public void RoundEngine_ClearList_PotionsPool_Should_Pass()
            //populating Potions Potion pool

            //adding a character to the potions pool
            BaseMonster monster = new BaseMonster();



            Assert.AreEqual(Engine.potionPool.Count, 0);
        private bool _needsRefresh; // boolean for whether data is stale or not

        // Constructor: loads data and listens for broadcast from views
        public BattleViewModel()
            Title = "Battle Begin";

            // Initialize battle engine
            BattleEngine = new BattleEngine();

            // Create observable collections
            SelectedCharacters  = new ObservableCollection <Character>();
            AvailableCharacters = new ObservableCollection <Character>();
            SelectedMonsters    = new ObservableCollection <Monster>();
            availItems          = new ObservableCollection <Item>();

            // Load data command
            LoadDataCommand = new Command(async() => await ExecuteLoadDataCommand());

            // Load the data

            // For adding Characters to party
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <CharactersSelectPage, IList <Character> >(this, "AddData", (obj, data) =>
                BattleEngine.CharacterList = data.ToList <Character>();
                foreach (var c in data)

            //Messages for adding a character to party
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <CharactersSelectPage, Character>(this, "AddSelectedCharacter", async(obj, data) =>

            // Messages for removing a character from the party
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <CharactersSelectPage, Character>(this, "RemoveSelectedCharacter", async(obj, data) =>

            //Messages to start new round
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <BattleEngine, RoundEnum>(this, "NewRound", async(obj, data) =>

            //Messages for round next turn
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <BattlePage, RoundEnum>(this, "RoundNextTurn", async(obj, data) =>

            // Messages to end battle
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <BattlePage, RoundEnum>(this, "EndBattle", async(obj, data) =>
        public async Task HackathonScenario_Scenario_1_Default_Should_Pass()
             * Scenario Number:
             *      1
             * Description:
             *      Make a Character called Mike, who dies in the first round
             * Changes Required (Classes, Methods etc.)  List Files, Methods, and Describe Changes:
             *      No Code changes requied
             * Test Algrorithm:
             *      Create Character named Mike
             *      Set speed to -1 so he is really slow
             *      Set Max health to 1 so he is weak
             *      Set Current Health to 1 so he is weak
             *      Startup Battle
             *      Run Auto Battle
             * Test Conditions:
             *      Default condition is sufficient
             * Validation:
             *      Verify Battle Returned True
             *      Verify Mike is not in the Player List
             *      Verify Round Count is 1


            // Set Character Conditions

            BattleEngine.MaxNumberPartyCharacters = 1;

            var CharacterPlayerMike = new CharacterModel
                SpeedAttribute   = -1, // Will go last...
                Level            = 1,
                CurrentHealth    = 1,
                ExperiencePoints = 1,
                Name             = "Mike",

            // Make list of players
            var playerList = new List <CharacterModel>();

            // Add Mike to player list

            // Give player list to BattleEngine

            // Enable auto battle

            // Set Monster Conditions

            // (Auto Battle will add the monsters)

            var result = BattleEngine.startBattle();

            BattleEngine.Referee.AutoBattleEnabled = false;

            Assert.AreEqual(true, result);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, BattleEngine.Referee.Characters.Find(m => m.Name.Equals("Mike")));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, BattleEngine.Referee.BattleScore.RoundCount);
        // If UI is enabled, there will be popups that guide you through battle as you click the next turn button
        // If not, it will drop you straight to the result page
        public async void BattleEngineStart_Command(object sender, EventArgs e)
#if !EnableUI
                // If the round is over start a new one...
                if (RoundResult == RoundEnum.NewRound)

                PlayerInfo currentPlayer = myBattleEngine.GetNextPlayerInList();

                // Check if character or monster
                if (currentPlayer.PlayerType == PlayerTypeEnum.Character)
                    string id = null;
                    RoundResult = myBattleEngine.RoundNextTurn(id);

                // else monster turn
                    RoundResult = myBattleEngine.RoundNextTurn();

            } while (RoundResult != RoundEnum.GameOver);

#if EnableUI
            if (RoundResult != RoundEnum.GameOver)
                // If the round is over start a new one...
                if (RoundResult == RoundEnum.NewRound)

                    var answer = await DisplayAlert("New Round", "Begin", "Start", "Cancel");

                    if (answer)
                        await Navigation.PushAsync(new ManualBattlePage(myBattleEngine, RoundResult));


                PlayerInfo currentPlayer = myBattleEngine.GetNextPlayerInList();

                // Check if character or monster
                if (currentPlayer.PlayerType == PlayerTypeEnum.Character)
                    string id = null;

                    var dataset = myBattleEngine.MonsterList.Where(a => a.Alive).ToList();

                    string[] names = new string[dataset.Count];
                    string[] IDs   = new string[dataset.Count];

                    int ctr = 0;

                    foreach (var data in dataset)
                        names[ctr] = data.Name;
                        IDs[ctr]   = data.Guid;

                    var action = await DisplayActionSheet("Select Monster", null, null, names);

                    ctr = 0;

                    foreach (var data in dataset)
                        if (action == data.Name)
                            id = IDs[ctr];


                    RoundResult = myBattleEngine.RoundNextTurn(id);

                // else monster turn
                    RoundResult = myBattleEngine.RoundNextTurn();

                var response = await DisplayAlert("Turn Result", myBattleEngine.TurnMessage, "Continue", "Quit");

                if (!response)
                    await Navigation.PushAsync(new OpeningPage());

            if (RoundResult == RoundEnum.GameOver)

                string result =
                    "Battle Ended" +
                    " Total Experience :" + myBattleEngine.BattleScore.ExperienceGainedTotal +
                    " Rounds :" + myBattleEngine.BattleScore.RoundCount +
                    " Turns :" + myBattleEngine.BattleScore.TurnCount +
                    " Monster Kills :" + myBattleEngine.BattleScore.MonstersKilledList;

                var answer = await DisplayAlert("Game Result", result, "Set Name", "Restart");

                if (answer)
                    // Link to enter name
                    await Navigation.PushAsync(new EditScorePage(new ScoreDetailViewModel(myBattleEngine.BattleScore)));

                    await Navigation.PushAsync(new OpeningPage());
        public void HakathonScenario_4_greedy_char_drinks_Health_Potions_Should_Pass()
             * Scenario Number:
             *      #4
             * Description:
             *      Every Round should have 6 new health potions added
             *      and if you are in auto battle and have a character bellow 20%
             *      they are really greedy and would drink all potions before an attack
             * Changes Required (Classes, Methods etc.)  List Files, Methods, and Describe Changes:
             *      RoundEngine.cs
             *            added a populatePotionsFunction
             *            new round populates the potionspool
             *      TurnEngine.cs
             *            add a function called DrinkAllPotions will have a character drink all health potions even if they only need one
             *            added a fucntion called bellowTwentyHealth will return true is health bellow 20 percent
             *            edited Attack to have a character that is bellow 20 percent drink all the potions
             *      Base Engine.cs
             *            add a variable called potions pool
             * Test Algrorithm:
             *      make a character bellow 20 percent health
             *      make round healing on
             *      make auto battle on
             *      have a new round made to populate potion pool
             *      call attack with greedy character
             *      check the count of health potions in the pool
             *      Assert that the count is 0
             * Test Conditions:
             *      potion pool is full and there is a character with less than 20 percent health
             * Validation:
             *      Validate the potions pool only has mana potions. it is to show that
             *      your character is greedy and will drink all the potions before anyone attacks

            //turning healing on
            Engine.RoundHealing           = RoundHealingEnum.Healing_on;
            Engine.BattleScore.AutoBattle = true;
            PlayerInfoModel character = new PlayerInfoModel();

            character.PlayerType = PlayerTypeEnum.Character;
            character.MaxHealth  = 100;
            double Bellow = (double)(character.MaxHealth * .20);

            character.CurrHealth = (int)(Bellow - 1);

            //seeing if the potion list will be populated with 6th potions


            bool potions_Health_0_count = false;
            int  count = 0;

            foreach (PotionsModel potion in Engine.potionPool)
                if (potion.GetPotionType() == PotionsEnum.Health)

            if (count == 0)
                potions_Health_0_count = true;

            Assert.AreEqual(true, potions_Health_0_count);
 /// <summary>
 /// Call to the Engine for a New Round to Happen
 /// </summary>
 public void NewRound()
        public void HackathonScenario_Scenario_14_If_Confusion_Turn_Character_Should_Skip()
             * Scenario Number:
             *  14
             * Description:
             *      Confusion, have % chance to occuring each round.
             *      If happens, then confusion occurs for each monster and character for that round
             *      Each party member rolls a chance of being confused.
             * Changes Required (Classes, Methods etc.)  List Files, Methods, and Describe Changes:
             *      Change to Turn Engine, Take Turn method, added switch check and dice roll
             *      Changed BaseEngine, added boolean switch for enabling confusion, and is confusion turn or not.
             *      Check for Experience gained is 0
             * Test Algrorithm:
             *  Create Character named Bob
             *  Create Monster
             *  Call TakeTurn
             * Test Conditions:
             *  Test with Character of Named ConfusionCharacter
             * Validation:
             *      Verify Experience gained is 0

            // Set Character Conditions

            BattleEngine.MaxNumberPartyCharacters = 1;
            var TestSword       = ItemViewModel.Dataset.Where(a => a.Location == ItemLocationEnum.PrimaryHand).FirstOrDefault();
            var CharacterPlayer = new EntityInfoModel(
                new CharacterModel
                Level         = 10,
                CurrentHealth = 200,
                MaxHealth     = 200,
                //TestDamage = 123,
                Experience = 100,
                Name       = "Confused Character",

            CharacterPlayer.Attack  = 25;
            CharacterPlayer.Speed   = 20;
            CharacterPlayer.Defense = 25;
            CharacterPlayer.AddItem(ItemLocationEnum.PrimaryHand, TestSword.Id);

            // Set Monster Conditions

            // Add a monster to attack
            BattleEngine.MaxNumberPartyCharacters = 1;

            var MonsterPlayer = new EntityInfoModel(
                new MonsterModel
                Speed         = 10,
                Level         = 10,
                CurrentHealth = 100,
                Experience    = 100,
                Name          = "Monster",


            // Have dice roll to 20

            // EnableConfusionRounds
            BattleEngine.EnableConfusionRound = true;

            var result = BattleEngine.TakeTurn(CharacterPlayer);

            BattleEngine.EnableConfusionRound = false;

            Assert.AreEqual(true, result);
            Assert.AreEqual(AutoBattleEngine.BattleScore.ExperienceGainedTotal, 0);