static void CopySlotHandler([NotNull] Player player, [NotNull] CommandReader cmd) { int slotNumber; if (cmd.NextInt(out slotNumber)) { if (cmd.HasNext) { CdCopySlot.PrintUsage(player); return; } if (slotNumber < 1 || slotNumber > player.Info.Rank.CopySlots) { player.Message("CopySlot: Select a number between 1 and {0}", player.Info.Rank.CopySlots); } else { player.CopySlot = slotNumber - 1; CopyState info = player.GetCopyState(); if (info == null) { player.Message("Selected copy slot {0} (unused).", slotNumber); } else { player.Message("Selected copy slot {0}: {1} blocks from {2}, {3} old.", slotNumber, info.Blocks.Length, info.OriginWorld, DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(info.CopyTime).ToMiniString()); } } } else { CopyState[] slots = player.CopyStates; player.Message("Using {0} of {1} slots. Selected slot: {2}", slots.Count(info => info != null), player.Info.Rank.CopySlots, player.CopySlot + 1); for (int i = 0; i < slots.Length; i++) { if (slots[i] != null) { player.Message(" {0}: {1} blocks from {2}, {3} old", i + 1, slots[i].Blocks.Length, slots[i].OriginWorld, DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(slots[i].CopyTime).ToMiniString()); } } } }
static void MirrorHandler( Player player, CommandReader cmd ) { CopyState originalInfo = player.GetCopyState(); if( originalInfo == null ) { player.MessageNow( "Nothing to flip! Copy something first." ); return; } // clone to avoid messing up any paste-in-progress CopyState info = new CopyState( originalInfo ); bool flipX = false, flipY = false, flipH = false; string axis; while( (axis = cmd.Next()) != null ) { foreach( char c in axis.ToLower() ) { if( c == 'x' ) flipX = true; if( c == 'y' ) flipY = true; if( c == 'z' ) flipH = true; } } if( !flipX && !flipY && !flipH ) { CdMirror.PrintUsage( player ); return; } Block block; if( flipX ) { int left = 0; int right = info.Bounds.Width - 1; while( left < right ) { for( int y = info.Bounds.Length - 1; y >= 0; y-- ) { for( int z = info.Bounds.Height - 1; z >= 0; z-- ) { block = info.Blocks[left, y, z]; info.Blocks[left, y, z] = info.Blocks[right, y, z]; info.Blocks[right, y, z] = block; } } left++; right--; } } if( flipY ) { int left = 0; int right = info.Bounds.Length - 1; while( left < right ) { for( int x = info.Bounds.Width - 1; x >= 0; x-- ) { for( int z = info.Bounds.Height - 1; z >= 0; z-- ) { block = info.Blocks[x, left, z]; info.Blocks[x, left, z] = info.Blocks[x, right, z]; info.Blocks[x, right, z] = block; } } left++; right--; } } if( flipH ) { int left = 0; int right = info.Bounds.Height - 1; while( left < right ) { for( int x = info.Bounds.Width - 1; x >= 0; x-- ) { for( int y = info.Bounds.Length - 1; y >= 0; y-- ) { block = info.Blocks[x, y, left]; info.Blocks[x, y, left] = info.Blocks[x, y, right]; info.Blocks[x, y, right] = block; } } left++; right--; } } if( flipX ) { if( flipY ) { if( flipH ) { player.Message( "Flipped copy along all axes." ); } else { player.Message( "Flipped copy along X (east/west) and Y (north/south) axes." ); } } else { if( flipH ) { player.Message( "Flipped copy along X (east/west) and Z (vertical) axes." ); } else { player.Message( "Flipped copy along X (east/west) axis." ); } } } else { if( flipY ) { if( flipH ) { player.Message( "Flipped copy along Y (north/south) and Z (vertical) axes." ); } else { player.Message( "Flipped copy along Y (north/south) axis." ); } } else { player.Message( "Flipped copy along Z (vertical) axis." ); } } player.SetCopyState( info ); }
static void CopySlotHandler( Player player, CommandReader cmd ) { int slotNumber; if( cmd.NextInt( out slotNumber ) ) { if( cmd.HasNext ) { CdCopySlot.PrintUsage( player ); return; } if( slotNumber < 1 || slotNumber > player.Info.Rank.CopySlots ) { player.Message( "CopySlot: Select a number between 1 and {0}", player.Info.Rank.CopySlots ); } else { player.CopySlot = slotNumber - 1; CopyState info = player.GetCopyState(); if( info == null ) { player.Message( "Selected copy slot {0} (unused).", slotNumber ); } else { player.Message( "Selected copy slot {0}: {1} blocks from {2}, {3} old.", slotNumber, info.Blocks.Length, info.OriginWorld, DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract( info.CopyTime ).ToMiniString() ); } } } else { CopyState[] slots = player.CopyStates; player.Message( "Using {0} of {1} slots. Selected slot: {2}", slots.Count( info => info != null ), player.Info.Rank.CopySlots, player.CopySlot + 1 ); for( int i = 0; i < slots.Length; i++ ) { if( slots[i] != null ) { player.Message( " {0}: {1} blocks from {2}, {3} old", i + 1, slots[i].Blocks.Length, slots[i].OriginWorld, DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract( slots[i].CopyTime ).ToMiniString() ); } } } }
static void PasteOpHandler( Player player, CommandReader cmd, int expectedMarks, DrawOpWithBrush op ) { if( !op.ReadParams( cmd ) ) return; player.SelectionStart( expectedMarks, DrawOperationCallback, op, Permission.Draw, Permission.CopyAndPaste ); CopyState copyInfo = player.GetCopyState(); if( copyInfo != null ) { player.MessageNow( "{0}: Click or &H/Mark&S the {1} corner.", op.Description, copyInfo.OriginCorner ); } else { player.MessageNow( "{0}: Click or &H/Mark&S a block.", op.Description ); } }
static void RotateHandler( Player player, CommandReader cmd ) { CopyState originalInfo = player.GetCopyState(); if( originalInfo == null ) { player.MessageNow( "Nothing to rotate! Copy something first." ); return; } int degrees; if( !cmd.NextInt( out degrees ) || (degrees != 90 && degrees != -90 && degrees != 180 && degrees != 270) ) { CdRotate.PrintUsage( player ); return; } string axisName = cmd.Next(); Axis axis = Axis.Z; if( axisName != null ) { switch( axisName.ToLower() ) { case "x": axis = Axis.X; break; case "y": axis = Axis.Y; break; case "z": case "h": axis = Axis.Z; break; default: CdRotate.PrintUsage( player ); return; } } // allocate the new buffer Block[, ,] oldBuffer = originalInfo.Blocks; Block[, ,] newBuffer; if( degrees == 180 ) { newBuffer = new Block[oldBuffer.GetLength( 0 ), oldBuffer.GetLength( 1 ), oldBuffer.GetLength( 2 )]; } else if( axis == Axis.X ) { newBuffer = new Block[oldBuffer.GetLength( 0 ), oldBuffer.GetLength( 2 ), oldBuffer.GetLength( 1 )]; } else if( axis == Axis.Y ) { newBuffer = new Block[oldBuffer.GetLength( 2 ), oldBuffer.GetLength( 1 ), oldBuffer.GetLength( 0 )]; } else { // axis == Axis.Z newBuffer = new Block[oldBuffer.GetLength( 1 ), oldBuffer.GetLength( 0 ), oldBuffer.GetLength( 2 )]; } // clone to avoid messing up any paste-in-progress CopyState info = new CopyState( originalInfo, newBuffer ); // construct the rotation matrix int[,] matrix = { {1,0,0}, {0,1,0}, {0,0,1} }; int a, b; switch( axis ) { case Axis.X: a = 1; b = 2; break; case Axis.Y: a = 0; b = 2; break; default: a = 0; b = 1; break; } switch( degrees ) { case 90: matrix[a, a] = 0; matrix[b, b] = 0; matrix[a, b] = -1; matrix[b, a] = 1; break; case 180: matrix[a, a] = -1; matrix[b, b] = -1; break; case -90: case 270: matrix[a, a] = 0; matrix[b, b] = 0; matrix[a, b] = 1; matrix[b, a] = -1; break; } // apply the rotation matrix for( int x = oldBuffer.GetLength( 0 ) - 1; x >= 0; x-- ) { for( int y = oldBuffer.GetLength( 1 ) - 1; y >= 0; y-- ) { for( int z = oldBuffer.GetLength( 2 ) - 1; z >= 0; z-- ) { int nx = (matrix[0, 0] < 0 ? oldBuffer.GetLength( 0 ) - 1 - x : (matrix[0, 0] > 0 ? x : 0)) + (matrix[0, 1] < 0 ? oldBuffer.GetLength( 1 ) - 1 - y : (matrix[0, 1] > 0 ? y : 0)) + (matrix[0, 2] < 0 ? oldBuffer.GetLength( 2 ) - 1 - z : (matrix[0, 2] > 0 ? z : 0)); int ny = (matrix[1, 0] < 0 ? oldBuffer.GetLength( 0 ) - 1 - x : (matrix[1, 0] > 0 ? x : 0)) + (matrix[1, 1] < 0 ? oldBuffer.GetLength( 1 ) - 1 - y : (matrix[1, 1] > 0 ? y : 0)) + (matrix[1, 2] < 0 ? oldBuffer.GetLength( 2 ) - 1 - z : (matrix[1, 2] > 0 ? z : 0)); int nz = (matrix[2, 0] < 0 ? oldBuffer.GetLength( 0 ) - 1 - x : (matrix[2, 0] > 0 ? x : 0)) + (matrix[2, 1] < 0 ? oldBuffer.GetLength( 1 ) - 1 - y : (matrix[2, 1] > 0 ? y : 0)) + (matrix[2, 2] < 0 ? oldBuffer.GetLength( 2 ) - 1 - z : (matrix[2, 2] > 0 ? z : 0)); newBuffer[nx, ny, nz] = oldBuffer[x, y, z]; } } } player.Message( "Rotated copy (slot {0}) by {1} degrees around {2} axis.", info.Slot + 1, degrees, axis ); player.SetCopyState( info ); }
static void RotateHandler([NotNull] Player player, [NotNull] CommandReader cmd) { CopyState originalInfo = player.GetCopyState(); if (originalInfo == null) { player.MessageNow("Nothing to rotate! Copy something first."); return; } int degrees; if (!cmd.NextInt(out degrees) || (degrees != 90 && degrees != -90 && degrees != 180 && degrees != 270)) { CdRotate.PrintUsage(player); return; } string axisName = cmd.Next(); Axis axis = Axis.Z; if (axisName != null) { switch (axisName.ToLower()) { case "x": axis = Axis.X; break; case "y": axis = Axis.Y; break; case "z": case "h": axis = Axis.Z; break; default: CdRotate.PrintUsage(player); return; } } // allocate the new buffer Block[,,] oldBuffer = originalInfo.Blocks; Block[,,] newBuffer; if (degrees == 180) { newBuffer = new Block[oldBuffer.GetLength(0), oldBuffer.GetLength(1), oldBuffer.GetLength(2)]; } else if (axis == Axis.X) { newBuffer = new Block[oldBuffer.GetLength(0), oldBuffer.GetLength(2), oldBuffer.GetLength(1)]; } else if (axis == Axis.Y) { newBuffer = new Block[oldBuffer.GetLength(2), oldBuffer.GetLength(1), oldBuffer.GetLength(0)]; } else { // axis == Axis.Z newBuffer = new Block[oldBuffer.GetLength(1), oldBuffer.GetLength(0), oldBuffer.GetLength(2)]; } // clone to avoid messing up any paste-in-progress CopyState info = new CopyState(originalInfo, newBuffer); // construct the rotation matrix int[,] matrix = { { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 } }; int a, b; switch (axis) { case Axis.X: a = 1; b = 2; break; case Axis.Y: a = 0; b = 2; break; default: a = 0; b = 1; break; } switch (degrees) { case 90: matrix[a, a] = 0; matrix[b, b] = 0; matrix[a, b] = -1; matrix[b, a] = 1; break; case 180: matrix[a, a] = -1; matrix[b, b] = -1; break; case -90: case 270: matrix[a, a] = 0; matrix[b, b] = 0; matrix[a, b] = 1; matrix[b, a] = -1; break; } // apply the rotation matrix for (int x = oldBuffer.GetLength(0) - 1; x >= 0; x--) { for (int y = oldBuffer.GetLength(1) - 1; y >= 0; y--) { for (int z = oldBuffer.GetLength(2) - 1; z >= 0; z--) { int nx = (matrix[0, 0] < 0 ? oldBuffer.GetLength(0) - 1 - x : (matrix[0, 0] > 0 ? x : 0)) + (matrix[0, 1] < 0 ? oldBuffer.GetLength(1) - 1 - y : (matrix[0, 1] > 0 ? y : 0)) + (matrix[0, 2] < 0 ? oldBuffer.GetLength(2) - 1 - z : (matrix[0, 2] > 0 ? z : 0)); int ny = (matrix[1, 0] < 0 ? oldBuffer.GetLength(0) - 1 - x : (matrix[1, 0] > 0 ? x : 0)) + (matrix[1, 1] < 0 ? oldBuffer.GetLength(1) - 1 - y : (matrix[1, 1] > 0 ? y : 0)) + (matrix[1, 2] < 0 ? oldBuffer.GetLength(2) - 1 - z : (matrix[1, 2] > 0 ? z : 0)); int nz = (matrix[2, 0] < 0 ? oldBuffer.GetLength(0) - 1 - x : (matrix[2, 0] > 0 ? x : 0)) + (matrix[2, 1] < 0 ? oldBuffer.GetLength(1) - 1 - y : (matrix[2, 1] > 0 ? y : 0)) + (matrix[2, 2] < 0 ? oldBuffer.GetLength(2) - 1 - z : (matrix[2, 2] > 0 ? z : 0)); newBuffer[nx, ny, nz] = oldBuffer[x, y, z]; } } } player.Message("Rotated copy (slot {0}) by {1} degrees around {2} axis.", info.Slot + 1, degrees, axis); player.SetCopyState(info); }
static void MirrorHandler([NotNull] Player player, [NotNull] CommandReader cmd) { CopyState originalInfo = player.GetCopyState(); if (originalInfo == null) { player.MessageNow("Nothing to flip! Copy something first."); return; } // clone to avoid messing up any paste-in-progress CopyState info = new CopyState(originalInfo); bool flipX = false, flipY = false, flipH = false; string axis; while ((axis = cmd.Next()) != null) { foreach (char c in axis.ToLower()) { if (c == 'x') { flipX = true; } if (c == 'y') { flipY = true; } if (c == 'z') { flipH = true; } } } if (!flipX && !flipY && !flipH) { CdMirror.PrintUsage(player); return; } Block block; if (flipX) { int left = 0; int right = info.Bounds.Width - 1; while (left < right) { for (int y = info.Bounds.Length - 1; y >= 0; y--) { for (int z = info.Bounds.Height - 1; z >= 0; z--) { block = info.Blocks[left, y, z]; info.Blocks[left, y, z] = info.Blocks[right, y, z]; info.Blocks[right, y, z] = block; } } left++; right--; } } if (flipY) { int left = 0; int right = info.Bounds.Length - 1; while (left < right) { for (int x = info.Bounds.Width - 1; x >= 0; x--) { for (int z = info.Bounds.Height - 1; z >= 0; z--) { block = info.Blocks[x, left, z]; info.Blocks[x, left, z] = info.Blocks[x, right, z]; info.Blocks[x, right, z] = block; } } left++; right--; } } if (flipH) { int left = 0; int right = info.Bounds.Height - 1; while (left < right) { for (int x = info.Bounds.Width - 1; x >= 0; x--) { for (int y = info.Bounds.Length - 1; y >= 0; y--) { block = info.Blocks[x, y, left]; info.Blocks[x, y, left] = info.Blocks[x, y, right]; info.Blocks[x, y, right] = block; } } left++; right--; } } if (flipX) { if (flipY) { if (flipH) { player.Message("Flipped copy along all axes."); } else { player.Message("Flipped copy along X (east/west) and Y (north/south) axes."); } } else { if (flipH) { player.Message("Flipped copy along X (east/west) and Z (vertical) axes."); } else { player.Message("Flipped copy along X (east/west) axis."); } } } else { if (flipY) { if (flipH) { player.Message("Flipped copy along Y (north/south) and Z (vertical) axes."); } else { player.Message("Flipped copy along Y (north/south) axis."); } } else { player.Message("Flipped copy along Z (vertical) axis."); } } player.SetCopyState(info); }