예제 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Executes an ability from a given combatant to the given target combatants.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ability">The Ability object being executed</param>
    /// <param name="source">The combatant using the ability.</param>
    /// <param name="targets">A list of combatants being targeted by the ability.</param>
    private void DoAbility(AbilityData ability, CombatantController source, List <CombatantController> targets)
        // Start the ability's animation
        Debug.Log("TODO: Ability animations!");

        // Apply the ability to each target combatant
        foreach (CombatantController target in targets)
            // Apply any effects the ability has on the target
            foreach (EffectData effect in ability.effects)
                target.ApplyEffect(effect, source);
                // Generate any floating combat text if required
                floatingTextController.PlayTextForEffect(effect, GetCombatantTransform(target.BattleID));

            // If the target combatant died, set their animation state
            if (target.HP <= 0)
                // Apply any auras the ability has on the target
                foreach (AuraData aura in ability.auras)
                    target.AddAura(aura, source);

            // Modify the caster's resource values
            if (source.Allegiance == Allegiance.PLAYER)
                HeroController heroSource = (HeroController)source;
                if (heroSource.IsProtag)
                    // Jack's Calm and Strife generation are not mutually exclusive
                    heroSource.Calm   += ability.calmGen;
                    heroSource.Strife += ability.strifeGen;
                    // Abilities which generate Calm and Strife exist, but should
                    // not be usable by anyone other than the protagonist
                    if (ability.calmGen != 0 && ability.strifeGen != 0)
                        Debug.LogError("Abilities which generate Calm and Strife should not be usable by non-protagonist!");

                    // Non-protagonists lose one resource when they gain another
                    if (ability.calmGen > 0)
                        if (heroSource.Strife > 0)
                            heroSource.Strife -= ability.calmGen;
                            heroSource.Calm += ability.calmGen;
                    else if (ability.strifeGen > 0)
                        if (heroSource.Calm > 0)
                            heroSource.Calm -= ability.strifeGen;
                            heroSource.Strife += ability.strifeGen;