// Assignment constructor // Is passed a Wiimote object and assigns it to the instance in the WiimoteInfo class public WiimoteInfo(Wiimote wm) : this() { mWiimote = wm; wm.SetLEDs(true, false, false, false);//recentlly added for GTA video sp.Open(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { music.Play(); cups = "UUUUUUUUUUUU"; if (usingWiimote) { WiimoteManager.FindWiimotes(); wiiController = WiimoteManager.Wiimotes[0]; RumbleWii(true); iTween.ScaleBy(gameObject, iTween.Hash("time", 0.6f, "oncomplete", "RumbleWii", "oncompletetarget", gameObject, "oncompleteparams", false)); wiiController.SendDataReportMode(InputDataType.REPORT_BUTTONS_ACCEL); wiiController.DeactivateWiiMotionPlus(); } rayOn = true; playEnabled = true; throwSet = false; myBallPos = myBallVel = Vector3.zero; oldVecz = 0; newVecz = 0; leftRightMotion = 0; myPoints = 0; velocity = 0; finalVel = 0; fVelTime = 0; curCups = 0; //UnityEngine.VR.VRSettings.enabled = !UnityEngine.VR.VRSettings.enabled; EnablePlay(); }
void updateWiiMote () { wiimote = WiimoteManager.Wiimotes [0]; wiimote.SendDataReportMode (InputDataType.REPORT_BUTTONS_ACCEL); wiimote.SendPlayerLED (true, false, false, true); int ret; do { ret = wiimote.ReadWiimoteData (); oldAccelerations = accelerations; accelerations = getAccelerationVector (); velocity = calculateVelocity (oldAccelerations, accelerations); int direction = (isMoving (velocity)) ? (int)getDirection (velocity) : 5; Debug.Log (direction); if (wiimote.Button.a) { } if (wiimote.Button.b) { wiimote.Accel.CalibrateAccel (0); } if (wiimote.Button.minus) { //FinishedWithWiimotes(); } } while (ret > 0); }
void OnGUI() { GUI.Box(new Rect(0,0,300,Screen.height), ""); GUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.Width(300)); GUILayout.Label("Wiimote Found: " + WiimoteManager.HasWiimote()); if (GUILayout.Button("Find Wiimote")) WiimoteManager.FindWiimotes(); if (GUILayout.Button("Cleanup")) { WiimoteManager.Cleanup(wiimote); wiimote = null; } GUILayout.Label("LED Test:"); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); for (int x = 0; x < 4;x++ ) if (GUILayout.Button(""+x, GUILayout.Width(300/4))) wiimote.SendPlayerLED(x == 0, x == 1, x == 2, x == 3); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if(wiimote != null && wiimote.Type == WiimoteType.PROCONTROLLER) { float[] ls = wiimote.WiiUPro.GetLeftStick01(); float[] rs = wiimote.WiiUPro.GetRightStick01(); GUILayout.Label("LS: "+ls[0]+","+ls[1]); GUILayout.Label("RS: "+rs[0]+","+rs[1]); } GUILayout.EndVertical(); if (wiimote != null) windowRect = GUI.Window(0, windowRect, DataWindow, "Data"); }
void OnApplicationQuit() { if (wiimote != null) { WiimoteManager.Cleanup(wiimote); wiimote = null; } }
void OnDestroy() { if (wiimote != null) { WiimoteManager.Cleanup(wiimote); wiimote = null; } }
private void OnApplicationQuit() { if (wiimoteRed != null) { WiimoteManager.Cleanup(wiimoteRed); wiimoteRed = null; } }
public void Reset() { if (WiimoteManager.HasWiimote()) { WiimoteManager.Cleanup(_wiimote); } _wiimote = null; }
private void OnApplicationQuit() { if (wiimoteBlue != null) { WiimoteManager.Cleanup(wiimoteBlue); wiimoteBlue = null; } }
/// <summary> /// Default constructor setting all calibrations to their defaults. /// </summary> public CalibrationStorage() { ProCalibration = Calibrations.Defaults.ProControllerDefault; WiimoteCalibration = Calibrations.Defaults.WiimoteDefault; NunchukCalibration = Calibrations.Defaults.NunchukDefault; ClassicCalibration = Calibrations.Defaults.ClassicControllerDefault; ClassicProCalibration = Calibrations.Defaults.ClassicControllerProDefault; }
public Buzzer(string GroupName, Color Color, int Index, Wiimote Wiimote) { this.GroupName = GroupName; this.Color = Color; this.Index = Index; this.Wiimote = Wiimote; this.BuzzedNumber = 0; }
private void OnApplicationQuit() { if (!(InputManager.inputs && InputManager.inputs.enabled) && wiimote != null) { WiimoteManager.Cleanup(wiimote); wiimote = null; } }
public float GetWeight(Wiimote board) { var weight = board.WiimoteState.BalanceBoardState.WeightKg; var calibratedWeight = weight - calibration; Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Weight {0}kg (uncalibrated {1}kg)", calibratedWeight, weight)); return(calibratedWeight); }
// 更新処理 void Update() { // 接続されていなかったら終了 if (!WiimoteManager.HasWiimote()) { return; } // 1Pに保存 wm = WiimoteManager.Wiimotes[0]; //int ret; //do //{ // // リモコンの情報を更新 // ret = wm.ReadWiimoteData(); // if (ret > 0 && wm.current_ext == ExtensionController.MOTIONPLUS) // { // Vector3 offset = new Vector3(-wm.MotionPlus.PitchSpeed, // wm.MotionPlus.YawSpeed, // wm.MotionPlus.RollSpeed) / 95f; // Divide by 95Hz (average updates per second from wiimote) // wmpOffset += offset; // //wmModel.rot.Rotate(offset, Space.Self); // } //} while (ret > 0); // ボタン降下情報 //wmModel.a.enabled = wm.Button.a; //wmModel.b.enabled = wm.Button.b; //wmModel.one.enabled = wm.Button.one; //wmModel.two.enabled = wm.Button.two; //wmModel.d_up.enabled = wm.Button.d_up; //wmModel.d_down.enabled = wm.Button.d_down; //wmModel.d_left.enabled = wm.Button.d_left; //wmModel.d_right.enabled = wm.Button.d_right; //wmModel.plus.enabled = wm.Button.plus; //wmModel.minus.enabled = wm.Button.minus; //wmModel.home.enabled = wm.Button.home; // 加速度取得 //Debug.Log(wmAccel =wm.Accel.GetAccelVector()); // 振っているか判定 //wmSwing = wm.Accel.GetSwing(); // Wiiリモコンプラスでなければモデルは回転しない if (wm.current_ext != ExtensionController.MOTIONPLUS) { //wmModel.rot.localRotation = initialRotation; } // モーションプラスがアクティブになっていければ終了 if (!wm.wmp_attached) { return; } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { controlWii = GetComponent <CollisionHands>().controlWii; if (collision.TouchingFurniture() && collision.isGrabbed && controlWii != null) { int ret; do { ret = controlWii.ReadWiimoteData(); if (ret > 0 && controlWii.current_ext == ExtensionController.MOTIONPLUS) { Vector3 offset = new Vector3(-controlWii.MotionPlus.PitchSpeed, controlWii.MotionPlus.YawSpeed, controlWii.MotionPlus.RollSpeed) / 95f; // Divide by 95Hz (average updates per second from wiimote) //wmpOffset += offset; //model.rot.Rotate(offset, Space.Self); } } while (ret > 0); NunchuckData data = controlWii.Nunchuck; if (data.c && !data.z) { transform.parent = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("vista").transform; Vector3 acc = GetAccelVector(); transform.position = new Vector3(transform.parent.position.x, transform.parent.position.y, transform.parent.position.z); transform.localScale = scale.actualScale / 3; if (acc.y >= -0.2f) { transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, 10)); } else if (acc.y <= -0.7f) { transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, -10)); } else if (data.stick[0] - 125 > 10) { transform.Rotate(0, 10, 0); } else if (data.stick[0] - 125 < -10) { transform.Rotate(0, -10, 0); } else if (data.stick[1] - 130 > 10) { transform.Rotate(10, 0, 0); } else if (data.stick[1] - 130 < -10) { transform.Rotate(-10, 0, 0); } else { transform.localScale = scale.actualScale; } } } }
void SetWiimoteLeds(Wiimote remote, int i) { remote.SendPlayerLED( ledsList[i % ledsList.Length][0], ledsList[i % ledsList.Length][1], ledsList[i % ledsList.Length][2], ledsList[i % ledsList.Length][3] ); }
private void CollectWiimoteData(Wiimote wiimote) { int ret; do { ret = wiimote.ReadWiimoteData(); } while (ret > 0); }
private void reportingmodeBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ReportingMode selectedReportingMode = (ReportingMode)reportingmodeBox.SelectedItem; if (Wiimote.ReportingMode != selectedReportingMode && selectedReportingMode != ReportingMode.None) { Wiimote.SetReportingMode(selectedReportingMode); } }
private bool irDetected = false; // 赤外線を検出しているか private void ConnectWiimote() { // Bluetooth 認識 var btutil = new BTUtil(); btutil.ShowDialog(); if (btutil.userClosed) { Debug.WriteLine("Exit -> BTUtil User Closed."); notifyIcon.Visible = false; Environment.Exit(0); } // Wiimote接続 mWiimote = new Wiimote(); try { mWiimote.WiimoteChanged += (s, args) => UpdateState(args); mWiimote.WiimoteExtensionChanged += (s, args) => UpdateExtension(args); mWiimote.Connect(); mWiimote.SetReportType(InputReport.IRExtensionAccel, true); mWiimote.SetLEDs(true, false, false, false); mWiimote.SetRumble(true); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); mWiimote.SetRumble(false); } catch (Exception ex) { string msg; switch (ex) { case WiimoteNotFoundException _: msg = "Wiiリモコンを認識できませんでした。"; break; case WiimoteException _: msg = "Wiiリモコンに何らかのエラーが発生しました。"; break; default: msg = "予期せぬエラーが発生しました。"; break; } MessageBox.Show( msg, "エラー", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error ); Environment.Exit(1); } }
private void button_Connect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Find all connected Wii devices. var deviceCollection = new WiimoteCollection(); deviceCollection.FindAllWiimotes(); for (int i = 0; i < deviceCollection.Count; i++) { wiiDevice = deviceCollection[i]; // Device type can only be found after connection, so prompt for multiple devices. if (deviceCollection.Count > 1) { var devicePathId = new Regex("e_pid&.*?&(.*?)&").Match(wiiDevice.HIDDevicePath).Groups[1].Value.ToUpper(); var response = MessageBox.Show("Connect to HID " + devicePathId + " device " + (i + 1) + " of " + deviceCollection.Count + " ?", "Multiple Wii Devices Found", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel); if (response == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } if (response == DialogResult.No) { continue; } } // Setup update handlers. wiiDevice.WiimoteChanged += wiiDevice_WiimoteChanged; wiiDevice.WiimoteExtensionChanged += wiiDevice_WiimoteExtensionChanged; // Connect and send a request to verify it worked. wiiDevice.Connect(); wiiDevice.SetReportType(InputReport.IRAccel, false); // FALSE = DEVICE ONLY SENDS UPDATES WHEN VALUES CHANGE! wiiDevice.SetLEDs(true, false, false, false); // Enable processing of updates. infoUpdateTimer.Enabled = true; // Prevent connect being pressed more than once. button_Connect.Enabled = false; button_BluetoothAddDevice.Enabled = false; break; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public void QuitGame() { if (wiiRemote != null) { WiimoteManager.Cleanup(wiiRemote); wiiRemote = null; } Application.Quit(); }
void SearchAndInitialize() { WiimoteManager.FindWiimotes(); wiimote = WiimoteManager.Wiimotes[0]; wiimote.SendDataReportMode(InputDataType.REPORT_BUTTONS_ACCEL); wiimote.SetupIRCamera(IRDataType.EXTENDED); wiimote.SendPlayerLED(true, true, true, true); }
internal static void Disconnect() { if (Wiimote != null) { Wiimote.SetLEDs(false, false, false, false); Wiimote.Disconnect(); Wiimote = null; } }
private void connectRumble(object device) { Wiimote wiimote = (Wiimote)device; Thread.Sleep(CONNECT_RUMBLE_TIME); wiimote.SetRumble(true); Thread.Sleep(CONNECT_RUMBLE_TIME); wiimote.SetRumble(false); }
private void Update() { wiimote = InputManager.wiimote; if (wiimote == null) { foreach (Button type in buttonTypes) { buttonDown[type] = false; buttonDownFlag[type] = false; buttonUp[type] = false; buttonUpFlag[type] = false; } return; } foreach (Button type in buttonTypes) { // Button pressed if (GetCorrespondingWiimoteButton(type)) { // Down - check if (!buttonDownFlag[type]) { buttonDown[type] = true; buttonDownFlag[type] = true; } else { buttonDown[type] = false; } // Up - set false buttonUp[type] = false; buttonUpFlag[type] = false; // Button not pressed } else { // Down - set false buttonDown[type] = false; buttonDownFlag[type] = false; // Up - check if (!buttonUpFlag[type]) { buttonUp[type] = true; buttonUpFlag[type] = true; } else { buttonUp[type] = false; } } } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------ Form Events ------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // スクリーンの大きさ取得 foreach (var s in Screen.AllScreens) { if (s.Bounds.X < 0) { MinXY.X += s.Bounds.X; } if (s.Bounds.Y < 0) { MinXY.Y += s.Bounds.Y; } if (s.Bounds.X > 0) { MaxXY.X += s.Bounds.X; } if (s.Bounds.Y > 0) { MaxXY.Y += s.Bounds.Y; } } MaxXY.X += Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width; MaxXY.Y += Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height; // カーソルの取得と通知テキスト設定 CursorPoint = Cursor.Position; notifyIcon1.Text = "Wiimote Mouse : Disabled"; // Wiimote接続 mWiimote = new Wiimote(); try { mWiimote.WiimoteChanged += (s, args) => UpdateState(args); mWiimote.WiimoteExtensionChanged += (s, args) => UpdateExtension(args); mWiimote.Connect(); mWiimote.SetReportType(InputReport.IRExtensionAccel, true); mWiimote.SetLEDs(true, false, false, true); } catch (WiimoteNotFoundException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Wiimote not found error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Environment.Exit(1); } catch (WiimoteException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Wiimote error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Environment.Exit(1); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Unknown error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Environment.Exit(1); } }
public void InitWiimotes() { WiimoteManager.FindWiimotes(); // Poll native bluetooth drivers to find Wiimotes if (WiimoteManager.HasWiimote()) _wiimote = WiimoteManager.Wiimotes[0]; Debug.Log(_wiimote); if (_wiimote != null) _wiimote.SendPlayerLED(true, false, false, false); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { WiimoteManager.FindWiimotes(); wiimote = WiimoteManager.Wiimotes[0]; wiimote.RequestIdentifyWiiMotionPlus(); wiimote.ActivateWiiMotionPlus(); wiimote.SetupIRCamera(IRDataType.BASIC); pivot = transform.parent; }
void InitWiimotes() { WiimoteManager.FindWiimotes(); // Poll native bluetooth drivers to find Wiimotes foreach (Wiimote remote in WiimoteManager.Wiimotes) { remote.SendPlayerLED(true, false, false, true); remote.SetupIRCamera(IRDataType.BASIC); // Basic IR dot position data wiimote = remote; } }
void InitWiimotes() { WiimoteManager.FindWiimotes(); // Poll native bluetooth drivers to find Wiimotes foreach (Wiimote remote in WiimoteManager.Wiimotes) { // Do stuff. Debug.Log("Found Wiimote"); this.remote = remote; } }
public SingleWiimote() { this.InitializeComponent(); mWiimote = new Wiimote(); mWiimote.Connect(); mWiimote.WiimoteChanged += wm_WiimoteChanged; mWiimote.WiimoteExtensionChanged += wm_WiimoteExtensionChanged; mWiimote.SetReportType(InputReport.IRAccel, true); mWiimote.SetLEDs(false, true, true, false); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { // Hiermit kann man evtl. die beschleunigung etwas besser anpassen, damit das // Gefühl etwas besser wird beim fahren. Einfach in Doku nachlesen für genauere Infos. // m_Wheels[0].ConfigureVehicleSubsteps(criticalSpeed, stepsBelow, stepsAbove); rb = this.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); wiiDaten = GetComponent <wiiKalibrierung>(); wiiRemote = wiiDaten.wiiRemote; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (receiver.wiimotes.ContainsKey(1)) { Wiimote mymote = receiver.wiimotes[1]; transform.rotation = initPosition; //float zTilt = ((mymote.BALANCE_TOPRIGHT + mymote.BALANCE_BOTTOMRIGHT)-(mymote.BALANCE_TOPLEFT + mymote.BALANCE_BOTTOMLEFT)) *20; //float xTilt = ((mymote.BALANCE_BOTTOMLEFT + mymote.BALANCE_BOTTOMRIGHT)-(mymote.BALANCE_TOPLEFT + mymote.BALANCE_TOPRIGHT)) *20; transform.Rotate(-mymote.MOTION_ANGLE_PITCH, (mymote.BUTTON_A * 50 - mymote.BUTTON_B * 50), -mymote.MOTION_ANGLE_ROLL); } }
protected static bool CheckIfDeviceExists(Wiimote wiimote, List <GenericInput> currentDevices) { for (int i = 0; i < currentDevices.Count; i++) { if (wiimote.HIDDevicePath.ToString() == currentDevices[i].DeviceInstanceId) { return(true); } } return(false); }
void MainMenu() { WiimoteManager.FindWiimotes(); controlWii = WiimoteManager.Wiimotes[0]; //controlWii = transform.parent.GetComponent<MoveCamera>().controlWii; controlWii.SetupIRCamera(IRDataType.BASIC); if (controlWii != null) { int ret; do { ret = controlWii.ReadWiimoteData(); if (ret > 0 && controlWii.current_ext == ExtensionController.MOTIONPLUS) { Vector3 offset = new Vector3(-controlWii.MotionPlus.PitchSpeed, controlWii.MotionPlus.YawSpeed, controlWii.MotionPlus.RollSpeed) / 95f; // Divide by 95Hz (average updates per second from wiimote) //wmpOffset += offset; //model.rot.Rotate(offset, Space.Self); } } while (ret > 0); NunchuckData data = controlWii.Nunchuck; if (data.c && data.z && created == false) { menu.transform.parent.GetComponent <MoveCamera>().enabled = false; CreateMenu(); created = true; } else if (data.z && !data.c && created == true) { DestroyMenu(); Destroy(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("selection")); menu.transform.parent.GetComponent <MoveCamera>().enabled = true; created = false; controlWii = null; } if (created == true) { int i = 0; while (i < opts.Length) { if (opts[i].tag == "active") { activeOpt = opts[i]; } i++; } } } }
public void FinishedWithWiimotes() { /*foreach (Wiimote remote in WiimoteManager.Wiimotes) { WiimoteManager.Cleanup (remote); }*/ if (WiimoteManager.HasWiimote()) { WiimoteManager.Wiimotes[0].SendPlayerLED(false, false, false, false); WiimoteManager.Cleanup(WiimoteManager.Wiimotes[0]); } _wiimote = null; }
void Update () { if (!WiimoteManager.HasWiimote()) { return; } bool n = wiimote == null; wiimote = WiimoteManager.Wiimotes[0]; if(n && wiimote != null) { wiimote.SendPlayerLED(true, false, false, false); wiimote.SendDataReportMode(InputDataType.REPORT_EXT21); } int ret; do { ret = wiimote.ReadWiimoteData(); } while (ret > 0); }
private void AddNewWiimote(Wiimote NewWiimote) { if (AvailableIndices.Count == 0) { NewWiimote.Disconnect(); } NewWiimote.WiimoteDisconnected += OnWiimoteDisconnected; NewWiimote.ButtonPressed += OnButtonPressed; int WiimoteIndex = AvailableIndices[0]; AvailableIndices.RemoveAt(0); Wiimote.WiimoteLED LED = Wiimote.WiimoteLED.ALL; switch (WiimoteIndex) { case 0: LED = Wiimote.WiimoteLED.LED1; break; case 1: LED = Wiimote.WiimoteLED.LED2; break; case 2: LED = Wiimote.WiimoteLED.LED3; break; case 3: LED = Wiimote.WiimoteLED.LED4; break; } NewWiimote.SetLED(LED); RumbleWiimote(NewWiimote); Buzzer.Add(new Buzzer("Team " + (WiimoteIndex + 1), BuzzerColors[WiimoteIndex], WiimoteIndex, NewWiimote)); Buzzer.Sort(); BuzzerPanel.Items.Refresh(); }
void InitWiimotes() { WiimoteManager.FindWiimotes(); // Poll native bluetooth drivers to find Wiimotes foreach (Wiimote remote in WiimoteManager.Wiimotes) { Debug.Log("Found Wiimote"); playerCount++; if (playerCount == 1) { speedMote = remote; speedMote.SendPlayerLED(true, false, false, false); speedMote.SendDataReportMode(InputDataType.REPORT_BUTTONS_ACCEL); } else { steering = remote; steering.SendPlayerLED(false, true, false, false); steering.SendDataReportMode(InputDataType.REPORT_BUTTONS_ACCEL_EXT16); steering.RequestIdentifyWiiMotionPlus(); } } }
void Update() { if (!WiimoteManager.HasWiimote()) { return; } wiimote = WiimoteManager.Wiimotes[0]; int ret; do { ret = wiimote.ReadWiimoteData(); if (ret > 0 && wiimote.current_ext == ExtensionController.MOTIONPLUS) { Vector3 offset = new Vector3( -wiimote.MotionPlus.PitchSpeed, wiimote.MotionPlus.YawSpeed, wiimote.MotionPlus.RollSpeed) / 95f; // Divide by 95Hz (average updates per second from wiimote) wmpOffset += offset; model.rot.Rotate(offset, Space.Self); } } while (ret > 0); model.a.enabled = wiimote.Button.a; model.b.enabled = wiimote.Button.b; model.one.enabled = wiimote.Button.one; model.two.enabled = wiimote.Button.two; model.d_up.enabled = wiimote.Button.d_up; model.d_down.enabled = wiimote.Button.d_down; model.d_left.enabled = wiimote.Button.d_left; model.d_right.enabled = wiimote.Button.d_right; model.plus.enabled = wiimote.Button.plus; model.minus.enabled = wiimote.Button.minus; model.home.enabled = wiimote.Button.home; if (wiimote.current_ext != ExtensionController.MOTIONPLUS) model.rot.localRotation = initial_rotation; if (ir_dots.Length < 4) return; float[,] ir = wiimote.Ir.GetProbableSensorBarIR(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { float x = (float)ir[i, 0] / 1023f; float y = (float)ir[i, 1] / 767f; if (x == -1 || y == -1) { ir_dots[i].anchorMin = new Vector2(0, 0); ir_dots[i].anchorMax = new Vector2(0, 0); } ir_dots[i].anchorMin = new Vector2(x, y); ir_dots[i].anchorMax = new Vector2(x, y); if (ir[i, 2] != -1) { int index = (int)ir[i,2]; float xmin = (float)wiimote.Ir.ir[index,3] / 127f; float ymin = (float)wiimote.Ir.ir[index,4] / 127f; float xmax = (float)wiimote.Ir.ir[index,5] / 127f; float ymax = (float)wiimote.Ir.ir[index,6] / 127f; ir_bb[i].anchorMin = new Vector2(xmin, ymin); ir_bb[i].anchorMax = new Vector2(xmax, ymax); } } float[] pointer = wiimote.Ir.GetPointingPosition(); ir_pointer.anchorMin = new Vector2(pointer[0], pointer[1]); ir_pointer.anchorMax = new Vector2(pointer[0], pointer[1]); }
private void Buzz(Wiimote BuzzedWiimote) { Buzzer Buzzed = GetBuzzer(BuzzedWiimote); if(Buzzed == null) { return; } if(BuzzedList.Contains(Buzzed)) { return; } if(BuzzedList.Count == 0) { System.Media.SystemSounds.Beep.Play(); // First one RumbleWiimote(BuzzedWiimote); // Start Reset Timer if(TimedBuzzerReset) { BuzzerResetTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(new Action(() => { BuzzedResetTimer(); })); } } BuzzedList.Add(Buzzed); Buzzed.BuzzedNumber = BuzzedList.Count; }
private void RemoveWiimote(Wiimote DisconnectedWiimote) { Buzzer BuzzerToRemove = GetBuzzer(DisconnectedWiimote); if(BuzzerToRemove == null) { return; } Buzzer.Remove(BuzzerToRemove); BuzzerPanel.Items.Refresh(); AvailableIndices.Add(BuzzerToRemove.Index); AvailableIndices.Sort(); }
public override void checkWiimoteState(Wiimote wiimote1, Wiimote wiimote2) { try { wiimote1.WiimoteCurrentState = WiimoteState.wiimoteGoodStateState; wiimote2.WiimoteCurrentState = WiimoteState.wiimoteGoodStateState; //Thread.Sleep(Configuration.getConfiguration().WaitTimeCheckConnection); //string checkWiimoteStateMessage = CHECK_WIIMOTE_STATE_METHOD_NAME + ";"; //string returnString = m_CommandPipe.sendMessage(checkWiimoteStateMessage); //if (returnString.Length < 4) // return; //string[] returnValues = returnString.Split(','); //mSpaceSensorMain.CheckState(); //wiimote1.WiimoteCurrentState = (WiimoteState)Convert.ToInt32(returnValues[0]); //wiimote1.BatteryLevel = Convert.ToInt32(returnValues[1]); //wiimote2.WiimoteCurrentState = (WiimoteState)Convert.ToInt32(returnValues[2]); //wiimote2.BatteryLevel = Convert.ToInt32(returnValues[3]); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new WiimoteCommunicationException(ex); } }
public ButtonData(Wiimote Owner) : base(Owner) { }
private Buzzer GetBuzzer(Wiimote Wiimote) { foreach (Buzzer Tmp in Buzzer) { if (Tmp.Wiimote == Wiimote) { return Tmp; } } return null; }
private void RumbleWiimote(Wiimote Wiimote) { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { Wiimote.RumbleBriefly(); }); }
private void OnNewWiimoteFound(object sender, Wiimote e) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { AddNewWiimote(e); })); }
void OnGUI() { GUI.Box(new Rect(0,0,320,Screen.height), ""); GUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.Width(300)); GUILayout.Label("Wiimote Found: " + WiimoteManager.HasWiimote()); if (GUILayout.Button("Find Wiimote")) WiimoteManager.FindWiimotes(); if (GUILayout.Button("Cleanup")) { WiimoteManager.Cleanup(wiimote); wiimote = null; } if (wiimote == null) return; GUILayout.Label("Extension: " + wiimote.current_ext.ToString()); GUILayout.Label("LED Test:"); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); for (int x = 0; x < 4;x++ ) if (GUILayout.Button(""+x, GUILayout.Width(300/4))) wiimote.SendPlayerLED(x == 0, x == 1, x == 2, x == 3); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Set Report:"); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if(GUILayout.Button("But/Acc", GUILayout.Width(300/4))) wiimote.SendDataReportMode(InputDataType.REPORT_BUTTONS_ACCEL); if(GUILayout.Button("But/Ext8", GUILayout.Width(300/4))) wiimote.SendDataReportMode(InputDataType.REPORT_BUTTONS_EXT8); if(GUILayout.Button("B/A/Ext16", GUILayout.Width(300/4))) wiimote.SendDataReportMode(InputDataType.REPORT_BUTTONS_ACCEL_EXT16); if(GUILayout.Button("Ext21", GUILayout.Width(300/4))) wiimote.SendDataReportMode(InputDataType.REPORT_EXT21); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Request Status Report")) wiimote.SendStatusInfoRequest(); GUILayout.Label("IR Setup Sequence:"); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if(GUILayout.Button("Basic", GUILayout.Width(100))) wiimote.SetupIRCamera(IRDataType.BASIC); if(GUILayout.Button("Extended", GUILayout.Width(100))) wiimote.SetupIRCamera(IRDataType.EXTENDED); if(GUILayout.Button("Full", GUILayout.Width(100))) wiimote.SetupIRCamera(IRDataType.FULL); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("WMP Attached: " + wiimote.wmp_attached); if (GUILayout.Button("Request Identify WMP")) wiimote.RequestIdentifyWiiMotionPlus(); if ((wiimote.wmp_attached || wiimote.Type == WiimoteType.PROCONTROLLER) && GUILayout.Button("Activate WMP")) wiimote.ActivateWiiMotionPlus(); if ((wiimote.current_ext == ExtensionController.MOTIONPLUS || wiimote.current_ext == ExtensionController.MOTIONPLUS_CLASSIC || wiimote.current_ext == ExtensionController.MOTIONPLUS_NUNCHUCK) && GUILayout.Button("Deactivate WMP")) wiimote.DeactivateWiiMotionPlus(); GUILayout.Label("Calibrate Accelerometer"); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) { AccelCalibrationStep step = (AccelCalibrationStep)x; if (GUILayout.Button(step.ToString(), GUILayout.Width(100))) wiimote.Accel.CalibrateAccel(step); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Print Calibration Data")) { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) { str.Append(wiimote.Accel.accel_calib[y, x]).Append(" "); } str.Append("\n"); } Debug.Log(str.ToString()); } if (wiimote != null && wiimote.current_ext != ExtensionController.NONE) { scrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPosition); GUIStyle bold = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.button); bold.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; if (wiimote.current_ext == ExtensionController.NUNCHUCK) { GUILayout.Label("Nunchuck:", bold); NunchuckData data = wiimote.Nunchuck; GUILayout.Label("Stick: " + data.stick[0] + ", " + data.stick[1]); GUILayout.Label("C: " + data.c); GUILayout.Label("Z: " + data.z); } else if (wiimote.current_ext == ExtensionController.CLASSIC) { GUILayout.Label("Classic Controller:", bold); ClassicControllerData data = wiimote.ClassicController; GUILayout.Label("Stick Left: " + data.lstick[0] + ", " + data.lstick[1]); GUILayout.Label("Stick Right: " + data.rstick[0] + ", " + data.rstick[1]); GUILayout.Label("Trigger Left: " + data.ltrigger_range); GUILayout.Label("Trigger Right: " + data.rtrigger_range); GUILayout.Label("Trigger Left Button: " + data.ltrigger_switch); GUILayout.Label("Trigger Right Button: " + data.rtrigger_switch); GUILayout.Label("A: " + data.a); GUILayout.Label("B: " + data.b); GUILayout.Label("X: " + data.x); GUILayout.Label("Y: " + data.y); GUILayout.Label("Plus: " + data.plus); GUILayout.Label("Minus: " + data.minus); GUILayout.Label("Home: " + data.home); GUILayout.Label("ZL: " + data.zl); GUILayout.Label("ZR: " + data.zr); GUILayout.Label("D-Up: " + data.dpad_up); GUILayout.Label("D-Down: " + data.dpad_down); GUILayout.Label("D-Left: " + data.dpad_left); GUILayout.Label("D-Right: " + data.dpad_right); } else if (wiimote.current_ext == ExtensionController.MOTIONPLUS) { GUILayout.Label("Wii Motion Plus:", bold); MotionPlusData data = wiimote.MotionPlus; GUILayout.Label("Pitch Speed: " + data.PitchSpeed); GUILayout.Label("Yaw Speed: " + data.YawSpeed); GUILayout.Label("Roll Speed: " + data.RollSpeed); GUILayout.Label("Pitch Slow: " + data.PitchSlow); GUILayout.Label("Yaw Slow: " + data.YawSlow); GUILayout.Label("Roll Slow: " + data.RollSlow); if (GUILayout.Button("Zero Out WMP")) { data.SetZeroValues(); model.rot.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(model.rot.rotation*GetAccelVector(), Vector3.up) * model.rot.rotation; model.rot.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(model.rot.forward, Vector3.forward) * model.rot.rotation; } if(GUILayout.Button("Reset Offset")) wmpOffset = Vector3.zero; GUILayout.Label("Offset: " + wmpOffset.ToString()); } else if (wiimote.current_ext == ExtensionController.WIIU_PRO) { GUILayout.Label("Wii U Pro Controller:", bold); WiiUProData data = wiimote.WiiUPro; GUILayout.Label("Stick Left: "+data.lstick[0]+", "+data.lstick[1]); GUILayout.Label("Stick Right: "+data.rstick[0]+", "+data.rstick[1]); GUILayout.Label("A: "+data.a); GUILayout.Label("B: "+data.b); GUILayout.Label("X: "+data.x); GUILayout.Label("Y: "+data.y); GUILayout.Label("D-Up: " +data.dpad_up); GUILayout.Label("D-Down: " +data.dpad_down); GUILayout.Label("D-Left: " +data.dpad_left); GUILayout.Label("D-Right: "+data.dpad_right); GUILayout.Label("Plus: "+data.plus); GUILayout.Label("Minus: "+data.minus); GUILayout.Label("Home: "+data.home); GUILayout.Label("L: "+data.l); GUILayout.Label("R: "+data.r); GUILayout.Label("ZL: "+data.zl); GUILayout.Label("ZR: "+data.zr); } else if (wiimote.current_ext == ExtensionController.GUITAR) { GUILayout.Label ("Guitar", bold); GuitarData data = wiimote.Guitar; float[] stick = data.GetStick01 (); GUILayout.Label ("Stick: " + stick [0] + ", " + stick [1]); GUILayout.Label ("Slider: " + (data.has_slider ? Convert.ToString (data.GetSlider01 ()) : "unsupported")); GUILayout.Label ("Green: " + data.green); GUILayout.Label ("Red: " + data.red); GUILayout.Label ("Yellow: " + data.yellow); GUILayout.Label ("Blue: " + data.blue); GUILayout.Label ("Orange: " + data.orange); GUILayout.Label ("Strum Up: " + data.strum_up); GUILayout.Label ("Strum Down: " + data.strum_down); GUILayout.Label ("Minus: " + data.minus); GUILayout.Label ("Plus: " + data.plus); GUILayout.Label ("Whammy: " + data.GetWhammy01()); } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); } else { scrollPosition = Vector2.zero; } GUILayout.EndVertical(); }
public MotionPlusData(Wiimote Owner) : base(Owner) { }