    /// <summary>
    /// [COROUTINE] called by effects to spawn enemies mid-wave
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="wave">the wave to spawn</param>
    /// <param name="spawnLocation">where to spawn it</param>
    /// <param name="firstDestination">the first location for them to travel to before pathfinding.  This should be the start or end of a path segment.</param>
    public IEnumerator spawnWaveAt(WaveData wave, Vector2 spawnLocation, Vector2 firstDestination)
        //flag the wave as started
        totalSpawnCount += wave.spawnCount;

        float         timeBetweenSpawns = wave.time / wave.spawnCount; //delay between each spawn
        SpawnerScript spawner           = ((GameObject)Instantiate(spawnerPrefab)).GetComponent <SpawnerScript>();

        spawner.forceFirstPath(spawnLocation, firstDestination);

        //slight delay before spawning
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f));

        //spawn monsters.
        float timeToNextSpawn = 0;

        while ((wave.spawnCount - wave.spawnedThisWave) > 0)
            yield return(null);                                  //wait for the next frame

            timeToNextSpawn -= Time.deltaTime;                   //reduce time until next spawn by amount of time between frames
            wave.time       -= Time.deltaTime;                   //update the wave data also so that the status text can update
            while (timeToNextSpawn < 0.0)                        //this is a loop in case multiple spawns happen in one frame
                spawner.Spawn(-timeToNextSpawn, wave.enemyData); //spawn enemy.  spawn timer provided so the enemy can place itself properly when framerate is low

                timeToNextSpawn += timeBetweenSpawns;            //update spawn timer

                //update spawn counters

                //bail if we have finished spawning baddies
                if (wave.spawnedThisWave == wave.spawnCount)

        //wave is over
        yield break;