public static bool IsColliding(SphereCollider collider) { foreach (var sphereCollider in Colliders) { if (collider != sphereCollider && sphereCollider.IsColliding(collider)) { return true; } } return false; }
void Start() { rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); collider = GetComponent <SphereCollider>(); }
private void Start() { stageManager = GameObject.Find("StageManager").GetComponent <StageManager>(); sphereCollider = GetComponent <SphereCollider>(); }
public void DrawColliders(GameObject gameObject, bool useWireframe = true, bool traverseHierarchy = true, bool drawTriggers = false) { PushMatrix(); if (traverseHierarchy) { gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren(_colliderList); } else { gameObject.GetComponents(_colliderList); } for (int i = 0; i < _colliderList.Count; i++) { Collider collider = _colliderList[i]; RelativeTo(collider.transform); if (collider.isTrigger && !drawTriggers) { continue; } if (collider is BoxCollider) { BoxCollider box = collider as BoxCollider; if (useWireframe) { DrawWireCube(, box.size); } else { DrawCube(, box.size); } } else if (collider is SphereCollider) { SphereCollider sphere = collider as SphereCollider; if (useWireframe) { DrawWireSphere(, sphere.radius); } else { DrawSphere(, sphere.radius); } } else if (collider is CapsuleCollider) { CapsuleCollider capsule = collider as CapsuleCollider; if (useWireframe) { Vector3 capsuleDir; switch (capsule.direction) { case 0: capsuleDir = Vector3.right; break; case 1: capsuleDir = Vector3.up; break; case 2: default: capsuleDir = Vector3.forward; break; } DrawWireCapsule( + capsuleDir * (capsule.height / 2F - capsule.radius), - capsuleDir * (capsule.height / 2F - capsule.radius), capsule.radius); } else { Vector3 size =; size += * capsule.radius * 2; size += new Vector3(capsule.direction == 0 ? 1 : 0, capsule.direction == 1 ? 1 : 0, capsule.direction == 2 ? 1 : 0) * (capsule.height - capsule.radius * 2); DrawCube(, size); } } else if (collider is MeshCollider) { MeshCollider mesh = collider as MeshCollider; if (mesh.sharedMesh != null) { if (useWireframe) { DrawWireMesh(mesh.sharedMesh, Matrix4x4.identity); } else { DrawMesh(mesh.sharedMesh, Matrix4x4.identity); } } } } PopMatrix(); }
private void Start() { AudioSource source = gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>(); source.clip = Res.ResourceLoader.instance.LoadedAudio[1000]; source.volume = 16; source.rolloffMode = AudioRolloffMode.Linear; source.maxDistance = 100; source.Play(); if (particleMaterial == null) { particleMaterial = Core.CreateMaterial(new BuildingData() { MainTexture = Res.ResourceLoader.instance.LoadedTextures[22], Metalic = 0.2f, Smoothness = 0.6f, renderMode = BuildingData.RenderMode.Cutout }); } Destroy(gameObject, duration); if (!FromEnemy && !GameSetup.IsMpClient) { CoughtEnemies = new List <Transform>(); } if (GameSetup.IsMpClient) { if (col != null) { Destroy(col); } } else { col = gameObject.AddComponent <SphereCollider>(); col.radius = radius; col.isTrigger = true; } scale = 0; particleGO = new GameObject("BlackHoleParticles"); particleGO.transform.position = transform.position; particleGO.transform.SetParent(transform); sys = particleGO.AddComponent <ParticleSystem>(); ParticleSystem.ShapeModule shape = sys.shape; shape.shapeType = ParticleSystemShapeType.SphereShell; shape.radius = radius * 2; //shape.radiusMode = ParticleSystemShapeMultiModeValue.Random; //shape.length = 0; ParticleSystem.MainModule main = sys.main; main.startSpeed = -radius * 4; main.startLifetime = 0.5f; main.loop = true; main.prewarm = false; main.startSize = 0.4f; main.maxParticles = 500; ParticleSystem.EmissionModule emission = sys.emission; emission.enabled = true; emission.rateOverTime = 500; Renderer rend = sys.GetComponent <Renderer>(); rend.material = particleMaterial; WindZone wz = gameObject.AddComponent <WindZone>(); wz.radius = radius * 2; wz.mode = WindZoneMode.Spherical; wz.windMain = 40; StartCoroutine(HitEverySecond()); }
public static void InitializeConfigurableJoint(ref Item thisItem, ref GameObject slideObject, ref GameObject slideCenterPosition, ref ConstantForce slideForce, ref ConfigurableJoint connectedJoint, ref Rigidbody slideRB, ref SphereCollider slideCapsuleStabilizer, float stabilizerRadius, float slideTravelDistance, float slideMassOffset) { slideRB = slideObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); if (slideRB == null) { slideRB = slideObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody>(); } slideRB.mass = 1.0f; slideRB.drag = 0.0f; slideRB.angularDrag = 0.05f; slideRB.useGravity = true; slideRB.isKinematic = false; slideRB.interpolation = RigidbodyInterpolation.None; slideRB.collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode.Discrete; slideCapsuleStabilizer = slideCenterPosition.AddComponent <SphereCollider>(); slideCapsuleStabilizer.radius = stabilizerRadius; slideCapsuleStabilizer.gameObject.layer = 21; Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(21, 12); Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(21, 15); Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(21, 22); Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(21, 23); slideForce = slideObject.AddComponent <ConstantForce>(); connectedJoint = thisItem.gameObject.AddComponent <ConfigurableJoint>(); connectedJoint.connectedBody = slideRB; connectedJoint.anchor = new Vector3(0, 0, -0.5f * slideTravelDistance); connectedJoint.axis = Vector3.right; connectedJoint.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = false; connectedJoint.connectedAnchor =;//new Vector3(0.04f, -0.1f, -0.22f); connectedJoint.secondaryAxis = Vector3.up; connectedJoint.xMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked; connectedJoint.yMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked; connectedJoint.zMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Limited; connectedJoint.angularXMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked; connectedJoint.angularYMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked; connectedJoint.angularZMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked; connectedJoint.linearLimit = new SoftJointLimit { limit = 0.5f * slideTravelDistance, bounciness = 0.0f, contactDistance = 0.0f }; connectedJoint.massScale = 1.0f; connectedJoint.connectedMassScale = slideMassOffset; }
public static void ToWorldSpaceSphere(this SphereCollider sphere, out Vector3 center, out float radius) { center = sphere.transform.TransformPoint(; radius = sphere.radius * MaxVec3(AbsVec3(sphere.transform.lossyScale)); }
public override void Awake() { base.Awake(); SetSubClassInt(this); if (thisObj.collider == null) { SphereCollider col = thisObj.AddComponent <SphereCollider>(); = new Vector3(0, 0.0f, 0); col.radius = 0.25f; } if (animationBody != null) { if (aniBody == null) { aniBody = animationBody.GetComponent <Animation>(); if (aniBody == null) { aniBody = animationBody.AddComponent <Animation>(); } } if (animationSpawn != null && animationSpawn.Length > 0) { foreach (AnimationClip clip in animationSpawn) { aniBody.AddClip(clip,; aniBody.animation[].layer = 1; aniBody.animation[].wrapMode = WrapMode.Once; } } if (animationMove != null && animationMove.Length > 0) { foreach (AnimationClip clip in animationMove) { aniBody.AddClip(clip,; aniBody.animation[].layer = 0; aniBody.animation[].wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop; } } if (animationHit != null && animationHit.Length > 0) { foreach (AnimationClip clip in animationHit) { aniBody.AddClip(clip,; aniBody.animation[].layer = 3; aniBody.animation[].wrapMode = WrapMode.Once; } } if (animationDead != null && animationDead.Length > 0) { foreach (AnimationClip clip in animationDead) { aniBody.AddClip(clip,; aniBody.animation[].layer = 3; aniBody.animation[].wrapMode = WrapMode.Once; } } if (animationScore != null && animationScore.Length > 0) { foreach (AnimationClip clip in animationScore) { aniBody.AddClip(clip,; aniBody.animation[].layer = 3; aniBody.animation[].wrapMode = WrapMode.Once; } } } if (spawnEffect != null) { ObjectPoolManager.New(spawnEffect, 5, false); } if (deadEffect != null) { ObjectPoolManager.New(deadEffect, 5, false); } }
private void Awake() { nav = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); col = GetComponent <SphereCollider>(); }
void Start() { transform.position = RandomizePosition(); shockCollider = GetComponent <SphereCollider>(); shockCollider.radius = shockRadius; }
protected override void AwakeOverride() { base.AwakeOverride(); m_xyzMesh = m_xyz.sharedMesh; if (Editor.IsVR) { Destroy(m_innerCircle.gameObject); Destroy(m_outerCircle.gameObject); m_inner = m_innerCircleVR; m_outer = m_outerCircleVR; } else { Destroy(m_innerCircleVR.gameObject); Destroy(m_outerCircleVR.gameObject); m_inner = m_innerCircle; m_outer = m_outerCircle; } m_innerCircleMesh = m_inner.sharedMesh; m_outerCircleMesh = m_outer.sharedMesh; Renderer renderer = m_xyz.GetComponent <Renderer>(); renderer.sharedMaterials = renderer.materials; m_xyzMaterials = renderer.sharedMaterials; renderer = m_inner.GetComponent <Renderer>(); renderer.sharedMaterials = renderer.materials; m_innerCircleMaterials = renderer.sharedMaterials; renderer = m_outer.GetComponent <Renderer>(); renderer.sharedMaterials = renderer.materials; m_outerCircleMaterial = renderer.sharedMaterial; Mesh mesh = m_xyz.mesh; m_xyz.sharedMesh = mesh; mesh = m_inner.mesh; m_inner.sharedMesh = mesh; mesh = m_outer.mesh; m_outer.sharedMesh = mesh; if (m_useColliders) { GameObject colliders = new GameObject("Colliders"); colliders.transform.SetParent(transform, false); colliders.layer = Editor.CameraLayerSettings.RuntimeGraphicsLayer + Window.Index; m_graphicsBlockingCollider = colliders.AddComponent <SphereCollider>(); m_graphicsBlockingCollider.isTrigger = true; GameObject xCollider = new GameObject("XAxis"); xCollider.transform.SetParent(colliders.transform, false); xCollider.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 90, 0); m_xCollider = xCollider.AddComponent <MeshCollider>(); GameObject yCollider = new GameObject("YAxis"); yCollider.transform.SetParent(colliders.transform, false); yCollider.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0); m_yCollider = yCollider.AddComponent <MeshCollider>(); GameObject zCollider = new GameObject("ZAxis"); zCollider.transform.SetParent(colliders.transform, false); m_zCollider = zCollider.AddComponent <MeshCollider>(); GameObject innerCollider = new GameObject("InnerAxis"); innerCollider.transform.SetParent(colliders.transform, false); m_innerCollider = innerCollider.AddComponent <MeshCollider>(); GameObject outerCollider = new GameObject("OuterCollider"); outerCollider.transform.SetParent(colliders.transform, false); m_outerCollider = outerCollider.AddComponent <MeshCollider>(); m_colliders = new[] { m_xCollider, m_yCollider, m_zCollider, m_innerCollider, m_outerCollider }; foreach (Collider collider in m_colliders) { collider.gameObject.SetActive(false); collider.gameObject.layer = Editor.CameraLayerSettings.RuntimeGraphicsLayer + Window.Index; } } }
private void DebugDraw(Vector3 center, SphereCollider sphere) { Debug.DrawLine(center + Vector3.up * sphere.radius, center - Vector3.up * sphere.radius); Debug.DrawLine(center + Vector3.forward * sphere.radius, center - Vector3.forward * sphere.radius); Debug.DrawLine(center + Vector3.right * sphere.radius, center - Vector3.right * sphere.radius); }
private void Start() { highCollider = GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>(); lowCollider = GetComponent <SphereCollider>(); isHighColliderEnabled = true; }
private void Start() { _sphereCollider = GetComponent <SphereCollider>(); _sphereCollider.enabled = false; }
public void Start() { contador = 0; health = GetComponentInParent <Health>(); sphere = GetComponent <SphereCollider>(); }
void Awake() { t = target as Crab.Item; collider = t.GetComponent<SphereCollider>(); }
public void Start() { collider = GetComponent <SphereCollider>(); shooter = GetComponentInChildren <Shooter>(); }
public static Vector3 closestPointOnSurface(this SphereCollider collider, Vector3 localPosition, float extrude = 0.0f) { return(getPointAtDistance(localPosition,, collider.radius + extrude)); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { arenaAnimator = GetComponent <Animator> (); sphereCollider = GetComponent <SphereCollider> (); }
private void Start() { // Setup light and shadows myLight = GetComponent <Light>(); myLight.enabled = EnableLight; forceDisableSpellLighting = !DaggerfallUnity.Settings.EnableSpellLighting; if (forceDisableSpellLighting) { myLight.enabled = false; } if (!DaggerfallUnity.Settings.EnableSpellShadows) { myLight.shadows = LightShadows.None; } initialRange = myLight.range; initialIntensity = myLight.intensity; // Setup collider myCollider = GetComponent <SphereCollider>(); myCollider.radius = ColliderRadius; // Setup rigidbody myRigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); myRigidbody.useGravity = false; // Use payload when available if (payload != null) { // Set payload missile properties caster = payload.CasterEntityBehaviour; targetType = payload.Settings.TargetType; elementType = payload.Settings.ElementType; // Set spell billboard anims automatically from payload for mobile missiles if (targetType == TargetTypes.SingleTargetAtRange || targetType == TargetTypes.AreaAtRange) { UseSpellBillboardAnims(); } } // Setup senses if (caster != GameManager.Instance.PlayerEntityBehaviour) { enemySenses = caster.GetComponent <EnemySenses>(); } // Setup arrow if (isArrow) { // Create and orient 3d arrow goModel = GameObjectHelper.CreateDaggerfallMeshGameObject(99800, transform); Vector3 adjust; // Offset up so it comes from same place LOS check is done from if (caster != GameManager.Instance.PlayerEntityBehaviour) { CharacterController controller = caster.transform.GetComponent <CharacterController>(); adjust = caster.transform.forward * 0.6f; adjust.y += controller.height / 3; } else { // Offset forward to avoid collision with player adjust = GameManager.Instance.MainCamera.transform.forward * 0.6f; // Adjust slightly downward to match bow animation adjust.y -= 0.11f; // Adjust to the right or left to match bow animation if (!GameManager.Instance.WeaponManager.ScreenWeapon.FlipHorizontal) { adjust += GameManager.Instance.MainCamera.transform.right * 0.15f; } else { adjust -= GameManager.Instance.MainCamera.transform.right * 0.15f; } } goModel.transform.localPosition = adjust; goModel.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(GetAimDirection()); } // Ignore missile collision with caster (this is a different check to AOE targets) if (caster) { Physics.IgnoreCollision(caster.GetComponent <Collider>(), this.GetComponent <Collider>()); } }
private void Awake() { instance = this; col = GetComponent <SphereCollider>(); }
void Start() { neighbors = new List <Boid>(); coll = GetComponent <SphereCollider>(); coll.radius = Spawner.S.neighborDist / 2; //15 }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { //enemy = LayerMask.GetMask ("Enemy"); range = GetComponent <SphereCollider> (); anim = GetComponent <Animator> (); }
public virtual void Copy(IControl ctl, ControlCopyFlags flags) { if (!(ctl is ControlBase)) { return; } ControlBase c = (ControlBase)ctl; // Copy transitions: if ((flags & ControlCopyFlags.Transitions) == ControlCopyFlags.Transitions) { if (c is UIStateToggleBtn3D) { if (c.Transitions != null) { ((UIStateToggleBtn3D)this).transitions = new EZTransitionList[c.Transitions.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < Transitions.Length; ++i) { c.Transitions[i].CopyToNew(Transitions[i], true); } } } else { if (Transitions != null && c.Transitions != null) { for (int i = 0; i < Transitions.Length && i < c.Transitions.Length; ++i) { c.Transitions[i].CopyTo(Transitions[i], true); } } } } if ((flags & ControlCopyFlags.Text) == ControlCopyFlags.Text) { // See if we want to clone the other // control's text mesh: if (spriteText == null && c.spriteText != null) { GameObject newText = (GameObject)Instantiate(c.spriteText.gameObject); newText.transform.parent = transform; newText.transform.localPosition = c.spriteText.transform.localPosition; newText.transform.localScale = c.spriteText.transform.localScale; newText.transform.localRotation = c.spriteText.transform.localRotation; } Text = c.Text; } if ((flags & ControlCopyFlags.Appearance) == ControlCopyFlags.Appearance) { // See if we can copy the other control's collider's settings: if (GetComponent <Collider>().GetType() == c.GetComponent <Collider>().GetType()) { if (GetComponent <Collider>() is BoxCollider) { BoxCollider bc1 = (BoxCollider)GetComponent <Collider>(); BoxCollider bc2 = (BoxCollider)c.GetComponent <Collider>(); =; bc1.size = bc2.size; } else if (GetComponent <Collider>() is SphereCollider) { SphereCollider sc1 = (SphereCollider)GetComponent <Collider>(); SphereCollider sc2 = (SphereCollider)c.GetComponent <Collider>(); =; sc1.radius = sc2.radius; } else if (GetComponent <Collider>() is CapsuleCollider) { CapsuleCollider cc1 = (CapsuleCollider)GetComponent <Collider>(); CapsuleCollider cc2 = (CapsuleCollider)c.GetComponent <Collider>(); =; cc1.radius = cc2.radius; cc1.height = cc2.height; cc1.direction = cc2.direction; } else if (GetComponent <Collider>() is MeshCollider) { MeshCollider mc1 = (MeshCollider)GetComponent <Collider>(); MeshCollider mc2 = (MeshCollider)c.GetComponent <Collider>(); mc1.smoothSphereCollisions = mc2.smoothSphereCollisions; mc1.convex = mc2.convex; mc1.sharedMesh = mc2.sharedMesh; } GetComponent <Collider>().isTrigger = c.GetComponent <Collider>().isTrigger; } } if ((flags & ControlCopyFlags.Invocation) == ControlCopyFlags.Invocation) { changeDelegate = c.changeDelegate; inputDelegate = c.inputDelegate; } if ((flags & ControlCopyFlags.State) == ControlCopyFlags.State) { Container = c.Container; if (Application.isPlaying) { controlIsEnabled = c.controlIsEnabled; } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { // Set up a reference to the capsule collider. headCollider = GetComponent <Collider>() as SphereCollider; grounded = false; }
void Start() { healthManager = GetComponent <HealthManager>(); rbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); SFX = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); anim = GetComponent <Animation>(); //Setup colliders for NPC and its corpse if (normalCollider == corpseCollider) { Debug.Log("ERROR: normalCollider and corpseCollider cannot be the same on NPC!"); return; } switch (normalCollider) { case collisionType.Box: boxCollider = GetComponent <BoxCollider>(); boxCollider.enabled = true; break; case collisionType.Sphere: sphereCollider = GetComponent <SphereCollider>(); sphereCollider.enabled = true; break; case collisionType.Mesh: meshCollider = GetComponent <MeshCollider>(); meshCollider.enabled = true; break; case collisionType.Capsule: capsuleCollider = GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>(); capsuleCollider.enabled = true; break; } switch (corpseCollider) { case collisionType.Box: boxCollider = GetComponent <BoxCollider>(); boxCollider.enabled = false; break; case collisionType.Sphere: sphereCollider = GetComponent <SphereCollider>(); sphereCollider.enabled = false; break; case collisionType.Mesh: meshCollider = GetComponent <MeshCollider>(); meshCollider.enabled = false; break; case collisionType.Capsule: capsuleCollider = GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>(); capsuleCollider.enabled = false; break; } currentState = Const.aiState.Idle; //currentWaypoint = 0; tick = 0.05f; // Think every 0.05f seconds to save on CPU idealTransformForward = transform.forward; enemy = null; attacker = null; firstSighting = true; goIntoPain = false; dyingSetup = false; hopDone = false; idleTime = Time.time + Random.Range(3f, 10f); attackFinished = Time.time + 1f; tickFinished = Time.time + tick; timeTillDeadFinished = Time.time; firingFinished = Time.time; painFinished = Time.time; fireDelayFinished = Time.time; currentPainAnim = painSelection.Pain1; if (SFX == null) { Debug.Log("WARNING: No audio source for npc at: " + transform.position.x.ToString() + ", " + transform.position.y.ToString() + ", " + transform.position.z + "."); hasSFX = false; } else { hasSFX = true; } if ( > 0) { if (walkWaypoints.Length > 0 && walkWaypoints[0] != null) { currentState = Const.aiState.Walk; // If waypoints are set, start walking to them } else { currentState = Const.aiState.Idle; // Default to idle } } deathBody.SetActive(false); normalBody.SetActive(true); collisionAid1.SetActive(true); collisionAid2.SetActive(true); }
private void Awake() { player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); anim = GetComponent <Animator>(); col = GetComponent <SphereCollider>(); }
private void Awake() { radius = gameObject.AddComponent <SphereCollider>(); tower = gameObject.GetComponentInParent <AbstractTower>(); }
void Update() { // As long as skip is not true, we will try and draw the route. // OBS: if (!skip) can maybe be deleted when skip is fully implmented (if it is made as a scene shift)? if (!skip) { // When the path is finished and has been drawn, we will make the bike animation follow the line's position: if (pathFinished) { // if the bike animation is not out of the map collider then if (currentPosition < 0.1) { if (!movie.isPlaying) { voiceFile.clip = movie.audioClip; movie.Play(); //voiceFile.Play(); //voiceFile.volume = 0.25f; } currentPosition += percentSec * Time.deltaTime; iTween.PutOnPath(this.gameObject, pathLargeMap.ToArray(), currentPosition); } else if (currentPosition > 1.0) { currentPosition = 1.1f; movie.Stop(); //voiceFile.Stop(); } else { if (!movie.isPlaying) { voiceFile.clip = movie.audioClip; movie.Play(); //voiceFile.Play(); //voiceFile.volume = 0.25f; } currentPosition += percentSec * Time.deltaTime; iTween.PutOnPath(this.gameObject, pathLargeMap.ToArray(), currentPosition); } // if the bike animation is out of the map collider then: if (outOfMap) { /*if (soundscapeHasStarted){ * currentPosition = 1.1f; * movie.Stop(); * voiceFile.Stop(); * }*/ if (!soundscapeHasStarted) { // Tænker at det er fint nok bare at gøre det oneshot voiceFile.PlayOneShot(soundscape, 0.5f); soundscapeHasStarted = true; } if (!voiceFile.isPlaying) { skipButton.onClick.Invoke(); skip = true; } } } // Path finished, path done both ensures that we will only add hand position when the path is not finished // and that we will not start the animation until the path is done. // As long as path is not finished and done and that the hand is X amount close to the Kinect, this happens: else if (!pathFinished && !pathDone && udpRec.zVal < zValMax && udpRec.handPos.Count > 1) { length = udpRec.handPos.Count; currentPosOfHand = new Vector3(udpRec.handPos[length - 1].x, udpRec.handPos[length - 1].y, 0f); // To take the mean position of e.g. 10 positions given via UDP for (int i = 0; i < handPosMax + 1; i++) { meanPositionHand = new Vector3(meanPositionHand.x + udpRec.handPos[length - 1].x, meanPositionHand.y + udpRec.handPos[length - 1].y, 0f); } // When we have been through the for-loop we take the mean of the 10 entries of the position of the hand given by UDP meanPositionHand = meanPositionHand / handPosMax; follower.position = meanPositionHand; meanPositionHand = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f); //follower.position = currentPosOfHand; if (end.bounds.Contains(currentPosOfHand) && wereInsideStart) { // Add end coordinates to path path.Add(end.transform.position); //pathLargeMap.Add(endLarge.transform.position); pathLargeMap.Add(new Vector3(end.transform.position.x * largeMapMultiplyX + largeMapAddX, end.transform.position.y * largeMapMultiplyY + largeMapAddY, 200f)); pathDone = true; print("Farm reached"); stopAllSounds.StopAllAudio(); //If statements about how many of the pathPoints the user went through - determines the type of feedback: if (numberOfPathPoints < 2) { voiceFile.PlayOneShot(audioTooShortRoute, 0.5f); } else if (numberOfPathPoints > 1 && numberOfPathPoints < 5) { voiceFile.PlayOneShot(audioWellDone, 0.5f); } //else if (numberOfPathPoints > 4 && numberOfPathPoints < 4) // voiceFile.PlayOneShot(audioTooLongRouteAlmostThere, 0.5f); else if (numberOfPathPoints > 4) { voiceFile.PlayOneShot(audioTooLongRoute, 0.5f); } } // When we reach the start-collider else if (start.bounds.Contains(currentPosOfHand) && !wereInsideStart) { //print("Start reached"); voiceFile.PlayOneShot(detectStart, 0.5f); //print("position: " + start.transform.position); wereInsideStart = true; //Add start coordinates to path path.Add(start.transform.position); //pathLargeMap.Add(startLarge.transform.position); pathLargeMap.Add(new Vector3(start.transform.position.x * largeMapMultiplyX + largeMapAddX, start.transform.position.y * largeMapMultiplyY + largeMapAddY, 200f)); } //When we have reached Start, then we can start add things to the path: else if (wereInsideStart) { //print("inside wereInsideStart"); for (int i = 0; i < pathPoints.Length; i++) { //print("length of pathPoints: " + pathPoints.Length); currentPathPoint = pathPoints[i].GetComponent <SphereCollider>(); if (currentPathPoint.bounds.Contains(currentPosOfHand) && !haveBeenAtPathPoint[i]) { print("path Point " + i + " reached"); path.Add(currentPathPoint.transform.position); pathLargeMap.Add(new Vector3(currentPathPoint.transform.position.x * largeMapMultiplyX + largeMapAddX, currentPathPoint.transform.position.y * largeMapMultiplyY + largeMapAddY, 200f)); haveBeenAtPathPoint[i] = true; numberOfPathPoints++; } } } } //} // If none of the above is true, but we do have something in the path, then path is done // OBS: Shouldn't we only stop the experience when path is completely done, then? else if (udpRec.zVal > zValMax) { // If only want to stop the experience when the route is done, we can just outcomment these lines: if (1 < path.Count) { pathDone = true; } stopAllSounds.StopAllAudio(); voiceFile.PlayOneShot(audioRouteNotFinished, 0.5f); } //currentPosOfHand = new Vector3(currentPosOfHand.x, currentPosOfHand.y, udpRec.zVal); // Plays the sound when the hand is detected the first time: if (lastPosition != null && currentPosOfHand != lastPosition && !detectSoundHasPlayed) { //print("1 if-sentence"); detectSoundHasPlayed = true; voiceFile.PlayOneShot(soundHandDetected, 0.5f); } // Testing if it can say the sound the next times that a hand is detected. It does currently not work. //else if (lastPosition != null && currentPosOfHand==lastPosition && detectSoundHasPlayed){ // detectSoundHasPlayed = false; //print("2 if-sentence"); //} //print("Last pos: " + lastPosition + "Current Pos: " + currentPosOfHand); lastPosition = currentPosOfHand; } }
public static void Add(SphereCollider sphereCollider) { Colliders.Add(sphereCollider); }
private void OnValidate() { _Collider = GetComponent <SphereCollider>(); _Collider.isTrigger = true; }
public static void Remove(SphereCollider sphereCollider) { Colliders.Remove(sphereCollider); }
//*************** //SPHERE COLLIDER public static bool isPointInside(this SphereCollider collider, Vector3 localPosition, float tolerance = 0.0f) { localPosition -=; return(withinDistance(localPosition, collider.radius + tolerance)); }
public dynamic LoadComponent(Stream stream, int index, NotLoaded comp) { stream.Position = comp.offset; try { switch (comp.classID1) { case UnityClassID.AnimationClip: { AnimationClip animationClip = new AnimationClip(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, animationClip, comp); animationClip.LoadFrom(stream); return animationClip; } case UnityClassID.Animator: { Animator animator = new Animator(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, animator, comp); animator.LoadFrom(stream); return animator; } case UnityClassID.AnimatorController: { AnimatorController animatorController = new AnimatorController(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, animatorController, comp); animatorController.LoadFrom(stream); return animatorController; } case UnityClassID.AssetBundle: { AssetBundle assetBundle = new AssetBundle(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, assetBundle, comp); assetBundle.LoadFrom(stream); return assetBundle; } case UnityClassID.AudioClip: { if (loadingReferencials) { return comp; } AudioClip ac = new AudioClip(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, ac, comp); ac.LoadFrom(stream); return ac; } case UnityClassID.AudioListener: { AudioListener audioListener = new AudioListener(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, audioListener, comp); audioListener.LoadFrom(stream); return audioListener; } case UnityClassID.AudioSource: { AudioSource audioSrc = new AudioSource(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, audioSrc, comp); audioSrc.LoadFrom(stream); return audioSrc; } case UnityClassID.Avatar: { if (loadingReferencials) { return comp; } Avatar avatar = new Avatar(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, avatar, comp); avatar.LoadFrom(stream); return avatar; } case UnityClassID.BoxCollider: { BoxCollider boxCol = new BoxCollider(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, boxCol, comp); boxCol.LoadFrom(stream); return boxCol; } case UnityClassID.Camera: { Camera camera = new Camera(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, camera, comp); camera.LoadFrom(stream); return camera; } case UnityClassID.CapsuleCollider: { CapsuleCollider capsuleCol = new CapsuleCollider(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, capsuleCol, comp); capsuleCol.LoadFrom(stream); return capsuleCol; } case UnityClassID.Cubemap: { Cubemap cubemap = new Cubemap(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, cubemap, comp); cubemap.LoadFrom(stream); Parser.Textures.Add(cubemap); return cubemap; } case UnityClassID.EllipsoidParticleEmitter: { EllipsoidParticleEmitter ellipsoid = new EllipsoidParticleEmitter(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, ellipsoid, comp); ellipsoid.LoadFrom(stream); return ellipsoid; } case UnityClassID.FlareLayer: { FlareLayer flareLayer = new FlareLayer(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, flareLayer, comp); flareLayer.LoadFrom(stream); return flareLayer; } case UnityClassID.Light: { Light light = new Light(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, light, comp); light.LoadFrom(stream); return light; } case UnityClassID.LinkToGameObject: { LinkToGameObject link = new LinkToGameObject(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, link, comp); link.LoadFrom(stream); return link; } case UnityClassID.LinkToGameObject223: { LinkToGameObject223 link = new LinkToGameObject223(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, link, comp); link.LoadFrom(stream); return link; } case UnityClassID.LinkToGameObject225: { LinkToGameObject225 link = new LinkToGameObject225(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, link, comp); link.LoadFrom(stream); return link; } case UnityClassID.GameObject: { GameObject gameObj = new GameObject(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, gameObj, comp); gameObj.LoadFrom(stream); return gameObj; } case UnityClassID.Material: { Material mat = new Material(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, mat, comp); mat.LoadFrom(stream); return mat; } case UnityClassID.Mesh: { if (loadingReferencials) { return comp; } Mesh mesh = new Mesh(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, mesh, comp); mesh.LoadFrom(stream); return mesh; } case UnityClassID.MeshCollider: { MeshCollider meshCol = new MeshCollider(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, meshCol, comp); meshCol.LoadFrom(stream); return meshCol; } case UnityClassID.MeshFilter: { MeshFilter meshFilter = new MeshFilter(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, meshFilter, comp); meshFilter.LoadFrom(stream); return meshFilter; } case UnityClassID.MeshRenderer: { MeshRenderer meshRenderer = new MeshRenderer(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, meshRenderer, comp); meshRenderer.LoadFrom(stream); return meshRenderer; } default: if (comp.classID2 == UnityClassID.MonoBehaviour) { if (Types.Count > 0) { MonoBehaviour monoBehaviour = new MonoBehaviour(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, monoBehaviour, comp); monoBehaviour.LoadFrom(stream); return monoBehaviour; } else { string message = comp.classID2 + " unhandled because of absence of Types in Cabinet (*.assets)"; if (!reported.Contains(message)) { Report.ReportLog(message); reported.Add(message); } return comp; } } else { string message = "Unhandled class: " + comp.classID1 + "/" + comp.classID2; if (!reported.Contains(message)) { Report.ReportLog(message); reported.Add(message); } } break; case UnityClassID.MonoScript: { if (loadingReferencials) { return comp; } MonoScript monoScript = new MonoScript(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, monoScript, comp); monoScript.LoadFrom(stream); return monoScript; } case UnityClassID.MultiLink: { MultiLink multi = new MultiLink(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, multi, comp); multi.LoadFrom(stream); return multi; } case UnityClassID.ParticleAnimator: { ParticleAnimator particleAnimator = new ParticleAnimator(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, particleAnimator, comp); particleAnimator.LoadFrom(stream); return particleAnimator; } case UnityClassID.ParticleRenderer: { ParticleRenderer particleRenderer = new ParticleRenderer(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, particleRenderer, comp); particleRenderer.LoadFrom(stream); return particleRenderer; } case UnityClassID.ParticleSystem: { ParticleSystem particleSystem = new ParticleSystem(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, particleSystem, comp); particleSystem.LoadFrom(stream); return particleSystem; } case UnityClassID.ParticleSystemRenderer: { ParticleSystemRenderer particleSystemRenderer = new ParticleSystemRenderer(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, particleSystemRenderer, comp); particleSystemRenderer.LoadFrom(stream); return particleSystemRenderer; } case UnityClassID.Projector: { Projector projector = new Projector(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, projector, comp); projector.LoadFrom(stream); return projector; } case UnityClassID.Rigidbody: { RigidBody rigidBody = new RigidBody(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, rigidBody, comp); rigidBody.LoadFrom(stream); return rigidBody; } case UnityClassID.Shader: { Shader shader = new Shader(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, shader, comp); shader.LoadFrom(stream); return shader; } case UnityClassID.SkinnedMeshRenderer: { SkinnedMeshRenderer sMesh = new SkinnedMeshRenderer(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, sMesh, comp); sMesh.LoadFrom(stream); return sMesh; } case UnityClassID.SphereCollider: { SphereCollider sphereCol = new SphereCollider(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, sphereCol, comp); sphereCol.LoadFrom(stream); return sphereCol; } case UnityClassID.Sprite: { Sprite sprite = new Sprite(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, sprite, comp); sprite.LoadFrom(stream); return sprite; } case UnityClassID.SpriteRenderer: { SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = new SpriteRenderer(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, spriteRenderer, comp); spriteRenderer.LoadFrom(stream); return spriteRenderer; } case UnityClassID.TextAsset: { if (loadingReferencials) { return comp; } TextAsset ta = new TextAsset(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, ta, comp); ta.LoadFrom(stream); return ta; } case UnityClassID.Texture2D: { if (loadingReferencials) { return comp; } Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, tex, comp); tex.LoadFrom(stream); Parser.Textures.Add(tex); return tex; } case UnityClassID.Transform: { Transform trans = new Transform(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, trans, comp); trans.LoadFrom(stream); return trans; } } } catch { Report.ReportLog("Failed to load " + comp.classID1 + "/" + comp.classID2 + " PathID=" + comp.pathID); foreach (NotLoaded notLoaded in RemovedList) { if (notLoaded == comp) { RemovedList.Remove(notLoaded); Components.RemoveAt(index); notLoaded.replacement = null; Components.Insert(index, notLoaded); break; } } } return null; }
// Parser apply event void IParserEventSubscriber.Apply(ConfigNode node) { // Get any existing material we might have on this scaled version ConfigNode data = node.GetNode(MATERIAL_NODE_NAME); // Check for bad condition (no material, no new material) if (Material == null && data == null) { throw new Exception("Scaled version has no material information"); } // Are we a planet or moon? if (Type.Value != BodyType.Star) { // If we are not a star, we need a scaled space fader and a sphere collider ScaledSpaceFader fader = Value.scaledBody.GetComponent <ScaledSpaceFader>(); if (fader == null) { fader = Value.scaledBody.AddComponent <SharedScaledSpaceFader>(); fader.floatName = "_Opacity"; fader.celestialBody = Value; } else if (!(fader is SharedScaledSpaceFader)) { Utility.CopyObjectFields(fader, Value.scaledBody.AddComponent <SharedScaledSpaceFader>()); Object.DestroyImmediate(fader); } // Add a sphere collider if we need one if (Value.scaledBody.GetComponent <SphereCollider>() == null) { SphereCollider collider = Value.scaledBody.AddComponent <SphereCollider>(); =; collider.radius = 1000.0f; } // Generate new atmospheric body material if (Type.Value == BodyType.Atmospheric) { if (Material != null && ScaledPlanetRimAerial.UsesSameShader(Material)) { Material = new ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader(Material); } else { Material = new ScaledPlanetRimAerialLoader(); } = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } // Generate new vacuum body material else { if (Material != null && ScaledPlanetSimple.UsesSameShader(Material)) { Material = new ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader(Material); } else { Material = new ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader(); } = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } } // Otherwise we are a star else { // Add the SunShaderController behavior SunShaderController controller = Value.scaledBody.GetComponent <SunShaderController>(); if (controller == null) { Value.scaledBody.AddComponent <SharedSunShaderController>(); } else if (!(controller is SharedSunShaderController)) { Utility.CopyObjectFields(controller, Value.scaledBody.AddComponent <SharedSunShaderController>()); Object.DestroyImmediate(controller); } // Add the ScaledSun behavior // TODO - apparently there can only be one of these (or it destroys itself) if (Value.scaledBody.GetComponent <ScaledSun>() == null) { Value.scaledBody.AddComponent <ScaledSun>(); } // Add the Kopernicus star component Value.scaledBody.AddComponent <StarComponent>(); // Generate a new material for the star if (Material != null && EmissiveMultiRampSunspots.UsesSameShader(Material)) { Material = new EmissiveMultiRampSunspotsLoader(Material); } else { Material = new EmissiveMultiRampSunspotsLoader(); } = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // Backup existing coronas foreach (SunCoronas corona in Value.scaledBody.GetComponentsInChildren <SunCoronas>(true)) { corona.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator; } } // Event Events.OnScaledVersionLoaderApply.Fire(this, node); }