Example #1
        public override void SetDefaults()
            NPC.aiStyle         = -1;
            NPC.lifeMax         = 35000;
            NPC.damage          = 0;
            NPC.defense         = 15;
            NPC.knockBackResist = 0;
            NPC.width           = 621 / 2;
            NPC.height          = 877;
            NPC.scale           = 1;
            NPC.value           = 500;
            NPC.npcSlots        = 4;
            NPC.boss            = true;
            NPC.lavaImmune      = true;
            NPC.noGravity       = true;
            NPC.noTileCollide   = true;
            NPC.HitSound        = SoundID.NPCHit1;
            NPC.behindTiles     = true;
            NPC.hide            = true;
            NPC.DeathSound      = SoundID.NPCDeath1;
            Music = MusicLoader.GetMusicSlot("KingdomTerrahearts/Sounds/Music/Vector to the Heaven");

            s         = new ProjectileSource_NPC(NPC);
            NPC.ai[0] = 50;
Example #2
        public override void SetDefaults()
            NPC.width           = 130;
            NPC.height          = 130;
            NPC.damage          = 160;
            NPC.defense         = 0;
            NPC.lifeMax         = 35000;
            NPC.HitSound        = SoundID.NPCHit5;
            NPC.DeathSound      = SoundID.NPCDeath7;
            NPC.noGravity       = true;
            NPC.noTileCollide   = true;
            NPC.knockBackResist = 0f;
            NPC.lavaImmune      = true;
            NPC.aiStyle         = -1;
            NPC.value           = Item.buyPrice(0, 15);
            NPC.boss            = true;

            NPC.buffImmune[BuffID.Chilled]                       = true;
            NPC.buffImmune[BuffID.OnFire]                        = true;
            NPC.buffImmune[BuffID.Suffocation]                   = true;
            NPC.buffImmune[BuffID.Daybreak]                      = true;
            NPC.buffImmune[BuffID.StardustMinionBleed]           = true;
            NPC.buffImmune[ModContent.BuffType <Lethargic>()]    = true;
            NPC.buffImmune[ModContent.BuffType <ClippedWings>()] = true;

            Music = ModLoader.TryGetMod("FargowiltasMusic", out Mod musicMod)
                ? MusicLoader.GetMusicSlot(musicMod, "Assets/Music/Champions") : MusicID.OtherworldlyBoss1;

            NPC.dontTakeDamage = true;
            NPC.alpha          = 255;
Example #3
        public override void SetDefaults()
            NPC.width           = 110;
            NPC.height          = 110;
            NPC.damage          = 130;
            NPC.defense         = 60;
            NPC.lifeMax         = 330000;
            NPC.HitSound        = SoundID.NPCHit5;
            NPC.DeathSound      = SoundID.NPCDeath7;
            NPC.noGravity       = true;
            NPC.noTileCollide   = true;
            NPC.knockBackResist = 0f;
            NPC.lavaImmune      = true;
            NPC.aiStyle         = -1;
            NPC.value           = Item.buyPrice(0, 15);
            NPC.boss            = true;

            Music = ModLoader.TryGetMod("FargowiltasMusic", out Mod musicMod)
                ? MusicLoader.GetMusicSlot(musicMod, "Assets/Music/Champions") : MusicID.OtherworldlyBoss1;
            SceneEffectPriority = SceneEffectPriority.BossLow;

            NPC.dontTakeDamage = true;

            NPC.BossBar = ModContent.GetInstance <CompositeBossBar>();
Example #4
        public override void SetDefaults()
            NPC.width           = 80;
            NPC.height          = 80;
            NPC.damage          = 140;
            NPC.defense         = 80;
            NPC.lifeMax         = 170000;
            NPC.HitSound        = SoundID.NPCHit41;
            NPC.DeathSound      = SoundID.NPCDeath14;
            NPC.noGravity       = true;
            NPC.noTileCollide   = true;
            NPC.knockBackResist = 0f;
            NPC.lavaImmune      = true;
            NPC.aiStyle         = -1;
            NPC.value           = Item.buyPrice(0, 15);

            NPC.boss = true;

            Music = ModLoader.TryGetMod("FargowiltasMusic", out Mod musicMod)
                ? MusicLoader.GetMusicSlot(musicMod, "Assets/Music/Champions") : MusicID.OtherworldlyBoss1;
            SceneEffectPriority = SceneEffectPriority.BossLow;

            NPC.behindTiles = true;
            NPC.trapImmune  = true;

            NPC.scale *= 1.5f;
Example #5
        public override void SetStaticDefaults()
            DisplayName.SetDefault("Music Box (Lunatic Cultist)");

            CreativeItemSacrificesCatalog.Instance.SacrificeCountNeededByItemId[Type] = 1;

            MusicLoader.AddMusicBox(Mod, MusicLoader.GetMusicSlot(Mod, "Music/LunaticCultist"), ModContent.ItemType <Items.CultistMusicBox>(), ModContent.TileType <Tiles.CultistMusicBox>());
Example #6
 public override void SetDefaults()
     NPC.aiStyle         = -1;
     NPC.lifeMax         = 2500;
     NPC.damage          = 30;
     NPC.defense         = 15;
     NPC.knockBackResist = 0;
     NPC.width           = 250;
     NPC.height          = 1260 / 6;
     NPC.value           = 15000;
     NPC.npcSlots        = 5;
     NPC.boss            = true;
     NPC.lavaImmune      = false;
     NPC.noGravity       = true;
     NPC.noTileCollide   = true;
     NPC.HitSound        = SoundID.NPCHit1;
     NPC.DeathSound      = SoundID.NPCDeath1;
     NPC.behindTiles     = true;
     Music = MusicLoader.GetMusicSlot("KingdomTerrahearts/Sounds/Music/The 13th Struggle");
Example #7
        public override void SetDefaults()
            NPC.lifeMax    = 1200;
            NPC.width      = 40;
            NPC.height     = 60;
            Music          = MusicLoader.GetMusicSlot("KingdomTerrahearts/Sounds/Music/The 13th Struggle");
            NPC.friendly   = false;
            NPC.boss       = true;
            NPC.damage     = 40;
            NPC.aiStyle    = 0;
            NPC.npcSlots   = 4;
            NPC.lavaImmune = true;
            NPC.HitSound   = SoundID.NPCHit1;
            NPC.DeathSound = SoundID.NPCDeath1;
            s = new ProjectileSource_NPC(NPC);

            attacksDamage = new int[] { 0, 10, 25, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 };
            weaponType    = ModContent.ProjectileType <Projectiles.BossStuff.sharpShooterProj>();
            weaponProj    = new int[] { -1 };
Example #8
 public override void SetDefaults()
     NPC.aiStyle         = -1;
     NPC.lifeMax         = 1500;
     NPC.damage          = 0;
     NPC.defense         = 15;
     NPC.knockBackResist = 0;
     NPC.width           = 190 / 2;
     NPC.height          = 200 / 2;
     NPC.alpha           = 255;
     NPC.scale           = 1.5f;
     NPC.value           = 5000;
     NPC.npcSlots        = 4;
     NPC.boss            = true;
     NPC.lavaImmune      = true;
     NPC.noGravity       = false;
     NPC.noTileCollide   = false;
     NPC.HitSound        = SoundID.NPCHit1;
     NPC.DeathSound      = SoundID.NPCDeath1;
     NPC.behindTiles     = true;
     Music     = MusicLoader.GetMusicSlot("KingdomTerrahearts/Sounds/Music/Vs Pure Heartless");
     NPC.ai[1] = 200;
Example #9
        public override void Load()
            PartySelectHotkey = KeybindLoader.RegisterKeybind(this, "Party menu", "F");
            GuardHotKey       = KeybindLoader.RegisterKeybind(this, "Guard", "Q");
            MusicUpKey        = KeybindLoader.RegisterKeybind(this, "MusicalUp", "Z");
            MusicLeftKey      = KeybindLoader.RegisterKeybind(this, "MusicalLeft", "X");
            MusicDownKey      = KeybindLoader.RegisterKeybind(this, "MusicalDown", "N");
            MusicRightKey     = KeybindLoader.RegisterKeybind(this, "MusicalRight", "M");

            instance = this;


            Logger.InfoFormat("{0} Sora logging", Name);

            if (!Main.dedServ)
                orgCoatSlots    = new int[3];
                orgCoatSlots[0] = AddEquipTexture(new Items.Armor.orgCoat(), EquipType.Body, "KingdomTerrahearts/Items/Armor/orgCoat_Body");
                orgCoatSlots[1] = AddEquipTexture(new Items.Armor.orgCoat(), EquipType.Legs, "KingdomTerrahearts/Items/Armor/orgCoat_Legs");
                orgCoatSlots[2] = AddEquipTexture(new Items.Armor.orgCoat(), EquipType.Head, "KingdomTerrahearts/Items/Armor/orgCoat_Head");

                                        MusicLoader.GetMusicSlot(this, "Sounds/Music/Lazy Afternoons"), ModContent.ItemType <Items.Placeable.LazyAfternoons_Item>(), ModContent.TileType <Tiles.MusicBoxes.LazyAfternoons_MusicBox>());

                                        MusicLoader.GetMusicSlot(this, "Sounds/Music/Vector to the Heaven"), ModContent.ItemType <Items.Placeable.VectorToHeaven_Item>(), ModContent.TileType <Tiles.MusicBoxes.VectorToHeaven_MusicBox>());

            if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.Server)
                // First, you load in your shader file.
                // You'll have to do this regardless of what kind of shader it is,
                // and you'll have to do it for every shader file.
                // This example assumes you have both armour and screen shaders.

                Ref <Effect> dyeRef = new Ref <Effect>(ModContent.Request <Effect>("KingdomTerrahearts/Effects/lastWorldShader").Value);

                // To add a dye, simply add this for every dye you want to add.
                // "PassName" should correspond to the name of your pass within the *technique*,
                // so if you get an error here, make sure you've spelled it right across your effect file.

                GameShaders.Armor.BindShader(ModContent.ItemType <Items.lastWorldDye>(), new ArmorShaderData(dyeRef, "ArmorMyShader"));

                Ref <Effect> screenRef = new Ref <Effect>(ModContent.Request <Effect>("KingdomTerrahearts/Effects/Shockwave").Value);              // The path to the compiled shader file.
                Filters.Scene["Shockwave"] = new Filter(new ScreenShaderData(screenRef, "Shockwave"), EffectPriority.VeryHigh);

            if (!Main.dedServ)
                partyInterface = new UserInterface();
                partyUI        = new PartyUI();

                commandInterface = new UserInterface();
                commandUI        = new CommandMenu();

                dialogInterface = new UserInterface();
                dialogUI        = new DialogDisplay();

                levelUpInterface = new UserInterface();
                levelUpUI        = new KeybladeLeveling();

            //Collision extra

            On.Terraria.Player.Update_NPCCollision += CollisionDetour;