public IEnumerator FindWeapons()
        yield return(Appear(new Vector3(80, 27), new Vector3(73, 27), true));

        talking = true;
        yield return(uiManager.Speak(npcName, "Ah, an old sword and shield! These should do nicely."));

        yield return(uiManager.Upgrade("Rusty Sword"));

        yield return(uiManager.Upgrade("Shield"));

        yield return(uiManager.Speak(npcName, "Why don't you practice before you continue?"));

        questManager.AddMainQuest("Use 3 attacks                 0/3");
        playerTutorial.SetPrompt("Use left-click to attack\nUse left-shift to block\n");
        yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(3));

        questManager.AddMainQuest("Use 3 blocks                   0/3");
        talking = false;
        yield return(new WaitUntil(() => questManager.complete == 3));

        dungeonManager.PlaceItem("Key", new Vector3(70, 28));
        talking = true;
        yield return(uiManager.Speak(npcName, "Well done, you are skilled with the sword and shield."));

        yield return(uiManager.Speak(npcName, "Here, use this key to open the door."));

        playerTutorial.SetPrompt("Press E to use keys on doors");
        talking = false;