Exemple #1
    public void BackButtonFunctionality(bool buttonPressed)
        _combatManager = FindObjectOfType <CombatManager>();

        // Toggle selected unit portraits off

        // Remove all unit select images

        //Destroy hit markers
        if (activeHitMarker)

        // If the user pressed the 'back' button, give back mana to the user for the skill
        if (buttonPressed)
            // Give mana back to relic for cancelling the skill
            StartCoroutine(_combatManager.activeUnit.UpdateCurMana(_combatManager.activeSkill.manaRequired, true));

        // Clear targets

        // Sets skill active as false

        // Toggle to all skill panel
Exemple #2
    public void ExitSkillDetailsButton()
        // Remove skill detail panel, display all skill panel

        // Remove all unit select images
Exemple #3
    public void ToggleSelectionImage(bool ifTargetIsMultiple)
        // If unit is able to be targetable and a skill is active
        if (targetable && _combatManager.activeSkill)
            // Clear unit select images

            // Add target to the selected targets

            // If active skill target type is multiple
            if (ifTargetIsMultiple)
                // Add all other enemies to the selected targets
                if (_combatManager.activeSkill.targetType == "Multiple")
                    if (_combatManager.activeUnit.unitType == Unit.UnitType.ALLY)
                        for (int i = 0; i < _combatManager._enemies.Count; i++)
            // Update Unit's mana for skill cost
            StartCoroutine(_combatManager.activeUnit.UpdateCurMana(_combatManager.activeSkill.manaRequired, false));

            // Toggle off selected skill image
            _combatManager._unitHudInfo.ToggleSkillSelectionImage(_combatManager.activeSkill, false);

            // Prepare attack bar opening sequence