static void MassRankHandler(Player player, CommandReader cmd) { string fromRankName = cmd.Next(); string toRankName = cmd.Next(); string reason = cmd.NextAll(); if (fromRankName == null || toRankName == null) { CdMassRank.PrintUsage(player); return; } Rank fromRank = RankManager.FindRank(fromRankName); if (fromRank == null) { player.MessageNoRank(fromRankName); return; } Rank toRank = RankManager.FindRank(toRankName); if (toRank == null) { player.MessageNoRank(toRankName); return; } if (fromRank == toRank) { player.Message("Ranks must be different"); return; } int playerCount; using (PlayerDB.GetReadLock()) { playerCount = PlayerDB.List.Count(t => t.Rank == fromRank); } string verb = (fromRank > toRank ? "demot" : "promot"); if (!cmd.IsConfirmed) { player.Confirm(cmd, "MassRank: {0}e {1} players?", verb.UppercaseFirst(), playerCount); return; } player.Message("MassRank: {0}ing {1} players...", verb, playerCount); int affected = PlayerDB.MassRankChange(player, fromRank, toRank, reason); player.Message("MassRank: done, {0} records affected.", affected); }
static void InfoSwapHandler(Player player, CommandReader cmd) { string p1Name = cmd.Next(); string p2Name = cmd.Next(); if (p1Name == null || p2Name == null) { CdInfoSwap.PrintUsage(player); return; } PlayerInfo p1 = PlayerDB.FindByPartialNameOrPrintMatches(player, p1Name); if (p1 == null) { return; } PlayerInfo p2 = PlayerDB.FindByPartialNameOrPrintMatches(player, p2Name); if (p2 == null) { return; } if (p1 == p2) { player.Message("InfoSwap: Please specify 2 different players."); return; } if (p1.IsOnline || p2.IsOnline) { player.Message("InfoSwap: Both players must be offline to swap info."); return; } if (!cmd.IsConfirmed) { player.Confirm(cmd, "InfoSwap: Swap stats of players {0}&S and {1}&S?", p1.ClassyName, p2.ClassyName); } else { PlayerDB.SwapPlayerInfo(p1, p2); player.Message("InfoSwap: Stats of {0}&S and {1}&S have been swapped.", p1.ClassyName, p2.ClassyName); } }
private static void ZoneRemoveHandler(Player player, Command cmd) { string zoneName = cmd.Next(); if (zoneName == null) { CdZoneRemove.PrintUsage(player); return; } ZoneCollection zones = player.WorldMap.Zones; Zone zone = zones.Find(zoneName); if (zone != null) { if (!player.Info.Rank.AllowSecurityCircumvention) { switch (zone.Controller.CheckDetailed(player.Info)) { case SecurityCheckResult.BlackListed: player.Message("You are not allowed to remove zone {0}: you are blacklisted.", zone.ClassyName); return; case SecurityCheckResult.RankTooLow: player.Message("You are not allowed to remove zone {0}.", zone.ClassyName); return; } } if (!cmd.IsConfirmed) { player.Confirm(cmd, "Remove zone {0}&S?", zone.ClassyName); return; } if (zones.Remove(zone.Name)) { player.Message("Zone \"{0}\" removed.", zone.Name); } } else { player.MessageNoZone(zoneName); } }
static void RankHandler( Player player, CommandReader cmd ) { string name = cmd.Next(); string newRankName = cmd.Next(); // Check arguments if( name == null || newRankName == null ) { CdRank.PrintUsage( player ); player.Message( "See &H/Ranks&S for list of ranks." ); return; } // Parse rank name Rank newRank = RankManager.FindRank( newRankName ); if( newRank == null ) { player.MessageNoRank( newRankName ); return; } if( name == "-" ) { if( player.LastUsedPlayerName != null ) { name = player.LastUsedPlayerName; } else { player.Message( "Cannot repeat player name: you haven't used any names yet." ); return; } } PlayerInfo targetInfo; // Find player by name if( name.StartsWith( "!" ) ) { name = name.Substring( 1 ); Player target = Server.FindPlayerExact( player, name, false ); if( target == null ) { player.MessageNoPlayer( name ); return; } targetInfo = target.Info; } else { targetInfo = PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfoExact( name ); } // Handle non-existent players if( targetInfo == null ) { if( !player.Can( Permission.EditPlayerDB ) ) { player.MessageNoPlayer( name ); return; } if( !Player.IsValidName( name ) ) { player.MessageInvalidPlayerName( name ); CdRank.PrintUsage( player ); return; } if( cmd.IsConfirmed ) { if( newRank > RankManager.DefaultRank ) { targetInfo = PlayerDB.AddFakeEntry( name, RankChangeType.Promoted ); } else { targetInfo = PlayerDB.AddFakeEntry( name, RankChangeType.Demoted ); } } else { Logger.Log( LogType.UserActivity, "Rank: Asked {0} to confirm adding unrecognized name \"{1}\" to the database.", player.Name, name ); player.Confirm( cmd, "Warning: Player \"{0}\" is not in the database (possible typo). Type the full name or", name ); return; } } try { player.LastUsedPlayerName = targetInfo.Name; targetInfo.ChangeRank( player, newRank, cmd.NextAll(), true, true, false ); } catch( PlayerOpException ex ) { player.Message( ex.MessageColored ); } }
static void UndoAreaTimeSelectionCallback( Player player, Vector3I[] marks, object tag ) { World playerWorld = player.World; if( playerWorld == null ) PlayerOpException.ThrowNoWorld( player ); UndoAreaTimeArgs args = (UndoAreaTimeArgs)tag; args.World = playerWorld; args.Area = new BoundingBox( marks[0], marks[1] ); BlockDBEntry[] changes = playerWorld.BlockDB.Lookup( args.Target, args.Area, args.Time ); if( changes.Length > 0 ) { player.Confirm( UndoAreaTimeConfirmCallback, args, "Undo changes ({0}) made by {1}&S in this area in the last {2}?", changes.Length, args.Target.ClassyName, args.Time.ToMiniString() ); } else { player.Message( "UndoArea: Nothing to undo in this area." ); } }
static void ZoneRemoveHandler( Player player, Command cmd ) { string zoneName = cmd.Next(); if( zoneName == null ) { CdZoneRemove.PrintUsage( player ); return; } ZoneCollection zones = player.WorldMap.Zones; Zone zone = zones.Find( zoneName ); if( zone != null ) { if( !player.Info.Rank.AllowSecurityCircumvention ) { switch( zone.Controller.CheckDetailed( player.Info ) ) { case SecurityCheckResult.BlackListed: player.Message( "You are not allowed to remove zone {0}: you are blacklisted.", zone.ClassyName ); return; case SecurityCheckResult.RankTooLow: player.Message( "You are not allowed to remove zone {0}.", zone.ClassyName ); return; } } if( !cmd.IsConfirmed ) { player.Confirm( cmd, "You are about to remove zone {0}&S.", zone.ClassyName ); return; } if( zones.Remove( zone.Name ) ) { player.Message( "Zone \"{0}\" removed.", zone.Name ); } } else { player.MessageNoZone( zoneName ); } }
private static void GuildHandler( Player player, Command cmd ) { string Param = cmd.Next(); if ( Param == null ) { CdGuild.PrintUsage( player ); return; } Param = Param.ToLower(); PlayerInfo target; //used to store a targetplayer in the switch case //this is for stuff which someone without a guild CAN do switch ( Param ) { case "create": string Name = cmd.NextAll(); if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( Name ) ) { player.Message( "&WGuild name cannot be null: &H/Guild create Name" ); return; } if ( Cache.ForbiddenNames.Contains( Name.ToLower() ) ) { player.Message( "&WName is forbidden: You cannot create a guild with this name" ); return; } GuildManager.CreateGuild( Name, player ); return; case "who": case "player": string pp = cmd.Next(); if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( pp ) ) { player.Message( "&WPlayer name cannot be null: &h/Guild who playername" ); return; } target = PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfoOrPrintMatches( player, pp ); if ( target == null ) return; player.Message( "{0}&s belongs to {1}", target.Name, GuildManager.PlayersGuild( target ) == null ? "no guild" : "guild \"" + GuildManager.PlayersGuild( target ).Name + "\"" ); return; case "list": string pro = cmd.Next(); if ( pro != null ) { if ( pro.ToLower() == "provisional" ) { player.Message( "Available provisional guilds:" ); player.Message( Cache.Guilds.Where( gg => gg.Provisional ).JoinToString() ); return; } } player.Message( "Available guilds:" ); player.Message( Cache.Guilds.Where( gg => !gg.Provisional ).JoinToString() ); return; case "info": string gstring = cmd.NextAll(); if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( gstring ) ) { if ( GuildManager.PlayerHasGuild( player.Info ) ) { gstring = GuildManager.PlayersGuild( player.Info ).Name; } else { player.Message( "Guild name cannot be null: &H/Guild Info [GuildName]" ); return; } } Guild gui = GuildManager.FindGuildOrPrintResults( player, gstring ); if ( gui == null ) { return; } string[] Members = gui.Members.Where( p => gui.GuildMaster != p && !gui.Admins.Contains( p ) ).ToArray(); player.Message( "&hGuild \"{0}&h\" ({1}&h): &S\n" + "{2}" + "Guildmaster: {3}&S\n" + "Admins: {4}\n" + "Members: {5}\n" + "Level: {6}\n" + "PvP: {7}", gui.Name, !string.IsNullOrEmpty( gui.Tag ) ? gui.Tag : "No Tag", gui.Open ? "This guild is open for anyone to join\n" : "", gui.GuildMaster, gui.Admins == null || gui.Admins.Length == 0 ? "(No Admins)" : gui.Admins.JoinToString(), Members == null || Members.Length == 0 ? "(No Members)" : Members.JoinToString(), gui.Level, gui.PvP ? "&COn" : "&AOff" ); return; case "find": case "search": string searchterm = cmd.NextAll(); { if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( searchterm ) ) { player.Message( "&WSearch term cannot be null: &H/Guild search [search term]" ); return; } Guild[] FoundGuilds = GuildManager.FindGuilds( searchterm ); player.Message( "Guilds found matching {0}: {1}", searchterm, FoundGuilds.JoinToString() ); } return; case "join": if ( GuildManager.PlayerHasGuild( player.Info ) ) { player.Message( "&HYou already have guild" ); return; } string s = cmd.NextAll(); if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( s ) ) { player.Message( "&WGuild to join cannot be null: &H/Guild join [GuildName]" ); return; } Guild g = GuildManager.FindGuildOrPrintResults( player, s ); if ( g == null ) return; g.AcceptInvitationAndJoinGuild( player ); return; } if ( !GuildManager.PlayerHasGuild( player.Info ) ) { player.Message( "&HYou do not have a guild. Ask a guildmaster or guild admin to join their guild" ); return; } //This is for stuff you NEED a guild for (provisional or not) Guild guild = GuildManager.PlayersGuild( player.Info ); switch ( Param ) { case "open": if ( !GuildManager.IsPlayerAnAdmin( player, guild ) ) { player.Message( "&WYou need to be a guildmaster or admin to use this command" ); return; } string OpenParam = cmd.Next(); if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( OpenParam ) ) { player.Message( "&WCannot parse toggle: &H/Guild Open [True/False]" ); return; } bool OpenStatus; if ( !bool.TryParse( OpenParam, out OpenStatus ) ) { player.Message( "&WCannot parse toggle: &H/Guild Open [True/False]" ); return; } if ( guild.Open == OpenStatus ) player.Message( "Guild invitation status not changed, currently {0}", OpenStatus == true ? "open" : "closed" ); else if ( guild.Open == true ) player.Message( "Guild invitation status changed to \"closed\"" ); else player.Message( "Guild invitation status changed to \"open for anyone\"" ); guild.Open = OpenStatus; return; case "pvp": if ( !GuildManager.IsPlayerAnAdmin( player, guild ) ) { player.Message( "&WYou need to be a guildmaster or admin to use this command" ); return; } PvP_Perk prk = ( PvP_Perk )GuildManager.FindPerkOrPrintResults( player, "pvp" ); if ( prk == null ) return; Guild g = guild; if ( g.Level < prk.LevelNeeded ) { player.Message( "You cannot use this perk: Your guild needs level {0}", prk.LevelNeeded ); return; } if ( g.PvP ) { prk.StopPerk(); guild.SendGuildNotification( "&HGuild PvP has been " + Color.Green + "disabled" ); } else { if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( g.Tag ) ) { player.Message( "&WGuild tag must be set before pvp can be enabled" ); return; } prk.StartPerk(); guild.SendGuildNotification( "&HGuild PvP has been &Wenabled" ); } return; case "invite": if ( !GuildManager.IsPlayerAnAdmin( player, guild ) ) { player.Message( "&WYou need to be a guildmaster or admin to use this command" ); return; } string playerstr = cmd.Next(); if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty( playerstr ) ) { player.Message( "You need to use a name for someone to join your guild: &H/Guild invite PlayerName" ); return; } target = PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfoOrPrintMatches( player, playerstr ); if ( target == null ) return; List<String> lst = guild.PlayersInvited.ToList(); if ( GuildManager.PlayerHasGuild( target ) ) { player.Message( "&WThis player is already in a guild! ({0})", GuildManager.PlayersGuild(target)); return; } if ( lst.Contains( target.Name ) ) { player.Message( "&WThis player has already been invited to your guild" ); return; } lst.Add( target.Name ); guild.PlayersInvited = lst.ToArray(); player.Message( "Player {0} has been invited to your guild", target.Name ); if ( target.IsOnline ) { target.PlayerObject.Message( "&H{0} has invited you to join their guild {1}! Join now, using /Guild Join {1}", player.Name, guild.Name ); } return; case "exp": case "xp": case "experience": player.Message( "&HCurrent XP: {0}. Xp needed for next level ({1}): {2}", guild.XP, guild.Level + 1, guild.XPNeededForNextLevel() ); return; case "leave": case "quit": if ( !cmd.IsConfirmed ) { player.Confirm( cmd, "Remove yourself from {0}&S?", GuildManager.PlayersGuild( player.Info ).Name ); return; } guild.RemoveMember( player.Info ); return; case "message": case "msg": string msg = cmd.NextAll(); if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( msg ) ) { player.Message( "&WMessage cannot be null: &H/Guild message [message to send]" ); return; } guild.SendGuildMessage( player, msg ); return; } if ( guild.Provisional ) { GuildManager.MessageProvisionalGuild( player ); return; } //this is for stuff a provisional guild cannot do switch ( Param ) { case "admin": case "admins": string s1 = cmd.Next(); if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( s1 ) ) { player.Message( "Guild admins: {0}", guild.Admins.Length == 0 ? "&WThis guild has no admins!" : "(Guildmaster)" + guild.GuildMaster + ", " + guild.Admins.JoinToString() ); if ( player.Name == guild.GuildMaster ) { player.Message( "&HYou can add admins using &H/Guild admin [add/remove] [playerName]" ); } return; } if ( player.Name != guild.GuildMaster ) { player.Message( "&WOnly the guildmaster ({0}) can manage admins", guild.GuildMaster ); return; } string s2 = cmd.Next(); if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( s2 ) ) { player.Message( "Player name cannot be null" ); return; } target = PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfoOrPrintMatches( player, s2 ); if ( target == null ) return; string Name = target.Name; if ( !guild.Members.Contains( Name ) ) { player.Message( "This player is not a member of your guild" ); return; } if ( s1.ToLower() == "add" ) { List<string> lst = guild.Admins.ToList(); if ( Name == player.Name ) { player.Message( "&WCannot add yourself" ); return; } if ( lst.Contains( Name ) ) { player.Message( "{0} is already an admin", Name ); return; } lst.Add( Name ); guild.Admins = lst.ToArray(); player.Message( "Added {0} as an admin", Name ); if ( target.IsOnline ) { target.PlayerObject.Message( "&WYou are now an admin of {0}", guild.Name ); } } if ( s1.ToLower() == "remove" ) { List<string> lst = guild.Admins.ToList(); if ( Name == player.Name ) { player.Message( "&WCannot remove yourself" ); return; } if ( !lst.Contains( Name ) ) { player.Message( "&W{0} is not an admin", Name ); return; } lst.Remove( Name ); guild.Admins = lst.ToArray(); player.Message( "Removed {0} as an admin", Name ); if ( target.IsOnline ) { target.PlayerObject.Message( "&WYou are no longer an admin of {0}", guild.Name ); } } return; case "kick": if ( !GuildManager.IsPlayerAnAdmin( player, guild ) ) { player.Message( "&WYou need to be an Admin+ of the guild to use this command" ); return; } string TargetName = cmd.Next(); if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( TargetName ) ) { player.Message( "&WPlayer name cannot be null" ); return; } target = PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfoOrPrintMatches( player, TargetName ); if ( target == null ) return; if ( target.Name == guild.GuildMaster ) { player.Message( "&WUnable to kick this player" ); return; } if ( !guild.Members.Contains( target.Name ) ) { player.Message( "&WPlayer is not a member of your guild" ); return; } guild.RemoveMember( target ); guild.SendGuildNotification( target.Name + " was kicked from the guild by " + player.Name ); return; case "bug": case "eb": case "explodingbug": ExplodingBugPerk p1 = ( ExplodingBugPerk )GuildManager.FindPerkOrPrintResults( player, "explodingbug" ); if ( p1 == null ) return; if ( guild.Level < p1.LevelNeeded ) { player.Message( "You cannot use this perk: Your guild needs level {0}", p1.LevelNeeded ); return; } string bParam = cmd.Next(); if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( bParam ) ) { object o; if ( player.PublicAuxStateObjects.TryGetValue( "bug", out o ) ) { player.Message( "&WYou already have an exploding bug alive" ); return; } if ( Events.IsInRangeOfSpawnpoint( player.World, player.Position ) ) { player.Message( "&WCannot place a bug this close to a spawn point" ); return; } p1.SpawnBug( player ); } else if ( bParam.ToLower() == "stop" || bParam.ToLower() == "remove" ) { object o; if ( player.PublicAuxStateObjects.TryGetValue( "bug", out o ) ) { ExplodingBug b = ( ExplodingBug )o; b.Stop(); } else { player.Message( "&WYou do not have an exploding bug to remove" ); } } return; case "turret": string tParam = cmd.Next(); TurretPerk p2 = ( TurretPerk )GuildManager.FindPerkOrPrintResults( player, "turretperk" ); if ( p2 == null ) return; if ( guild.Level < p2.LevelNeeded ) { player.Message( "You cannot use this perk: Your guild needs level {0}", p2.LevelNeeded ); return; } if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( tParam ) ) { if ( p2.turret != null ) { player.Message( "&WA turret in your guild already exists: {0} - {1}",, p2.turret.blocks[0].ToString() ); return; } if ( Events.IsInRangeOfSpawnpoint( player.World, player.Position ) ) { player.Message( "&WCannot place a turret this close to a spawn point" ); return; } p2.AddTurret( player ); return; } else if ( tParam.ToLower() == "stop" || tParam.ToLower() == "remove" ) { if ( p2.turret == null ) { player.Message( "&WA turret in your guild does not exist" ); return; } p2.StopPerk(); p2.turret = null; player.Message( "Stopping turret..." ); } return; case "tag": if ( !GuildManager.PlayerHasGuild( player.Info ) ) { player.Message( "You are not in a guild. Create one, or ask someone to join theirs" ); return; } if ( !GuildManager.IsPlayerAnAdmin( player, guild ) ) { player.Message( "&WYou need to be a guildmaster or admin to use this command" ); return; } string Tag = cmd.NextAll(); if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( Tag ) ) { if ( guild.PvP ) { if ( !cmd.IsConfirmed ) { player.Confirm( cmd, "&WTag cannot be removed when PVP is enabled\n&SDisable PVP?" ); return; } guild.PvP = false; guild.SendGuildNotification( "&HGuild PvP has been disabled" ); guild.ChangeTagName( player, Tag ); return; } } guild.ChangeTagName( player, Tag ); return; case "bat": TheBatPerk tbp = ( TheBatPerk )GuildManager.FindPerkOrPrintResults( player, "TheBat" ); if ( guild.Level < tbp.LevelNeeded ) { player.Message( "Your guild needs to be level {0} to use this perk (Current level: {1})", tbp.LevelNeeded, guild.Level ); return; } if ( player.PublicAuxStateObjects.ContainsKey( "bat" ) ) { player.Message( "Bat off" ); player.PublicAuxStateObjects.Remove( "bat" ); } else { player.Message( "Bat on" ); player.PublicAuxStateObjects.Add( "bat", true ); Bat b = new Bat( player ); b.Start(); } return; case "reroll": if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( guild.GuildMaster ) ) { Random rand = new Random(); player.Message( "Attempting to reroll guildmaster" ); if ( guild.Admins.Length > 0 ) { guild.GuildMaster = guild.Admins[rand.Next(0, guild.Admins.Length )]; } else { guild.GuildMaster = guild.Members[rand.Next(0, guild.Members.Length )]; } if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( guild.GuildMaster ) ) guild.GuildMaster = player.Name; player.Message( "New guildmaster is: " + guild.GuildMaster ); } return; case "slapall": if ( !GuildManager.IsPlayerAnAdmin( player, guild ) ) { player.Message( "&WYou need to be a guildmaster or admin to use this command" ); return; } SlapAllPerk p = ( SlapAllPerk )GuildManager.FindPerkOrPrintResults( player, "SlapAllPerk" ); if ( !Perk.GuildHasPerk( guild, p ) ) { player.Message( "&WYou are unable to use this command: You need the \"SlapAll\" perk" ); return; } DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow; DateTime yesterday = now.AddDays( -1 ); if ( p.start != null ) { if ( p.start > yesterday && p.start <= now ) { string op = cmd.NextAll(); if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( op ) ) { player.Message( "&WGuild cannot be null: &H/Guild SlapAll [GuildName]" ); return; } Guild gd = GuildManager.FindGuildOrPrintResults( player, op ); if ( gd == null ) return; int i = 0; foreach ( string s in gd.Members ) { PlayerInfo pla = PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfoExact( s ); if ( pla != null ) { Player pl = pla.PlayerObject; if ( pl != null ) { i++; pl.TeleportTo( new Position( pl.Position.X, pl.Position.Y, pl.World.Map.Height * 32 ) ); pl.Message( "You were slapped sky high from {0}'s guild", guild.GuildMaster ); } } } player.Message( "You slapped {0} members of guild {1} sky high", i, gd.Name ); } else player.Message( "&WUnable to slap another guild: The perk is still on cooldown since it was last used (24 hour cooldown)" ); } return; case "perk": case "perks": string str = cmd.NextAll(); if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( str ) ) { player.Message( "Perks your guild currently has: {0}", guild.AvailablePerks().JoinToString() ); player.Message( "&HUse /Guild Perk [Name] for info on that perk" ); } else { if ( str.ToLower() == "all" ) { player.Message( "All perks: {0}", guild.Perks.JoinToString() ); player.Message( "&HUse /Guild Perk [Name] for info on that perk" ); return; } Perk perk = GuildManager.FindPerkOrPrintResults( player, str ); if ( perk == null ) return; player.Message( "Help info on Perk {0}: ", perk.PerkName ); player.Message( Perk.GetHelpSection( perk ) ); } return; default: player.Message( "Unknown param for /Guild: Try {0}", "/Guild [Create | List | Info | Find | Join | Invite | Perks | Xp | SlapAll | Tag | Quit | Message | Bat | Turret | Bug ]" ); return; } }
public static void RealmCreate(Player player, Command cmd, string themeName, string templateName) { MapGenTemplate template; MapGenTheme theme; int wx, wy, height = 128; if (!(cmd.NextInt(out wx) && cmd.NextInt(out wy) && cmd.NextInt(out height))) { if (player.World != null) { wx = 128; wy = 128; height = 128; } else { player.Message("When used from console, /gen requires map dimensions."); return; } cmd.Rewind(); cmd.Next(); cmd.Next(); } if (!Map.IsValidDimension(wx)) { player.Message("Cannot make map with width {0}: dimensions must be multiples of 16.", wx); return; } else if (!Map.IsValidDimension(wy)) { player.Message("Cannot make map with length {0}: dimensions must be multiples of 16.", wy); return; } else if (!Map.IsValidDimension(height)) { player.Message("Cannot make map with height {0}: dimensions must be multiples of 16.", height); return; } string fileName = player.Name; string fullFileName = null; if (fileName == null) { if (player.World == null) { player.Message("When used from console, /gen requires FileName."); return; } if (!cmd.IsConfirmed) { player.Confirm(cmd, "Replace this realm's map with a generated one?"); return; } } else { fileName = fileName.Replace(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); if (!fileName.EndsWith(".fcm", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { fileName += ".fcm"; } fullFileName = Path.Combine(Paths.MapPath, fileName); if (!Paths.IsValidPath(fullFileName)) { player.Message("Invalid filename."); return; } if (!Paths.Contains(Paths.MapPath, fullFileName)) { player.MessageUnsafePath(); return; } string dirName = fullFileName.Substring(0, fullFileName.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)); if (!Directory.Exists(dirName)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirName); } if (!cmd.IsConfirmed && File.Exists(fullFileName)) { player.Confirm(cmd, "The mapfile \"{0}\" already exists. Overwrite?", fileName); return; } } bool noTrees; if (themeName.Equals("grass", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { theme = MapGenTheme.Forest; noTrees = true; } else { try { theme = (MapGenTheme)Enum.Parse(typeof(MapGenTheme), themeName, true); noTrees = (theme != MapGenTheme.Forest); } catch (Exception) { player.MessageNow("Unrecognized theme \"{0}\". Available themes are: Grass, {1}", themeName, String.Join(", ", Enum.GetNames(typeof(MapGenTheme)))); return; } } try { template = (MapGenTemplate)Enum.Parse(typeof(MapGenTemplate), templateName, true); } catch (Exception) { player.Message("Unrecognized template \"{0}\". Available templates are: {1}", templateName, String.Join(", ", Enum.GetNames(typeof(MapGenTemplate)))); return; } if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(MapGenTheme), theme) || !Enum.IsDefined(typeof(MapGenTemplate), template)) { return; } MapGeneratorArgs args = MapGenerator.MakeTemplate(template); args.MapWidth = wx; args.MapLength = wy; args.MapHeight = height; args.MaxHeight = (int)(args.MaxHeight / 80d * height); args.MaxDepth = (int)(args.MaxDepth / 80d * height); args.Theme = theme; args.AddTrees = !noTrees; Map map; try { if (theme == MapGenTheme.Forest && noTrees) { player.MessageNow("Generating Grass {0}...", template); } else { player.MessageNow("Generating {0} {1}...", theme, template); } if (theme == MapGenTheme.Forest && noTrees && template == MapGenTemplate.Flat) { map = MapGenerator.GenerateFlatgrass(args.MapWidth, args.MapLength, args.MapHeight); } else { MapGenerator generator = new MapGenerator(args); map = generator.Generate(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(LogType.Error, "MapGenerator: Generation failed: {0}", ex); player.MessageNow("&WAn error occured while generating the map."); return; } if (fileName != null) { if (map.Save(fullFileName)) { player.MessageNow("Generation done. Saved to {0}", fileName); } else { player.Message("&WAn error occured while saving generated map to {0}", fileName); } } else { player.MessageNow("Generation done. Changing map..."); player.World.ChangeMap(map); } }
static void ImportBans( Player player, Command cmd ) { string serverName = cmd.Next(); string file = cmd.Next(); // Make sure all parameters are specified if( serverName == null || file == null ) { CdImport.PrintUsage( player ); return; } // Check if file exists if( !File.Exists( file ) ) { player.Message( "File not found: {0}", file ); return; } string[] names; switch( serverName.ToLower() ) { case "mcsharp": case "mczall": case "mclawl": try { names = File.ReadAllLines( file ); } catch( Exception ex ) { Logger.Log( LogType.Error, "Could not open \"{0}\" to import bans: {1}", file, ex ); return; } break; default: player.Message( "fCraft does not support importing from {0}", serverName ); return; } if( !cmd.IsConfirmed ) { player.Confirm( cmd, "You are about to import {0} bans.", names.Length ); return; } string reason = "(import from " + serverName + ")"; foreach( string name in names ) { if( Player.IsValidName( name ) ) { PlayerInfo info = PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfoExact( name ) ?? PlayerDB.AddFakeEntry( name, RankChangeType.Default ); info.Ban( player, reason, true, true ); } else { IPAddress ip; if( Server.IsIP( name ) && IPAddress.TryParse( name, out ip ) ) { ip.BanIP( player, reason, true, true ); } else { player.Message( "Could not parse \"{0}\" as either name or IP. Skipping.", name ); } } } PlayerDB.Save(); IPBanList.Save(); }
static void WorldBringHandler( Player player, CommandReader cmd ) { string playerName = cmd.Next(); string worldName = cmd.Next(); if( playerName == null || worldName == null ) { CdWorldBring.PrintUsage( player ); return; } Player target = Server.FindPlayerOrPrintMatches(player, playerName, SearchOptions.Default); World world = WorldManager.FindWorldOrPrintMatches( player, worldName ); if( target == null || world == null ) return; if (target == player) { player.Message( "&WYou cannot &H/WBring&W yourself." ); return; } if( !player.Can( Permission.Bring, target.Info.Rank ) ) { player.Message( "You may only bring players ranked {0}&S or lower.", player.Info.Rank.GetLimit( Permission.Bring ).ClassyName ); player.Message( "{0}&S is ranked {1}", target.ClassyName, target.Info.Rank.ClassyName ); return; } if( world == target.World ) { player.Message( "{0}&S is already in world {1}&S. They were brought to spawn.", target.ClassyName, world.ClassyName); if (target.World != null) { target.LastWorld = target.World; target.LastPosition = target.Position; } target.TeleportTo( target.WorldMap.Spawn ); return; } SecurityCheckResult check = world.AccessSecurity.CheckDetailed( target.Info ); if( check == SecurityCheckResult.RankTooLow ) { if( player.CanJoin( world ) ) { if( cmd.IsConfirmed ) { BringPlayerToWorld( player, target, world, true, false ); } else { //Allow banned players to be moved about... if (target.Info.Rank.Name == "Banned") { player.Message("&sYou CAN move banned players about... It is considered bad form though..."); } Logger.Log( LogType.UserActivity, "WBring: Asked {0} to confirm overriding world permissions to bring player {1} to world {2}", player.Name, target.Name, world.Name ); player.Confirm( cmd, "{0} {1}&S is ranked too low to join {2}&S. Override world permissions?", target.Info.Rank.ClassyName, target.ClassyName, world.ClassyName ); } } else { player.Message( "Neither you nor {0}&S are allowed to join world {1}", target.ClassyName, world.ClassyName ); } } else { //Allow banned players to be moved about... if (target.Info.Rank.Name == "Banned") { player.Message("&sYou CAN move banned players about... It is considered bad form though..."); } BringPlayerToWorld( player, target, world, false, false ); } }
static void ZoneRemoveHandler( Player player, CommandReader cmd ) { if( player.World == null ) PlayerOpException.ThrowNoWorld( player ); string zoneName = cmd.Next(); if( zoneName == null || cmd.HasNext ) { CdZoneRemove.PrintUsage( player ); return; } if( zoneName == "*" ) { if( !cmd.IsConfirmed ) { Logger.Log( LogType.UserActivity, "ZRemove: Asked {0} to confirm removing all zones on world {1}", player.Name, player.World.Name ); player.Confirm( cmd, "&WRemove ALL zones on this world ({0}&W)? This cannot be undone.&S", player.World.ClassyName ); return; } player.WorldMap.Zones.Clear(); Logger.Log( LogType.UserActivity, "Player {0} removed all zones on world {1}", player.Name, player.World.Name ); Server.Message( "Player {0}&S removed all zones on world {1}", player.ClassyName, player.World.ClassyName ); return; } ZoneCollection zones = player.WorldMap.Zones; Zone zone = zones.Find( zoneName ); if( zone != null ) { if( !player.Info.Rank.AllowSecurityCircumvention ) { switch( zone.Controller.CheckDetailed( player.Info ) ) { case SecurityCheckResult.BlackListed: player.Message( "You are not allowed to remove zone {0}: you are blacklisted.", zone.ClassyName ); return; case SecurityCheckResult.RankTooLow: player.Message( "You are not allowed to remove zone {0}.", zone.ClassyName ); return; } } if( !cmd.IsConfirmed ) { Logger.Log( LogType.UserActivity, "ZRemove: Asked {0} to confirm removing zone {1} from world {2}", player.Name, zone.Name, player.World.Name ); player.Confirm( cmd, "Remove zone {0}&S?", zone.ClassyName ); return; } if( zones.Remove( zone.Name ) ) { Logger.Log( LogType.UserActivity, "Player {0} removed zone {1} from world {2}", player.Name, zone.Name, player.World.Name ); player.Message( "Zone \"{0}\" removed.", zone.Name ); } } else { player.MessageNoZone( zoneName ); } }
/// <summary> Parses an unknown command as a /Join [command] command. </summary> /// <param name="player"> Player who issued the command. </param> /// <param name="cmd"> Command to be parsed as a worldname. </param> /// <returns> True if the command was a world and the user was able to join it, false if world doesn't exist, or user is unable to join the world. </returns> public static bool ParseUnknownCommand(Player player, CommandReader cmd) { //joinworld or tp to player if (cmd.RawMessage.IndexOf(' ') == -1 && player != Player.Console) { string cmdString = cmd.RawMessage.Substring(1); bool wasWorldTP = false; if (cmdString == "-") { if (player.LastUsedWorldName != null) { cmdString = player.LastUsedWorldName; } else { return(false); } } World[] worlds = WorldManager.FindWorlds(player, cmdString); if (worlds.Length == 1) { World world = worlds[0]; if (world.Name.StartsWith("PW_")) { return(false); } player.LastUsedWorldName = world.Name; switch (world.AccessSecurity.CheckDetailed(player.Info)) { case SecurityCheckResult.Allowed: case SecurityCheckResult.WhiteListed: if (world.IsFull) { break; } if (cmd.IsConfirmed) { if (player.JoinWorldNow(world, true, WorldChangeReason.ManualJoin)) { wasWorldTP = true; } break; } if (player.World.Name.CaselessEquals("tutorial") && !player.Info.HasRTR) { player.Confirm(cmd, "&SYou are choosing to skip the rules, if you continue you will spawn here the next time you log in."); return(true); } player.StopSpectating(); if (player.JoinWorldNow(world, true, WorldChangeReason.ManualJoin)) { wasWorldTP = true; break; } break; case SecurityCheckResult.BlackListed: break; case SecurityCheckResult.RankTooLow: break; } if (wasWorldTP) { player.Message("&H{0}&S is not a command, but it part of a world name, so you have been teleported to {1}&S instead", cmd.RawMessage, world.ClassyName); player.SendToSpectators(cmd.RawMessage + " -> /Join {0}", world.Name); Logger.Log(LogType.UserCommand, "{0}: /Join {1}", player.Name, world.Name); return(true); } } } return(false); }
static void ImportRanks(Player player, CommandReader cmd) { string serverName = cmd.Next(); string fileName = cmd.Next(); string rankName = cmd.Next(); bool silent = (cmd.Next() != null); // Make sure all parameters are specified if (serverName == null || fileName == null || rankName == null) { CdImport.PrintUsage(player); return; } // Check if file exists if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { player.Message("File not found: {0}", fileName); return; } Rank targetRank = RankManager.FindRank(rankName); if (targetRank == null) { player.MessageNoRank(rankName); return; } string[] names; switch (serverName.ToLower()) { case "mcsharp": case "mczall": case "mclawl": try { names = File.ReadAllLines(fileName); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(LogType.Error, "Could not open \"{0}\" to import ranks: {1}", fileName, ex); return; } break; default: player.Message("fCraft does not support importing from {0}", serverName); return; } if (!cmd.IsConfirmed) { player.Confirm(cmd, "Import {0} player ranks from \"{1}\"?", names.Length, Path.GetFileName(fileName)); return; } string reason = "(Import from " + serverName + ")"; foreach (string name in names) { PlayerInfo info = PlayerDB.FindExact(name) ?? PlayerDB.AddUnrecognizedPlayer(name, RankChangeType.Promoted); try { info.ChangeRank(player, targetRank, reason, !silent, true, false); } catch (PlayerOpException ex) { player.Message(ex.MessageColored); } } PlayerDB.Save(); }
static void WorldBringHandler( Player player, CommandReader cmd ) { string playerName = cmd.Next(); string worldName = cmd.Next(); if( playerName == null || worldName == null ) { CdWorldBring.PrintUsage( player ); return; } Player target = Server.FindPlayerOrPrintMatches( player, playerName, false, false, true ); World world = WorldManager.FindWorldOrPrintMatches( player, worldName ); if( target == null || world == null ) return; if( !player.Can( Permission.Bring, target.Info.Rank ) ) { player.Message( "You may only bring players ranked {0}&S or lower.", player.Info.Rank.GetLimit( Permission.Bring ).ClassyName ); player.Message( "{0}&S is ranked {1}", target.ClassyName, target.Info.Rank.ClassyName ); return; } if( world == target.World ) { player.Message( "Player {0}&S is already in world {1}&S. They were brought to spawn.", target.ClassyName, world.ClassyName ); target.TeleportTo( target.WorldMap.Spawn ); return; } SecurityCheckResult check = world.AccessSecurity.CheckDetailed( target.Info ); if( check == SecurityCheckResult.RankTooLow ) { if( player.CanJoin( world ) ) { if( cmd.IsConfirmed ) { BringPlayerToWorld( player, target, world, true, false ); } else { Logger.Log( LogType.UserActivity, "WBring: Asked {0} to confirm overriding world permissions to bring player {1} to world {2}", player.Name, target.Name, world.Name ); player.Confirm( cmd, "Player {0}&S is ranked too low to join {1}&S. Override world permissions?", target.ClassyName, world.ClassyName ); } } else { player.Message( "Neither you nor {0}&S are allowed to join world {1}", target.ClassyName, world.ClassyName ); } } else { BringPlayerToWorld( player, target, world, false, false ); } }
static void EnvHandler( Player player, Command cmd ) { if( !ConfigKey.WoMEnableEnvExtensions.Enabled() ) { player.Message( "Env command is disabled on this server." ); return; } string worldName = cmd.Next(); World world; if( worldName == null ) { world = player.World; if( world == null ) { player.Message( "When used from console, /Env requires a world name." ); return; } } else { world = WorldManager.FindWorldOrPrintMatches( player, worldName ); if( world == null ) return; } string variable = cmd.Next(); string valueText = cmd.Next(); if( variable == null ) { player.Message( "Environment settings for world {0}&S:", world.ClassyName ); player.Message( " Cloud: {0} Fog: {1} Sky: {2}", world.CloudColor == -1 ? "normal" : '#' + world.CloudColor.ToString( "X6" ), world.FogColor == -1 ? "normal" : '#' + world.FogColor.ToString( "X6" ), world.SkyColor == -1 ? "normal" : '#' + world.SkyColor.ToString( "X6" ) ); player.Message( " Edge level: {0} Edge texture: {1}", world.EdgeLevel == -1 ? "normal" : world.EdgeLevel + " blocks", world.EdgeBlock ); if( !player.IsUsingWoM ) { player.Message( " You need WoM client to see the changes." ); } return; } if( variable.Equals( "normal", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) { if( cmd.IsConfirmed ) { world.FogColor = -1; world.CloudColor = -1; world.SkyColor = -1; world.EdgeLevel = -1; world.EdgeBlock = Block.Water; player.Message( "Reset enviroment settings for world {0}", world.ClassyName ); WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); } else { player.Confirm( cmd, "Reset enviroment settings for world {0}&S?", world.ClassyName ); } return; } if( valueText == null ) { CdEnv.PrintUsage( player ); return; } int value = 0; if( valueText.Equals( "normal", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) { value = -1; } switch( variable.ToLower() ) { case "fog": if( value == -1 ) { player.Message( "Reset fog color for {0}&S to normal", world.ClassyName ); } else { try { value = ParseHexColor( valueText ); } catch( FormatException ) { player.Message( "Env: \"{0}\" is not a valid RGB color code.", valueText ); return; } player.Message( "Set fog color for {0}&S to #{1:X6}", world.ClassyName, value ); } world.FogColor = value; break; case "cloud": case "clouds": if( value == -1 ) { player.Message( "Reset cloud color for {0}&S to normal", world.ClassyName ); } else { try { value = ParseHexColor( valueText ); } catch( FormatException ) { player.Message( "Env: \"{0}\" is not a valid RGB color code.", valueText ); return; } player.Message( "Set cloud color for {0}&S to #{1:X6}", world.ClassyName, value ); } world.CloudColor = value; break; case "sky": if( value == -1 ) { player.Message( "Reset sky color for {0}&S to normal", world.ClassyName ); } else { try { value = ParseHexColor( valueText ); } catch( FormatException ) { player.Message( "Env: \"{0}\" is not a valid RGB color code.", valueText ); return; } player.Message( "Set sky color for {0}&S to #{1:X6}", world.ClassyName, value ); } world.SkyColor = value; break; case "level": if( value == -1 ) { player.Message( "Reset edge level for {0}&S to normal", world.ClassyName ); } else { try { value = UInt16.Parse( valueText ); } catch( OverflowException ) { CdEnv.PrintUsage( player ); return; } catch( FormatException ) { CdEnv.PrintUsage( player ); return; } player.Message( "Set edge level for {0}&S to {1}", world.ClassyName, value ); } world.EdgeLevel = value; break; case "edge": Block block = Map.GetBlockByName( valueText ); if( block == Block.Undefined ) { CdEnv.PrintUsage( player ); return; } if( block == Block.Water || valueText.Equals( "normal", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) { player.Message( "Reset edge block for {0}&S to normal (water)", world.ClassyName ); world.EdgeBlock = Block.Water; } else { string textName = Map.GetEdgeTexture( block ); if( textName == null ) { player.Message( "Env: Cannot use {0} for edge textures.", block ); return; } else { world.EdgeBlock = block; } } break; default: CdEnv.PrintUsage( player ); return; } WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); if( player.World == world ) { if( player.IsUsingWoM ) { player.Message( "Env: Rejoin the world to see the changes." ); } else { player.Message( "Env: You need WoM client to see the changes." ); } } }
static void DoPlayerDB( Player player, Command cmd ) { string p1Name = cmd.Next(); string p2Name = cmd.Next(); if( p1Name == null || p2Name == null ) { CdInfoSwap.PrintUsage( player ); return; } PlayerInfo p1 = PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfoOrPrintMatches( player, p1Name ); if( p1 == null ) return; PlayerInfo p2 = PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfoOrPrintMatches( player, p2Name ); if( p2 == null ) return; if( p1 == p2 ) { player.Message( "InfoSwap: Please specify 2 different players." ); return; } if( p1.IsOnline || p2.IsOnline ) { player.Message( "InfoSwap: Both players must be offline to swap info." ); return; } if( !cmd.IsConfirmed ) { player.Confirm( cmd, "InfoSwap: Swap stats of players {0}&S and {1}&S?", p1.ClassyName, p2.ClassyName ); return; } else { PlayerDB.SwapPlayerInfo( p1, p2 ); player.Message( "InfoSwap: Stats of {0}&S and {1}&S have been swapped.", p1.ClassyName, p2.ClassyName ); } }
static void ZoneRemoveHandler(Player player, CommandReader cmd) { if (player.World == null) { PlayerOpException.ThrowNoWorld(player); } string zoneName = cmd.Next(); if (zoneName == null || cmd.HasNext) { CdZoneRemove.PrintUsage(player); return; } if (zoneName == "*") { if (!cmd.IsConfirmed) { Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "ZRemove: Asked {0} to confirm removing all zones on world {1}", player.Name, player.World.Name); player.Confirm(cmd, "&WRemove ALL zones on this world ({0}&W)? This cannot be undone.&S", player.World.ClassyName); return; } player.WorldMap.Zones.Clear(); Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "Player {0} removed all zones on world {1}", player.Name, player.World.Name); Server.Message("Player {0}&S removed all zones on world {1}", player.ClassyName, player.World.ClassyName); return; } ZoneCollection zones = player.WorldMap.Zones; Zone zone = zones.Find(zoneName); if (zone != null) { if (!player.Info.Rank.AllowSecurityCircumvention) { switch (zone.Controller.CheckDetailed(player.Info)) { case SecurityCheckResult.BlackListed: player.Message("You are not allowed to remove zone {0}: you are blacklisted.", zone.ClassyName); return; case SecurityCheckResult.RankTooLow: player.Message("You are not allowed to remove zone {0}.", zone.ClassyName); return; } } if (!cmd.IsConfirmed) { Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "ZRemove: Asked {0} to confirm removing zone {1} from world {2}", player.Name, zone.Name, player.World.Name); player.Confirm(cmd, "Remove zone {0}&S?", zone.ClassyName); return; } if (zones.Remove(zone.Name)) { Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "Player {0} removed zone {1} from world {2}", player.Name, zone.Name, player.World.Name); player.Message("Zone \"{0}\" removed.", zone.Name); } } else { player.MessageNoZone(zoneName); } }
static void MassRankHandler( Player player, Command cmd ) { string fromRankName = cmd.Next(); string toRankName = cmd.Next(); string reason = cmd.NextAll(); if( fromRankName == null || toRankName == null ) { CdMassRank.PrintUsage( player ); return; } Rank fromRank = RankManager.FindRank( fromRankName ); if( fromRank == null ) { player.MessageNoRank( fromRankName ); return; } Rank toRank = RankManager.FindRank( toRankName ); if( toRank == null ) { player.MessageNoRank( toRankName ); return; } if( fromRank == toRank ) { player.Message( "Ranks must be different" ); return; } int playerCount = fromRank.PlayerCount; string verb = (fromRank > toRank ? "demot" : "promot"); if( !cmd.IsConfirmed ) { player.Confirm( cmd, "About to {0}e {1} players.", verb, playerCount ); return; } player.Message( "MassRank: {0}ing {1} players...", verb, playerCount ); int affected = PlayerDB.MassRankChange( player, fromRank, toRank, reason ); player.Message( "MassRank: done, {0} records affected.", affected ); }
static void WorldSaveHandler(Player player, Command cmd) { string p1 = cmd.Next(), p2 = cmd.Next(); if (p1 == null) { CdWorldSave.PrintUsage(player); return; } World world = player.World; string fileName; if (p2 == null) { fileName = p1; if (world == null) { player.Message("When called from console, /wsave requires WorldName. See \"/Help save\" for details."); return; } } else { world = WorldManager.FindWorldOrPrintMatches(player, p1); if (world == null) return; fileName = p2; } // normalize the path fileName = fileName.Replace(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); if (fileName.EndsWith("/") && fileName.EndsWith(@"\")) { fileName += world.Name + ".fcm"; } else if (!fileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".fcm", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { fileName += ".fcm"; } if (!Paths.IsValidPath(fileName)) { player.Message("Invalid filename."); return; } string fullFileName = Path.Combine(Paths.MapPath, fileName); if (!Paths.Contains(Paths.MapPath, fullFileName)) { player.MessageUnsafePath(); return; } // Ask for confirmation if overwriting if (File.Exists(fullFileName)) { FileInfo targetFile = new FileInfo(fullFileName); FileInfo sourceFile = new FileInfo(world.MapFileName); if (!targetFile.FullName.Equals(sourceFile.FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (!cmd.IsConfirmed) { player.Confirm(cmd, "Target file \"{0}\" already exists, and will be overwritten.", targetFile.Name); return; } } } // Create the target directory if it does not exist string dirName = fullFileName.Substring(0, fullFileName.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)); if (!Directory.Exists(dirName)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirName); } player.MessageNow("Saving map to {0}", fileName); const string mapSavingErrorMessage = "Map saving failed. See server logs for details."; Map map = world.Map; if (map == null) { if (File.Exists(world.MapFileName)) { try { File.Copy(world.MapFileName, fullFileName, true); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(LogType.Error, "WorldCommands.WorldSave: Error occured while trying to copy an unloaded map: {0}", ex); player.Message(mapSavingErrorMessage); } } else { Logger.Log(LogType.Error, "WorldCommands.WorldSave: Map for world \"{0}\" is unloaded, and file does not exist.", world.Name); player.Message(mapSavingErrorMessage); } } else if (map.Save(fullFileName)) { player.Message("Map saved succesfully."); } else { Logger.Log(LogType.Error, "WorldCommands.WorldSave: Saving world \"{0}\" failed.", world.Name); player.Message(mapSavingErrorMessage); } }
static void EconomyHandler(Player player, Command cmd) { try { string option = cmd.Next(); string targetName = cmd.Next(); string amount = cmd.Next(); int amountnum; if (option == null) { CdEconomy.PrintUsage(player); } if (option == "give") { Player target = Server.FindPlayerOrPrintMatches(player, targetName, false, true); if (!player.Can(Permission.ManageEconomy)) { player.Message("&cYou do not have permission to use that command!"); return; } if (targetName == null) { player.Message("&ePlease type in a player's name to give " + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeyPl.GetString() + " to."); return; } if (target == null) { return; } else { if ((player.Can(Permission.GiveSelf)) && (target == player)) //Giving yourself da monai { if (!int.TryParse(amount, out amountnum)) { player.Message("&eThe amount must be a number without any decimals!"); return; } if (cmd.IsConfirmed) { //actually give the player the money int tNewMoney = target.Info.Money + amountnum; if (amountnum == 1) { player.Message("&eYou have given {0} &C" + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeySl.GetString() + " &ecoin.", target.ClassyName, amountnum); target.Message("&e{0} &ehas given you {1} &e" + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeySl.GetString(), player.ClassyName, amountnum); Server.Players.Except(target).Except(player).Message("&e{0} &ewas given {1} &e" + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeySl.GetString() + " by {2}&e.", target.ClassyName, amountnum, player.ClassyName); } else { player.Message("&eYou have given {0} &C{1} &e" + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeyPl.GetString(), target.ClassyName, amountnum); target.Message("&e{0} &ehas given you {1} &e" + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeyPl.GetString(), player.ClassyName, amountnum); Server.Players.Except(target).Except(player).Message("&e{0} &ewas given {1} &e" + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeyPl.GetString() + " by {2}&e.", target.ClassyName, amountnum, player.ClassyName); } target.Info.Money = tNewMoney; return; } else { if (amountnum == 1) { player.Confirm(cmd, "&eAre you sure you want to give {0} &C{1} &e " + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeySl.GetString() + "?", target.ClassyName, amountnum); return; } else { player.Confirm(cmd, "&eAre you sure you want to give {0} &C{1} &e " + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeyPl.GetString() + "?", target.ClassyName, amountnum); return; } } } //der else if ((!player.Can(Permission.GiveSelf)) && (target == player)) //Not letting dat scum give himslef da monai { player.Message("&eYou cannot give yourself " + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeyPl.GetString()); return; } else if (!int.TryParse(amount, out amountnum)) { player.Message("&eThe amount must be a number without any decimals!"); return; } if (cmd.IsConfirmed) { //actually give the player the money int tNewMoney = target.Info.Money + amountnum; if (amountnum == 1) { player.Message("&eYou have given {0} &C" + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeySl.GetString() + " &ecoin.", target.ClassyName, amountnum); target.Message("&e{0} &ehas given you {1} &e" + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeySl.GetString(), player.ClassyName, amountnum); Server.Players.Except(target).Except(player).Message("&e{0} &ewas given {1} &e" + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeySl.GetString() + " by {2}&e.", target.ClassyName, amountnum, player.ClassyName); } else { player.Message("&eYou have given {0} &C{1} &e" + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeyPl.GetString(), target.ClassyName, amountnum); target.Message("&e{0} &ehas given you {1} &e" + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeyPl.GetString(), player.ClassyName, amountnum); Server.Players.Except(target).Except(player).Message("&e{0} &ewas given {1} &e" + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeyPl.GetString() + " by {2}&e.", target.ClassyName, amountnum, player.ClassyName); } target.Info.Money = tNewMoney; return; } else { if (amountnum == 1) { player.Confirm(cmd, "&eAre you sure you want to give {0} &C{1} &e " + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeySl.GetString() + "?", target.ClassyName, amountnum); return; } else { player.Confirm(cmd, "&eAre you sure you want to give {0} &C{1} &e " + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeyPl.GetString() + "?", target.ClassyName, amountnum); return; } } } } if (option == "take") { Player target = Server.FindPlayerOrPrintMatches(player, targetName, false, true); if (!player.Can(Permission.ManageEconomy)) { player.Message("&cYou do not have permission to use that command."); return; } if (target == player) { player.Message("&eYou cannot take take " + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeyPl.GetString() + " from yourself."); return; } if (targetName == null) { player.Message("&ePlease type in a player's name to take " + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeyPl.GetString() + " away from."); return; } if (target == null) { return; } else { if (!int.TryParse(amount, out amountnum)) { player.Message("&eThe amount must be a number!"); return; } if (cmd.IsConfirmed) { if (amountnum > target.Info.Money) { player.Message("{0}&e doesn't have that many " + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeyPl.GetString() + "!", target.ClassyName); return; } else { //actually give the player the money int tNewMoney = target.Info.Money - amountnum; if (amountnum == 1) { player.Message("&eYou have taken &c{1}&e " + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeySl.GetString() + " from {0}.", target.ClassyName, amountnum); target.Message("&e{0} &ehas taken {1} &e" + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeySl.GetString() + " from you.", player.ClassyName, amountnum); Server.Players.Except(target).Except(player).Message("&e{0} &etook {1} &e" + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeySl.GetString() + " from {2}&e.", player.ClassyName, amountnum, target.ClassyName); } else { player.Message("&eYou have taken &c{1}&e " + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeyPl.GetString() + " from {0}.", target.ClassyName, amountnum); target.Message("&e{0} &ehas taken {1} &e" + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeyPl.GetString() + " from you.", player.ClassyName, amountnum); Server.Players.Except(target).Except(player).Message("&e{0} &etook {1} &e" + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeyPl.GetString() + " from {2}&e.", player.ClassyName, amountnum, target.ClassyName); } target.Info.Money = tNewMoney; return; } } else { player.Confirm(cmd, "&eAre you sure you want to take &c{1} &e" + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeyPl.GetString() + " from {0}?", target.ClassyName, amountnum); return; } } } if (option == "pay") { if (targetName == null) { player.Message("&ePlease type in a player's name to pay."); return; } Player target = Server.FindPlayerOrPrintMatches(player, targetName, false, true); if (target == player) { player.Message("You cannot pay youself."); return; } if (target == null) { return; } else { if (!int.TryParse(amount, out amountnum)) { player.Message("&eThe amount must be a number!"); return; } if (cmd.IsConfirmed) { if (amountnum > player.Info.Money) { player.Message("You don't have enough " + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeyPl.GetString() + "!"); return; } else { //show him da monai int pNewMoney = player.Info.Money - amountnum; int tNewMoney = target.Info.Money + amountnum; if (amountnum == 1) { player.Message("&eYou have paid &C{1}&e " + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeySl.GetString() + " to {0}.", target.ClassyName, amountnum); target.Message("&e{0} &ehas paid you {1} &e" + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeySl.GetString() + ".", player.ClassyName, amountnum); Server.Players.Except(target).Except(player).Message("&e{0} &ewas paid {1} &e" + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeySl.GetString() + " from {2}&e.", target.ClassyName, amountnum, player.ClassyName); } else { player.Message("&eYou have paid &C{1}&e " + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeyPl.GetString() + " to {0}.", target.ClassyName, amountnum); target.Message("&e{0} &ehas paid you {1} &e" + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeyPl.GetString() + ".", player.ClassyName, amountnum); Server.Players.Except(target).Except(player).Message("&e{0} &ewas paid {1} &e" + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeyPl.GetString() + " from {2}&e.", target.ClassyName, amountnum, player.ClassyName); } player.Info.Money = pNewMoney; target.Info.Money = tNewMoney; return; } } else { player.Confirm(cmd, "&eAre you sure you want to pay {0}&e {1} &e" + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeyPl.GetString() + "? Type /ok to continue.", target.ClassyName, amountnum); return; } } } else if (option == "show") { if (targetName == null) { player.Message("&ePlease type in a player's name to see how many " + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeyPl.GetString() + " they have."); return; } Player target = Server.FindPlayerOrPrintMatches(player, targetName, false, true); if (target == null) { player.Message("&eYou have &C{1} &e" + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeyPl.GetString() + ".", player.Info.Money); return; } if (target == null) { return; } else { //actually show how much money that person has player.Message("&e{0}&e has &C{1} &e" + ConfigKey.CurrencyKeyPl.GetString() + ".", target.ClassyName, target.Info.Money); } } } catch (ArgumentNullException) { CdEconomy.PrintUsage(player); } }
public static void RealmLoad(Player player, Command cmd, string fileName, string worldName, string buildRankName, string accessRankName) { if (worldName == null && player.World == null) { player.Message("When using /realm from console, you must specify the realm name."); return; } if (fileName == null) { // No params given at all return; } string fullFileName = WorldManager.FindMapFile(player, fileName); if (fullFileName == null) { return; } // Loading map into current realm if (worldName == null) { if (!cmd.IsConfirmed) { player.Confirm(cmd, "About to replace THIS REALM with \"{0}\".", fileName); return; } Map map; try { map = MapUtility.Load(fullFileName); } catch (Exception ex) { player.MessageNow("Could not load specified file: {0}: {1}", ex.GetType().Name, ex.Message); return; } World realm = player.World; // Loading to current realm realm.MapChangedBy = player.Name; realm.ChangeMap(map); realm.Players.Message(player, "{0}&S loaded a new map for this realm.", player.ClassyName); player.MessageNow("New map loaded for the realm {0}", realm.ClassyName); Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} loaded new map for realm \"{1}\" from {2}", player.Name, realm.Name, fileName); realm.IsHidden = false; realm.IsRealm = true; WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); } else { // Loading to some other (or new) realm if (!World.IsValidName(worldName)) { player.MessageInvalidWorldName(worldName); return; } Rank buildRank = RankManager.DefaultBuildRank; Rank accessRank = null; if (buildRankName != null) { buildRank = RankManager.FindRank(buildRankName); if (buildRank == null) { player.MessageNoRank(buildRankName); return; } if (accessRankName != null) { accessRank = RankManager.FindRank(accessRankName); if (accessRank == null) { player.MessageNoRank(accessRankName); return; } } } // Retype realm name, if needed if (worldName == "-") { if (player.LastUsedWorldName != null) { worldName = player.LastUsedWorldName; } else { player.Message("Cannot repeat realm name: you haven't used any names yet."); return; } } lock (WorldManager.SyncRoot) { World realm = WorldManager.FindWorldExact(worldName); if (realm != null) { player.LastUsedWorldName = realm.Name; // Replacing existing realm's map if (!cmd.IsConfirmed) { player.Confirm(cmd, "About to replace realm map for {0}&S with \"{1}\".", realm.ClassyName, fileName); return; } Map map; try { map = MapUtility.Load(fullFileName); realm.IsHidden = false; realm.IsRealm = true; WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); } catch (Exception ex) { player.MessageNow("Could not load specified file: {0}: {1}", ex.GetType().Name, ex.Message); return; } try { realm.MapChangedBy = player.Name; realm.ChangeMap(map); realm.IsHidden = false; realm.IsRealm = true; WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); } catch (WorldOpException ex) { Logger.Log(LogType.Error, "Could not complete RealmLoad operation: {0}", ex.Message); player.Message("&WRealmLoad: {0}", ex.Message); return; } realm.Players.Message(player, "{0}&S loaded a new map for the realm {1}", player.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); player.MessageNow("New map for the realm {0}&S has been loaded.", realm.ClassyName); Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} loaded new map for realm \"{1}\" from {2}", player.Name, realm.Name, fullFileName); } else { // Adding a new realm string targetFullFileName = Path.Combine(Paths.MapPath, worldName + ".fcm"); if (!cmd.IsConfirmed && File.Exists(targetFullFileName) && // target file already exists !Paths.Compare(targetFullFileName, fullFileName)) { // and is different from sourceFile player.Confirm(cmd, "A map named \"{0}\" already exists, and will be overwritten with \"{1}\".", Path.GetFileName(targetFullFileName), Path.GetFileName(fullFileName)); return; } Map map; try { map = MapUtility.Load(fullFileName); //realm.IsHidden = false; //realm.IsRealm = true; //WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); } catch (Exception ex) { player.MessageNow("Could not load \"{0}\": {1}: {2}", fileName, ex.GetType().Name, ex.Message); return; } World newWorld; try { newWorld = WorldManager.AddWorld(player, worldName, map, false); } catch (WorldOpException ex) { player.Message("RealmLoad: {0}", ex.Message); return; } player.LastUsedWorldName = worldName; newWorld.BuildSecurity.MinRank = buildRank; if (accessRank == null) { newWorld.AccessSecurity.ResetMinRank(); } else { newWorld.AccessSecurity.MinRank = accessRank; } newWorld.BlockDB.AutoToggleIfNeeded(); if (BlockDB.IsEnabledGlobally && newWorld.BlockDB.IsEnabled) { player.Message("BlockDB is now auto-enabled on realm {0}", newWorld.ClassyName); } newWorld.LoadedBy = player.Name; newWorld.LoadedOn = DateTime.UtcNow; Server.Message("{0}&S created a new realm named {1}", player.ClassyName, newWorld.ClassyName); Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} created a new realm named \"{1}\" (loaded from \"{2}\")", player.Name, worldName, fileName); newWorld.IsHidden = false; newWorld.IsRealm = true; WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); player.MessageNow("Access permission is {0}+&S, and build permission is {1}+", newWorld.AccessSecurity.MinRank.ClassyName, newWorld.BuildSecurity.MinRank.ClassyName); } } } Server.RequestGC(); }
static void EconomyHandler(Player player, Command cmd) { try { string option = cmd.Next(); string targetName = cmd.Next(); string amount = cmd.Next(); int amountnum; if (option == null) { CdEconomy.PrintUsage(player); } if (option == "give") { if (!player.Can(Permission.ManageEconomy)) { player.Message("You do not have the required permisions to use that command!"); return; } Player target = Server.FindPlayerOrPrintMatches(player, targetName, false, true); if (targetName == null) { player.Message("&ePlease type in a player's name to give bits towards."); return; } if (target == null) { return; } else { if (!int.TryParse(amount, out amountnum)) { player.Message("&ePlease select from a whole number."); return; } if (cmd.IsConfirmed) { //actually give the player the money int tNewMoney = target.Info.Money + amountnum; player.Message("&eYou have given {0} &C{1} &ebit(s).", target.ClassyName, amountnum); target.Message("&e{0} &ehas given you {1} &ebit(s).", player.ClassyName, amountnum); Server.Players.Except(target).Except(player).Message("&e{0} &ewas given {1} &ebit(s) from {2}&e.", target.ClassyName, amountnum, player.ClassyName); target.Info.Money = tNewMoney; return; } else { player.Confirm(cmd, "&eAre you sure you want to give {0} &C{1} &ebits?&s", target.ClassyName, amountnum); return; } } } if (option == "take") { if (!player.Can(Permission.ManageEconomy)) { player.Message("You do not have the required permisions to use that command!"); return; } Player target = Server.FindPlayerOrPrintMatches(player, targetName, false, true); if (targetName == null) { player.Message("&ePlease type in a player's name to take bits away from."); return; } if (target == null) { return; } else { if (!int.TryParse(amount, out amountnum)) { player.Message("&eThe amount must be a number!"); return; } if (cmd.IsConfirmed) { if (amountnum > target.Info.Money) { player.Message("{0}&e doesn't have that many bits!", target.ClassyName); return; } else { //actually give the player the money int tNewMoney = target.Info.Money - amountnum; player.Message("&eYou have taken &c{1}&e from {0}.", target.ClassyName, amountnum); target.Message("&e{0} &ehas taken {1} &ebit(s) from you.", player.ClassyName, amountnum); Server.Players.Except(target).Except(player).Message("&e{0} &etook {1} &ebit(s) from {2}&e.", player.ClassyName, amountnum, target.ClassyName); target.Info.Money = tNewMoney; return; } } else { player.Confirm(cmd, "&eAre you sure you want to take &c{1} &ebits from {0}&e?&s", target.ClassyName, amountnum); return; } } } if (option == "pay") { //lotsa idiot proofing in this one ^.^ if (targetName == null) { player.Message("&ePlease type in a player's name to pay bits towards."); return; } Player target = Server.FindPlayerOrPrintMatches(player, targetName, false, true); if (target == player) { player.Message("You can't pay yourself >.> Doesn't work like that."); return; } if (target == null) { return; } else { if (!int.TryParse(amount, out amountnum)) { player.Message("&eThe amount must be a positive whole number!"); return; } if (amountnum < 1) { player.Message("&eThe amount must be a positive whole number!"); return; } if (cmd.IsConfirmed) { if (amountnum > player.Info.Money) { player.Message("You don't have that many bits!"); return; } else { //show him da monai int pNewMoney = player.Info.Money - amountnum; int tNewMoney = target.Info.Money + amountnum; player.Message("&eYou have paid &C{1}&e to {0}&e.", target.ClassyName, amountnum); target.Message("&e{0} &ehas paid you {1} &ebit(s).", player.ClassyName, amountnum); Server.Players.Except(target).Except(player).Message("&e{0} &ewas paid {1} &ebit(s) from {2}&e.", target.ClassyName, amountnum, player.ClassyName); player.Info.Money = pNewMoney; target.Info.Money = tNewMoney; return; } } else { player.Confirm(cmd, "&eAre you sure you want to pay {0}&e {1} &ebits?&s", target.ClassyName, amountnum); return; } } } else if (option == "show") { Player target = Server.FindPlayerOrPrintMatches(player, targetName, false, true); if (targetName == null) { player.Message("&ePlease type in a player's name to see how many bits they have."); return; } if (target == null) { return; } else { //actually show how much money that person has player.Message("&e{0}&e has &C{1}&e bits currently!", target.ClassyName, target.Info.Money); } } else { player.Message("&eValid choices are '/economy take', '/economy give', '/economy show' and '/econ pay'."); return; } } catch (ArgumentNullException) { CdEconomy.PrintUsage(player); } }
static void EconomyHandler(Player player, Command cmd) { try { string option = cmd.Next(); string targetName = cmd.Next(); string amount = cmd.Next(); int amountnum; if (option == null) { CdEconomy.PrintUsage(player); } if (option == "give") { if (!player.Can(Permission.ManageEconomy)) { player.Message("&cYou do not have permission to use that command!"); return; } if (targetName == null) { player.Message("&ePlease type in a player's name to give coins to."); return; } Player target = Server.FindPlayerOrPrintMatches(player, targetName, false, true); if (target == null) { return; } else { if (!int.TryParse(amount, out amountnum)) { player.Message("&eThe amount must be a number without any decimals!"); return; } if (cmd.IsConfirmed) { //actually give the player the money int tNewMoney = target.Info.Money + amountnum; if (amountnum == 1) { player.Message("&eYou have given {0} &C{1} &ecoin.", target.ClassyName, amountnum); target.Message("&e{0} &ehas given you {1} &ecoin.", player.ClassyName, amountnum); Server.Players.Except(target).Except(player).Message("&e{0} &ewas given {1} &ecoin by {2}&e.", target.ClassyName, amountnum, player.ClassyName); } else { player.Message("&eYou have given {0} &C{1} &ecoins.", target.ClassyName, amountnum); target.Message("&e{0} &ehas given you {1} &ecoins.", player.ClassyName, amountnum); Server.Players.Except(target).Except(player).Message("&e{0} &ewas given {1} &ecoins by {2}&e.", target.ClassyName, amountnum, player.ClassyName); } target.Info.Money = tNewMoney; return; } else { if (amountnum == 1) { player.Confirm(cmd, "&eAre you sure you want to give {0} &C{1} &ecoin?", target.ClassyName, amountnum); return; } else { player.Confirm(cmd, "&eAre you sure you want to give {0} &C{1} &ecoins?", target.ClassyName, amountnum); return; } } } } if (option == "take") { if (!player.Can(Permission.ManageEconomy)) { player.Message("&cYou do not have permission to use that command."); return; } if (targetName == null) { player.Message("&ePlease type in a player's name to take coins away from."); return; } Player target = Server.FindPlayerOrPrintMatches(player, targetName, false, true); if (target == null) { return; } else { if (!int.TryParse(amount, out amountnum)) { player.Message("&eThe amount must be a number!"); return; } if (cmd.IsConfirmed) { if (amountnum > target.Info.Money) { player.Message("{0}&e doesn't have that many coins!", target.ClassyName); return; } else { //actually give the player the money int tNewMoney = target.Info.Money - amountnum; if (amountnum == 1) { player.Message("&eYou have taken &c{1}&e coin from {0}.", target.ClassyName, amountnum); target.Message("&e{0} &ehas taken {1} &ecoin from you.", player.ClassyName, amountnum); Server.Players.Except(target).Except(player).Message("&e{0} &etook {1} &ecoin from {2}&e.", player.ClassyName, amountnum, target.ClassyName); } else { player.Message("&eYou have taken &c{1}&e coins from {0}.", target.ClassyName, amountnum); target.Message("&e{0} &ehas taken {1} &ecoins from you.", player.ClassyName, amountnum); Server.Players.Except(target).Except(player).Message("&e{0} &etook {1} &ecoins from {2}&e.", player.ClassyName, amountnum, target.ClassyName); } target.Info.Money = tNewMoney; return; } } else { player.Confirm(cmd, "&eAre you sure you want to take &c{1} &ecoins from {0}?", target.ClassyName, amountnum); return; } } } if (option == "pay") { //lotsa idiot proofing in this one ^.^ if (targetName == null) { player.Message("&ePlease type in a player's name to pay."); return; } Player target = Server.FindPlayerOrPrintMatches(player, targetName, false, true); if (target == player) { player.Message("You cannot pay youself."); return; } if (target == null) { return; } else { if (!int.TryParse(amount, out amountnum)) { player.Message("&eThe amount must be a number!"); return; } if (cmd.IsConfirmed) { if (amountnum > player.Info.Money) { player.Message("You don't have enough coins!"); return; } else { //show him da monai int pNewMoney = player.Info.Money - amountnum; int tNewMoney = target.Info.Money + amountnum; if (amountnum == 1) { player.Message("&eYou have paid &C{1}&e coin to {0}.", target.ClassyName, amountnum); target.Message("&e{0} &ehas paid you {1} &ecoin.", player.ClassyName, amountnum); Server.Players.Except(target).Except(player).Message("&e{0} &ewas paid {1} &ecoin from {2}&e.", target.ClassyName, amountnum, player.ClassyName); } else { player.Message("&eYou have paid &C{1}&e coins to {0}.", target.ClassyName, amountnum); target.Message("&e{0} &ehas paid you {1} &ecoins.", player.ClassyName, amountnum); Server.Players.Except(target).Except(player).Message("&e{0} &ewas paid {1} &ecoins from {2}&e.", target.ClassyName, amountnum, player.ClassyName); } player.Info.Money = pNewMoney; target.Info.Money = tNewMoney; return; } } else { player.Confirm(cmd, "&eAre you sure you want to pay {0}&e {1} &ecoins? Type /ok to continue.", target.ClassyName, amountnum); return; } } } else if (option == "show") { if (targetName == null) { player.Message("&ePlease type in a player's name to see how many coins they have."); return; } Player target = Server.FindPlayerOrPrintMatches(player, targetName, false, true); if (target == null) { return; } else { //actually show how much money that person has player.Message("&e{0} has &C{1} &ecoins!", target.ClassyName, target.Info.Money); } } else { player.Message("&eOptions are &a/Economy pay&e, &a/Economy take&e, &a/Economy give&e, and &a/Economy show&e."); return; } } catch (ArgumentNullException) { CdEconomy.PrintUsage(player); } }
static void PayHandler(Player player, Command cmd) { string targetName = cmd.Next(); string amount = cmd.Next(); int amountnum; //lotsa idiot proofing in this one ^.^ if (targetName == null) { player.Message("&ePlease type in a player's name to pay bits towards."); return; } Player target = Server.FindPlayerOrPrintMatches(player, targetName, false, true); if (target == player) { player.Message("You can't pay yourself >.> Doesn't work like that."); return; } if (target == null) { return; } else { if (!int.TryParse(amount, out amountnum)) { player.Message("&eThe amount must be a positive whole number!"); return; } if (amountnum < 1) { player.Message("&eThe amount must be a positive whole number!"); return; } if (cmd.IsConfirmed) { if (amountnum > player.Info.Money) { player.Message("You don't have that many bits!"); return; } else { //show him da monai int pNewMoney = player.Info.Money - amountnum; int tNewMoney = target.Info.Money + amountnum; player.Message("&eYou have paid &C{1}&e to {0}&e.", target.ClassyName, amountnum); target.Message("&e{0} &ehas paid you {1} &ebit(s).", player.ClassyName, amountnum); Server.Players.Except(target).Except(player).Message("&e{0} &ewas paid {1} &ebit(s) from {2}&e.", target.ClassyName, amountnum, player.ClassyName); player.Info.Money = pNewMoney; target.Info.Money = tNewMoney; return; } } else { player.Confirm(cmd, "&eAre you sure you want to pay {0}&e {1} &ebits?", target.ClassyName, amountnum); return; } } }
static void Fill2DCallback( Player player, Vector3I[] marks, object tag ) { DrawOperation op = (DrawOperation)tag; if( !op.Prepare( marks ) ) return; if( player.WorldMap.GetBlock( marks[0] ) == Block.Air ) { player.Confirm( Fill2DConfirmCallback, op, "{0}: Replace air?", op.Description ); } else { Fill2DConfirmCallback( player, op, false ); } }
public static void RankHandler( Player player, Command cmd ) { string name = cmd.Next(); string newRankName = cmd.Next(); // Check arguments if( name == null || newRankName == null ) { CdRank.PrintUsage( player ); player.Message( "See &H/Ranks&S for list of ranks." ); return; } // Parse rank name Rank newRank = RankManager.FindRank( newRankName ); if( newRank == null ) { player.MessageNoRank( newRankName ); return; } // Parse player name if( name == "-" ) { if( player.LastUsedPlayerName != null ) { name = player.LastUsedPlayerName; } else { player.Message( "Cannot repeat player name: you haven't used any names yet." ); return; } } PlayerInfo targetInfo = PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfoExact( name ); if( targetInfo == null ) { if( !player.Can( Permission.EditPlayerDB ) ) { player.MessageNoPlayer( name ); return; } if( !Player.IsValidName( name ) ) { player.MessageInvalidPlayerName( name ); CdRank.PrintUsage( player ); return; } if( cmd.IsConfirmed ) { if( newRank > RankManager.DefaultRank ) { targetInfo = PlayerDB.AddFakeEntry( name, RankChangeType.Promoted ); } else { targetInfo = PlayerDB.AddFakeEntry( name, RankChangeType.Demoted ); } } else { player.Confirm( cmd, "Warning: Player \"{0}\" is not in the database (possible typo). Type the full name or", name ); return; } } try { player.LastUsedPlayerName = targetInfo.Name; //reset temprank values if (targetInfo.isTempRanked) { targetInfo.isTempRanked = false; targetInfo.tempRankTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0); } targetInfo.ChangeRank( player, newRank, cmd.NextAll(), true, true, false ); } catch( PlayerOpException ex ) { player.Message( ex.MessageColored ); } }
static void UndoPlayerHandler2(Player player, Command cmd) { if (player.World == null) PlayerOpException.ThrowNoWorld(player); if (!BlockDB.IsEnabledGlobally) { player.Message("&WBlockDB is disabled on this server.\nThe undo of the player's blocks failed."); return; } World world = player.World; if (!world.BlockDB.IsEnabled) { player.Message("&WBlockDB is disabled in this world.\nThe undo of the player's blocks failed."); return; } string name = cmd.Next(); string range = cmd.Next(); if (name == null || range == null) { CdUndoPlayer.PrintUsage(player); return; } PlayerInfo target = PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfoOrPrintMatches(player, name); if (target == null) return; if (player.Info != target && !player.Can(Permission.UndoOthersActions, target.Rank)) { player.Message("You may only undo actions of players ranked {0}&S or lower.", player.Info.Rank.GetLimit(Permission.UndoOthersActions).ClassyName); player.Message("Player {0}&S is ranked {1}", target.ClassyName, target.Rank.ClassyName); return; } int count; TimeSpan span; BlockDBEntry[] changes; if (Int32.TryParse(range, out count)) { changes = world.BlockDB.Lookup(target, count); if (changes.Length > 0) { player.Confirm(cmd, "Undo last {0} changes made by player {1}&S?", changes.Length, target.ClassyName); return; } } else if (range.TryParseMiniTimespan(out span)) { changes = world.BlockDB.Lookup(target, span); if (changes.Length > 0) { player.Confirm(cmd, "Undo changes ({0}) made by {1}&S in the last {2}?", changes.Length, target.ClassyName, span.ToMiniString()); return; } } else { CdBanx.PrintUsage(player); return; } if (changes.Length == 0) { player.Message("BanX: Found nothing to undo."); return; } BlockChangeContext context = BlockChangeContext.Drawn; if (player.Info == target) { context |= BlockChangeContext.UndoneSelf; } else { context |= BlockChangeContext.UndoneOther; } int blocks = 0, blocksDenied = 0; UndoState undoState = player.DrawBegin(null); Map map = player.World.Map; for (int i = 0; i < changes.Length; i++) { DrawOneBlock(player, map, changes[i].OldBlock, changes[i].Coord, context, ref blocks, ref blocksDenied, undoState); } Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} undid {1} blocks changed by player {2} (on world {3})", player.Name, blocks, target.Name, player.World.Name); DrawingFinished(player, "UndoPlayer'ed", blocks, blocksDenied); }
static void BlockDBHandler(Player player, Command cmd) { if (!BlockDB.IsEnabledGlobally) { player.Message("&WBlockDB is disabled on this server."); return; } string worldName = cmd.Next(); if (worldName == null) { int total = 0; World[] autoEnabledWorlds = WorldManager.Worlds.Where(w => (w.BlockDB.EnabledState == YesNoAuto.Auto) && w.BlockDB.IsEnabled).ToArray(); if (autoEnabledWorlds.Length > 0) { total += autoEnabledWorlds.Length; player.Message("BlockDB is auto-enabled on: {0}", autoEnabledWorlds.JoinToClassyString()); } World[] manuallyEnabledWorlds = WorldManager.Worlds.Where(w => w.BlockDB.EnabledState == YesNoAuto.Yes).ToArray(); if (manuallyEnabledWorlds.Length > 0) { total += manuallyEnabledWorlds.Length; player.Message("BlockDB is manually enabled on: {0}", manuallyEnabledWorlds.JoinToClassyString()); } World[] manuallyDisabledWorlds = WorldManager.Worlds.Where(w => w.BlockDB.EnabledState == YesNoAuto.No).ToArray(); if (manuallyDisabledWorlds.Length > 0) { player.Message("BlockDB is manually disabled on: {0}", manuallyDisabledWorlds.JoinToClassyString()); } if (total == 0) { player.Message("BlockDB is not enabled on any world."); } return; } World world = WorldManager.FindWorldOrPrintMatches(player, worldName); if (world == null) return; BlockDB db = world.BlockDB; lock (db.SyncRoot) { string op = cmd.Next(); if (op == null) { if (!db.IsEnabled) { if (db.EnabledState == YesNoAuto.Auto) { player.Message("BlockDB is disabled (auto) on world {0}", world.ClassyName); } else { player.Message("BlockDB is disabled on world {0}", world.ClassyName); } } else { if (db.IsPreloaded) { if (db.EnabledState == YesNoAuto.Auto) { player.Message("BlockDB is enabled (auto) and preloaded on world {0}", world.ClassyName); } else { player.Message("BlockDB is enabled and preloaded on world {0}", world.ClassyName); } } else { if (db.EnabledState == YesNoAuto.Auto) { player.Message("BlockDB is enabled (auto) on world {0}", world.ClassyName); } else { player.Message("BlockDB is enabled on world {0}", world.ClassyName); } } player.Message(" Change limit: {0} Time limit: {1}", db.Limit == 0 ? "none" : db.Limit.ToString(), db.TimeLimit == TimeSpan.Zero ? "none" : db.TimeLimit.ToMiniString()); } return; } switch (op.ToLower()) { case "on": // enables BlockDB if (db.EnabledState == YesNoAuto.Yes) { player.Message("BlockDB is already manually enabled on world {0}", world.ClassyName); } else if (db.EnabledState == YesNoAuto.Auto && db.IsEnabled) { db.EnabledState = YesNoAuto.Yes; WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); player.Message("BlockDB was auto-enabled, and is now manually enabled on world {0}", world.ClassyName); } else { db.EnabledState = YesNoAuto.Yes; WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); player.Message("BlockDB is now manually enabled on world {0}", world.ClassyName); } break; case "off": // disables BlockDB if (db.EnabledState == YesNoAuto.No) { player.Message("BlockDB is already manually disabled on world {0}", world.ClassyName); } else if (db.IsEnabled) { if (cmd.IsConfirmed) { db.EnabledState = YesNoAuto.No; WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); player.Message("BlockDB is now manually disabled on world {0}&S. Use &H/BlockDB {1} clear&S to delete all the data.", world.ClassyName, world.Name); } else { player.Confirm(cmd, "Disable BlockDB on world {0}&S? Block changes will stop being recorded.", world.ClassyName); } } else { db.EnabledState = YesNoAuto.No; WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); player.Message("BlockDB was auto-disabled, and is now manually disabled on world {0}&S.", world.ClassyName); } break; case "auto": if (db.EnabledState == YesNoAuto.Auto) { player.Message("BlockDB is already set to automatically enable/disable itself on world {0}", world.ClassyName); } else { db.EnabledState = YesNoAuto.Auto; WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); if (db.IsEnabled) { player.Message("BlockDB is now auto-enabled on world {0}", world.ClassyName); } else { player.Message("BlockDB is now auto-disabled on world {0}", world.ClassyName); } } break; case "limit": // sets or resets limit on the number of changes to store if (db.IsEnabled) { string limitString = cmd.Next(); int limitNumber; if (limitString == null) { player.Message("BlockDB: Limit for world {0}&S is {1}", world.ClassyName, (db.Limit == 0 ? "none" : db.Limit.ToString())); return; } if (limitString.Equals("none", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { limitNumber = 0; } else if (!Int32.TryParse(limitString, out limitNumber)) { CdBlockDB.PrintUsage(player); return; } else if (limitNumber < 0) { player.Message("BlockDB: Limit must be non-negative."); return; } if (!cmd.IsConfirmed && limitNumber != 0) { player.Confirm(cmd, "BlockDB: Change limit? Some old data for world {0}&S may be discarded.", world.ClassyName); } else { string limitDisplayString = (limitNumber == 0 ? "none" : limitNumber.ToString()); if (db.Limit == limitNumber) { player.Message("BlockDB: Limit for world {0}&S is already set to {1}", world.ClassyName, limitDisplayString); } else { db.Limit = limitNumber; WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); player.Message("BlockDB: Limit for world {0}&S set to {1}", world.ClassyName, limitDisplayString); } } } else { player.Message("Block tracking is disabled on world {0}", world.ClassyName); } break; case "timelimit": // sets or resets limit on the age of changes to store if (db.IsEnabled) { string limitString = cmd.Next(); if (limitString == null) { if (db.TimeLimit == TimeSpan.Zero) { player.Message("BlockDB: There is no time limit for world {0}", world.ClassyName); } else { player.Message("BlockDB: Time limit for world {0}&S is {1}", world.ClassyName, db.TimeLimit.ToMiniString()); } return; } TimeSpan limit; if (limitString.Equals("none", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { limit = TimeSpan.Zero; } else if (!limitString.TryParseMiniTimespan(out limit)) { CdBlockDB.PrintUsage(player); return; } if (limit > DateTimeUtil.MaxTimeSpan) { player.MessageMaxTimeSpan(); return; } if (!cmd.IsConfirmed && limit != TimeSpan.Zero) { player.Confirm(cmd, "BlockDB: Change time limit? Some old data for world {0}&S may be discarded.", world.ClassyName); } else { if (db.TimeLimit == limit) { if (db.TimeLimit == TimeSpan.Zero) { player.Message("BlockDB: There is already no time limit for world {0}", world.ClassyName); } else { player.Message("BlockDB: Time limit for world {0}&S is already set to {1}", world.ClassyName, db.TimeLimit.ToMiniString()); } } else { db.TimeLimit = limit; WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); if (db.TimeLimit == TimeSpan.Zero) { player.Message("BlockDB: Time limit removed for world {0}", world.ClassyName); } else { player.Message("BlockDB: Time limit for world {0}&S set to {1}", world.ClassyName, db.TimeLimit.ToMiniString()); } } } } else { player.Message("Block tracking is disabled on world {0}", world.ClassyName); } break; case "clear": // wipes BlockDB data bool hasData = (db.IsEnabled || File.Exists(db.FileName)); if (hasData) { if (cmd.IsConfirmed) { db.Clear(); player.Message("BlockDB: Cleared all data for {0}", world.ClassyName); } else { player.Confirm(cmd, "Clear BlockDB data for world {0}&S? This cannot be undone.", world.ClassyName); } } else { player.Message("BlockDB: No data to clear for world {0}", world.ClassyName); } break; case "preload": // enables/disables BlockDB preloading if (db.IsEnabled) { string param = cmd.Next(); if (param == null) { // shows current preload setting player.Message("BlockDB preloading is {0} for world {1}", (db.IsPreloaded ? "ON" : "OFF"), world.ClassyName); } else if (param.Equals("on", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { // turns preload on if (db.IsPreloaded) { player.Message("BlockDB preloading is already enabled on world {0}", world.ClassyName); } else { db.IsPreloaded = true; WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); player.Message("BlockDB preloading is now enabled on world {0}", world.ClassyName); } } else if (param.Equals("off", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { // turns preload off if (!db.IsPreloaded) { player.Message("BlockDB preloading is already disabled on world {0}", world.ClassyName); } else { db.IsPreloaded = false; WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); player.Message("BlockDB preloading is now disabled on world {0}", world.ClassyName); } } else { CdBlockDB.PrintUsage(player); } } else { player.Message("Block tracking is disabled on world {0}", world.ClassyName); } break; default: // unknown operand CdBlockDB.PrintUsage(player); return; } } }
static void BringHandler( Player player, CommandReader cmd ) { string name = cmd.Next(); if( name == null ) { CdBring.PrintUsage( player ); return; } // bringing someone to another player (instead of to self) string toName = cmd.Next(); Player toPlayer = player; if( toName != null ) { toPlayer = Server.FindPlayerOrPrintMatches( player, toName, true, false, true ); if( toPlayer == null ) return; } else if( toPlayer.World == null ) { player.Message( "When used from console, /Bring requires both names to be given." ); return; } World world = toPlayer.World; if( world == null ) PlayerOpException.ThrowNoWorld( toPlayer ); Player target = Server.FindPlayerOrPrintMatches( player, name, true, false, true ); if( target == null ) return; if( !player.Can( Permission.Bring, target.Info.Rank ) ) { player.Message( "You may only bring players ranked {0}&S or lower.", player.Info.Rank.GetLimit( Permission.Bring ).ClassyName ); player.Message( "{0}&S is ranked {1}", target.ClassyName, target.Info.Rank.ClassyName ); return; } if( target.World == world ) { // teleport within the same world target.TeleportTo( toPlayer.Position ); } else { // teleport to a different world SecurityCheckResult check = world.AccessSecurity.CheckDetailed( target.Info ); if( check == SecurityCheckResult.RankTooLow ) { if( player.CanJoin( world ) ) { if( cmd.IsConfirmed ) { BringPlayerToWorld( player, target, world, true, true ); } else { Logger.Log( LogType.UserActivity, "Bring: Asked {0} to confirm overriding world permissions to bring player {1} to world {2}", player.Name, target.Name, world.Name ); player.Confirm( cmd, "Player {0}&S is ranked too low to join {1}&S. Override world permissions?", target.ClassyName, world.ClassyName ); } } else { player.Message( "Neither you nor {0}&S are allowed to join world {1}", target.ClassyName, world.ClassyName ); } } else { BringPlayerToWorld( player, target, world, false, true ); } } }
static void EnvHandler(Player player, Command cmd) { if (Heartbeat.ClassiCube() || player.ClassiCube) { player.Message("/Env is a only command.");//add reference /mapedit here once it works. return; } if (!ConfigKey.WoMEnableEnvExtensions.Enabled()) { player.Message("Env command is disabled on this server."); return; } string worldName = cmd.Next(); World world; if (worldName == null) { world = player.World; if (world == null) { player.Message("When used from console, /Env requires a world name."); return; } } else { world = WorldManager.FindWorldOrPrintMatches(player, worldName); if (world == null) return; } string variable = cmd.Next(); string valueText = cmd.Next(); if (variable == null) { player.Message("Environment settings for world {0}&S:", world.ClassyName); player.Message(" Cloud: {0} Fog: {1} Sky: {2}", world.CloudColor == -1 ? "normal" : '#' + world.CloudColor.ToString("X6"), world.FogColor == -1 ? "normal" : '#' + world.FogColor.ToString("X6"), world.SkyColor == -1 ? "normal" : '#' + world.SkyColor.ToString("X6")); player.Message(" Edge level: {0} Edge texture: {1}", world.EdgeLevel == -1 ? "normal" : world.EdgeLevel + " blocks", world.EdgeBlock); if (!player.IsUsingWoM) { player.Message(" You need WoM client to see the changes."); } return; } #region 800Craft //Copyright (C) <2012> <Jon Baker> if (variable.ToLower() == "terrain") { if (valueText == null) { player.Message("&A/Env [WorldName] terrain [Normal, arbot, cool, deadly, shroom, prometheus, woodpunk, fall, snow, tron, " + "mario, highres, 8bit, simple, indev, messa, portal, dokucraft, doomcraft, hexeretic, zelda "); return; } switch (valueText.ToLower()) { case "normal": world.Terrain = "bc4acee575474f5266105430c3cc628b8b3948a2"; break; case "arbot": world.Terrain = "1e3eb03d8efaa862679d36c9044ce47e861ea25e"; break; case "cool": world.Terrain = "165917066357092a2e7f6b0ec358c05b36b0efa7"; break; case "deadly": world.Terrain = "cb45307db4addbaac1504529fef79d773a6e31f5"; break; case "shroom": world.Terrain = "f31b086dbae92cc1741476a3697506192b8f5814"; break; case "prometheus": world.Terrain = "f66479f2d6c812806c3e768442d45a08a868ad16"; break; case "woodpunk": world.Terrain = "dff99c37e4a792e10c3b775e6bded725f18ed6fe"; break; case "simple": world.Terrain = "85f783c3a70c0c9d523eb39e080c2ed95f45bfc2"; break; case "highres": world.Terrain = "f3dac271d7bce9954baad46e183a6a910a30d13b"; break; case "hexeretic": world.Terrain = "d8e75476281087c8482ac636a8b8e4a59fadd525"; break; case "tron": world.Terrain = "ba851c9544ba5e4eed3a8fc9b8b5bf25a4dd45e0"; break; case "8bit": world.Terrain = "5a3fb1994e2ae526815ceaaca3a4dac0051aa890"; break; case "mario": world.Terrain = "e98a37ddccbc6144306bd08f41248324965c4e5a"; break; case "fall": world.Terrain = "b7c6dcb7a858639077f95ef94e8e2d51bedc3307"; break; case "dokucraft": world.Terrain = "a101cadafd02019e14d727d3329a923a40ef040b"; break; case "indev": world.Terrain = "73d1ef4441725bdcc9ac3616205faa3dff46e12a"; break; case "doomcraft": world.Terrain = "8b72beb6fea6ed1e01c1e32e08edf5f784bc919c"; break; case "messa": world.Terrain = "db0feeac8702704a3146a71365622db55fb5a4c4"; break; case "portal": world.Terrain = "d4b455134394763296994d0c819b0ac0ea338457"; break; case "snow": world.Terrain = "0b18fb3b41874ac5fbcb43532d62e6b742adc25e"; break; case "zelda": world.Terrain = "b25e3bffe57c4f6a35ae42bb6116fcb21c50fa6f"; break; default: player.Message("&A/Env [WorldName] terrain [Normal, arbot, cool, deadly, shroom, prometheus, woodpunk, fall, snow, tron, " + "mario, highres, 8bit, simple, indev, messa, portal, dokucraft, doomcraft, hexeretic, zelda "); return; } player.Message("Terrain Changed for {0}", world.ClassyName); WorldManager.UpdateWorldList(); return; } if (variable.ToLower() == "realistic") { if (!world.RealisticEnv) { world.RealisticEnv = true; player.Message("Realistic Environment has been turned ON for world {0}", world.ClassyName); return; } else { world.RealisticEnv = false; player.Message("Realistic Environment has been turned OFF for world {0}", player.World.ClassyName); return; } } #endregion if (variable.Equals("normal", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (cmd.IsConfirmed) { world.FogColor = -1; world.CloudColor = -1; world.SkyColor = -1; world.EdgeLevel = -1; world.EdgeBlock = Block.Water; player.Message("Reset enviroment settings for world {0}", world.ClassyName); WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); } else { player.Confirm(cmd, "Reset enviroment settings for world {0}&S?", world.ClassyName); } return; } if (valueText == null) { CdEnv.PrintUsage(player); return; } int value = 0; if (valueText.Equals("normal", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { value = -1; } switch (variable.ToLower()) { case "fog": if (value == -1) { player.Message("Reset fog color for {0}&S to normal", world.ClassyName); } else { try { value = ParseHexColor(valueText); } catch (FormatException) { CdEnv.PrintUsage(player); return; } player.Message("Set fog color for {0}&S to #{1:X6}", world.ClassyName, value); } world.FogColor = value; break; case "cloud": case "clouds": if (value == -1) { player.Message("Reset cloud color for {0}&S to normal", world.ClassyName); } else { try { value = ParseHexColor(valueText); } catch (FormatException) { CdEnv.PrintUsage(player); return; } player.Message("Set cloud color for {0}&S to #{1:X6}", world.ClassyName, value); } world.CloudColor = value; break; case "sky": if (value == -1) { player.Message("Reset sky color for {0}&S to normal", world.ClassyName); } else { try { value = ParseHexColor(valueText); } catch (FormatException) { CdEnv.PrintUsage(player); return; } player.Message("Set sky color for {0}&S to #{1:X6}", world.ClassyName, value); } world.SkyColor = value; break; case "level": if (value == -1) { player.Message("Reset edge level for {0}&S to normal", world.ClassyName); } else { try { value = UInt16.Parse(valueText); } catch (OverflowException) { CdEnv.PrintUsage(player); return; } catch (FormatException) { CdEnv.PrintUsage(player); return; } player.Message("Set edge level for {0}&S to {1}", world.ClassyName, value); } world.EdgeLevel = value; break; case "edge": Block block = Map.GetBlockByName(valueText); if (block == Block.Undefined) { CdEnv.PrintUsage(player); return; } if (block == Block.Water || valueText.Equals("normal", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { player.Message("Reset edge block for {0}&S to normal (water)", world.ClassyName); world.EdgeBlock = Block.Water; } else { string textName = Map.GetEdgeTexture(block); if (textName == null) { player.Message("Cannot use {0} for edge textures.", block); return; } else { world.EdgeBlock = block; } } break; case "side": case "sides": if (valueText.ToLower() == "on") { if (world.SideBlock != Block.Admincrete) { world.SideBlock = Block.Admincrete; player.Message("The sides of the world have been restored"); } } else { if (valueText.ToLower() == "off") { world.SideBlock = Block.Air; player.Message("The sides of the world have been removed"); } } break; default: CdEnv.PrintUsage(player); return; } WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); if (player.World == world) { if (player.IsUsingWoM) { player.Message("Rejoin the world to see the changes."); } else { player.Message("You need WoM client to see the changes."); } } }
static void Fill2DCallback( Player player, Vector3I[] marks, object tag ) { DrawOperation op = (DrawOperation)tag; if( !op.Prepare( marks ) ) return; if( player.WorldMap.GetBlock( marks[0] ) == Block.Air ) { Logger.Log( LogType.UserActivity, "Fill2D: Asked {0} to confirm replacing air on world {1}", player.Name, // ReSharper disable PossibleNullReferenceException player.World.Name ); // ReSharper restore PossibleNullReferenceException player.Confirm( Fill2DConfirmCallback, op, "{0}: Replace air?", op.Description ); } else { Fill2DConfirmCallback( player, op, false ); } }
static void GenHandler(Player player, Command cmd) { World playerWorld = player.World; string themeName = cmd.Next(); string templateName; bool genOcean = false; bool genEmpty = false; bool noTrees = false; if (themeName == null) { CdGenerate.PrintUsage(player); return; } MapGenTheme theme = MapGenTheme.Forest; MapGenTemplate template = MapGenTemplate.Flat; // parse special template names (which do not need a theme) if (themeName.Equals("ocean")) { genOcean = true; } else if (themeName.Equals("empty")) { genEmpty = true; } else { templateName = cmd.Next(); if (templateName == null) { CdGenerate.PrintUsage(player); return; } // parse theme bool swapThemeAndTemplate = false; if (themeName.Equals("grass", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { theme = MapGenTheme.Forest; noTrees = true; } else if (templateName.Equals("grass", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { theme = MapGenTheme.Forest; noTrees = true; swapThemeAndTemplate = true; } else if (EnumUtil.TryParse(themeName, out theme, true)) { noTrees = (theme != MapGenTheme.Forest); } else if (EnumUtil.TryParse(templateName, out theme, true)) { noTrees = (theme != MapGenTheme.Forest); swapThemeAndTemplate = true; } else { player.Message("Gen: Unrecognized theme \"{0}\". Available themes are: Grass, {1}", themeName, Enum.GetNames(typeof(MapGenTheme)).JoinToString()); return; } // parse template if (swapThemeAndTemplate) { if (!EnumUtil.TryParse(themeName, out template, true)) { player.Message("Unrecognized template \"{0}\". Available terrain types: Empty, Ocean, {1}", themeName, Enum.GetNames(typeof(MapGenTemplate)).JoinToString()); return; } } else { if (!EnumUtil.TryParse(templateName, out template, true)) { player.Message("Unrecognized template \"{0}\". Available terrain types: Empty, Ocean, {1}", templateName, Enum.GetNames(typeof(MapGenTemplate)).JoinToString()); return; } } } // parse map dimensions int mapWidth, mapLength, mapHeight; if (cmd.HasNext) { int offset = cmd.Offset; if (!(cmd.NextInt(out mapWidth) && cmd.NextInt(out mapLength) && cmd.NextInt(out mapHeight))) { if (playerWorld != null) { Map oldMap = player.WorldMap; // If map dimensions were not given, use current map's dimensions mapWidth = oldMap.Width; mapLength = oldMap.Length; mapHeight = oldMap.Height; } else { player.Message("When used from console, /Gen requires map dimensions."); CdGenerate.PrintUsage(player); return; } cmd.Offset = offset; } } else if (playerWorld != null) { Map oldMap = player.WorldMap; // If map dimensions were not given, use current map's dimensions mapWidth = oldMap.Width; mapLength = oldMap.Length; mapHeight = oldMap.Height; } else { player.Message("When used from console, /Gen requires map dimensions."); CdGenerate.PrintUsage(player); return; } // Check map dimensions const string dimensionRecommendation = "Dimensions must be between 16 and 2047. " + "Recommended values: 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, and 1024."; if (!Map.IsValidDimension(mapWidth)) { player.Message("Cannot make map with width {0}. {1}", mapWidth, dimensionRecommendation); return; } else if (!Map.IsValidDimension(mapLength)) { player.Message("Cannot make map with length {0}. {1}", mapLength, dimensionRecommendation); return; } else if (!Map.IsValidDimension(mapHeight)) { player.Message("Cannot make map with height {0}. {1}", mapHeight, dimensionRecommendation); return; } long volume = (long)mapWidth * (long)mapLength * (long)mapHeight; if (volume > Int32.MaxValue) { player.Message("Map volume may not exceed {0}", Int32.MaxValue); return; } if (!cmd.IsConfirmed && (!Map.IsRecommendedDimension(mapWidth) || !Map.IsRecommendedDimension(mapLength) || !Map.IsRecommendedDimension(mapHeight))) { player.Message("&WThe map will have non-standard dimensions. " + "You may see glitched blocks or visual artifacts. " + "The only recommended map dimensions are: 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, and 1024."); } // figure out full template name bool genFlatgrass = (theme == MapGenTheme.Forest && noTrees && template == MapGenTemplate.Flat); string templateFullName; if (genEmpty) { templateFullName = "Empty"; } else if (genOcean) { templateFullName = "Ocean"; } else if (genFlatgrass) { templateFullName = "Flatgrass"; } else { if (theme == MapGenTheme.Forest && noTrees) { templateFullName = "Grass " + template; } else { templateFullName = theme + " " + template; } } // check file/world name string fileName = cmd.Next(); string fullFileName = null; if (fileName == null) { // replacing current world if (playerWorld == null) { player.Message("When used from console, /Gen requires FileName."); CdGenerate.PrintUsage(player); return; } if (!cmd.IsConfirmed) { player.Confirm(cmd, "Replace THIS MAP with a generated one ({0})?", templateFullName); return; } } else { if (cmd.HasNext) { CdGenerate.PrintUsage(player); return; } // saving to file fileName = fileName.Replace(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); if (!fileName.EndsWith(".fcm", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { fileName += ".fcm"; } if (!Paths.IsValidPath(fileName)) { player.Message("Invalid filename."); return; } fullFileName = Path.Combine(Paths.MapPath, fileName); if (!Paths.Contains(Paths.MapPath, fullFileName)) { player.MessageUnsafePath(); return; } string dirName = fullFileName.Substring(0, fullFileName.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)); if (!Directory.Exists(dirName)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirName); } if (!cmd.IsConfirmed && File.Exists(fullFileName)) { player.Confirm(cmd, "The mapfile \"{0}\" already exists. Overwrite?", fileName); return; } } // generate the map Map map; player.MessageNow("Generating {0}...", templateFullName); if (genEmpty) { map = MapGenerator.GenerateEmpty(mapWidth, mapLength, mapHeight); } else if (genOcean) { map = MapGenerator.GenerateOcean(mapWidth, mapLength, mapHeight); } else if (genFlatgrass) { map = MapGenerator.GenerateFlatgrass(mapWidth, mapLength, mapHeight); } else { MapGeneratorArgs args = MapGenerator.MakeTemplate(template); if (theme == MapGenTheme.Desert) { args.AddWater = false; } float ratio = mapHeight / (float)args.MapHeight; args.MapWidth = mapWidth; args.MapLength = mapLength; args.MapHeight = mapHeight; args.MaxHeight = (int)Math.Round(args.MaxHeight * ratio); args.MaxDepth = (int)Math.Round(args.MaxDepth * ratio); args.SnowAltitude = (int)Math.Round(args.SnowAltitude * ratio); args.Theme = theme; args.AddTrees = !noTrees; MapGenerator generator = new MapGenerator(args); map = generator.Generate(); } // save map to file, or load it into a world if (fileName != null) { if (map.Save(fullFileName)) { player.Message("Generation done. Saved to {0}", fileName); } else { player.Message("&WAn error occured while saving generated map to {0}", fileName); } } else { if (playerWorld == null) PlayerOpException.ThrowNoWorld(player); player.MessageNow("Generation done. Changing map..."); playerWorld.MapChangedBy = player.Name; playerWorld.ChangeMap(map); } Server.RequestGC(); }
static void DumpStatsHandler( Player player, Command cmd ) { string fileName = cmd.Next(); if( fileName == null ) { CdDumpStats.PrintUsage( player ); return; } if( !Paths.Contains( Paths.WorkingPath, fileName ) ) { player.MessageUnsafePath(); return; } // ReSharper disable AssignNullToNotNullAttribute if( Paths.IsProtectedFileName( Path.GetFileName( fileName ) ) ) { // ReSharper restore AssignNullToNotNullAttribute player.Message( "You may not use this file." ); return; } string extension = Path.GetExtension( fileName ); if( extension == null || !extension.Equals( ".txt", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) { player.Message( "Stats filename must end with .txt" ); return; } if( File.Exists( fileName ) && !cmd.IsConfirmed ) { player.Confirm( cmd, "File \"{0}\" already exists. Overwrite?", Path.GetFileName( fileName ) ); return; } if( !Paths.TestFile( "DumpStats file", fileName, false, FileAccess.Write ) ) { player.Message( "Cannot create specified file. See log for details." ); return; } PlayerInfo[] infos; using( FileStream fs = File.Create( fileName ) ) { using( StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter( fs ) ) { infos = PlayerDB.PlayerInfoList; if( infos.Length == 0 ) { writer.WriteLine( "(TOTAL) (0 players)" ); writer.WriteLine(); } else { DumpPlayerGroupStats( writer, infos, "(TOTAL)" ); } List<PlayerInfo> rankPlayers = new List<PlayerInfo>(); foreach( Rank rank in RankManager.Ranks ) { // ReSharper disable LoopCanBeConvertedToQuery for( int i = 0; i < infos.Length; i++ ) { // ReSharper restore LoopCanBeConvertedToQuery if( infos[i].Rank == rank ) rankPlayers.Add( infos[i] ); } if( rankPlayers.Count == 0 ) { writer.WriteLine( "{0}: 0 players, 0 banned, 0 inactive", rank.Name ); writer.WriteLine(); } else { DumpPlayerGroupStats( writer, rankPlayers, rank.Name ); } rankPlayers.Clear(); } } } player.Message( "Stats saved to \"{0}\"", fileName ); }
static void WorldLoadHandler(Player player, Command cmd) { string fileName = cmd.Next(); string worldName = cmd.Next(); if (worldName == null && player.World == null) { player.Message("When using /WLoad from console, you must specify the world name."); return; } if (fileName == null) { // No params given at all CdWorldLoad.PrintUsage(player); return; } string fullFileName = WorldManager.FindMapFile(player, fileName); if (fullFileName == null) return; // Loading map into current world if (worldName == null) { if (!cmd.IsConfirmed) { player.Confirm(cmd, "Replace THIS MAP with \"{0}\"?", fileName); return; } Map map; try { map = MapUtility.Load(fullFileName); } catch (Exception ex) { player.MessageNow("Could not load specified file: {0}: {1}", ex.GetType().Name, ex.Message); return; } World world = player.World; // Loading to current world world.MapChangedBy = player.Name; world.ChangeMap(map); world.Players.Message(player, "{0}&S loaded a new map for this world.", player.ClassyName); player.MessageNow("New map loaded for the world {0}", world.ClassyName); Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} loaded new map for world \"{1}\" from {2}", player.Name, world.Name, fileName); } else { // Loading to some other (or new) world if (!World.IsValidName(worldName)) { player.MessageInvalidWorldName(worldName); return; } string buildRankName = cmd.Next(); string accessRankName = cmd.Next(); Rank buildRank = RankManager.DefaultBuildRank; Rank accessRank = null; if (buildRankName != null) { buildRank = RankManager.FindRank(buildRankName); if (buildRank == null) { player.MessageNoRank(buildRankName); return; } if (accessRankName != null) { accessRank = RankManager.FindRank(accessRankName); if (accessRank == null) { player.MessageNoRank(accessRankName); return; } } } // Retype world name, if needed if (worldName == "-") { if (player.LastUsedWorldName != null) { worldName = player.LastUsedWorldName; } else { player.Message("Cannot repeat world name: you haven't used any names yet."); return; } } lock (WorldManager.SyncRoot) { World world = WorldManager.FindWorldExact(worldName); if (world != null) { player.LastUsedWorldName = world.Name; // Replacing existing world's map if (!cmd.IsConfirmed) { player.Confirm(cmd, "Replace map for {0}&S with \"{1}\"?", world.ClassyName, fileName); return; } Map map; try { map = MapUtility.Load(fullFileName); } catch (Exception ex) { player.MessageNow("Could not load specified file: {0}: {1}", ex.GetType().Name, ex.Message); return; } try { world.MapChangedBy = player.Name; world.ChangeMap(map); } catch (WorldOpException ex) { Logger.Log(LogType.Error, "Could not complete WorldLoad operation: {0}", ex.Message); player.Message("&WWLoad: {0}", ex.Message); return; } world.Players.Message(player, "{0}&S loaded a new map for the world {1}", player.ClassyName, world.ClassyName); player.MessageNow("New map for the world {0}&S has been loaded.", world.ClassyName); Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} loaded new map for world \"{1}\" from {2}", player.Name, world.Name, fullFileName); } else { // Adding a new world string targetFullFileName = Path.Combine(Paths.MapPath, worldName + ".fcm"); if (!cmd.IsConfirmed && File.Exists(targetFullFileName) && // target file already exists !Paths.Compare(targetFullFileName, fullFileName)) { // and is different from sourceFile player.Confirm(cmd, "A map named \"{0}\" already exists, and will be overwritten with \"{1}\".", Path.GetFileName(targetFullFileName), Path.GetFileName(fullFileName)); return; } Map map; try { map = MapUtility.Load(fullFileName); } catch (Exception ex) { player.MessageNow("Could not load \"{0}\": {1}: {2}", fileName, ex.GetType().Name, ex.Message); return; } World newWorld; try { newWorld = WorldManager.AddWorld(player, worldName, map, false); } catch (WorldOpException ex) { player.Message("WLoad: {0}", ex.Message); return; } if (newWorld == null) { player.MessageNow("Failed to create a new world."); return; } player.LastUsedWorldName = worldName; newWorld.BuildSecurity.MinRank = buildRank; if (accessRank == null) { newWorld.AccessSecurity.ResetMinRank(); } else { newWorld.AccessSecurity.MinRank = accessRank; } newWorld.BlockDB.AutoToggleIfNeeded(); if (BlockDB.IsEnabledGlobally && newWorld.BlockDB.IsEnabled) { player.Message("BlockDB is now auto-enabled on world {0}", newWorld.ClassyName); } newWorld.LoadedBy = player.Name; newWorld.LoadedOn = DateTime.UtcNow; Server.Message("{0}&S created a new world named {1}", player.ClassyName, newWorld.ClassyName); Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} created a new world named \"{1}\" (loaded from \"{2}\")", player.Name, worldName, fileName); WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); player.MessageNow("Access permission is {0}+&S, and build permission is {1}+", newWorld.AccessSecurity.MinRank.ClassyName, newWorld.BuildSecurity.MinRank.ClassyName); } } } Server.RequestGC(); }
static void ImportRanks( Player player, Command cmd ) { string serverName = cmd.Next(); string fileName = cmd.Next(); string rankName = cmd.Next(); bool silent = (cmd.Next() != null); // Make sure all parameters are specified if( serverName == null || fileName == null || rankName == null ) { CdImport.PrintUsage( player ); return; } // Check if file exists if( !File.Exists( fileName ) ) { player.Message( "File not found: {0}", fileName ); return; } Rank targetRank = RankManager.FindRank( rankName ); if( targetRank == null ) { player.MessageNoRank( rankName ); return; } string[] names; switch( serverName.ToLower() ) { case "mcsharp": case "mczall": case "mclawl": try { names = File.ReadAllLines( fileName ); } catch( Exception ex ) { Logger.Log( LogType.Error, "Could not open \"{0}\" to import ranks: {1}", fileName, ex ); return; } break; default: player.Message( "fCraft does not support importing from {0}", serverName ); return; } if( !cmd.IsConfirmed ) { player.Confirm( cmd, "You are about to import {0} player ranks.", names.Length ); return; } string reason = "(Import from " + serverName + ")"; foreach( string name in names ) { PlayerInfo info = PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfoExact( name ) ?? PlayerDB.AddFakeEntry( name, RankChangeType.Promoted ); try { info.ChangeRank( player, targetRank, reason, !silent, true, false ); } catch( PlayerOpException ex ) { player.Message( ex.MessageColored ); } } PlayerDB.Save(); }
static void WorldRenameHandler(Player player, Command cmd) { string oldName = cmd.Next(); string newName = cmd.Next(); if (oldName == null || newName == null) { CdWorldRename.PrintUsage(player); return; } World oldWorld = WorldManager.FindWorldOrPrintMatches(player, oldName); if (oldWorld == null) return; oldName = oldWorld.Name; if (!World.IsValidName(newName)) { player.MessageInvalidWorldName(newName); return; } World newWorld = WorldManager.FindWorldExact(newName); if (!cmd.IsConfirmed && newWorld != null && newWorld != oldWorld) { player.Confirm(cmd, "A world named {0}&S already exists. Replace it?", newWorld.ClassyName); return; } if (!cmd.IsConfirmed && File.Exists(Path.Combine(Paths.MapPath, newName + ".fcm"))) { player.Confirm(cmd, "Renaming this world will overwrite an existing map file \"{0}.fcm\".", newName); return; } try { WorldManager.RenameWorld(oldWorld, newName, true, true); } catch (WorldOpException ex) { switch (ex.ErrorCode) { case WorldOpExceptionCode.NoChangeNeeded: player.MessageNow("WRename: World is already named \"{0}\"", oldName); return; case WorldOpExceptionCode.DuplicateWorldName: player.MessageNow("WRename: Another world named \"{0}\" already exists.", newName); return; case WorldOpExceptionCode.InvalidWorldName: player.MessageNow("WRename: Invalid world name: \"{0}\"", newName); return; case WorldOpExceptionCode.MapMoveError: player.MessageNow("WRename: World \"{0}\" was renamed to \"{1}\", but the map file could not be moved due to an error: {2}", oldName, newName, ex.InnerException); return; default: player.MessageNow("&WWRename: Unexpected error renaming world \"{0}\": {1}", oldName, ex.Message); Logger.Log(LogType.Error, "WorldCommands.Rename: Unexpected error while renaming world {0} to {1}: {2}", oldWorld.Name, newName, ex); return; } } player.LastUsedWorldName = newName; WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} renamed the world \"{1}\" to \"{2}\".", player.Name, oldName, newName); Server.Message("{0}&S renamed the world \"{1}\" to \"{2}\"", player.ClassyName, oldName, newName); }
static void PruneDBHandler( Player player, Command cmd ) { if( !cmd.IsConfirmed ) { player.MessageNow( "PruneDB: Finding inactive players..." ); int inactivePlayers = PlayerDB.CountInactivePlayers(); if( inactivePlayers == 0 ) { player.Message( "PruneDB: No inactive players found." ); } else { player.Confirm( cmd, "PruneDB: Erase {0} records of inactive players?", inactivePlayers ); } } else { Scheduler.NewBackgroundTask( PruneDBTask, player ).RunOnce(); } }
static void ImportBans(Player player, CommandReader cmd) { string serverName = cmd.Next(); string fileName = cmd.Next(); // Make sure all parameters are specified if (serverName == null || fileName == null) { CdImport.PrintUsage(player); return; } // Check if file exists if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { player.Message("File not found: {0}", fileName); return; } string[] names; switch (serverName.ToLower()) { case "mcsharp": case "mczall": case "mclawl": try { names = File.ReadAllLines(fileName); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(LogType.Error, "Could not open \"{0}\" to import bans: {1}", fileName, ex); return; } break; default: player.Message("fCraft does not support importing from {0}", serverName); return; } if (!cmd.IsConfirmed) { player.Confirm(cmd, "Import {0} bans from \"{1}\"?", names.Length, Path.GetFileName(fileName)); return; } string reason = "(import from " + serverName + ")"; foreach (string name in names) { if (Player.IsValidName(name)) { PlayerInfo info = PlayerDB.FindExact(name) ?? PlayerDB.AddUnrecognizedPlayer(name, RankChangeType.Default); info.Ban(player, reason, true, true); } else { IPAddress ip; if (IPAddressUtil.IsIP(name) && IPAddress.TryParse(name, out ip)) { ip.BanIP(player, reason, true, true); } else { player.Message("Could not parse \"{0}\" as either name or IP. Skipping.", name); } } } PlayerDB.Save(); IPBanList.Save(); }