IEnumerator RandomSpray(float speed, int seed) { //Random spray speed doesn't change. We use the speed value to adjust intensity. System.Random rng = new System.Random(seed); float actionMultiplier = 1; //(1 / speed); Debug.Log("Rapid Cannon start At: " + Time.time); Netman.Enemy.animation["randomspray"].layer = 2; Netman.Enemy.animation["randomspray"].speed = 0.85f; //hmm! Netman.Enemy.animation["randomspray"].blendMode = AnimationBlendMode.Additive; Netman.Enemy.animation.CrossFade("randomspray"); GameObject gun1 = GameObject.Find("ArmGunL"); GameObject gun2 = GameObject.Find("ArmGunR"); GameObject gun3 = null; if (BackGunActive) { gun3 = GameObject.Find("GunMid/Gun"); } GameObject projectile; EnemySmallShotProjectile bullet; Vector3 aim; int intensity = (int)((speed - 1f) * 10); float wait = 0.5f; int shotstofire = 1; int maxshots = 1 + (intensity * Netman.difficulty) / 3; float maxangle = 85f; int minspeed = 20; int maxspeed = 60; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.1f * actionMultiplier)); int firecount = 40; if (Netman.difficulty == 3) { firecount = 45; } if (Netman.difficulty == 0) { firecount = 25; } for (int i = 0; i < firecount; i++) { Vector3 gun1point = BMan.GetEnemyBulletSpawnPoint(gun1.transform.position); Vector3 gun2point = BMan.GetEnemyBulletSpawnPoint(gun2.transform.position); Vector3 gun3point =; if (gun3 != null) { gun3point = BMan.GetEnemyBulletSpawnPoint(gun3.transform.position + (Quaternion.Euler(gun3.transform.rotation.eulerAngles) * new Vector3(-25.2f, 0f, 0f))); } for (int j = 0; j < shotstofire; j++) { float shotspeed = (float)rng.Next(minspeed * 10, maxspeed * 10) / 10f; float angle = (float)rng.Next(0, (int)maxangle * 2) - maxangle; aim = -gun1.transform.right; projectile = GameObject.Instantiate(BulletSmallShot, gun1point, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; bullet = projectile.GetComponent <EnemySmallShotProjectile>(); bullet.direction = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, angle, 0f)) * aim; bullet.direction = new Vector3(bullet.direction.x, 0f, bullet.direction.z); bullet.speed = shotspeed; } for (int j = 0; j < shotstofire; j++) { float shotspeed = (float)rng.Next(minspeed * 10, maxspeed * 10) / 10f; float angle = (float)rng.Next(0, (int)maxangle * 2) - maxangle; aim = -gun2.transform.right; projectile = GameObject.Instantiate(BulletSmallShot, gun2point, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; bullet = projectile.GetComponent <EnemySmallShotProjectile>(); bullet.direction = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, angle, 0f)) * aim; bullet.direction = new Vector3(bullet.direction.x, 0f, bullet.direction.z); bullet.speed = shotspeed; } if (gun3 != null) { for (int j = 0; j < Mathf.Clamp(shotstofire / 2, 1, 3); j++) { float shotspeed = (float)rng.Next(minspeed * 10, maxspeed * 10) / 10f; float angle = (float)rng.Next(0, (int)maxangle * 2) - maxangle; aim = -gun3.transform.right; projectile = GameObject.Instantiate(BulletSmallShot, gun3point, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; bullet = projectile.GetComponent <EnemySmallShotProjectile>(); bullet.direction = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, angle, 0f)) * aim; bullet.direction = new Vector3(bullet.direction.x, 0f, bullet.direction.z); bullet.speed = shotspeed; } } GameObject.Instantiate(SoundRegularShot,, Quaternion.identity); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(wait)); wait -= 0.05f; if (wait < 0.1f && Netman.difficulty < 3) { wait = 0.1f; } if (wait < 0.07f) { wait = 0.07f; } if (wait < 0.2f && Netman.difficulty == 0) { wait = 0.2f; } if (Netman.difficulty < 3) { shotstofire = i / 2; } else { shotstofire = i + 1; } if (shotstofire <= 0) { shotstofire = 1; } if (shotstofire > maxshots) { shotstofire = maxshots; } if (shotstofire < 2 && Netman.difficulty == 3) { shotstofire = 2; } } yield return(null); }