}   // end of ResetIgnoreList()

        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves conflicts in the follow lists used by the camera.
        /// An entry in the NeverFollowList overrides one in the FollowList.
        /// Also removes any dead bots.
        /// This should be called after the brain updates but before the
        /// camera is used.
        /// </summary>
        public static void ResolveFollowLists()
            // An explicit ignore in the bot's programming trumps
            // an explicit follow or a user controlled follow.
            for (int i = 0; i < brainIgnoreMeList.Count; i++)

            // Remove any dead bots.
            for (int i = brainFollowMeList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                GameActor actor = brainFollowMeList[i];
                if (!actor.IsAlive())

            for (int i = brainUserControlledList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                GameActor actor = brainUserControlledList[i];
                if (!actor.IsAlive())

            if (FirstPersonActive)
                /// We want to clear out anyone that has requested first person
                /// but lost out. They can continue to request, but if they requested
                /// at some point in the past but stopped requesting, and the current
                /// first person stops being first person, we want their request to
                /// have expired. So achieving firstperson-ness is sticky, but requesting
                /// firstperson-ness is not.
                GameActor winner = null;

                for (int i = brainFirstPersonStack.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    GameActor actor = brainFirstPersonStack[i];
                    if (actor.IsAlive())
                        winner = actor;

                if (winner != null)

            // Create the merged follow list.
            for (int i = 0; i < brainFollowMeList.Count; i++)
                GameActor actor = brainFollowMeList[i];
                if (!mergedFollowList.Contains(actor))
            for (int i = 0; i < brainUserControlledList.Count; i++)
                GameActor actor = brainUserControlledList[i];
                if (!mergedFollowList.Contains(actor))

            // Flag whether camera is following any actors.
            wasFollowingActors = amFollowingActors;
            amFollowingActors  = mergedFollowList.Count > 0 || brainFirstPersonStack.Count > 0;

            // Clear the user controlled list since it gets updated every frame.
        } // end of ResolveFollowLists()