// Runs until the animat is dead
    // Animat uses reasources over time
    // If it runs out of reasource it instad loses health
    // If it runs out of health it dies
    IEnumerator Metabolism()
        while (dead != true)
            // Resource to health conversion
            if (thirst > baseHydration / 3 && hunger > baseSatation / 3 && health < startingHealth)
                health = Mathf.Clamp(health + health / 10, 0, startingHealth);
                thirst = Mathf.Clamp(thirst - (int)(baseHydration / 20), 0, baseHydration);
                hunger = Mathf.Clamp(hunger - (int)(baseSatation / 20), 0, baseSatation);
                //Debug.Log(gameObject.name + "Gained health: currentHealth = " + health);

            // Thirst level
            if (thirst != 0)
                thirst = Mathf.Clamp(thirst - ((int)(baseHydration / 10) + 1), 0, baseHydration);
                //Debug.Log(gameObject.name + ": thrist = " + thirst);
            else if (health != 0)
                health = Mathf.Clamp(health - (int)(startingHealth / 20), 0, startingHealth);
                //Debug.Log(gameObject.name + ": health = " + health + "due to Dehydration");

            // Hunger level
            if (hunger != 0)
                hunger = Mathf.Clamp(hunger - ((int)(baseSatation / 20) + 1), 0, baseSatation);
                //Debug.Log(gameObject.name + ": hunger = " + hunger);
            else if (health != 0)
                health = Mathf.Clamp(health - (int)(startingHealth / 20), 0, startingHealth);
                //Debug.Log(gameObject.name + ": health = " + health + "due to Stavation");
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(metabolicRate));