protected virtual void UpdateCameraStates() { // CAMERA STATE - you can change the CameraState here, the bool means if you want lerp of not, make sure to use the same CameraState String that you named on TPCameraListData if (cam == null) { cam = FindObjectOfType <ThirdPersonCamera>(); if (cam == null) { return; } if (cam) { cam.SetMainTarget(this.transform); cam.Init(); } } if (changeCameraState) { cam.ChangeState(desiredCameraState, customlookAtPoint, smoothCameraState); } else if (blackboard.isCrouching) { cam.ChangeState("Crouch", true); } else { cam.ChangeState("MovementState", true); } }
/*********************************************************************** * Init Methods ***********************************************************************/ #region . private void InitializeComponents() { // Gets SmartWalker walker = GetComponentInChildren <SmartWalker>(); Walker = walker.transform; RBody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); Anim = GetComponentInChildren <Animator>(); FPCam = GetComponentInAllChildren <FirstPersonCamera>(); TPCam = GetComponentInAllChildren <ThirdPersonCamera>(); FPCam.Init(); TPCam.Init(); // Error Check if (RBody == null) { Debug.LogError("플레이어 캐릭터에 리지드바디가 존재하지 않습니다."); } if (Anim == null) { Debug.LogError("플레이어 캐릭터에 애니메이터가 존재하지 않습니다."); } // Init Component Values RBody.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotation; Anim.applyRootMotion = false; }
/// <summary> /// 初始 /// </summary> public void Init() { Messenger.AddListener(MessengerConst.OnCutsceneMovieBegin, OnCutsceneMovieBegin); LinkCamera(); // m_bDirty = true; m_ThirdPersonCamera = new ThirdPersonCamera(); m_ThirdPersonCamera.Init(); m_CurrentCamera = m_ThirdPersonCamera; // m_EffectRenderTexture = new SynRenderTexture(); // m_EffectRenderTexture.Init(); }
/// <summary> /// Set the TPC Camara /// </summary> protected virtual void InitializeTpCamera() { if (tpCamera == null) { tpCamera = FindObjectOfType <ThirdPersonCamera>(); if (tpCamera == null) { return; } if (tpCamera) { tpCamera.SetMainTarget(this.transform); tpCamera.Init(); } } }
public override void Init(object context = null, Action callback = null) { if (_instance == null) { _instance = this; _entities = new List <Entity>(); _combatEvents = new List <CombatEvent>(); _actorsInScene = new List <Actor>(Object.FindObjectsOfType <Actor>()); MainCamera = gameCamera.GetComponent <Camera>(); gameCamera.Init(); } if (context is Actor actor) { _actorIndex = _actorsInScene.IndexOf(actor); SetPlayer(actor, true); } SetPhysicsPaused(_cachedPhysicsPaused); callback?.Invoke(); }
private void Start() { cam = Camera.main; m_RigidBody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); foreach (CapsuleCollider c in GetComponents <CapsuleCollider>()) { if (!c.isTrigger) { m_Capsule = c; break; //make sure to get the right capsule collider } } m_inter = GetComponent <Interaction>(); m_anim = GetComponentInChildren <Animator>(); mouseLook.Init(this, cam); mouseLook2.Init(this, cam); world = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CONTROL").GetComponent <World>(); //get world script CAMERAPERSPECTIVE = 0; shellOffset = 0.1F; groundCheckDistance = 0.1F; posOld = gameObject.transform.position; //jumped = false; //jumpWait = 1.0f; itemsInReach = new List <GameObject>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { m_curCameraMode = CameraMode.ThirdPersonFree; ThirdPersonCamera.Init(m_curCameraMode); }