internal void PlayHiredScouts(UserInterface ui) { EventDetail draculaEventCard = Dracula.WillPlayDevilishPower(this, ui); bool eventIsCancelled = false; if (draculaEventCard != null) { switch ( { case "DevilishPower": ui.TellUser("Dracula played Devilish power to cancel this event"); DiscardEventFromDracula("Devilish Power"); int hunterPlayingGoodluck = ui.AskWhichHunterIsUsingGoodLuckToCancelEvent(); if (hunterPlayingGoodluck > -1) { DiscardEventFromHunterAtIndex("Good Luck", hunterPlayingGoodluck, ui); } else { eventIsCancelled = true; } break; } } if (!eventIsCancelled) { string line = ""; LocationDetail locationToReveal; do { line = ui.GetFirstLocationNameForHiredScouts(); locationToReveal = GetLocationFromName(line); ui.TellUser(locationToReveal.Name); } while (locationToReveal.Name == "Unknown location" || locationToReveal.Name == "Multiple locations"); if (LocationIsInTrail(locationToReveal)) { bool revealingThis = true; draculaEventCard = Dracula.WillPlaySensationalistPress(this, 0); if (draculaEventCard != null) { switch ( { case "Sensationalist Press": ui.TellUser("Dracula played Sensationalist Press to cancel revealing" + locationToReveal.Name); DiscardEventFromDracula("Sensationalist Press"); int hunterPlayingGoodluck = ui.AskWhichHunterIsUsingGoodLuckToCancelEvent(); if (hunterPlayingGoodluck > -1) { DiscardEventFromHunterAtIndex("Good Luck", hunterPlayingGoodluck, ui); } else { revealingThis = false; } break; } } if (revealingThis) { locationToReveal.IsRevealed = true; ui.TellUser("Revealing " + locationToReveal.Name); for (int i = 0; i < locationToReveal.Encounters.Count(); i++) { locationToReveal.Encounters[i].isRevealed = true; ui.TellUser(" and " + locationToReveal.Encounters[i].name); } ui.TellUser(""); ui.drawGameState(this); } } else { ui.TellUser(locationToReveal.Name + " is not in Dracula's trail"); } do { line = ui.GetSecondLocationNameForHiredScouts(); locationToReveal = GetLocationFromName(line); ui.TellUser(locationToReveal.Name); } while (locationToReveal.Name == "Unknown location" || locationToReveal.Name == "Multiple locations"); if (LocationIsInTrail(locationToReveal)) { locationToReveal.IsRevealed = true; ui.TellUser("Revealing " + locationToReveal.Name); for (int i = 0; i < locationToReveal.Encounters.Count(); i++) { locationToReveal.Encounters[i].isRevealed = true; ui.TellUser(" and " + locationToReveal.Encounters[i].name); } ui.TellUser(""); } else { ui.TellUser(locationToReveal.Name + " is not in Dracula's trail"); } } }