public override void NPCLoot() { Item staritem = new Item(); staritem.SetDefaults(mod.ItemType("twilightShard")); staritem.stack = Main.rand.Next(5, 25); player.GetItem(15, staritem); int randItem = Main.rand.Next(3); switch (randItem) { default: break; case 0: Item.NewItem(npc.getRect(), mod.ItemType("Keyblade_Kingdom")); break; case 1: Item.NewItem(npc.getRect(), mod.ItemType("orgCoat")); break; case 2: Item.NewItem(npc.getRect(), mod.ItemType("seasaltIcecream")); break; } Conversation[] conv = new Conversation[] { new Conversation("Good fight, but I still went easy on you", Color.Yellow, 50000, "Xion") }; DialogSystem.AddConversation(conv); }
public override bool CheckDead() { if (!NPC.downedMoonlord) { if (NPC.timeLeft > 20 && !defeated) { Conversation[] conv = new Conversation[] { new Conversation("Good fight, but I still went easy on you", Color.Yellow, DialogSystem.BOSS_DIALOGTIME, "Xion") }; DialogSystem.AddConversation(conv); } } else { if (!defeated) { ProjectileSource_NPC s = new ProjectileSource_NPC(NPC); Projectile.NewProjectile(s, Main.player[].Center, Vector2.Zero, ModContent.ProjectileType <FinalXionSpawnProjectile>(), 0, 0); NPC.timeLeft = (NPC.timeLeft > 5) ? 1 : NPC.timeLeft; defeated = true; defeatTime = 0; } } KingdomWorld.downedXionPhases[1] = true; defeated = true; = 1; return(false); }
public override void AI() { npc.velocity = Vector2.Zero; npc.TargetClosest(); Target(); DespawnHandler(); if (npc.timeLeft <= 10) { return; } if (defeated) { npc.velocity = Vector2.Zero; defeatTime--; if (defeatTime <= 0) { = -1; npc.timeLeft = 1; defeatTime = 1000; } return; } for (int i = 0; i < armProj.Length; i++) { if (armProj[i] == -1) { npc.Center = player.Center + new Vector2(0, -300); Conversation[] conv = new Conversation[] { new Conversation("Let's get serious!", Color.Yellow, 50000, "Xion") }; DialogSystem.AddConversation(conv); armProj[i] = Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center, npc.velocity, mod.ProjectileType("xion_finalPhase_arms"), attacksDamage[curAttack], 1); Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center, Vector2.Zero, mod.ProjectileType("darkPortal"), 0, 0); } else { Main.projectile[armProj[i]].timeLeft = 5; switch (i) { case 0: Main.projectile[armProj[i]].Center = new Vector2(npc.Center.X - 157f, npc.Center.Y - 295f); Main.projectile[armProj[i]].spriteDirection = 1; Main.projectile[armProj[i]].rotation = -(float)Math.PI / 2; break; case 1: Main.projectile[armProj[i]].Center = new Vector2(npc.Center.X + 157f, npc.Center.Y - 295f); Main.projectile[armProj[i]].spriteDirection = -1; Main.projectile[armProj[i]].rotation = (float)Math.PI / 2; break; } } } Attacks(); }
public override void OnRespawn(Player player) { if (!playerDied) { Conversation[] conv = new Conversation[] { new Conversation("So you can come back from death? How can you do that?", Color.Blue, DialogSystem.NPC_DIALOGTIME, "Sora") }; DialogSystem.AddConversation(conv); playerDied = true; } }
public override void AI() { NPC.velocity = Vector2.Zero; NPC.TargetClosest(); Target(); DespawnHandler(); if (NPC.timeLeft <= 10) { return; } if (defeated) { NPC.velocity = Vector2.Zero; defeatTime--; if (defeatTime <= 0) { = -1; NPC.timeLeft = 1; defeatTime = 1000; } return; } for (int i = 0; i < armProj.Length; i++) { if (armProj[i] == -1) { Conversation[] conv = new Conversation[] { new Conversation("NO HOLDING BACK!!!", Color.Yellow, DialogSystem.BOSS_DIALOGTIME, "Xion") }; DialogSystem.AddConversation(conv); armProj[i] = Projectile.NewProjectile(s, NPC.Center, NPC.velocity, ModContent.ProjectileType <Projectiles.BossStuff.xion_finalPhase_arms>(), attacksDamage[curAttack], 1); Projectile.NewProjectile(s, NPC.Center, Vector2.Zero, ModContent.ProjectileType <Projectiles.darkPortal>(), 0, 0); } else { Main.projectile[armProj[i]].timeLeft = 5; switch (i) { case 0: Main.projectile[armProj[i]].Center = new Vector2(NPC.Center.X - 157f, NPC.Center.Y - 295f); Main.projectile[armProj[i]].spriteDirection = 1; Main.projectile[armProj[i]].rotation = -(float)Math.PI / 2; break; case 1: Main.projectile[armProj[i]].Center = new Vector2(NPC.Center.X + 157f, NPC.Center.Y - 295f); Main.projectile[armProj[i]].spriteDirection = -1; Main.projectile[armProj[i]].rotation = (float)Math.PI / 2; break; } } } Attacks(); }
public override void DespawnQuote() { Conversation[] conv; switch (Main.rand.Next(0, 4)) { default: case 0: conv = new Conversation[] { new Conversation("Sorry, kid. No one axes Axel", Color.Red, DialogSystem.BOSS_DIALOGTIME, "Axel") }; break; case 1: conv = new Conversation[] { new Conversation("Don't say I didn't warn you!", Color.Red, DialogSystem.BOSS_DIALOGTIME, "Axel") }; break; } DialogSystem.AddConversation(conv); }
void DespawnHandler() { if (! || player.dead || player.statLife == 0) { npc.TargetClosest(false); player = Main.player[]; if (! || player.dead || player.statLife == 0) { npc.velocity = new Vector2(0, 100000); if (npc.timeLeft > 10) { npc.timeLeft = 1; Conversation[] conv = new Conversation[] { new Conversation("No good", Color.Yellow, 50000, "Xion") }; DialogSystem.AddConversation(conv); } } } }
void DespawnHandler() { if (! || player.dead || player.statLife == 0) { NPC.TargetClosest(false); player = Main.player[]; if (! || player.dead || player.statLife == 0) { NPC.velocity = new Vector2(0, 100000); if (NPC.timeLeft > 10) { NPC.timeLeft = 1; Conversation[] conv = new Conversation[] { new Conversation("Try again", Color.Yellow, DialogSystem.BOSS_DIALOGTIME, "Xion") }; DialogSystem.AddConversation(conv); } } } }
public override bool CheckDead() { if (!defeated) { //if (!NPC.downedMoonlord) { if (NPC.timeLeft > 20 && !defeated) { NPC.NPCLoot(); Conversation[] conv = new Conversation[] { new Conversation("Can't... keep... fighting...", Color.Yellow, DialogSystem.BOSS_DIALOGTIME, "Xion") }; DialogSystem.AddConversation(conv); } } KingdomWorld.downedXionPhases[2] = true; defeated = true; = 1; } return(false); }
public override void OnEnterWorld(Player player) { PartyMemberLogic.Reset(); if (!playerCreated) { playerCreated = true; Conversation[] conv = new Conversation[] { new Conversation("", Color.Blue, DialogSystem.NPC_DIALOGTIME, ""), new Conversation("I need your help, we'll talk soon", Color.Blue, DialogSystem.NPC_DIALOGTIME, "Sora"), new Conversation("I've given you the power to use a Keyblade", Color.Blue, DialogSystem.NPC_DIALOGTIME, "Sora"), new Conversation("I hope to meet you soon", Color.Blue, DialogSystem.NPC_DIALOGTIME, "Sora") }; DialogSystem.AddConversation(conv); } else { Conversation[] conv = new Conversation[] { new Conversation("I trully hope to meet you soon", Color.Blue, DialogSystem.NPC_DIALOGTIME, "Sora") }; DialogSystem.AddConversation(conv); } if (MathHelp.Magnitude(originalSpawnPoint) == 0) { originalSpawnPoint = player.position; } }
public void GetPartyMember(int npcNum) { if (npcNum < Main.maxNPCs && Main.npc[npcNum].active && Main.npc[npcNum].townNPC) { NPC npc = Main.npc[npcNum]; if (PartyMemberLogic.IsPartyMember(Main.npc[npcNum].type) >= 0) { Conversation conv = new Conversation(GetMemberDialog(npc.type), Color.White, DialogSystem.NPC_DIALOGTIME, npc.GivenOrTypeName); DialogSystem.AddConversation(conv); PartyMemberLogic.RemovePartyMember(npc.type); npc.color = Color.White; npc.Teleport(new Vector2(npc.homeTileX * 16, npc.homeTileY * 16 - npc.height) - npc.velocity); npc.velocity = new Vector2(); } else { Conversation conv = new Conversation(GetMemberDialog(npc.type, true), Color.White, DialogSystem.NPC_DIALOGTIME, npc.GivenOrTypeName); DialogSystem.AddConversation(conv); PartyMemberLogic.AddPartyMember(npc.type,; } } }
public override bool CheckDead() { if (!defeated) { if (!Main.hardMode) { if (NPC.timeLeft > 20) { Conversation[] conv = new Conversation[] { new Conversation("Maybe I'll fight you for real next time.", Color.Yellow, DialogSystem.BOSS_DIALOGTIME, "Xion") }; DialogSystem.AddConversation(conv); } } else { NPC.NewNPC((int)NPC.Center.X, (int)NPC.Center.Y, ModContent.NPCType <xion_secondPhase>(), Target:; NPC.timeLeft = (NPC.timeLeft > 5) ? 1 : NPC.timeLeft - 1; defeatTime = 0; } } defeated = true; KingdomWorld.downedXionPhases[0] = true; = 1; return(false); }
public override void DefeatQuote() { Conversation[] conv = new Conversation[] { new Conversation("How did this happen...?", Color.Red, DialogSystem.BOSS_DIALOGTIME, "Axel") }; DialogSystem.AddConversation(conv); }
public override void AI() { npc.velocity = Vector2.Zero; npc.TargetClosest(); Target(); DespawnHandler(); if (npc.timeLeft <= 10) { return; } if (defeated) { defeatTime--; if (defeatTime == 5) { Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center, Vector2.Zero, mod.ProjectileType("darkPortal"), 0, 0); } else if (defeatTime <= 0) { = -1; npc.timeLeft = 1; defeatTime = 1000; } return; } if (keyProj == -1) { npc.Center = player.Center + new Vector2(0, -300); Conversation[] conv = new Conversation[] { new Conversation("NO HOLDING BACK!", Color.Yellow, 50000, "Xion") }; if (KingdomWorld.downedXionPhases[0]) { conv[0].dialog = "Let's go again!"; } else if (KingdomWorld.downedXionPhases[1]) { conv[0].dialog = "Come on!"; } DialogSystem.AddConversation(conv); keyProj = Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center, npc.velocity, mod.ProjectileType("EnemyKingdomKey"), attacksDamage[curAttack], 1); Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center, Vector2.Zero, mod.ProjectileType("darkPortal"), 0, 0); } else { Main.projectile[keyProj].timeLeft = 5; } if (player != null && { if (attackCooldown > 0) { attackCooldown--; npc.velocity = Vector2.Zero;[0] = 0;[1] = 0; Main.projectile[keyProj].Center = new Vector2((npc.spriteDirection - 1) * 17.5f + npc.Center.X, npc.Center.Y + 5); Main.projectile[keyProj].rotation = (npc.spriteDirection > 0) ? 0.25f : 4.5f; } else { switch (curAttack) { case 0: npc.velocity = Vector2.Zero;[0] += attackSpeed * attackSpeedMult; if ([0] > 50) { curAttack = nextAttack; nextAttack = Main.rand.Next(1, 5); CheckCurAttack(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < Main.rand.Next(0, 2); i++) { Dust.NewDust(AttackPos(nextAttack), npc.width, npc.height, DustID.GoldCoin); } } break; case 1: npc.velocity = Vector2.Zero; Attack(100); break; case 2: npc.velocity = new Vector2(30, 0); Attack(100); break; case 3: npc.velocity = new Vector2(-30, 0); Attack(75); break; case 4: npc.velocity = new Vector2(0, 30); Attack(100); break; } } } }
public override void AI() { NPC.TargetClosest(); Target(); DespawnHandler(); if (NPC.timeLeft <= 10) { return; } if (hitRecoil > 0) { hitRecoil--; return; } NPC.velocity = Vector2.Zero; if (defeated) { defeatTime--; if (defeatTime == 5) { Projectile.NewProjectile(s, NPC.Center, Vector2.Zero, ModContent.ProjectileType <Projectiles.darkPortal>(), 0, 0); NPC.NPCLoot(); } else if (defeatTime <= 0) { = -1; NPC.timeLeft = 1; defeatTime = 1000; } return; } if (keyProj == -1) { NPC.Center = player.Center + new Vector2(0, -300); Conversation[] conv = new Conversation[] { new Conversation("NO HOLDING BACK!", Color.Yellow, DialogSystem.BOSS_DIALOGTIME, "Xion") }; if (KingdomWorld.downedXionPhases[0]) { conv[0].dialog = "Let's go again!"; } else if (KingdomWorld.downedXionPhases[1]) { conv[0].dialog = "Come on!"; } DialogSystem.AddConversation(conv); keyProj = Projectile.NewProjectile(s, NPC.Center, NPC.velocity, ModContent.ProjectileType <Projectiles.EnemyKingdomKey>(), attacksDamage[curAttack], 1); Projectile.NewProjectile(s, NPC.Center, Vector2.Zero, ModContent.ProjectileType <Projectiles.darkPortal>(), 0, 0); } else { if (Main.projectile[keyProj].type != ModContent.ProjectileType <Projectiles.EnemyKingdomKey>()) { keyProj = Projectile.NewProjectile(s, NPC.Center, NPC.velocity, ModContent.ProjectileType <Projectiles.EnemyKingdomKey>(), attacksDamage[curAttack], 1); } Main.projectile[keyProj].timeLeft = 5; } if (player != null && { if (attackCooldown > 0) { attackCooldown--; NPC.velocity = Vector2.Zero;[0] = 0;[1] = 0; Main.projectile[keyProj].Center = new Vector2((NPC.spriteDirection - 1) * 17.5f + NPC.Center.X, NPC.Center.Y + 5); Main.projectile[keyProj].rotation = (NPC.spriteDirection > 0) ? 0.25f : 4.5f; } else { switch (curAttack) { case 0: NPC.velocity = Vector2.Zero;[0] += attackSpeed * attackSpeedMult; if ([0] > 50) { curAttack = nextAttack; nextAttack = Main.rand.Next(1, 5); CheckCurAttack(); hitCombo = 0; } else { for (int i = 0; i < Main.rand.Next(0, 2); i++) { Dust.NewDust(AttackPos(nextAttack), NPC.width, NPC.height, DustID.GoldCoin); } } break; case 1: NPC.velocity = Vector2.Zero; Attack(100); break; case 2: NPC.velocity = new Vector2(30, 0); Attack(100); break; case 3: NPC.velocity = new Vector2(-30, 0); Attack(75); break; case 4: NPC.velocity = new Vector2(0, 30); Attack(100); break; } } } }
public override void AI() { hitRecoil--; if (hitRecoil > 0) { NPC.velocity *= 0.75f; NPC.rotation += 0.1f * -NPC.direction; return; } else if (hitRecoil <= -90) { hitCombo = 0; } NPC.rotation = 0; NPC.noTileCollide = true; NPC.noGravity = true; NPC.TargetClosest(true); for (int i = 0; i < weaponProj.Length; i++) { if (weaponProj[i] == -1) { NPC.Center = Main.player[].Center + new Vector2(0, -300); Conversation[] conv = new Conversation[] { new Conversation("Get a load of this!", Color.Yellow, DialogSystem.BOSS_DIALOGTIME, "Xigbar") }; DialogSystem.AddConversation(conv); weaponProj[i] = Projectile.NewProjectile(s, NPC.Center, NPC.velocity, weaponType, attacksDamage[curAttack], 1); Projectile.NewProjectile(s, NPC.Center, Vector2.Zero, ModContent.ProjectileType <Projectiles.darkPortal>(), 0, 0); } else { if (Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].type != weaponType || !Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].active) { weaponProj[i] = Projectile.NewProjectile(s, NPC.Center, NPC.velocity, weaponType, attacksDamage[curAttack], 1); } Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].timeLeft = 5; } } if ( >= 0) { DespawnHandler(Main.player[]); if (NPC.timeLeft <= 10) { return; } if (defeated) { NPC.velocity = Vector2.Zero; for (int i = 0; i < weaponProj.Length; i++) { Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center = HoldWeaponPoint(); Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].rotation = (float)Math.PI * ((NPC.spriteDirection - 1) / 2); } defeatTime--; if (defeatTime == 5) { Projectile.NewProjectile(s, NPC.Center, Vector2.Zero, ModContent.ProjectileType <Projectiles.darkPortal>(), 0, 0); NPC.NPCLoot(); } else if (defeatTime <= 0) { = -1; NPC.timeLeft = 1; defeatTime = 1000; } return; } if (Main.player[].Center.Y < NPC.Center.Y - 200) { NPC.Center = new Vector2(Main.player[].Center.X, Main.screenPosition.Y + NPC.height); } switch (curAttack) { case 0: NPC.velocity = Vector2.Zero; for (int i = 0; i < weaponProj.Length; i++) { if (MathHelp.Magnitude(Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center - NPC.Center) < 5) { Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center = HoldWeaponPoint(); } else { Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].velocity = Vector2.Lerp(Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].velocity, MathHelp.Normalize(NPC.Center - Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center) * 5, 0.5f); } Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].rotation = (float)Math.PI * ((NPC.spriteDirection - 1) / 2); }[0]++; if ([0] > 90) { curAttack = Main.rand.Next(1, 5); CheckCurAttack(); } break; case 1: if ([1] == 1) { NPC.Center = Main.player[].Center + new Vector2(200 * NPC.spriteDirection, -100); } else if ([1] < 20) { for (int i = 0; i < weaponProj.Length; i++) { Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center = HoldWeaponPoint(); Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].rotation = (float)Math.PI * ((NPC.spriteDirection - 1) / 2); } } else { Vector2 playerOffsetToGun; for (int i = 0; i < weaponProj.Length; i++) { playerOffsetToGun = Main.player[].Center - Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center; Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center = HoldWeaponPoint(); Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].rotation = MathHelp.DegreeToQuat(Math.Atan2(playerOffsetToGun.Y, playerOffsetToGun.X)); } if ([1] > 30 && ([1]) % 10 == 0) { playerOffsetToGun = Main.player[].Center - NPC.Center; int proj = Projectile.NewProjectile(s, NPC.Center, MathHelp.Normalize(playerOffsetToGun) * 13, ProjectileID.JestersArrow, attacksDamage[1], 1); Main.projectile[proj].hostile = true; Main.projectile[proj].friendly = false; } } NPC.velocity /= 2; NPC.spriteDirection = -NPC.spriteDirection; NPC.rotation = (float)Math.PI; AttackTimerCheck(30 + 60); break; case 2: if ([1] == 1) { NPC.Center = Main.player[].Center + new Vector2(350 * NPC.spriteDirection, 0); } else if ([1] < 20) { for (int i = 0; i < weaponProj.Length; i++) { Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center = HoldWeaponPoint(); Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].rotation = (float)Math.PI * ((NPC.spriteDirection - 1) / 2); } } else { Vector2 playerOffsetToGun; for (int i = 0; i < weaponProj.Length; i++) { playerOffsetToGun = Main.player[].Center - Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center; Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center = HoldWeaponPoint(); Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].rotation = Math.Abs(MathHelp.DegreeToQuat(Math.Atan2(playerOffsetToGun.Y, playerOffsetToGun.X))); } if ([1] > 30 && ([1]) % 10 == 0) { playerOffsetToGun = Main.player[].Center - NPC.Center; int proj = Projectile.NewProjectile(s, NPC.Center, MathHelp.Normalize(playerOffsetToGun) * 13, ProjectileID.JestersArrow, attacksDamage[1], 1); Main.projectile[proj].hostile = true; Main.projectile[proj].friendly = false; } } NPC.velocity = new Vector2(2.5f, 0) * NPC.spriteDirection; NPC.velocity.Y = 0; AttackTimerCheck(100); break; case 3: for (int i = 0; i < weaponProj.Length; i++) { Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center = HoldWeaponPoint(); Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].rotation = 0; Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].spriteDirection = NPC.spriteDirection; } if ([1] == 1) { NPC.Center = Main.player[].Center + new Vector2(-250, -300); bool projectileStillSpawned = false; for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxProjectiles; i++) { if (Main.projectile[i].active && Main.projectile[i].type == ModContent.ProjectileType <Projectiles.BossStuff.xigbar_missile>()) { projectileStillSpawned = true; } } if (projectileStillSpawned) { curAttack = 1; CheckCurAttack(); break; } attackProjectiles = new int[] { Projectile.NewProjectile(s, NPC.Center, new Vector2(5 * NPC.spriteDirection, 0), ModContent.ProjectileType <Projectiles.BossStuff.xigbar_missile>(), attacksDamage[3], 2, ai0: NPC.spriteDirection) }; } if ([1] < 75) { for (int i = 0; i < attackProjectiles.Length; i++) { Main.projectile[attackProjectiles[i]].Center = HoldWeaponPoint(); } } if ([1] == 99) { for (int i = 0; i < weaponProj.Length; i++) { Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].spriteDirection = 1; } } AttackTimerCheck(100); break; case 4: for (int i = 0; i < weaponProj.Length; i++) { Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center = HoldWeaponPoint(); Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].rotation = (float)Math.PI / 2; } if ([1] <= 30) { NPC.Center = Main.player[].Center + new Vector2(0, -250); } else { if ([1] % 10 == 0) { int proj = Projectile.NewProjectile(s, NPC.Center, new Vector2(Main.rand.NextFloat(-2f, 2f), 15), ProjectileID.JestersArrow, attacksDamage[4], 1); Main.projectile[proj].hostile = true; Main.projectile[proj].friendly = false; } } AttackTimerCheck(120); break; case 5: break; case 6: break; case 7: break; case 8: break; case 9: NPC.velocity = Vector2.Zero; if ([1] == 1) { NPC.Center = Main.player[].Center + new Vector2(350 * -NPC.direction, 150); } AttackTimerCheck(90); break; } } else { NPC.TargetClosest(false); if ( < 0) { if (NPC.timeLeft >= 10) { NPC.timeLeft = 1; DespawnQuote(); } } } }
public override void DespawnQuote() { Conversation[] conv = new Conversation[] { new Conversation("You had your fun?", Color.Yellow, DialogSystem.BOSS_DIALOGTIME, "Xigbar") }; DialogSystem.AddConversation(conv); }
public override void DefeatQuote() { Conversation[] conv = new Conversation[] { new Conversation("Hey, not bad!", Color.Yellow, DialogSystem.BOSS_DIALOGTIME, "Xigbar") }; DialogSystem.AddConversation(conv); }
public override void AI() { hitRecoil--; if (hitRecoil > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < weaponProj.Length; i++) { Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].timeLeft = 0; } NPC.rotation += 0.3f * -NPC.direction; return; } else if (hitRecoil <= -90) { hitCombo = 0; } NPC.rotation = 0; NPC.noTileCollide = false; NPC.TargetClosest(true); for (int i = 0; i < weaponProj.Length; i++) { if (weaponProj[i] == -1) { NPC.Center = Main.player[].Center + new Vector2(0, -300); Conversation[] conv = new Conversation[] { new Conversation("You asked for it", Color.Red, DialogSystem.BOSS_DIALOGTIME, "Axel") }; DialogSystem.AddConversation(conv); weaponProj[i] = Projectile.NewProjectile(s, NPC.Center, NPC.velocity, weaponType, attacksDamage[curAttack], 1); Projectile.NewProjectile(s, NPC.Center, Vector2.Zero, ModContent.ProjectileType <Projectiles.darkPortal>(), 0, 0); } else { if (Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].type != weaponType || !Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].active) { weaponProj[i] = Projectile.NewProjectile(s, NPC.Center, NPC.velocity, weaponType, attacksDamage[curAttack], 1); } Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].timeLeft = 5; } Projectiles.BossStuff.AxelChakrams chakram = (Projectiles.BossStuff.AxelChakrams)Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].ModProjectile; chakram.bossOwner = NPC.whoAmI; } if ( >= 0) { DespawnHandler(Main.player[]); if (NPC.timeLeft <= 10) { return; } if (defeated) { defeatTime--; if (defeatTime == 5) { Projectile.NewProjectile(s, NPC.Center, Vector2.Zero, ModContent.ProjectileType <Projectiles.darkPortal>(), 0, 0); NPC.NPCLoot(); } else if (defeatTime <= 0) { = -1; NPC.timeLeft = 1; defeatTime = 1000; } return; } if (Main.player[].Center.Y < NPC.Center.Y - 200) { NPC.Center = new Vector2(Main.player[].Center.X, Main.screenPosition.Y + NPC.height); } for (int i = 0; i < weaponProj.Length; i++) { Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].damage = attacksDamage[curAttack]; } switch (curAttack) { case 0: NPC.velocity = Vector2.Zero; for (int i = 0; i < weaponProj.Length; i++) { if (MathHelp.Magnitude(Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center - NPC.Center) < 5) { Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center = HoldWeaponPoint(); } else { Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].velocity = Vector2.Lerp(Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].velocity, MathHelp.Normalize(NPC.Center - Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center) * 5, 0.5f); } Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].rotation = 0; }[0]++; if ([0] > 90) {[0] = 0; curAttack = Main.rand.Next(1, 4); } break; case 1: Vector2 offset = Vector2.Zero; //Chakrams if ([1] < 21) { for (int i = 0; i < weaponProj.Length; i++) { Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center = HoldWeaponPoint(); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < weaponProj.Length; i++) { if ([1] > 21 + i * 3) { Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].velocity = MathHelp.Normalize(Main.player[].Center - Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center) * 2; Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].rotation += 0.4f; } else { Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center = HoldWeaponPoint(); } } } //Axel himself dashing if ([1] < 15) { if ([1] <= 1 + attackSpeed * attackSpeedMult) {[0] = MathHelp.Sign(Main.player[].Center.X - NPC.Center.X); } NPC.noTileCollide = true; offset = Main.player[].Center - NPC.Center; offset = offset + new Vector2(0, NPC.height + Main.player[].height / 2); NPC.velocity = offset * 0.25f; } else if ([1] < 30) { NPC.noTileCollide = true; offset = Main.player[].Center - NPC.Center; offset = offset + new Vector2((NPC.width * 2 + Main.player[].width * 2) *[0], -40); NPC.velocity = offset * 0.25f; } else { NPC.noTileCollide = false; NPC.velocity = offset; } //flaming aspect for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Dust.NewDust(NPC.position, NPC.width, NPC.height, DustID.Torch, SpeedY: Main.rand.Next(-5, 5), newColor: Color.Red); } AttackTimerCheck(50); break; case 2: NPC.Center += new Vector2(NPC.direction * 1, 0); if ([1] < 40) { Dust.NewDust(NPC.position, NPC.width, NPC.height, DustID.Torch); for (int i = 0; i < weaponProj.Length; i++) { if (Vector2.Distance(HoldWeaponPoint(), Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center) > 3) { Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].velocity = MathHelp.Normalize(HoldWeaponPoint() - Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center) * 3; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < weaponProj.Length; i++) { if ([1] % 40 < 20) { if ([1] % 40 > i * 3) { Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].velocity = MathHelp.Normalize(Main.player[].Center - Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center) * 5; Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].rotation -= 0.4f; } else if (Vector2.Distance(HoldWeaponPoint(), Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center) > 3) { Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].velocity = MathHelp.Normalize(HoldWeaponPoint() - Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center) * 3; } } else if (Vector2.Distance(HoldWeaponPoint(), Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center) > 3) { Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].velocity = MathHelp.Normalize(HoldWeaponPoint() - Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center) * 5; } } } AttackTimerCheck(160); break; case 3: for (int i = 0; i < weaponProj.Length; i++) { if ([1] > i * 3) { Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].velocity = MathHelp.Normalize(Main.player[].Center + new Vector2(20 * i, 0) - Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center) * 3; Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].rotation += 0.4f; } else if (Vector2.Distance(HoldWeaponPoint(), Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center) > 3) { Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].velocity = MathHelp.Normalize(HoldWeaponPoint() - Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center) * 3; } } if ([1] == 40) { for (int i = 0; i < weaponProj.Length; i++) { Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].velocity = (Main.player[].Center + new Vector2(20 * i, 0) - Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center) * 2; } } AttackTimerCheck(80); break; case 4: offset = Vector2.Zero; //Chakrams for (int i = 0; i < weaponProj.Length; i++) { if ([1] > i * 3) { Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].velocity = MathHelp.Normalize(Main.player[].Center - Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center) * 3; Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].rotation += 0.7f; } else if (Vector2.Distance(HoldWeaponPoint(), Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center) > 3) { Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].velocity = MathHelp.Normalize(HoldWeaponPoint() - Main.projectile[weaponProj[i]].Center) * 3; } } //Axel himself dashing if ([1] < 2) { if ([1] <= 1 + attackSpeed * attackSpeedMult) {[0] = MathHelp.Sign(Main.player[].Center.X - NPC.Center.X); } NPC.noTileCollide = true; offset = Main.player[].Center - NPC.Center; offset = offset + new Vector2(0, NPC.height + Main.player[].height / 2); NPC.velocity = offset * 0.5f; } else if ([1] < 8) { NPC.noTileCollide = true; offset = Main.player[].Center - NPC.Center; offset = offset + new Vector2((NPC.width * 2 + Main.player[].width * 2) *[0], -40); NPC.velocity = offset * 0.5f; } else { NPC.noTileCollide = false; NPC.velocity = offset; } //flaming aspect for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Dust.NewDust(NPC.position, NPC.width, NPC.height, DustID.Torch, SpeedY: Main.rand.Next(-5, 5), newColor: Color.Red); } AttackTimerCheck(25); break; } } }