        // this will check to see if both players have played and give the
        // results of the game.
        private void CheckWinner()
            // if both player 1 and player 2 have played
            if (player1.Played && player2.Played)
                // if player1's handrank is higher than player2's
                // to understand the handranks and mod1/mod2/mod3 see the player.cs file comments
                if (player1.HandRank > player2.HandRank)
                    lbl_winnerResult.Text = player1.Name + " Wins!";     // set the winnerResult label to show that player1 wins
                else if (player2.HandRank > player1.HandRank)            // else if player2's handrank is greater than player one's
                    lbl_winnerResult.Text = player2.Name + " Wins!";     // set the winnerResult label to show that player2 wins
                else if (player1.HandRank == 8 && player2.HandRank == 8) // else if both handranks equal 8
                    // if player1 mod1 is greater than player2's mod1 and 2
                    if (player1.Mod1 > player2.Mod1 &&
                        player1.Mod1 > player2.Mod2)
                        lbl_winnerResult.Text = player1.Name + " Wins!"; // set the winnerResult label to show that player1 wins
                    // else if player1's mod2 is greater than player2's mod1 and mod2
                    else if (player1.Mod2 > player2.Mod1 &&
                             player1.Mod2 > player2.Mod2)
                        lbl_winnerResult.Text = player1.Name + " Wins!"; // set the winnerResult label to show that player1 wins
                    // else if player1's mod1 and mod2 are equal to player2's mod1 and mod2
                    // or player1's mod2 is equal to player2's mod1 and player1's mod1 is equal to player2's mod2
                    else if (player1.Mod1 == player2.Mod1 &&
                             player1.Mod2 == player2.Mod2 ||
                             player1.Mod2 == player2.Mod1 &&
                             player1.Mod1 == player2.Mod2)
                        // if player1's mod3 is greater than player2's mod3
                        if (player1.Mod3 > player2.Mod3)
                            lbl_winnerResult.Text = player1.Name + " Wins!"; // set the winnerResult label to show that player1 wins
                        // else if player2's mod3 is greater than player1's mod3
                        else if (player2.Mod3 > player1.Mod3)
                            lbl_winnerResult.Text = player2.Name + " Wins!"; // set the winnerResult label to show that player2 wins
                        // else the mod3's for both will be the same so its a tie
                            lbl_winnerResult.Text = player1.Name + " Ties " + player2.Name; // set the winnerResult label to show that it is a tie
                // else if the handranks are the same
                else if (player1.HandRank == player2.HandRank)
                    // if player1's mod1 is greater than player2's mod1
                    if (player1.Mod1 > player2.Mod1)
                        lbl_winnerResult.Text = player1.Name + " Wins!";                        // set the winnerResult label to show that player1 wins
                    else if (player2.Mod1 > player1.Mod1)                                       // else if player2's mod1 is greater than player1's mod1
                        lbl_winnerResult.Text = player2.Name + " Wins!";                        // set the winnerResult label to show that player2 wins
                    else if (player1.Mod1 == player2.Mod1)                                      // else if both player1 and player2 have an equal mod1
                        if (player1.Mod2 > player2.Mod2)                                        // if player1's mod2 is greater than player2's mod2
                            lbl_winnerResult.Text = player1.Name + " Wins!";                    // set the winnerResult label to show that player1 wins
                        else if (player2.Mod2 > player1.Mod2)                                   // if player2's mod2 is greater than player1's mod2
                            lbl_winnerResult.Text = player2.Name + " Wins!";                    // set the winnerResult label to show that player2 wins
                        else if (player1.Mod2 == player2.Mod2)                                  // else if both players have the same mod2
                            if (player1.Mod3 > player2.Mod3)                                    // if player1 has a greater mod3
                                lbl_winnerResult.Text = player1.Name + " Wins!";                // set the winnerResult label to show that player1 wins
                            else if (player2.Mod3 > player1.Mod3)                               // else if player2 has a greater mod3
                                lbl_winnerResult.Text = player2.Name + " Wins!";                // set the winnerResult label to show that player2 wins
                            else if (player1.Mod3 == player2.Mod3)                              // else if both players have an equal mod3
                                lbl_winnerResult.Text = player1.Name + " Ties " + player2.Name; // set the winnerResult label to show that it is a tie

                // reset the players so that they can play again
            else if (player1.Played && !player2.Played)                              // else if only player 1 has played
                lbl_winnerResult.Text = "Waiting for " + player2.Name + " to roll!"; // set winnerResult label to show that we are waiting on playe2 to roll
            else if (player2.Played && !player1.Played)                              // else if player 2 has played and player 1 has not played
                lbl_winnerResult.Text = "Waiting for " + player1.Name + " to roll!"; // set the winnerResult label to show that we are waiting on player1 to roll