static Styles() { smallWarningIcon = EditorGUIUtility.LoadIconRequired("console.warnicon.sml"); boldFoldout = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.foldout) { fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold }; }
static SettingsProvider CreateProjectSettingsProvider() { var provider = new AssetSettingsProvider("Project/Tags and Layers", "ProjectSettings/TagManager.asset") { icon = EditorGUIUtility.LoadIconRequired("CustomSorting") }; provider.PopulateSearchKeywordsFromGUIContentProperties <Styles>(); return(provider); }
internal static SettingsProvider CreateProjectSettingsProvider() { var provider = new AssetSettingsProvider("Project/Quality", "ProjectSettings/QualitySettings.asset") { icon = EditorGUIUtility.LoadIconRequired("Profiler.Rendering") }; provider.PopulateSearchKeywordsFromGUIContentProperties <Styles>(); SettingsProvider.GetSearchKeywordsFromSerializedObject(provider.CreateEditor().serializedObject, provider.keywords); return(provider); }
public static GUIContent IconContent(string name, [DefaultValue("null")] string tooltip) { GUIContent gUIContent = (GUIContent)EditorGUIUtility.s_IconGUIContents[name]; if (gUIContent != null) { return(gUIContent); } gUIContent = new GUIContent(); if (tooltip != null) { string[] nameAndTooltipString = EditorGUIUtility.GetNameAndTooltipString(tooltip); if (nameAndTooltipString[2] != null) { gUIContent.tooltip = nameAndTooltipString[2]; } } gUIContent.image = EditorGUIUtility.LoadIconRequired(name); EditorGUIUtility.s_IconGUIContents[name] = gUIContent; return(gUIContent); }
internal static GUIContent TextContentWithIcon(string textAndTooltip, string icon) { if (textAndTooltip == null) { textAndTooltip = string.Empty; } GUIContent gUIContent = (GUIContent)EditorGUIUtility.s_TextGUIContents[textAndTooltip]; if (gUIContent == null) { string[] nameAndTooltipString = EditorGUIUtility.GetNameAndTooltipString(textAndTooltip); gUIContent = new GUIContent(nameAndTooltipString[1]); gUIContent.image = EditorGUIUtility.LoadIconRequired(icon); if (nameAndTooltipString[2] != null) { gUIContent.tooltip = nameAndTooltipString[2]; } EditorGUIUtility.s_TextGUIContents[textAndTooltip] = gUIContent; } return(gUIContent); }
public static GUIContent IconContent(string name) { GUIContent gUIContent = (GUIContent)EditorGUIUtility.s_IconGUIContents[name]; if (gUIContent == null) { if (EditorGUIUtility.s_ScriptInfos == null) { EditorGUIUtility.LoadScriptInfos(); } GUIContent gUIContent2 = (GUIContent)EditorGUIUtility.s_ScriptInfos[name]; gUIContent = new GUIContent(); if (gUIContent2 != null) { gUIContent.tooltip = gUIContent2.tooltip; } gUIContent.image = EditorGUIUtility.LoadIconRequired(name); EditorGUIUtility.s_IconGUIContents[name] = gUIContent; } return(gUIContent); }
public static GUIContent TextContentWithIcon(string text, string iconName) { if (!LocalizationDatabase.enableEditorLocalization) { return(EditorGUIUtility.TextContentWithIcon(text, iconName)); } var groupName = GetGroupName(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()); if (groupName != null) { var new_text = LocalizationDatabase.GetLocalizedStringWithGroupName(text, groupName); var gc = new GUIContent(new_text); gc.image = EditorGUIUtility.LoadIconRequired(iconName); return(gc); } else { return(EditorGUIUtility.TextContentWithIcon(text, iconName)); } }
public static GUIContent IconContent(string iconName, string tooltip = null) { if (!LocalizationDatabase.enableEditorLocalization) { return(EditorGUIUtility.TrIconContent(iconName, tooltip)); } var groupName = GetGroupName(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()); if (groupName != null) { var new_tooltip = LocalizationDatabase.GetLocalizedStringWithGroupName(tooltip, groupName); var gc = new GUIContent(); gc.tooltip = new_tooltip; gc.image = EditorGUIUtility.LoadIconRequired(iconName); return(gc); } else { return(EditorGUIUtility.TrIconContent(iconName, tooltip)); } }
private GUIContent asGUIContent() { var dpi = EditorGUIUtility.pixelsPerPoint; var resourcePath = m_CurrentResourcePath; var resourceDpi = 1.0f; var normalResourcePath = m_TextureResources[0].resourcePath; for (int i = 0, count = m_TextureResources.Count; i < count; ++i) { var currentResource = m_TextureResources[i]; resourcePath = currentResource.resourcePath; resourceDpi = currentResource.pixelsPerPoint; if (resourceDpi >= dpi) { break; } } if (resourcePath != m_CurrentResourcePath) { Texture2D loadedResource = EditorGUIUtility.LoadIconRequired(normalResourcePath); loadedResource.pixelsPerPoint = resourceDpi; m_GuiContent.image = loadedResource; m_CurrentResourcePath = resourcePath; } if (resourceDpi != GUIUtility.pixelsPerPoint) { Texture2D image = m_GuiContent.image as Texture2D; if (image != null) { image.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; } } return(m_GuiContent); }
void UpdateViewToolIcon() { if (!Tools.viewToolActive) { return; } switch (Tools.viewTool) { case ViewTool.Orbit: case ViewTool.FPS: collapsedIcon = EditorGUIUtility.LoadIconRequired("ViewToolOrbit"); break; case ViewTool.Pan: collapsedIcon = EditorGUIUtility.LoadIconRequired("ViewToolMove"); break; case ViewTool.Zoom: collapsedIcon = EditorGUIUtility.LoadIconRequired("ViewToolZoom"); break; } }
public Resources() { this.smallWarningIcon = EditorGUIUtility.LoadIconRequired("console.warnicon.sml"); }
public void SetupGUI() { var root = this.GetRootVisualContainer(); root.AddStyleSheetPath("StyleSheets/CollabHistoryCommon.uss"); if (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin) { root.AddStyleSheetPath("StyleSheets/CollabHistoryDark.uss"); } else { root.AddStyleSheetPath("StyleSheets/CollabHistoryLight.uss"); } m_Container = new VisualElement(); m_Container.StretchToParentSize(); root.Add(m_Container); m_Pager = new PagedListView() { name = "PagedElement", pageSize = m_ItemsPerPage }; var errorView = new StatusView() { message = "An Error Occurred", icon = EditorGUIUtility.LoadIconRequired("Collab.Warning") as Texture, }; var noInternetView = new StatusView() { message = "No Internet Connection", icon = EditorGUIUtility.LoadIconRequired("Collab.NoInternet") as Texture, }; var maintenanceView = new StatusView() { message = "Maintenance", }; var loginView = new StatusView() { message = "Sign in to access Collaborate", buttonText = "Sign in...", callback = SignInClick, }; var noSeatView = new StatusView() { message = "Ask your project owner for access to Unity Teams", buttonText = "Learn More", callback = NoSeatClick, }; var waitingView = new StatusView() { message = "Updating...", }; m_HistoryView = new ScrollView() { name = "HistoryContainer", showHorizontal = false }; m_HistoryView.contentContainer.StretchToParentWidth(); m_HistoryView.Add(m_Pager); m_Views = new Dictionary <HistoryState, VisualElement>() { { HistoryState.Error, errorView }, { HistoryState.Offline, noInternetView }, { HistoryState.Maintenance, maintenanceView }, { HistoryState.LoggedOut, loginView }, { HistoryState.NoSeat, noSeatView }, { HistoryState.Waiting, waitingView }, { HistoryState.Ready, m_HistoryView } }; }
static Styles() { smallWarningIcon = EditorGUIUtility.LoadIconRequired("console.warnicon.sml"); }
public void SetupGUI() { VisualElement rootVisualContainer = this.GetRootVisualContainer(); rootVisualContainer.AddStyleSheetPath("StyleSheets/CollabHistoryCommon.uss"); if (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin) { rootVisualContainer.AddStyleSheetPath("StyleSheets/CollabHistoryDark.uss"); } else { rootVisualContainer.AddStyleSheetPath("StyleSheets/CollabHistoryLight.uss"); } this.m_Container = new VisualElement(); this.m_Container.StretchToParentSize(); rootVisualContainer.Add(this.m_Container); this.m_Pager = new PagedListView { name = "PagedElement", PagerLoc = PagerLocation.Top, pageSize = this.m_ItemsPerPage }; StatusView value = new StatusView { message = "An Error Occurred", icon = EditorGUIUtility.LoadIconRequired("Collab.Warning") }; StatusView value2 = new StatusView { message = "No Internet Connection", icon = EditorGUIUtility.LoadIconRequired("Collab.NoInternet") }; StatusView value3 = new StatusView { message = "Maintenance" }; StatusView value4 = new StatusView { message = "Sign in to access Collaborate", buttonText = "Sign in...", callback = new Action(this.SignInClick) }; StatusView value5 = new StatusView { message = "Ask your project owner for access to Unity Teams", buttonText = "Learn More", callback = new Action(this.NoSeatClick) }; StatusView value6 = new StatusView { message = "Connecting..." }; ScrollView scrollView = new ScrollView { name = "HistoryContainer", showHorizontal = false }; scrollView.contentContainer.StretchToParentWidth(); scrollView.Add(this.m_Pager); this.m_Views = new Dictionary <HistoryState, VisualElement> { { HistoryState.Error, value }, { HistoryState.Offline, value2 }, { HistoryState.Maintenance, value3 }, { HistoryState.LoggedOut, value4 }, { HistoryState.NoSeat, value5 }, { HistoryState.Waiting, value6 }, { HistoryState.Ready, scrollView } }; }