE70' ,'-' ,';' ,'\u00E6' ,'\n' ,'\v' }; try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(40); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(sb); StringReader sr; for(int i = 0 ; i < chArr.Length ; i++) sb.Append(chArr[i]); sw.Write(sb.ToString()); sr = new StringReader(sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString()); Int32 tmp = 0; for(int i = 0 ; i < chArr.Length ; i++) { iCountTestcases++; if((tmp = sr.Read()) != (Int32)chArr[i]) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_298vc_"+i+"! Expected=="+(Int32)chArr[i]+", got=="+tmp); } } } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_298yg! Unexpected exception thrown, exc=="+exc.ToString()); } if ( iCountErrors == 0 ) { Console.WriteLine( "paSs. "+s_strTFName+" ,iCountTestcases=="+iCountTestcases.ToString()); return true; } else { Console.WriteLine("FAiL! "+s_strTFName+" ,iCountErrors=="+iCountErrors.ToString()+" , BugNums?: "+s_strActiveBugNums ); return false; } }
/** * <summary>Adds holes in the base PolygonCollider2D to account for stationary characters, so they can be evaded during pathfinding calculations (Polygon Collider-based navigation only). * This function will only have an effect if moveAroundChars is True.</summary> * <param name = "charToExclude">The character to ignore when creating holes. Typically this is the Player character, or any character already moving.</param> * <returns>True if changes were made to the base PolygonCollider2D.</returns> */ public bool AddCharHoles(Char charToExclude) { if (!moveAroundChars) { return false; } bool changesMade = false; if (GetComponent <PolygonCollider2D>()) { PolygonCollider2D poly = GetComponent <PolygonCollider2D>(); AC.Char[] characters = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType (typeof (AC.Char)) as AC.Char[]; foreach (AC.Char character in characters) { CircleCollider2D circleCollider2D = character.GetComponent <CircleCollider2D>(); if (circleCollider2D != null && character.charState == CharState.Idle && (charToExclude == null || character != charToExclude) && Physics2D.OverlapPointNonAlloc (character.transform.position, NavigationEngine_PolygonCollider.results, 1 << KickStarter.sceneSettings.navMesh.gameObject.layer) != 0) { circleCollider2D.isTrigger = true; List<Vector2> newPoints3D = new List<Vector2>(); #if UNITY_5 Vector2 centrePoint = character.transform.TransformPoint (circleCollider2D.offset); #else Vector2 centrePoint = character.transform.TransformPoint (; #endif float radius = circleCollider2D.radius * character.transform.localScale.x; newPoints3D.Add (centrePoint + Vector2.up * radius); newPoints3D.Add (centrePoint + Vector2.right * radius); newPoints3D.Add (centrePoint - Vector2.up * radius); newPoints3D.Add (centrePoint - Vector2.right * radius); poly.pathCount ++; List<Vector2> newPoints = new List<Vector2>(); foreach (Vector3 holePoint in newPoints3D) { newPoints.Add (holePoint - transform.position); } poly.SetPath (poly.pathCount-1, newPoints.ToArray ()); changesMade = true; } } if (changesMade) { RebuildVertexArray (poly); } } return changesMade; }
public void PosTest1() { Char[] chars = new Char[] { }; UnicodeEncoding uEncoding = new UnicodeEncoding(); int actualValue; actualValue = uEncoding.GetByteCount(chars, 0, 0); Assert.Equal(0, actualValue); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string param1 = "value1"; string param2 = "value2"; ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding(); string postData = string.Format("param1={0}¶m2={1}", param1, param2); byte[] buffer = encoding.GetBytes(postData); // Prepare web request... HttpWebRequest myRequest =(HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://"); // We use POST ( we can also use GET ) myRequest.Method = "POST"; // Set the content type to a FORM myRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; // Get length of content myRequest.ContentLength = buffer.Length; // Get request stream Stream newStream = myRequest.GetRequestStream(); // Send the data. newStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); // Close stream newStream.Close(); // Assign the response object of 'HttpWebRequest' to a 'HttpWebResponse' variable. HttpWebResponse myHttpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)myRequest.GetResponse(); // Display the contents of the page to the console. Stream streamResponse = myHttpWebResponse.GetResponseStream(); // Get stream object StreamReader streamRead = new StreamReader(streamResponse); Char[] readBuffer = new Char[256]; // Read from buffer int count = streamRead.Read(readBuffer, 0, 256); while (count > 0) { // get string String resultData = new String(readBuffer, 0, count); // Write the data Console.WriteLine(resultData); // Read from buffer count = streamRead.Read(readBuffer, 0, 256); } // Release the response object resources. streamRead.Close(); streamResponse.Close(); // Close response myHttpWebResponse.Close(); }
static String GetString(Int32 length) { Int32 i; Char[] result = new Char[length]; for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) { result[i] = GetCharacter(); } return new String(result); }
/// <summary> /// Chuyển chuỗi tiếng việt có dấu sang không dấu dạng : chuoi-tieng-viet /// </summary> /// <param name="text"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string Encode(string text) { if (text == null || text == string.Empty) return string.Empty; // Fields String[] pattern = new String[7]; Char[] replaceChar = new Char[14]; // Khởi tạo giá trị thay thế replaceChar[0] = 'a'; replaceChar[1] = 'd'; replaceChar[2] = 'e'; replaceChar[3] = 'i'; replaceChar[4] = 'o'; replaceChar[5] = 'u'; replaceChar[6] = 'y'; replaceChar[7] = 'A'; replaceChar[8] = 'D'; replaceChar[9] = 'E'; replaceChar[10] = 'I'; replaceChar[11] = 'O'; replaceChar[12] = 'U'; replaceChar[13] = 'Y'; //Mẫu cần thay thế tương ứng pattern[0] = "(á|à|ả|ã|ạ|ă|ắ|ằ|ẳ|ẵ|ặ|â|ấ|ầ|ẩ|ẫ|ậ)"; //letter a pattern[1] = "đ"; //letter d pattern[2] = "(é|è|ẻ|ẽ|ẹ|ê|ế|ề|ể|ễ|ệ)"; //letter e pattern[3] = "(í|ì|ỉ|ĩ|ị)"; //letter i pattern[4] = "(ó|ò|ỏ|õ|ọ|ô|ố|ồ|ổ|ỗ|ộ|ơ|ớ|ờ|ở|ỡ|ợ)"; //letter o pattern[5] = "(ú|ù|ủ|ũ|ụ|ư|ứ|ừ|ử|ữ|ự)"; //letter u pattern[6] = "(ý|ỳ|ỷ|ỹ|ỵ)"; //letter y //Thay the cac ky tu Tieng Viet co dau thanh khong dau char[] arr = replaceChar; for (int i = 0; i < pattern.Length; i++) { MatchCollection matchs = Regex.Matches(text, pattern[i], RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); foreach (Match m in matchs) { char ch = Char.IsLower(m.Value[0]) ? arr[i] : arr[i + 7]; text = text.Replace(m.Value[0], ch); } } //Loại bỏ các ký tự đặc biệt text = text.Trim(); text = text.Replace(" - ", "-"); text = Regex.Replace(text, @"[^a-zA-Z0-9\-\s]", string.Empty); text = Regex.Replace(text, @"\s+", "-"); //Chuyển tất cả về dạng chữ thường text = text.ToLower(); return text; }
public bool runTest() { int iCountErrors = 0; int iCountTestcases = 0; String strTemp = String.Empty ; Char[] cArr = new Char[10] ; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(40); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(sb); StringReader sr; iCountTestcases++; bool[] bArr = new bool[]{ true,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,false,false}; try { for(int i = 0 ; i < bArr.Length ; i++) sw.WriteLine(bArr[i]); sr = new StringReader(sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString()); for(int i = 0 ; i < bArr.Length ; i++) { sr.Read(cArr, 0, bArr[i].ToString().Length+System.Environment.NewLine.Length); if(new String(cArr, 0, bArr[i].ToString().Length) != bArr[i].ToString()) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_298vc_"+i+"! Expected=="+bArr[i].ToString()+", got=="+new String(cArr)); } } } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_298yg! Unexpected exception thrown, exc=="+exc.ToString()); } iCountTestcases++; bArr = new bool[10000]; for(int i = 0 ; i < bArr.Length ; i++) bArr[i] = Convert.ToBoolean(rand.Next(0,2)); try { sb.Length = 0; for(int i = 0 ; i < bArr.Length ; i++) sw.WriteLine(bArr[i]); sr = new StringReader(sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString()); for(int i = 0 ; i < bArr.Length ; i++) { sr.Read(cArr, 0, bArr[i].ToString().Length+System.Environment.NewLine.Length); if(new String(cArr, 0, bArr[i].ToString().Length) != bArr[i].ToString()) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_57485_"+i+"! Expected=="+bArr[i].ToString()+", got=="+new String(cArr)); } } } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr( "Error_43432! Unexpected exception thrown, exc=="+exc.ToString()); } if ( iCountErrors == 0 ) { Console.WriteLine( "paSs. iCountTestcases=="+iCountTestcases.ToString()); return true; } else { Console.WriteLine("FAiL! iCountErrors=="+iCountErrors.ToString() ); return false; } }
public void PosTest1() { Char[] chars = new Char[] { '\u0023', '\u0025', '\u03a0', '\u03a3' }; UTF8Encoding utf8 = new UTF8Encoding(); int byteCount = utf8.GetByteCount(chars, 1, 2); }
public void PosTest2() { Char[] chars; Byte[] bytes = new Byte[] { }; UTF7Encoding UTF7 = new UTF7Encoding(); int charCount = UTF7.GetCharCount(bytes, 0, 0); chars = new Char[] { }; int charsDecodedCount = UTF7.GetChars(bytes, 0, 0, chars, 0); Assert.Equal(0, charsDecodedCount); }
public void PosTest2() { Byte[] bytes; Char[] chars = new Char[] { }; UTF7Encoding UTF7 = new UTF7Encoding(); int byteCount = UTF7.GetByteCount(chars, 0, 0); bytes = new Byte[byteCount]; int bytesEncodedCount = UTF7.GetBytes(chars, 0, 0, bytes, 0); Assert.Equal(0, bytesEncodedCount); }
public void GaryClicked() { if (active != Char.Gary) { active = Char.Gary; marker.transform.localPosition = marker_gary; } else { active = Char.NoActive; marker.transform.position = marker_noactive; } }
public void RobertClicked() { if (active != Char.Robert) { active = Char.Robert; marker.transform.localPosition = marker_robert; } else { active = Char.NoActive; marker.transform.position = marker_noactive; } }
private Vector3 marker_noactive; //start pos, off screen #endregion Fields #region Methods public void BobbyClicked() { if (active != Char.Bobby) { active = Char.Bobby; marker.transform.localPosition = marker_bobby; } else { active = Char.NoActive; marker.transform.position = marker_noactive; } }
public void lexemAnalyse(string expression) { string token = ""; Token tok; term currentTerm = term.none; this.terms = new List <Token>(); for (int i = 0; i < expression.Length; i++) { if (Char.IsNumber(expression[i])) //IsDigit { if ((currentTerm == term.negotive) || (currentTerm == term.number)) { token += expression[i]; currentTerm = term.number; } else if ((currentTerm != term.none) && (currentTerm != term.whitespace)) { tok = new Token(); tok.value = token; tok.type = currentTerm; this.terms.Add(tok); token = expression[i].ToString(); currentTerm = term.number; } else { token = expression[i].ToString(); currentTerm = term.number; } } else if (Char.IsLetter(expression[i])) { if (currentTerm == term.number) { //this.terms.Add("*"); tok = new Token(); tok.value = token; tok.type = currentTerm; this.terms.Add(tok); tok = new Token(); tok.value = "*"; tok.type = term.operation; this.terms.Add(tok); token = expression[i].ToString(); currentTerm = term.letter; } else if ((currentTerm == term.letter) || (currentTerm == term.multiline)) { token += expression[i].ToString(); currentTerm = term.multiline; } else if ((currentTerm == term.leftbracket) || (currentTerm == term.operation)) { tok = new Token(); tok.value = token; tok.type = currentTerm; this.terms.Add(tok); token = expression[i].ToString(); currentTerm = term.letter; } else if (currentTerm == term.rightbracket) { tok = new Token(); tok.value = token; tok.type = currentTerm; this.terms.Add(tok); tok = new Token(); tok.value = "*"; tok.type = term.operation; this.terms.Add(tok); token = expression[i].ToString(); currentTerm = term.letter; } else if ((currentTerm == term.none) || (currentTerm == term.whitespace)) { token = expression[i].ToString(); currentTerm = term.letter; } else { token += expression[i]; } } else if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(expression[i])) { if ((currentTerm != (int)term.none) && (currentTerm != term.whitespace)) { tok = new Token(); tok.value = token; tok.type = currentTerm; this.terms.Add(tok); token = ""; currentTerm = term.whitespace; } } else if (Char.IsSymbol(expression[i]) || (expression[i] == '*') || (expression[i] == '/')) { if ((currentTerm == term.number) || (currentTerm == term.letter) || (currentTerm == term.rightbracket) || (currentTerm == term.multiline)) { tok = new Token(); tok.value = token; tok.type = currentTerm; this.terms.Add(tok); token = expression[i].ToString(); currentTerm = term.operation; } else { token = expression[i].ToString(); currentTerm = term.operation; } } else if (expression[i] == '-') { if ((currentTerm == term.number) || (currentTerm == term.letter) || (currentTerm == term.rightbracket)) { tok = new Token(); tok.value = token; tok.type = currentTerm; this.terms.Add(tok); token = expression[i].ToString(); currentTerm = term.operation; } else if (currentTerm == term.leftbracket) { tok = new Token(); tok.value = token; tok.type = currentTerm; this.terms.Add(tok); token = expression[i].ToString(); currentTerm = term.negotive; } else if (currentTerm != (int)term.none) { token = expression[i].ToString(); currentTerm = term.operation; } else { token = expression[i].ToString(); currentTerm = term.negotive; } } else if (expression[i] == ',') { if (currentTerm == term.number) { token += expression[i].ToString(); } } else if (expression[i] == '(') { if ((currentTerm == term.number) || (currentTerm == term.letter)) { tok = new Token(); tok.value = token; tok.type = currentTerm; this.terms.Add(tok); tok = new Token(); tok.value = "*"; tok.type = term.operation; this.terms.Add(tok); token = expression[i].ToString(); currentTerm = term.leftbracket; } else if ((currentTerm == term.operation) || (currentTerm == term.multiline)) { tok = new Token(); tok.value = token; tok.type = currentTerm; this.terms.Add(tok); token = expression[i].ToString(); currentTerm = term.leftbracket; } else if ((currentTerm == term.none) || (currentTerm == term.whitespace)) { token = expression[i].ToString(); currentTerm = term.leftbracket; } } else if (expression[i] == ')') { if ((currentTerm == term.number) || (currentTerm == term.letter) || (currentTerm == term.rightbracket)) { tok = new Token(); tok.value = token; tok.type = currentTerm; this.terms.Add(tok); token = expression[i].ToString(); currentTerm = term.rightbracket; } } //else // this.terms.Add(token); } tok = new Token(); tok.value = token; tok.type = currentTerm; this.terms.Add(tok); }
Write(Char c) { this.Write(new String(c, 1)); }
private void txtDienthoai_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { if (!Char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) && !Char.IsControl(e.KeyChar)) e.Handled = true; }
static bool hn(string name, string rule) { return(name.StartsWith(rule) && name.Length > rule.Length && Char.IsUpper(name[rule.Length])); }
//private String converteMapeamento(String entrada) //{ // String saida = entrada; // if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sufixoMapeamento)) // { // saida = String.Format("{0}.{1}", sufixoMapeamento, entrada); // } // return saida; //} protected void converterValor(PropertyInfo pInfo, Type tipoCampo, Object vlObj) { if (vlObj == DBNull.Value) { return; } if (tipoCampo.IsSubclassOf(typeof(AbstractEntidade))) { Mapear mapear = pInfo.obterAtributo <Mapear>(true); if (mapear == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(mapear.SufixoTabela)) { return; } ConstructorInfo constructorInfo = tipoCampo.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes); if (constructorInfo == null) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Não foi possível instanciar {0}", tipoCampo.FullName)); } AbstractEntidade obj = (AbstractEntidade)constructorInfo.Invoke(null); obj.sufixoMapeamento = mapear.SufixoTabela; if (vlObj is IDataReader) { obj.deReader(vlObj as IDataReader); pInfo.SetValue(obterInstancia(), obj, null); return; } if (typeof(Hashtable) == vlObj.GetType()) { obj.deHashtable(vlObj as Hashtable); pInfo.SetValue(obterInstancia(), obj, null); return; } if (typeof(DataRow) == vlObj.GetType()) { obj.deTable(vlObj as DataRow); pInfo.SetValue(obterInstancia(), obj, null); return; } return; } if (tipoCampo.Name.IndexOf("Nullable") > -1) { tipoCampo = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(pInfo.PropertyType); } if ((tipoCampo == typeof(int)) && (!(vlObj is int))) { pInfo.SetValue(obterInstancia(), int.Parse(vlObj.ToString()), null); } else if ((tipoCampo == typeof(Char)) && (!(vlObj is char))) { pInfo.SetValue(obterInstancia(), Char.Parse(vlObj.ToString()), null); } else if (tipoCampo.IsEnum) { if (vlObj is string) { pInfo.SetValue(obterInstancia(), Enum.Parse(tipoCampo, vlObj.ToString(), true), null); } else { pInfo.SetValue(obterInstancia(), Enum.ToObject(tipoCampo, vlObj), null); } } else { pInfo.SetValue(obterInstancia(), vlObj, null); } }
/// <summary> /// Reports the index number, or character position, of the first occurrence of the specified String object in the current <see cref="StringBuilder" /> object. /// The search starts at a specified character position. /// </summary> /// <param name="sb">The string builder.</param> /// <param name="value">The <see cref="string" /> object you want to find.</param> /// <param name="startIndex">The starting index number for the search.</param> /// <param name="ignoreCase">if set to <c>true</c> the case will be ignored during the comparison.</param> /// <returns>The character position of the <paramref name="value" /> parameter if the specified string is found, or -1 if it is not found. If value is empty, the return value is <paramref name="startIndex" />.</returns> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">startIndex</exception> public static int IndexOf(this StringBuilder sb, string value, int startIndex, bool ignoreCase) { if (startIndex > sb.Length) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(startIndex)); } if (sb.Length == 0 || value == null) { return(-1); } if (value == String.Empty) { return(startIndex); } int index; var length = value.Length; var count = (sb.Length - length) + 1; if (!ignoreCase) { for (var i = startIndex; i < count; i++) { if (sb[i] != value[0]) { continue; } index = 1; while ((index < length) && (sb[i + index] == value[index])) { index++; } if (index == length) { return(i); } } } else { for (var i = startIndex; i < count; i++) { if (Char.ToLower(sb[i]) != Char.ToLower(value[0])) { continue; } index = 1; while ((index < length) && (Char.ToLower(sb[i + index]) == Char.ToLower(value[index]))) { index++; } if (index == length) { return(i); } } } return(-1); }
private void ResolveReferences() { int gid = 1; Hashtable dict = new Hashtable(); // number unnamed groups foreach (CapturingGroup group in caps) { if (group.Name == null) { dict.Add(gid.ToString(), group); group.Number = gid++; ++num_groups; } } // number named groups foreach (CapturingGroup group in caps) { if (group.Name != null) { if (!dict.Contains(group.Name)) { dict.Add(group.Name, group); group.Number = gid++; ++num_groups; } else { CapturingGroup prev = (CapturingGroup)dict[group.Name]; group.Number = prev.Number; } } } // resolve references foreach (Expression expr in refs.Keys) { string name = (string)refs[expr]; if (!dict.Contains(name)) { throw NewParseException("Reference to undefined group " + (Char.IsDigit(name[0]) ? "number " : "name ") + name); } CapturingGroup group = (CapturingGroup)dict[name]; if (expr is Reference) { ((Reference)expr).CapturingGroup = group; } else if (expr is CaptureAssertion) { ((CaptureAssertion)expr).CapturingGroup = group; } else if (expr is BalancingGroup) { ((BalancingGroup)expr).Balance = group; } } }
static public int RunTests(Type type, string[] args) { int failed = 0, ran = 0; int result, expected, elen; int i, j; string name; MethodInfo[] methods; bool do_timings = false; int tms = 0; DateTime start, end = DateTime.Now; if (args != null && args.Length > 0) { for (j = 0; j < args.Length; j++) { if (args [j] == "--time") { do_timings = true; string[] new_args = new string [args.Length - 1]; for (i = 0; i < j; ++i) { new_args [i] = args [i]; } j++; for (; j < args.Length; ++i, ++j) { new_args [i] = args [j]; } args = new_args; break; } } } methods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); for (i = 0; i < methods.Length; ++i) { name = methods [i].Name; if (!name.StartsWith("test_")) { continue; } if (args != null && args.Length > 0) { bool found = false; for (j = 0; j < args.Length; j++) { if (name.EndsWith(args [j])) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { continue; } } for (j = 5; j < name.Length; ++j) { if (!Char.IsDigit(name [j])) { break; } } expected = Int32.Parse(name.Substring(5, j - 5)); start = DateTime.Now; result = (int)methods [i].Invoke(null, null); if (do_timings) { end = DateTime.Now; long tdiff = end.Ticks - start.Ticks; int mdiff = (int)tdiff / 10000; tms += mdiff; Console.WriteLine("{0} took {1} ms", name, mdiff); } ran++; if (result != expected) { failed++; Console.WriteLine("{0} failed: got {1}, expected {2}", name, result, expected); } } if (do_timings) { Console.WriteLine("Total ms: {0}", tms); } Console.WriteLine("Regression tests: {0} ran, {1} failed in {2}", ran, failed, type); //Console.WriteLine ("Regression tests: {0} ran, {1} failed in [{2}]{3}", ran, failed, type.Assembly.GetName().Name, type); return(failed); }
private static void Parse(string key_string) { bool isBlock = false; bool isVkey = false; bool isRepeat = false; bool isShift = false; bool isCtrl = false; bool isAlt = false; StringBuilder repeats = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder group_string = new StringBuilder(); int key_len = key_string.Length; for (int i = 0; i < key_len; i++) { switch (key_string[i]) { case '{': group_string.Remove(0, group_string.Length); repeats.Remove(0, repeats.Length); int start = i + 1; for (; start < key_len; start++) { if (start > i + 1 && key_string[start] == '}') // allow right parenthesis char "{}}" { break; } if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(key_string[start])) { if (isRepeat) { throw new ArgumentException("SendKeys string {0} is not valid.", key_string); } isRepeat = true; continue; } if (isRepeat) { if (!Char.IsDigit(key_string[start])) { throw new ArgumentException("SendKeys string {0} is not valid.", key_string); } repeats.Append(key_string[start]); continue; } group_string.Append(key_string[start]); } if (start == key_len || start == i + 1) { break; //throw new ArgumentException("SendKeys string {0} is not valid.", key_string); } else if (SendKeys.keywords.Contains(group_string.ToString().ToUpper())) { isVkey = true; } else { //throw new ArgumentException("SendKeys string {0} is not valid.", key_string); } int repeat = 1; if (repeats.Length > 0) { repeat = Int32.Parse(repeats.ToString()); } if (isVkey) { AddVKey((int)keywords[group_string.ToString().ToUpper()], repeats.Length == 0 ? 1 : repeat); } else { if (Char.IsUpper(Char.Parse(group_string.ToString()))) { if (!isShift) { AddVKey((int)Keys.ShiftKey, true); } AddKey(Char.Parse(group_string.ToString()), 1); if (!isShift) { AddVKey((int)Keys.ShiftKey, false); } } else { AddKey(Char.Parse(group_string.ToString().ToUpper()), repeats.Length == 0 ? 1 : repeat); } } i = start; isRepeat = isVkey = false; if (isShift) { AddVKey((int)Keys.ShiftKey, false); } if (isCtrl) { AddVKey((int)Keys.ControlKey, false); } if (isAlt) { AddVKey((int)Keys.Menu, false); } isShift = isCtrl = isAlt = false; break; case '+': { AddVKey((int)Keys.ShiftKey, true); isShift = true; break; } case '^': { AddVKey((int)Keys.ControlKey, true); isCtrl = true; break; } case '%': { AddVKey((int)Keys.Menu, true); isAlt = true; break; } case '~': { AddVKey((int)Keys.Enter, 1); break; } case '(': isBlock = true; break; case ')': { if (isShift) { AddVKey((int)Keys.ShiftKey, false); } if (isCtrl) { AddVKey((int)Keys.ControlKey, false); } if (isAlt) { AddVKey((int)Keys.Menu, false); } isShift = isCtrl = isAlt = isBlock = false; break; } default: { if (Char.IsUpper(key_string[i])) { if (!isShift) { AddVKey((int)Keys.ShiftKey, true); } AddKey(key_string[i], 1); if (!isShift) { AddVKey((int)Keys.ShiftKey, false); } } else { AddKey(Char.Parse(key_string[i].ToString().ToUpper()), 1); } if (!isBlock) { if (isShift) { AddVKey((int)Keys.ShiftKey, false); } if (isCtrl) { AddVKey((int)Keys.ControlKey, false); } if (isAlt) { AddVKey((int)Keys.Menu, false); } isShift = isCtrl = isAlt = isBlock = false; } break; } } } if (isBlock) { throw new ArgumentException("SendKeys string {0} is not valid.", key_string); } if (isShift) { AddVKey((int)Keys.ShiftKey, false); } if (isCtrl) { AddVKey((int)Keys.ControlKey, false); } if (isAlt) { AddVKey((int)Keys.Menu, false); } }
public static string FDName(this string normal) { string n = new string(normal.ToCharArray().Where(c => !Char.IsWhiteSpace(c)).ToArray()); return n.ToLower(); }
private void RegistrarButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (modificar == false) { //Registro cliente if (camposVacios()) { MessageBox.Show("Se requiere llenar todos los campos."); fieldList.Clear(); } else { Char tipo = 'V'; int estado = -1; String nombre, huella; if (natural.Checked) { tipo = 'N'; nombre = nombreField.Text; } else { tipo = 'J'; nombre = razonField.Text; apellidoField.Text = null; } if (activo.Checked) { estado = 1; } else { estado = 0; } if (siRadio.Checked) { //Setear valor a huella } else { //huella = null } //Verificar primero con regex antes de declarar el nuevo objeto cliente. Aquí mando if, invoco función. Cliente client = new Cliente(cedulaRUCField.Text, nombre, apellidoField.Text, telefonoField.Text, direccionField.Text, ciudadField.Text, correoField.Text, "STRING HUELLA5", tipo, estado); int hecho = client.agregarCliente(client); if (hecho == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Cliente registrado exitosamente."); inicial.Visible = true; this.Close(); } else if (hecho == -1) { MessageBox.Show("El cliente especificado ya se encuentra registrado.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { MessageBox.Show("Se produjo un error al registrar el cliente."); } } } else { //Guardo cliente modificado if (camposVacios()) { MessageBox.Show("Se requiere llenar todos los campos."); } else { Cliente client = new Cliente(cedulaRUCField.Text, nombreField.Text, apellidoField.Text, telefonoField.Text, direccionField.Text, ciudadField.Text, correoField.Text, "STRING HUELLA5", 'M', 1); if (client.modificarCliente(client) == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Cliente modificado exitosamente."); inicial.Visible = true; this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Se produjo un error al modificar el cliente."); } } } }
private bool IsIdentifierChar(char c) { return(IsIdentifierStartChar(c) || Char.IsDigit(c)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; String input = File.ReadAllText(@"TyonTekijaLista.txt"); int rivi = 0, sarake = 0; string[,] TyoLista = new string[100, 100]; foreach (var row in input.Split('\n')) { sarake = 0; foreach (var col in row.Trim().Split('.')) { TyoLista[rivi, sarake] = col.Trim(); sarake++; } rivi++; } DateTime AikaNyt = DateTime.Now; int luku = Convert.ToInt16(TyoLista[0, 2]); if (luku < AikaNyt.Month) { int i; for (i = 1; i < TyoLista.GetLength(0); i++) { if (TyoLista[i, 2] == null) { i++; break; } } for (int s = 1; s < i; s++) { TyoLista[s, 2] = "0"; } string UusiKuukausi = AikaNyt.Month.ToString(); TyoLista[0, 2] = UusiKuukausi; } /* * TyoLista[, 0] = Käyttäjänimi * TyoLista[, 1] = Salasana * TyoLista[, 2] = Työtunnit * TyoLista[, 3] = Tuntipalkka(brutto) * TyoLista[, 4] = Ikä * TyoLista[, 5] = veroprosentti * TyoLista[, 6] = Työttömyysvakuutusmaksu */ Console.WriteLine("Tervetuloa tuntilaskuriin!"); //Käyttäjän valinta while (true) { //kysytään kuka käyttää Console.WriteLine("Anna käyttäjänimi"); string Kayttaja = Console.ReadLine(); for (int h = 0; h < TyoLista.GetLength(0); h++) { int Valinta; //admin sekä työntekijän valikko valinta muuttuja if (Kayttaja == TyoLista[0, 0]) { string Salasana = SalasananSuojaus(); if (Salasana == TyoLista[0, 1]) { Console.WriteLine("Hei " + Kayttaja + "!"); while (true) { //Admin valikko Console.WriteLine("Paina 1 Tarkastellaksesi sekä muokataksesi työntekijöiden tietoja"); Console.WriteLine("Paina 2 Lisätäksesi työntekijän"); Console.WriteLine("Paina 3 Vaihtaaksesi salasanasi"); Console.WriteLine("Paina 0 kirjautuaksesi ulos ja tallentaaksesi tiedot"); //ottaa stringin adminin valinnasta string valinta = Console.ReadLine(); //yrittää muuttaa numeroksi if (int.TryParse(valinta, out Valinta)) { if (Valinta == 1) { while (true) { int i; for (i = 1; i < TyoLista.GetLength(0); i++) { //Tarkastellaan työntekijöiden tietoja Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Palkkakauden vaihde: " + DateTime.DaysInMonth(AikaNyt.Year, AikaNyt.Month) + "." + AikaNyt.Month + "." + AikaNyt.Year); Console.WriteLine("Työntekijät:"); int m; for (m = 1; m < TyoLista.GetLength(0); m++) { if (TyoLista[m, 0] == null) { m++; break; } } for (int s = 1; s < m; s++) { Console.WriteLine(TyoLista[s, 0]); } Console.WriteLine("Tietoja tarkastellaksesi, syötä valitun henkilön käyttäjätunnus"); Console.WriteLine("Paina 0 poistuaksesi\n"); string TyontekijanTarkastus = Console.ReadLine(); if (TyontekijanTarkastus == TyoLista[i, 0]) { var tuntipalkka = TyoLista[i, 3]; var veroprosentti = TyoLista[i, 5]; var tehdytTunnit = TyoLista[i, 2]; var ika = TyoLista[i, 4]; //var bruttopalkka = TyoLista[i, 6]; ?? Console.Clear(); //LASKUT double kauttajaTyoTunnit = Convert.ToDouble(TyoLista[i, 2]); double kauttajaTuntiPalkka = Convert.ToDouble(TyoLista[i, 3]); double kauttajaVeroProsentti = (Convert.ToDouble(TyoLista[i, 5]) / 100); string syntymaPaivaString = TyoLista[i, 4]; DateTime syntymaPaiva = Convert.ToDateTime(TyoLista[i, 4]); //YYYY-MM-DD DateTime paivaNyt = DateTime.Now; //YYYY-MM-DD string paivaNytString = paivaNyt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd").Remove(4, 1); paivaNytString = paivaNytString.Remove(6, 1); int paivaNytInt = Convert.ToInt32(paivaNytString); syntymaPaivaString = syntymaPaivaString.Remove(4, 1); syntymaPaivaString = syntymaPaivaString.Remove(6, 1); int syntymapaivaInt = Convert.ToInt32(syntymaPaivaString); var kauttajaIkaString = Convert.ToString(paivaNytInt - syntymapaivaInt).Remove(2); int kauttajaIka = Convert.ToInt16(kauttajaIkaString); double kauttajaTyoElakeProsentti = 0; if (kauttajaIka < 53) { kauttajaTyoElakeProsentti = 0.015; } else if (kauttajaIka >= 53 && kauttajaIka < 63) { kauttajaTyoElakeProsentti = 0.017; } Console.WriteLine("\n---------------------------"); Console.Write("Nimi: "); Console.Write(TyoLista[i, 0]); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Syntymäaika: "); Console.Write(TyoLista[i, 4]); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Tuntipalkka: "); Console.Write(tuntipalkka + "e"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Veroprosentti: "); Console.Write(veroprosentti + "%"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Työeläkekerroin: " + kauttajaTyoElakeProsentti); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Tehdyt tunnit: "); Console.WriteLine(tehdytTunnit + "h"); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------"); //Console.Write("Bruttopalkka: "); //Console.WriteLine(bruttopalkka + "e"); while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Paina 1 muokataksesi käyttäjänimeä"); Console.WriteLine("Paina 2 muokataksesi tehtyjä työtunteja"); Console.WriteLine("Paina 3 muokataksesi bruttopalkkaa"); Console.WriteLine("Paina 4 muokataksesi veroprosenttia"); Console.WriteLine("Paina 5 muokataksesi salasanaa"); Console.WriteLine("Paina 6 poistaaksesi käyttäjän"); Console.WriteLine("Paina 0 palataksesi\n"); string tyonTekijanMuokkaus = Console.ReadLine(); if (int.TryParse(tyonTekijanMuokkaus, out int TyonTekijanMuokkaus)) { if (TyonTekijanMuokkaus == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Anna Uusi käyttäjänimi"); string UusiKayttajaNimi = Console.ReadLine(); TyoLista[i, 0] = UusiKayttajaNimi; Console.Clear(); } else if (TyonTekijanMuokkaus == 2) { Console.WriteLine("Anna kaikki tehdyt tunnit yhteensä"); string UusiTehdytTunnit = Console.ReadLine(); TyoLista[i, 2] = UusiTehdytTunnit; Console.Clear(); } else if (TyonTekijanMuokkaus == 3) { Console.WriteLine("Anna uusi bruttopalkka"); string UusiBrutto = Console.ReadLine(); TyoLista[i, 3] = UusiBrutto; Console.Clear(); } else if (TyonTekijanMuokkaus == 4) { Console.WriteLine("Anna uusi veroprosentti"); string UusiVeroProsentti = Console.ReadLine(); TyoLista[i, 5] = UusiVeroProsentti; Console.Clear(); } else if (TyonTekijanMuokkaus == 5) { Console.WriteLine("Anna uusi salasana"); string Uusisalasana = Console.ReadLine(); TyoLista[i, 1] = Uusisalasana; Console.Clear(); } else if (TyonTekijanMuokkaus == 6) { Console.WriteLine("Oletko varma?\nTätä muutosta ei voi perua tämän jälkeen\nKirjoita \"Kyllä\" poitaaksesi"); string PoistoValintaKylla = Console.ReadLine(); if (PoistoValintaKylla == "Kyllä" || PoistoValintaKylla == "kyllä") { for (int s = 0; s < 7; s++) { TyoLista[i, s] = null; } } } else if (TyonTekijanMuokkaus == 0) { Console.Clear(); break; } else { Console.WriteLine("Anna luku väliltä 0-4"); } } } } else if (TyontekijanTarkastus == "0") { break; } else { Console.WriteLine("Käyttäjää ei löydy"); } } break; } } else if (Valinta == 2) { //Lisätään työntekijä listaan Console.Write("Syötä uuden työntekijän etunimi: "); string pieni_etunimi = (Console.ReadLine()).ToLower(); Console.Write("Syötä uuden työntekijän sukunimi: "); string pieni_sukunimi = (Console.ReadLine()).ToLower(); string etunimi = Char.ToUpper(pieni_etunimi[0]) + pieni_etunimi.Substring(1); string sukunimi = Char.ToUpper(pieni_sukunimi[0]) + pieni_sukunimi.Substring(1); string kauttajatunnus = sukunimi + etunimi; Console.WriteLine("Uusi käyttäjänimi: " + kauttajatunnus); Console.WriteLine("Syötä salasanasi: "); string KayttajaSalasana = Console.ReadLine(); //Lisää työntekijän syntymäaika Console.Write("Syötä uuden työntekijän syntymäaika (PP.KK.VVVV): "); string[] syntymaAika = (Console.ReadLine()).Split('.'); if (syntymaAika[1].Length == 1) { syntymaAika[1] = "0" + syntymaAika[1]; } if (syntymaAika[0].Length == 1) { syntymaAika[0] = "0" + syntymaAika[0]; } Console.Write("Anna uuden työntekijän bruttopalkka tunnilta: "); string UudenTyöntekijänBrutto = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Anna uuden työntekijän veroprosentti: "); string UudenyöntekijänVeroProsentti = Console.ReadLine(); int i; for (i = 0; i < TyoLista.GetLength(0); i++) { if (TyoLista[i, 0] == null) { break; } } TyoLista[i, 0] = kauttajatunnus; TyoLista[i, 1] = KayttajaSalasana; TyoLista[i, 2] = "0"; TyoLista[i, 3] = UudenTyöntekijänBrutto; TyoLista[i, 4] = syntymaAika[2] + "-" + syntymaAika[1] + "-" + syntymaAika[0]; TyoLista[i, 5] = UudenyöntekijänVeroProsentti; Console.Write("Uusi työntekijä on luotu käyttäjänimellä: " + TyoLista[i, 0]); Console.WriteLine("\nPaina enter jatkaaksesi"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); } else if (Valinta == 3) { Salasana = SalasananSuojaus(); if (Salasana == TyoLista[0, 1]) { string uusiSalasana; SalasananVaihto SalasanaTyyppi = new SalasananVaihto(); uusiSalasana = SalasanaTyyppi.SalasanaVaihdetaan(); TyoLista[0, 1] = null; TyoLista[0, 1] = uusiSalasana; Salasana = TyoLista[0, 1]; } else { Console.WriteLine("Väärä salasana."); Console.WriteLine(); } } else if (Valinta == 0) { int f; for (f = 0; f < TyoLista.GetLength(0); f++) { if (TyoLista[f, 0] == null) { f--; break; } } int q; for (q = 0; q < TyoLista.GetLength(1); q++) { if (TyoLista[1, q] == null) { break; } } int p; int s = q - 1; using (var sw = new StreamWriter(@"TyonTekijaLista.txt")) { for (p = 0; p < f; p++) { for (int k = 0; k < q; k++) { sw.Write(TyoLista[p, k]); if (k < s) { sw.Write("."); } } sw.Write("\n"); } sw.Flush(); sw.Close(); } Salasana = null; Console.Clear(); break; } else { Console.WriteLine("Anna luku väliltä 0-2"); } } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Väärä salasana"); Salasana = null; } break; } else if (Kayttaja == TyoLista[h, 0]) { string Salasana = SalasananSuojaus(); if (Salasana == TyoLista[h, 1]) { //LASKUT double kauttajaTyoTunnit = Convert.ToDouble(TyoLista[h, 2]); double kauttajaTuntiPalkka = Convert.ToDouble(TyoLista[h, 3]); double kauttajaVeroProsentti = (Convert.ToDouble(TyoLista[h, 5]) / 100); string syntymaPaivaString = TyoLista[h, 4]; DateTime syntymaPaiva = Convert.ToDateTime(TyoLista[h, 4]); //YYYY-MM-DD DateTime paivaNyt = DateTime.Now; //YYYY-MM-DD string paivaNytString = paivaNyt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd").Remove(4, 1); paivaNytString = paivaNytString.Remove(6, 1); int paivaNytInt = Convert.ToInt32(paivaNytString); syntymaPaivaString = syntymaPaivaString.Remove(4, 1); syntymaPaivaString = syntymaPaivaString.Remove(6, 1); int syntymapaivaInt = Convert.ToInt32(syntymaPaivaString); var kauttajaIkaString = Convert.ToString(paivaNytInt - syntymapaivaInt).Remove(2); int kauttajaIka = Convert.ToInt16(kauttajaIkaString); double kauttajaTyoElakeProsentti = 0; if (kauttajaIka < 53) { kauttajaTyoElakeProsentti = 0.015; } else if (kauttajaIka >= 53 && kauttajaIka < 63) { kauttajaTyoElakeProsentti = 0.017; } Console.WriteLine("Hei " + Kayttaja + "!"); while (true) { //työntekijän valikko Console.WriteLine("Paina 1 Lisätäksesi tunteja"); Console.WriteLine("Paina 2 tarkastellaksesi tietojasi"); Console.WriteLine("Paina 3 vaihtaaksesi salasanasi"); Console.WriteLine("Paina 0 kirjautuaksesi ulos ja tallentaaksesi tiedot"); string valinta = Console.ReadLine();//käyttäjän valinta //Yritetään muuttaa numeroksi if (int.TryParse(valinta, out Valinta)) { if (Valinta == 1) { //omien tuntien lisääminen bool tyotunnitOikein = true; //Palauttaa luuppiin jos tyotunnitOikein = true while (tyotunnitOikein == true) { Console.WriteLine("Syötä päivän työtuntisi\nSyöttämällä 0, palaat päävalikkoon"); string tyotunnit = Console.ReadLine(); if (tyotunnit == "0") { tyotunnitOikein = false; break; } double tyotunnitDouble; //yrittää muuntaa doubleksi if (double.TryParse(tyotunnit, out tyotunnitDouble)) { Console.WriteLine("Vahvista tuntimäärä " + tyotunnit + " kirjoittamalla se uudestaan\nSyöttämällä \"0\", palaat päävalikkoon"); double tyotunnitTarkastus; //muuntaa syötettävän takistusluvun doubleksi vertailua varten double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out tyotunnitTarkastus); if (tyotunnitTarkastus == 0) { tyotunnitOikein = false; break; } //jos tarkistus on väärin, käyttäjä palaa ylemmän tason while-luuppiin ja kirjaa tunnit uudelleen if (tyotunnitDouble != tyotunnitTarkastus) { Console.WriteLine("Vahvistus on väärin, syötä työtuntisi uudestaan."); } else { //Hakee työlistasta työtunnit, muuttaa ne doubleksi double tyotunnitSumma = Convert.ToDouble(TyoLista[h, 2]); //Laskee haetut työtunnit ja lisätyt työtunnit summaan tyotunnitSumma = tyotunnitDouble + tyotunnitSumma; //Muuttaa lasketun summan stringiksi, listaan säilyttämistä varten, Tallentaa listaan. TyoLista[h, 2] = Convert.ToString(tyotunnitSumma); Console.WriteLine("Työtuntiesi asettaminen onnistui!\nPaina Enter jatkaaksesi"); Console.ReadKey(); tyotunnitOikein = false; } Console.Clear(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Syötteeksi hyväksytään vain numerot ja pilkut."); } } } else if (Valinta == 2) { //omien tietojen tarkastelu var tuntipalkka = TyoLista[h, 3]; var veroprosentti = TyoLista[h, 5]; var tehdytTunnit = TyoLista[h, 2]; var ika = TyoLista[h, 4]; //var bruttopalkka = TyoLista[i, 6]; ?? Console.WriteLine("---------------------------"); Console.Write("Käyttäjän nimi: "); Console.Write(TyoLista[h, 0]); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Syntymäaikasi: "); Console.Write(TyoLista[h, 4]); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Tuntipalkka: "); Console.Write(tuntipalkka + "e"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Veroprosentti: "); Console.Write(veroprosentti + "%"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Työeläkekerroin: " + kauttajaTyoElakeProsentti); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Tehdyt tunnit: "); Console.WriteLine(tehdytTunnit + "h"); Console.WriteLine("Seuraava palkkapäivä: " + DateTime.DaysInMonth(AikaNyt.Year, AikaNyt.Month) + "." + AikaNyt.Month + "." + AikaNyt.Year); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------"); //Console.Write("Bruttopalkka: "); //Console.WriteLine(bruttopalkka + "e"); } else if (Valinta == 3) { Console.WriteLine("Syötä nykyinen salasanasi:"); string AnnettuSalasana = Console.ReadLine(); if (Salasana == AnnettuSalasana) { string uusiSalasana; SalasananVaihto SalasanaTyyppi = new SalasananVaihto(); uusiSalasana = SalasanaTyyppi.SalasanaVaihdetaan(); TyoLista[h, 1] = null; TyoLista[h, 1] = uusiSalasana; Salasana = TyoLista[h, 1]; Console.Clear(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Väärä salasana"); } } else if (Valinta == 0) { //paluu käyttäjän valintaan int f; for (f = 0; f < TyoLista.GetLength(0); f++) { if (TyoLista[f, 0] == null) { f--; break; } } int q; for (q = 0; q < TyoLista.GetLength(1); q++) { if (TyoLista[1, q] == null) { break; } } int s = q - 1; using (var sw = new StreamWriter(@"TyonTekijaLista.txt")) { for (int p = 0; p < f; p++) { for (int k = 0; k < q; k++) { sw.Write(TyoLista[p, k]); if (k < s) { sw.Write("."); } } sw.Write("\n"); } sw.Flush(); sw.Close(); } Salasana = null; Console.Clear(); break; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Anna luku väliltä 0 - 2"); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Väärä salasana"); Salasana = null; } break; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Convert a Python value to an instance of a primitive managed type. /// </summary> private static bool ToPrimitive(IntPtr value, Type obType, out object result, bool setError) { IntPtr overflow = Exceptions.OverflowError; TypeCode tc = Type.GetTypeCode(obType); result = null; IntPtr op; int ival; switch (tc) { case TypeCode.String: string st = Runtime.GetManagedString(value); if (st == null) { goto type_error; } result = st; return(true); case TypeCode.Int32: // Trickery to support 64-bit platforms. if (Runtime.IsPython2 && Runtime.Is32Bit) { op = Runtime.PyNumber_Int(value); // As of Python 2.3, large ints magically convert :( if (Runtime.PyLong_Check(op)) { Runtime.XDecref(op); goto overflow; } if (op == IntPtr.Zero) { if (Exceptions.ExceptionMatches(overflow)) { goto overflow; } goto type_error; } ival = (int)Runtime.PyInt_AsLong(op); Runtime.XDecref(op); result = ival; return(true); } else // Python3 always use PyLong API { op = Runtime.PyNumber_Long(value); if (op == IntPtr.Zero) { Exceptions.Clear(); if (Exceptions.ExceptionMatches(overflow)) { goto overflow; } goto type_error; } long ll = (long)Runtime.PyLong_AsLongLong(op); Runtime.XDecref(op); if (ll == -1 && Exceptions.ErrorOccurred()) { goto overflow; } if (ll > Int32.MaxValue || ll < Int32.MinValue) { goto overflow; } result = (int)ll; return(true); } case TypeCode.Boolean: result = Runtime.PyObject_IsTrue(value) != 0; return(true); case TypeCode.Byte: #if PYTHON3 if (Runtime.PyObject_TypeCheck(value, Runtime.PyBytesType)) { if (Runtime.PyBytes_Size(value) == 1) { op = Runtime.PyBytes_AS_STRING(value); result = (byte)Marshal.ReadByte(op); return(true); } goto type_error; } #elif PYTHON2 if (Runtime.PyObject_TypeCheck(value, Runtime.PyStringType)) { if (Runtime.PyString_Size(value) == 1) { op = Runtime.PyString_AsString(value); result = (byte)Marshal.ReadByte(op); return(true); } goto type_error; } #endif op = Runtime.PyNumber_Int(value); if (op == IntPtr.Zero) { if (Exceptions.ExceptionMatches(overflow)) { goto overflow; } goto type_error; } ival = (int)Runtime.PyInt_AsLong(op); Runtime.XDecref(op); if (ival > Byte.MaxValue || ival < Byte.MinValue) { goto overflow; } byte b = (byte)ival; result = b; return(true); case TypeCode.SByte: #if PYTHON3 if (Runtime.PyObject_TypeCheck(value, Runtime.PyBytesType)) { if (Runtime.PyBytes_Size(value) == 1) { op = Runtime.PyBytes_AS_STRING(value); result = (byte)Marshal.ReadByte(op); return(true); } goto type_error; } #elif PYTHON2 if (Runtime.PyObject_TypeCheck(value, Runtime.PyStringType)) { if (Runtime.PyString_Size(value) == 1) { op = Runtime.PyString_AsString(value); result = (sbyte)Marshal.ReadByte(op); return(true); } goto type_error; } #endif op = Runtime.PyNumber_Int(value); if (op == IntPtr.Zero) { if (Exceptions.ExceptionMatches(overflow)) { goto overflow; } goto type_error; } ival = (int)Runtime.PyInt_AsLong(op); Runtime.XDecref(op); if (ival > SByte.MaxValue || ival < SByte.MinValue) { goto overflow; } sbyte sb = (sbyte)ival; result = sb; return(true); case TypeCode.Char: #if PYTHON3 if (Runtime.PyObject_TypeCheck(value, Runtime.PyBytesType)) { if (Runtime.PyBytes_Size(value) == 1) { op = Runtime.PyBytes_AS_STRING(value); result = (byte)Marshal.ReadByte(op); return(true); } goto type_error; } #elif PYTHON2 if (Runtime.PyObject_TypeCheck(value, Runtime.PyStringType)) { if (Runtime.PyString_Size(value) == 1) { op = Runtime.PyString_AsString(value); result = (char)Marshal.ReadByte(op); return(true); } goto type_error; } #endif else if (Runtime.PyObject_TypeCheck(value, Runtime.PyUnicodeType)) { if (Runtime.PyUnicode_GetSize(value) == 1) { op = Runtime.PyUnicode_AsUnicode(value); Char[] buff = new Char[1]; Marshal.Copy(op, buff, 0, 1); result = buff[0]; return(true); } goto type_error; } op = Runtime.PyNumber_Int(value); if (op == IntPtr.Zero) { goto type_error; } ival = Runtime.PyInt_AsLong(op); Runtime.XDecref(op); if (ival > Char.MaxValue || ival < Char.MinValue) { goto overflow; } result = (char)ival; return(true); case TypeCode.Int16: op = Runtime.PyNumber_Int(value); if (op == IntPtr.Zero) { if (Exceptions.ExceptionMatches(overflow)) { goto overflow; } goto type_error; } ival = (int)Runtime.PyInt_AsLong(op); Runtime.XDecref(op); if (ival > Int16.MaxValue || ival < Int16.MinValue) { goto overflow; } short s = (short)ival; result = s; return(true); case TypeCode.Int64: op = Runtime.PyNumber_Long(value); if (op == IntPtr.Zero) { if (Exceptions.ExceptionMatches(overflow)) { goto overflow; } goto type_error; } long l = (long)Runtime.PyLong_AsLongLong(op); Runtime.XDecref(op); if ((l == -1) && Exceptions.ErrorOccurred()) { goto overflow; } result = l; return(true); case TypeCode.UInt16: op = Runtime.PyNumber_Int(value); if (op == IntPtr.Zero) { if (Exceptions.ExceptionMatches(overflow)) { goto overflow; } goto type_error; } ival = (int)Runtime.PyInt_AsLong(op); Runtime.XDecref(op); if (ival > UInt16.MaxValue || ival < UInt16.MinValue) { goto overflow; } ushort us = (ushort)ival; result = us; return(true); case TypeCode.UInt32: op = Runtime.PyNumber_Long(value); if (op == IntPtr.Zero) { if (Exceptions.ExceptionMatches(overflow)) { goto overflow; } goto type_error; } uint ui = (uint)Runtime.PyLong_AsUnsignedLong(op); if (Exceptions.ErrorOccurred()) { Runtime.XDecref(op); goto overflow; } IntPtr check = Runtime.PyLong_FromUnsignedLong(ui); int err = Runtime.PyObject_Compare(check, op); Runtime.XDecref(check); Runtime.XDecref(op); if (0 != err || Exceptions.ErrorOccurred()) { goto overflow; } result = ui; return(true); case TypeCode.UInt64: op = Runtime.PyNumber_Long(value); if (op == IntPtr.Zero) { if (Exceptions.ExceptionMatches(overflow)) { goto overflow; } goto type_error; } ulong ul = (ulong)Runtime.PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLong(op); Runtime.XDecref(op); if (Exceptions.ErrorOccurred()) { goto overflow; } result = ul; return(true); case TypeCode.Single: op = Runtime.PyNumber_Float(value); if (op == IntPtr.Zero) { if (Exceptions.ExceptionMatches(overflow)) { goto overflow; } goto type_error; } double dd = Runtime.PyFloat_AsDouble(op); Runtime.CheckExceptionOccurred(); Runtime.XDecref(op); if (dd > Single.MaxValue || dd < Single.MinValue) { if (!double.IsInfinity(dd)) { goto overflow; } } result = (float)dd; return(true); case TypeCode.Double: op = Runtime.PyNumber_Float(value); if (op == IntPtr.Zero) { goto type_error; } double d = Runtime.PyFloat_AsDouble(op); Runtime.CheckExceptionOccurred(); Runtime.XDecref(op); result = d; return(true); } type_error: if (setError) { string tpName = Runtime.PyObject_GetTypeName(value); Exceptions.SetError(Exceptions.TypeError, $"'{tpName}' value cannot be converted to {obType}"); } return(false); overflow: if (setError) { Exceptions.SetError(Exceptions.OverflowError, "value too large to convert"); } return(false); }
private void button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { foreach (char slovo in textBox.Text) { if (!Char.IsLetter(slovo)) { textBlock10.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; textBlock10.Text = "Ime nije validno, unesite opet"; return; } } foreach (char slovo in textBox1.Text) { if (!Char.IsLetter(slovo)) { textBlock10.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; textBlock10.Text = "Prezime nije validno, unesite opet"; return; } } foreach (char broj in textBox2.Text) { if (!Char.IsDigit(broj)) { textBlock10.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; textBlock10.Text = "Broj telefona nije validan, unesite broj u formatu 0038xxxxxxxxx"; return; } } if (datumrodj.Date.Year < 1920 || datumrodj.Date.Year > 1997) { textBlock10.Text = "Niste unijeli dobro datum rođenja."; return; } if (textBox4.Text.Length != 14) { textBlock10.Text = "Pogresan format broja licne karte"; return; } foreach (DezurniRadnik item in KontejnerskaKlasa.dezurniRadnici) { if (item.Username == textBox5.Text) { textBlock10.Text = "Username vec zauzet."; return; } } if (textBox5.Text.Length > 10) { textBlock10.Text = "Username ne moze biti duzi od 10 znakova"; return; } if (passwordBox.Password.Length > 16) { textBlock10.Text = "Password ne moze btii duzi od 16 znakoma"; return; } foreach (char slovo in textBox3.Text) { if (!Char.IsLetter(slovo)) { textBlock10.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; textBlock10.Text = "Adresa nije validna ukucajte adresu bez broja"; return; } } //ako prodju sve validacije //dodajemo dez radnika u kontejnersku klasu DezurniRadnik radnik = new DezurniRadnik(textBox.Text, textBox1.Text, textBox2.Text, textBox3.Text, textBox4.Text, datumrodj.Date.DateTime, textBox5.Text, passwordBox.Password); radnik.RFID = textBox7.Text; KontejnerskaKlasa.dezurniRadnici.Add(radnik); Windows.UI.Xaml.Window window = Windows.UI.Xaml.Window.Current; if (window != null) { Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Frame frame = window.Content as Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Frame; if (frame != null) { frame.Navigate((typeof(FormaSupervizor))); } } }
public string GetMemberFieldName() { return("_" + Char.ToLower(Name[0], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + Name.Substring(1)); }
private bool EvalChar(Mode mode, ref int ptr, ref int pc, bool multi) { bool consumed = false; char c = '\0'; bool negate; bool ignore; do { ushort word = program[pc]; OpCode op = (OpCode)(word & 0x00ff); OpFlags flags = (OpFlags)(word & 0xff00); ++pc; ignore = (flags & OpFlags.IgnoreCase) != 0; // consume character: the direction of an In construct is // determined by the direction of its first op if (!consumed) { if ((flags & OpFlags.RightToLeft) != 0) { if ((substring_mode && ptr <= (regex_rtl ? text_end : text_start)) || (!substring_mode && ptr <= 0)) { return(false); } c = text[--ptr]; } else { if ((!regex_rtl && ptr >= text_end) || (regex_rtl && ptr >= text_start)) { return(false); } c = text[ptr++]; } if (ignore) { c = Char.ToLower(c); } consumed = true; } // negate flag negate = (flags & OpFlags.Negate) != 0; // execute op switch (op) { case OpCode.True: return(true); case OpCode.False: return(false); case OpCode.Character: { if (c == (char)program[pc++]) { return(!negate); } break; } case OpCode.Category: { if (CategoryUtils.IsCategory((Category)program[pc++], c)) { return(!negate); } break; } case OpCode.NotCategory: { if (!CategoryUtils.IsCategory((Category)program[pc++], c)) { return(!negate); } break; } case OpCode.Range: { int lo = (char)program[pc++]; int hi = (char)program[pc++]; if (lo <= c && c <= hi) { return(!negate); } break; } case OpCode.Set: { int lo = (char)program[pc++]; int len = (char)program[pc++]; int bits = pc; pc += len; int i = (int)c - lo; if (i < 0 || i >= len << 4) { break; } if ((program[bits + (i >> 4)] & (1 << (i & 0xf))) != 0) { return(!negate); } break; } } } while (multi); return(negate); }
public static object GetIndexedPropertyValue(object container, string expr) { if (container == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("container"); if ((expr == null) || (expr.Length == 0)) throw new ArgumentNullException("expr"); int openIdx = expr.IndexOf('['); int closeIdx = expr.IndexOf(']'); // see the test case. MS ignores all after the first ] if (openIdx < 0 || closeIdx < 0 || closeIdx - openIdx <= 1) throw new ArgumentException(expr + " is not a valid indexed expression."); string val = expr.Substring(openIdx + 1, closeIdx - openIdx - 1); val = val.Trim(); if (val.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException(expr + " is not a valid indexed expression."); bool is_string = false; // a quoted val means we have a string if ((val[0] == '\'' && val[val.Length - 1] == '\'') || (val[0] == '\"' && val[val.Length - 1] == '\"')) { is_string = true; val = val.Substring(1, val.Length - 2); } else { // if all chars are digits, then we have a int for (int i = 0; i < val.Length; i++) if (!Char.IsDigit(val[i])) { is_string = true; break; } } int intVal = 0; if (!is_string) { try { intVal = Int32.Parse(val); } catch { throw new ArgumentException(expr + " is not a valid indexed expression."); } } string property = null; if (openIdx > 0) { property = expr.Substring(0, openIdx); if (property != null && property.Length > 0) container = GetPropertyValue(container, property); } if (container == null) return null; if (container is System.Collections.IList) { if (is_string) throw new ArgumentException(expr + " cannot be indexed with a string."); IList l = (IList)container; return l[intVal]; } Type t = container.GetType(); // MS does not seem to look for any other than "Item"!!! object[] atts = t.AllAttributes<DefaultMemberAttribute>(); if (atts.Length != 1) property = "Item"; else property = ((DefaultMemberAttribute)atts[0]).MemberName; Type[] argTypes = new Type[] { (is_string) ? typeof(string) : typeof(int) }; #if !NETSTANDARD2_0 PropertyInfo prop = t.GetProperty(property, argTypes); #else PropertyInfo prop = t.GetTypeInfo().GetProperty(property, argTypes); #endif if (prop == null) throw new ArgumentException(expr + " indexer not found."); object[] args = new object[1]; if (is_string) args[0] = val; else args[0] = intVal; return prop.GetValue(container, args); }
private bool Eval(Mode mode, ref int ref_ptr, int pc) { int ptr = ref_ptr; Begin: for (;;) { ushort word = program[pc]; OpCode op = (OpCode)(word & 0x00ff); OpFlags flags = (OpFlags)(word & 0xff00); switch (op) { case OpCode.Anchor: { int skip = program[pc + 1]; int anch_offset = program[pc + 2]; bool anch_reverse = (flags & OpFlags.RightToLeft) != 0; int anch_ptr = anch_reverse ? ptr - anch_offset : ptr + anch_offset; int anch_end = (regex_rtl ? text_start : text_end) - match_min + anch_offset; // maximum anchor position int anch_begin = 0; // the general case for an anchoring expression is at the bottom, however we // do some checks for the common cases before to save processing time. the current // optimizer only outputs three types of anchoring expressions: fixed position, // fixed substring, and no anchor. OpCode anch_op = (OpCode)(program[pc + 3] & 0x00ff); if (anch_op == OpCode.Position && skip == 6) // position anchor // Anchor // Position // True { switch ((Position)program[pc + 4]) { case Position.StartOfString: if (anch_reverse || anch_offset == 0) { if (anch_reverse) { ptr = anch_offset; } if (TryMatch(ref ptr, pc + skip)) { goto Pass; } } break; case Position.StartOfLine: if (anch_ptr == 0) { ptr = 0; if (TryMatch(ref ptr, pc + skip)) { goto Pass; } ++anch_ptr; } while ((anch_reverse && anch_ptr >= 0) || (!anch_reverse && anch_ptr <= anch_end)) { if (anch_ptr == 0 || text[anch_ptr - 1] == '\n') { if (anch_reverse) { ptr = anch_ptr == anch_end ? anch_ptr : anch_ptr + anch_offset; } else { ptr = anch_ptr == 0 ? anch_ptr : anch_ptr - anch_offset; } if (TryMatch(ref ptr, pc + skip)) { goto Pass; } } if (anch_reverse) { --anch_ptr; } else { ++anch_ptr; } } break; case Position.StartOfScan: if (anch_ptr == scan_ptr) { ptr = anch_reverse ? scan_ptr + anch_offset : scan_ptr - anch_offset; if (TryMatch(ref ptr, pc + skip)) { goto Pass; } } break; default: // FIXME break; } } else if (qs != null || (anch_op == OpCode.String && skip == 6 + program[pc + 4])) // substring anchor // Anchor // String // True { bool reverse = ((OpFlags)program[pc + 3] & OpFlags.RightToLeft) != 0; if (qs == null) { bool ignore = ((OpFlags)program[pc + 3] & OpFlags.IgnoreCase) != 0; char[] substring = GetChars(pc + 3); qs = new QuickSearch(new string(substring), ignore, reverse); } while ((anch_reverse && anch_ptr >= anch_begin) || (!anch_reverse && anch_ptr <= anch_end)) { if (reverse) { anch_ptr = qs.Search(text, anch_ptr, anch_begin); if (anch_ptr != -1) { anch_ptr += qs.Length; } } else { anch_ptr = qs.Search(text, anch_ptr, anch_end); } if (anch_ptr < 0) { break; } ptr = reverse ? anch_ptr + anch_offset : anch_ptr - anch_offset; if (TryMatch(ref ptr, pc + skip)) { goto Pass; } if (reverse) { anch_ptr -= 2; } else { ++anch_ptr; } } } else if (anch_op == OpCode.True) // no anchor // Anchor // True { while ((anch_reverse && anch_ptr >= anch_begin) || (!anch_reverse && anch_ptr <= anch_end)) { ptr = anch_ptr; if (TryMatch(ref ptr, pc + skip)) { goto Pass; } if (anch_reverse) { --anch_ptr; } else { ++anch_ptr; } } } else // general case // Anchor // <expr> // True { while ((anch_reverse && anch_ptr >= anch_begin) || (!anch_reverse && anch_ptr <= anch_end)) { ptr = anch_ptr; if (Eval(Mode.Match, ref ptr, pc + 3)) { // anchor expression passed: try real expression at the correct offset ptr = anch_reverse ? anch_ptr + anch_offset : anch_ptr - anch_offset; if (TryMatch(ref ptr, pc + skip)) { goto Pass; } } if (anch_reverse) { --anch_ptr; } else { ++anch_ptr; } } } goto Fail; } case OpCode.False: { goto Fail; } case OpCode.True: { goto Pass; } case OpCode.Position: { if (!IsPosition((Position)program[pc + 1], ptr)) { goto Fail; } pc += 2; break; } case OpCode.String: { bool reverse = (flags & OpFlags.RightToLeft) != 0; bool ignore = (flags & OpFlags.IgnoreCase) != 0; int len = program[pc + 1]; if (reverse) { ptr -= len; if ((!regex_rtl && ptr < 0) || (regex_rtl && ptr < text_end)) { goto Fail; } } else if (ptr + len > text_end) { goto Fail; } pc += 2; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { char c = text[ptr + i]; if (ignore) { c = Char.ToLower(c); } if (c != (char)program[pc++]) { goto Fail; } } if (!reverse) { ptr += len; } break; } case OpCode.Reference: { bool reverse = (flags & OpFlags.RightToLeft) != 0; bool ignore = (flags & OpFlags.IgnoreCase) != 0; int m = GetLastDefined(program [pc + 1]); if (m < 0) { goto Fail; } int str = marks [m].Index; int len = marks [m].Length; if (reverse) { ptr -= len; if ((!regex_rtl && ptr < 0) || (regex_rtl && ptr < text_end)) { goto Fail; } } else if (ptr + len > text_end) { goto Fail; } pc += 2; if (ignore) { for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (Char.ToLower(text[ptr + i]) != Char.ToLower(text[str + i])) { goto Fail; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (text[ptr + i] != text[str + i]) { goto Fail; } } } if (!reverse) { ptr += len; } break; } case OpCode.Character: case OpCode.Category: case OpCode.NotCategory: case OpCode.Range: case OpCode.Set: { if (!EvalChar(mode, ref ptr, ref pc, false)) { goto Fail; } break; } case OpCode.In: { int target = pc + program[pc + 1]; pc += 2; if (!EvalChar(mode, ref ptr, ref pc, true)) { goto Fail; } pc = target; break; } case OpCode.Open: { Open(program[pc + 1], ptr); pc += 2; break; } case OpCode.Close: { Close(program[pc + 1], ptr); pc += 2; break; } case OpCode.BalanceStart: { int start = ptr; //point before the balancing group if (!Eval(Mode.Match, ref ptr, pc + 5)) { goto Fail; } if (!Balance(program[pc + 1], program[pc + 2], (program[pc + 3] == 1 ? true : false), start)) { goto Fail; } pc += program[pc + 4]; break; } case OpCode.Balance: { goto Pass; } case OpCode.IfDefined: { int m = GetLastDefined(program [pc + 2]); if (m < 0) { pc += program[pc + 1]; } else { pc += 3; } break; } case OpCode.Sub: { if (!Eval(Mode.Match, ref ptr, pc + 2)) { goto Fail; } pc += program[pc + 1]; break; } case OpCode.Test: { int cp = Checkpoint(); int test_ptr = ptr; if (Eval(Mode.Match, ref test_ptr, pc + 3)) { pc += program[pc + 1]; } else { Backtrack(cp); pc += program[pc + 2]; } break; } case OpCode.Branch: { OpCode branch_op; do { int cp = Checkpoint(); if (Eval(Mode.Match, ref ptr, pc + 2)) { goto Pass; } Backtrack(cp); pc += program[pc + 1]; branch_op = (OpCode)(program[pc] & 0xff); } while (branch_op != OpCode.False); goto Fail; } case OpCode.Jump: { pc += program[pc + 1]; break; } case OpCode.Repeat: { this.repeat = new RepeatContext( this.repeat, // previous context ReadProgramCount(pc + 2), // minimum ReadProgramCount(pc + 4), // maximum (flags & OpFlags.Lazy) != 0, // lazy pc + 6 // subexpression ); if (Eval(Mode.Match, ref ptr, pc + program[pc + 1])) { goto Pass; } else { this.repeat = this.repeat.Previous; goto Fail; } } case OpCode.Until: { RepeatContext current = this.repeat; // // Can we avoid recursion? // // Backtracking can be forced in nested quantifiers from the tail of this quantifier. // Thus, we cannot, in general, use a simple loop on repeat.Expression to handle // quantifiers. // // If 'deep' was unmolested, that implies that there was no nested quantifiers. // Thus, we can safely avoid recursion. // if (deep == current) { goto Pass; } int start = current.Start; int start_count = current.Count; while (!current.IsMinimum) { ++current.Count; current.Start = ptr; deep = current; if (!Eval(Mode.Match, ref ptr, current.Expression)) { current.Start = start; current.Count = start_count; goto Fail; } if (deep != current) // recursive mode { goto Pass; } } if (ptr == current.Start) { // degenerate match ... match tail or fail this.repeat = current.Previous; deep = null; if (Eval(Mode.Match, ref ptr, pc + 1)) { goto Pass; } this.repeat = current; goto Fail; } if (current.IsLazy) { for (;;) { // match tail first ... this.repeat = current.Previous; deep = null; int cp = Checkpoint(); if (Eval(Mode.Match, ref ptr, pc + 1)) { goto Pass; } Backtrack(cp); // ... then match more this.repeat = current; if (current.IsMaximum) { goto Fail; } ++current.Count; current.Start = ptr; deep = current; if (!Eval(Mode.Match, ref ptr, current.Expression)) { current.Start = start; current.Count = start_count; goto Fail; } if (deep != current) // recursive mode { goto Pass; } // Degenerate match: ptr has not moved since the last (failed) tail match. // So, next and subsequent tail matches will fail. if (ptr == current.Start) { goto Fail; } } } else { int stack_size = stack.Count; // match greedily as much as possible while (!current.IsMaximum) { int cp = Checkpoint(); int old_ptr = ptr; int old_start = current.Start; ++current.Count; current.Start = ptr; deep = current; if (!Eval(Mode.Match, ref ptr, current.Expression)) { --current.Count; current.Start = old_start; Backtrack(cp); break; } if (deep != current) { // recursive mode: no more backtracking, truncate the stack stack.Count = stack_size; goto Pass; } stack.Push(cp); stack.Push(old_ptr); // Degenerate match: no point going on if (ptr == current.Start) { break; } } // then, match the tail, backtracking as necessary. this.repeat = current.Previous; for (;;) { deep = null; if (Eval(Mode.Match, ref ptr, pc + 1)) { stack.Count = stack_size; goto Pass; } if (stack.Count == stack_size) { this.repeat = current; goto Fail; } --current.Count; ptr = stack.Pop(); Backtrack(stack.Pop()); } } } case OpCode.FastRepeat: { = new RepeatContext( fast, ReadProgramCount(pc + 2), // minimum ReadProgramCount(pc + 4), // maximum (flags & OpFlags.Lazy) != 0, // lazy pc + 6 // subexpression ); fast.Start = ptr; int cp = Checkpoint(); pc += program[pc + 1]; // tail expression ushort tail_word = program[pc]; int c1 = -1; // first character of tail operator int c2 = -1; // ... and the same character, in upper case if ignoring case int coff = 0; // 0 or -1 depending on direction OpCode tail_op = (OpCode)(tail_word & 0xff); if (tail_op == OpCode.Character || tail_op == OpCode.String) { OpFlags tail_flags = (OpFlags)(tail_word & 0xff00); if ((tail_flags & OpFlags.Negate) != 0) { goto skip; } if (tail_op == OpCode.String) { int offset = 0; if ((tail_flags & OpFlags.RightToLeft) != 0) { offset = program[pc + 1] - 1; } c1 = program[pc + 2 + offset]; // first char of string } else { c1 = program[pc + 1]; // character } if ((tail_flags & OpFlags.IgnoreCase) != 0) { c2 = Char.ToUpper((char)c1); // ignore case } else { c2 = c1; } if ((tail_flags & OpFlags.RightToLeft) != 0) { coff = -1; // reverse } else { coff = 0; } } skip: if (fast.IsLazy) { if (!fast.IsMinimum && !Eval(Mode.Count, ref ptr, fast.Expression)) { //Console.WriteLine ("lazy fast: failed mininum."); fast = fast.Previous; goto Fail; } while (true) { int p = ptr + coff; if (c1 < 0 || (p >= 0 && ((regex_rtl && p >= text_end) || (!regex_rtl && p < text_end)) && (c1 == text[p] || c2 == text[p]))) { deep = null; if (Eval(Mode.Match, ref ptr, pc)) { break; } } if (fast.IsMaximum) { //Console.WriteLine ("lazy fast: failed with maximum."); fast = fast.Previous; goto Fail; } Backtrack(cp); if (!Eval(Mode.Count, ref ptr, fast.Expression)) { //Console.WriteLine ("lazy fast: no more."); fast = fast.Previous; goto Fail; } } fast = fast.Previous; goto Pass; } else { if (!Eval(Mode.Count, ref ptr, fast.Expression)) { fast = fast.Previous; goto Fail; } int width; if (fast.Count > 0) { width = (ptr - fast.Start) / fast.Count; } else { width = 0; } while (true) { int p = ptr + coff; if (c1 < 0 || (p >= 0 && ((regex_rtl && p >= text_end) || (!regex_rtl && p < text_end)) && (c1 == text[p] || c2 == text[p]))) { deep = null; if (Eval(Mode.Match, ref ptr, pc)) { break; } } --fast.Count; if (!fast.IsMinimum) { fast = fast.Previous; goto Fail; } ptr -= width; Backtrack(cp); } fast = fast.Previous; goto Pass; } } case OpCode.Info: { Debug.Assert(false, "Regex", "Info block found in pattern"); goto Fail; } } } Pass: ref_ptr = ptr; switch (mode) { case Mode.Match: return(true); case Mode.Count: { ++fast.Count; if (fast.IsMaximum || (fast.IsLazy && fast.IsMinimum)) { return(true); } pc = fast.Expression; goto Begin; } } Fail: switch (mode) { case Mode.Match: return(false); case Mode.Count: { if (!fast.IsLazy && fast.IsMinimum) { return(true); } ref_ptr = fast.Start; return(false); } } return(false); }
private void Obs_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { e.KeyChar = Char.ToUpper(e.KeyChar); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Преметивные типы в C# SByte bte = 8; Int32 i32 = 5; Int64 i64 = 5; Int16 i16 = 5; Byte ubt = 192; UInt16 ui16 = 16; UInt32 ui32 = 1651513; UInt64 ui64 = 1657856875; Char ch = 'a'; Boolean bol = true; Single sng = 12.4f; Double db = 12.55; Decimal dcm = 111.1m; String str = "gaga"; Object obj = new Object(); // Явное присваивание i32 = 5; bte = (SByte)ubt; Int32 ii32 = (Int32)i64; Byte btta = (Byte)ch; Char ch1 = (Char)ui16; // Не явное присваивание dcm = ui16; i32 = i16; i64 = i32; Single s = i32; Single s2 = ch; Double B = ubt; // Упаковка и распаковка значимых типов Object l = i16; UInt32 z = (UInt32)(Int16)l; Object lol = ubt; Char c1 = (Char)(Byte)lol; // Неявное типизированная переменая var aa = new[] { 2, 3, 4, 5 }; var aa1 = 1; var aa2 = new List <int>(new int[] { 1, 2, 4 }); Console.WriteLine(aa.GetType()); Console.WriteLine(aa1.GetType()); Console.WriteLine(aa2.GetType()); // Nullabe int?n1 = null; int?n2 = 2; // если левый операнд не нуль, то он его выводит int y = n1 ?? 1; int x = n2 ?? 3; Console.WriteLine(y + "\t" + x); Nullable <Int64> z1 = 50000; if (z1.HasValue) // проверет если данный операнд индифецирован то выводит значение { Console.WriteLine(z1.Value); } string st = "hello"; string st2 = "hello"; string st3 = "Bob"; int stn = String.Compare(st, st2); int cmp = st.CompareTo(st2); // второй способ // сравнить строки if (stn == 0 || cmp == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Строки равны"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Строки не равны"); } /* выполнить сцепление(конкатенацию), копирование, выделение подстроки, разделение строки на слова, * вставка подстроки в заданную позицию, удаление заданной подстроки */ Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(st + st2 + st3); st = String.Copy(st3); Console.WriteLine(st); st = "privet mir. hah aaaa . agasdg"; Console.WriteLine(st.Substring(6, 5)); Console.WriteLine(String.Join(" ", st.Split('.'))); char[] delims = ".:".ToCharArray(); string stdel = "privet.mir:hah:aaaa.agasdg"; string[] words = stdel.Split(delims); foreach (string name in words) { Console.WriteLine(name); } Console.WriteLine(st.Insert(6, " LIKE A BOSS")); Console.WriteLine(st.Remove(6, 4)); // создайте пустую строку и null строку и что нибудь выполнить String empty = ""; String nullst = null; empty = empty.Insert(0, "BOB"); Console.WriteLine(empty); try { nullst = nullst.Insert(0, "BOB"); Console.WriteLine(nullst); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.GetType()); } // задание d StringBuilder stb = new StringBuilder("kjasdgjaipjg;oiaaksdjg"); stb.Remove(3, 4); stb.Append("KEKS"); stb.Insert(0, "LOL"); Console.WriteLine(stb); // Массивы const int sz = 3; int[,] mass = new int[sz, sz] { { 3, 7, 6 }, { 4, 2, 3 }, { 7, 2, 1 } }; for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < sz; j++) { Console.Write(mass[i, j] + " "); } Console.WriteLine(); } /////// String[] strArr = { "lol", "kek", "zzz" }; foreach (String g in strArr) { Console.WriteLine(g); } Console.WriteLine($"\tДлинна массива = {strArr.Length}"); int num = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("наше значение: "); strArr[num - 1] = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (String g in strArr) { Console.WriteLine(g); } /////// double[][] mas2 = new double[3][]; mas2[0] = new double[1]; mas2[1] = new double[2]; mas2[2] = new double[3]; Console.WriteLine("Введите массив: "); for (int i = 0; i < mas2.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine($"Введите {mas2[i].Length} числа: "); int j = 0; foreach (String g in Console.ReadLine().Split(' ')) { mas2[i][j] = Convert.ToDouble(g); j++; } } Console.WriteLine("\nВведенный массив: "); foreach (double[] arr in mas2) { foreach (double value in arr) { Console.Write(value + " "); } Console.WriteLine(); } //////////// var varIntg = new int[5]; var varStrr = "строка"; //////////////////////////////////// var MyTuple = (ammount : 10, st : "Hi", chr : 'z', st2 : "eeee", ulng : (ulong)1337); Console.WriteLine(MyTuple); Console.WriteLine(MyTuple.ammount + " " + MyTuple.chr + " " + MyTuple.st2); (int count, string stroka1, char chr, string stroka2, ulong ulngint) = MyTuple; Console.WriteLine(count + " " + stroka1 + " " + chr + " " + stroka2 + " " + ulngint); (int first, string second, char third, string four, ulong five)tuple2 = (123, "sdfsg", 'x', "four", 123); int cmpTuple = MyTuple.CompareTo(tuple2); if (cmpTuple == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Картежи одинаковые"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Картежи разные"); } ////////////////////// int[] array = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }; (int, int, int, char) CortageF(int[] arr, string strin) { int min = arr[0]; int max = arr[0]; int sum = arr[0]; char c = strin[0]; for (int i = 1; i < arr.Length; i++) { if (arr[i] < min) { min = arr[i]; } if (arr[i] > max) { max = arr[i]; } sum += arr[i]; } return(max, min, sum, c); } Console.WriteLine(CortageF(array, "Slim Shady")); }
public FilteredSignature(String sSignature, Char cParametersSplitChar) { this.sSignature = sSignature; this.cParametersSplitChar = cParametersSplitChar; sParseSignature(); }
private static bool charEqual(char a, char b, bool senseCase) { return(senseCase ? a == b : Char.ToUpperInvariant(a) == Char.ToUpperInvariant(b)); }
private bool TryGetParametersForFunction(string expression, string targetFunctionName, out List <string> exprParams) { int functionKeyworkIndex = expression.IndexOf($"{targetFunctionName}("); if (functionKeyworkIndex == -1) { exprParams = null; return(false); } if ((functionKeyworkIndex != 0 && functionKeyworkIndex == 1 && expression[0] != '!') || functionKeyworkIndex > 1 || !expression.EndsWith(')')) { throw new InvalidDataException($"Condition {expression} malformed. Currently only single-function conditions are supported."); } exprParams = new List <string>(); bool isWithinString = false; bool expectDelimiter = false; int curParsingIndex = functionKeyworkIndex + targetFunctionName.Length + 1; StringBuilder resolvedValue = new StringBuilder(); // Account for the trailing parenthesis. while (curParsingIndex + 1 < expression.Length) { char currentChar = expression[curParsingIndex]; // toggle string nesting on ', except if scaped if (currentChar == '\'' && !(curParsingIndex > 0 && expression[curParsingIndex - 1] == '\\')) { if (isWithinString) { exprParams.Add(resolvedValue.ToString()); resolvedValue.Clear(); expectDelimiter = true; } isWithinString = !isWithinString; } else if (isWithinString) { resolvedValue.Append(currentChar); } else if (currentChar == ',') { if (!expectDelimiter) { throw new InvalidDataException($"Unexpected comma found within {expression}"); } expectDelimiter = false; } else if (!Char.IsWhiteSpace(currentChar)) { throw new InvalidDataException($"Non whitespace, non comma value found outside of string within: {expression}"); } curParsingIndex++; } if (isWithinString) { throw new InvalidDataException($"Non-terminated string detected within {expression}"); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Create a <see cref="Pattern"/> from the given <paramref name="char"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="char">The <see cref="Char"/> literal.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="Pattern"/> representing literally the <paramref name="char"/>.</returns> public static Pattern Literal(Char @char) => new Pattern(new CharLiteral(@char));
private Token ParseNumeric() { bool floating = false; char c; for (_current++; _current < _source.Length; _current++) { c = _source[_current]; if (c == '.') { if (floating) { break; } floating = true; } else if (!Char.IsDigit(c)) { break; } } bool haveExponent = false; if (_current < _source.Length) { c = _source[_current]; if (c == 'E' || c == 'e') { _current++; if (_source[_current] == '-') { _current++; } int?exponentEnd = _current == _source.Length ? null : SkipDigits(_current); if (!exponentEnd.HasValue) { throw new ODataException(String.Format( ErrorMessages.Lexer_ExpectedDigitsAfterExponent, _offset )); } _current = exponentEnd.Value; haveExponent = true; if (_current < _source.Length) { c = _source[_current]; if (c == 'm' || c == 'M') { throw new ODataException(String.Format( ErrorMessages.Lexer_DecimalCannotHaveExponent, _offset )); } else if (c == 'l' || c == 'L') { throw new ODataException(String.Format( ErrorMessages.Lexer_LongCannotHaveExponent, _offset )); } } } } string text = _source.Substring(_offset, _current - _offset); object value; LiteralType type; if (_current < _source.Length) { c = _source[_current]; switch (c) { case 'F': case 'f': value = float.Parse(text, ParseCulture); type = LiteralType.Single; _current++; break; case 'D': case 'd': value = double.Parse(text, ParseCulture); type = LiteralType.Double; _current++; break; case 'M': case 'm': value = decimal.Parse(text, ParseCulture); type = LiteralType.Decimal; _current++; break; case 'L': case 'l': value = long.Parse(text, ParseCulture); type = LiteralType.Long; _current++; break; default: if (floating || haveExponent) { value = double.Parse(text, ParseCulture); type = LiteralType.Double; } else { value = int.Parse(text, ParseCulture); type = LiteralType.Int; } break; } } else { if (floating || haveExponent) { value = double.Parse(text, ParseCulture); type = LiteralType.Double; } else { value = int.Parse(text, ParseCulture); type = LiteralType.Int; } } _offset = _current; return(new LiteralToken(value, type)); }
/// <summary> /// Searches the receiver for the specified value using /// the binary search algorithmd The receiver must <strong>must</strong> be /// sorted (as by the sort method) prior to making this calld If /// it is not sorted, the results are undefined: in particular, the call /// may enter an infinite loopd If the receiver contains multiple elements /// equal to the specified object, there is no guarantee which instance /// will be found. /// /// <summary> /// <param name="key">the value to be searched for.</param> /// <param name="from">the leftmost search position, inclusive.</param> /// <param name="to">the rightmost search position, inclusive.</param> /// <returns>index of the search key, if it is contained in the receiver;</returns> /// otherwise, <i>(-(<i>insertion point</i>) - 1)</i>d The <i>insertion /// point</i> is defined as the the point at which the value would /// be inserted into the receiver: the index of the first /// element greater than the key, or <i>receiver.Count</i>, if all /// elements in the receiver are less than the specified keyd Note /// that this guarantees that the return value will be >= 0 if /// and only if the key is found. /// <see cref="Cern.Colt.Sorting"></see> /// <see cref="java.util.Arrays"></see> public override int BinarySearchFromTo(Char key, int from, int to) { return(Cern.Colt.Sorting.BinarySearchFromTo(_elements, key, from, to)); }
public bool runTest() { int iCountErrors = 0; int iCountTestcases = 0; String strTemp = String.Empty; Char[] cArr = new Char[10]; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(40); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(sb); StringReader sr; iCountTestcases++; bool[] bArr = new bool[] { true, true, true, true, true, false, false, false, false, false }; try { for (int i = 0; i < bArr.Length; i++) { sw.WriteLine(bArr[i]); } sr = new StringReader(sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < bArr.Length; i++) { sr.Read(cArr, 0, bArr[i].ToString().Length + System.Environment.NewLine.Length); if (new String(cArr, 0, bArr[i].ToString().Length) != bArr[i].ToString()) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_298vc_" + i + "! Expected==" + bArr[i].ToString() + ", got==" + new String(cArr)); } } } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_298yg! Unexpected exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } iCountTestcases++; bArr = new bool[10000]; for (int i = 0; i < bArr.Length; i++) { bArr[i] = Convert.ToBoolean(rand.Next(0, 2)); } try { sb.Length = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bArr.Length; i++) { sw.WriteLine(bArr[i]); } sr = new StringReader(sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < bArr.Length; i++) { sr.Read(cArr, 0, bArr[i].ToString().Length + System.Environment.NewLine.Length); if (new String(cArr, 0, bArr[i].ToString().Length) != bArr[i].ToString()) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_57485_" + i + "! Expected==" + bArr[i].ToString() + ", got==" + new String(cArr)); } } } catch (Exception exc) { iCountErrors++; printerr("Error_43432! Unexpected exception thrown, exc==" + exc.ToString()); } if (iCountErrors == 0) { Console.WriteLine("paSs. iCountTestcases==" + iCountTestcases.ToString()); return(true); } else { Console.WriteLine("FAiL! iCountErrors==" + iCountErrors.ToString()); return(false); } }
public static long Append(this long?x, char c) { return(checked ((x * 10 ?? 0) + (long)Char.GetNumericValue(c))); }
private static bool isResourceNameElement(XName elementName) { return Char.IsUpper(elementName.LocalName, 0) && elementName.Namespace == XmlNs.XFHIR; }