コード例 #1
        private void UpdateBounds()
            if (cachedTargetCollider != null)
                // Store current rotation then zero out the rotation so that the bounds
                // are computed when the object is in its 'axis aligned orientation'.
                Quaternion currentRotation = targetObject.transform.rotation;
                targetObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
                UnityPhysics.SyncTransforms(); // Update collider bounds

                Vector3 boundsExtents = cachedTargetCollider.bounds.extents;

                // After bounds are computed, restore rotation...
                targetObject.transform.rotation = currentRotation;

                if (boundsExtents != Vector3.zero)
                    if (flattenAxis == FlattenModeType.FlattenAuto)
                        float min = Mathf.Min(boundsExtents.x, Mathf.Min(boundsExtents.y, boundsExtents.z));
                        flattenAxis = min.Equals(boundsExtents.x) ? FlattenModeType.FlattenX : (min.Equals(boundsExtents.y) ? FlattenModeType.FlattenY : FlattenModeType.FlattenZ);

                    boundsExtents.x      = flattenAxis == FlattenModeType.FlattenX ? 0.0f : boundsExtents.x;
                    boundsExtents.y      = flattenAxis == FlattenModeType.FlattenY ? 0.0f : boundsExtents.y;
                    boundsExtents.z      = flattenAxis == FlattenModeType.FlattenZ ? 0.0f : boundsExtents.z;
                    currentBoundsExtents = boundsExtents;

                    GetCornerPositionsFromBounds(new Bounds(Vector3.zero, boundsExtents * 2.0f), ref boundsCorners);
コード例 #2
        private void UpdateBounds()
            if (TargetBounds != null)
                // Store current rotation then zero out the rotation so that the bounds
                // are computed when the object is in its 'axis aligned orientation'.
                Quaternion currentRotation = Target.transform.rotation;
                Target.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
                UnityPhysics.SyncTransforms(); // Update collider bounds

                Vector3 boundsExtents = TargetBounds.bounds.extents;

                // After bounds are computed, restore rotation...
                Target.transform.rotation = currentRotation;

                if (boundsExtents != Vector3.zero)
                    if (flattenAxis == FlattenModeType.FlattenAuto)
                        float min = Mathf.Min(boundsExtents.x, Mathf.Min(boundsExtents.y, boundsExtents.z));
                        flattenAxis = (min == boundsExtents.x) ? FlattenModeType.FlattenX :
                                      ((min == boundsExtents.y) ? FlattenModeType.FlattenY : FlattenModeType.FlattenZ);

                    boundsExtents.x      = (flattenAxis == FlattenModeType.FlattenX) ? 0.0f : boundsExtents.x;
                    boundsExtents.y      = (flattenAxis == FlattenModeType.FlattenY) ? 0.0f : boundsExtents.y;
                    boundsExtents.z      = (flattenAxis == FlattenModeType.FlattenZ) ? 0.0f : boundsExtents.z;
                    currentBoundsExtents = boundsExtents;

                    GetCornerPositionsFromBounds(new Bounds(Vector3.zero, boundsExtents * 2.0f), ref boundsCorners);
コード例 #3
        private Vector3 CalculateBoundsExtents()
            // Store current rotation then zero out the rotation so that the bounds
            // are computed when the object is in its 'axis aligned orientation'.
            Quaternion currentRotation = Target.transform.rotation;

            Target.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
            UnityPhysics.SyncTransforms(); // Update collider bounds

            Vector3 boundsExtents = TargetBounds.bounds.extents;

            // After bounds are computed, restore rotation...
            Target.transform.rotation = currentRotation;

            // apply flattening
            return(VisualUtils.FlattenBounds(boundsExtents, flattenAxis));
コード例 #4
        private void SetBoundsControlCollider()
            // Make sure that the bounds of all child objects are up to date before we compute bounds

            if (boundsOverride != null)
                TargetBounds = boundsOverride;
                TargetBounds.transform.hasChanged = true;
                Bounds bounds = GetTargetBounds();
                TargetBounds = Target.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();

                TargetBounds.center = bounds.center;
                TargetBounds.size   = bounds.size;

            TargetBounds.EnsureComponent <NearInteractionGrabbable>();