public void CastCharmAnimal()
        if (!CombatManager.charmedAnimal && combatManager.enemyTypes[0] == CombatScriptable.enemyType.Animal && RollSpellCheck(6))
            mapSceneManager.AlterDamage(6, true);
            overallText.text += "\nYou took <color=#ff0000ff>6</color> damage from casting the Charm Animal spell";

            //Charm the animal
            CombatManager.charmedAnimal = true;
            combatManager.DamageEnemy(CharacterManager.myName, 0, true, false);
            CombatManager.charmedAnimal = false;             //Just to be sure

            overallText.text += "\nYou failed to cast your Charm Animal spell";

            if (combatManager.enemyTypes[0] != CombatScriptable.enemyType.Animal)
                overallText.text += "\nThis spell cannot charm an enemy of this type";
            else if (CombatManager.charmedAnimal)
                overallText.text += "\nYou already have an animal charmed";
