static void CommandBlock(SchedulerTask task) { Player p = (Player)task.UserState; p.IsCommandBlockRunning = true; if (p.SignLines[p.SignPos] != null) { Player dst = task.Interval == new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 1) ? Player.Console : p; try { dst.ParseMessage(p.SignLines[p.SignPos], false); } catch (Exception ex) { p.Message("Command produces error: \"" + p.SignLines[p.SignPos] + "\""); Logger.Log(LogType.Error, ex.ToString()); } } p.LastZoneNotification = DateTime.UtcNow; p.SignPos++; if (p.SignPos >= p.SignLines.Length) { p.SignLines = null; p.SignPos = 0; p.IsCommandBlockRunning = false; } }
static void JoinHandler(Player player, Command cmd) { string worldName = cmd.Next(); if (worldName == null) { CdJoin.PrintUsage(player); return; } if (worldName == "-") { if (player.LastUsedWorldName != null) { worldName = player.LastUsedWorldName; } else { player.Message("Cannot repeat world name: you haven't used any names yet."); return; } } World[] worlds = WorldManager.FindWorlds(player, worldName); if (worlds.Length > 1) { player.MessageManyMatches("world", worlds); } else if (worlds.Length == 1) { World world = worlds[0]; player.LastUsedWorldName = world.Name; switch (world.AccessSecurity.CheckDetailed(player.Info)) { case SecurityCheckResult.Allowed: case SecurityCheckResult.WhiteListed: if (world.IsFull) { player.Message("Cannot join {0}&S: world is full.", world.ClassyName); return; } player.StopSpectating(); if (!player.JoinWorldNow(world, true, WorldChangeReason.ManualJoin)) { player.Message("ERROR: Failed to join world. See log for details."); } break; case SecurityCheckResult.BlackListed: player.Message("Cannot join world {0}&S: you are blacklisted.", world.ClassyName); break; case SecurityCheckResult.RankTooLow: player.Message("Cannot join world {0}&S: must be {1}+", world.ClassyName, world.AccessSecurity.MinRank.ClassyName); break; } } else { // no worlds found - see if player meant to type in "/Join" and not "/TP" Player[] players = Server.FindPlayers(player, worldName, true); if (players.Length == 1) { player.LastUsedPlayerName = players[0].Name; player.StopSpectating(); player.ParseMessage("/TP " + players[0].Name, false, true); } else { player.MessageNoWorld(worldName); } } }
static void TPHandler( Player player, Command cmd ) { string name = cmd.Next(); if( name == null ) { CdTP.PrintUsage( player ); return; } if( cmd.Next() != null ) { cmd.Rewind(); int x, y, z; if( cmd.NextInt( out x ) && cmd.NextInt( out y ) && cmd.NextInt( out z ) ) { if( x <= -1024 || x >= 1024 || y <= -1024 || y >= 1024 || z <= -1024 || z >= 1024 ) { player.Message( "Coordinates are outside the valid range!" ); } else { player.previousLocation = player.Position; player.previousWorld = null; player.TeleportTo( new Position { X = (short)(x * 32 + 16), Y = (short)(y * 32 + 16), Z = (short)(z * 32 + 16), R = player.Position.R, L = player.Position.L } ); } } else { CdTP.PrintUsage( player ); } } else { if( name == "-" ) { if( player.LastUsedPlayerName != null ) { name = player.LastUsedPlayerName; } else { player.Message( "Cannot repeat player name: you haven't used any names yet." ); return; } } Player[] matches = Server.FindPlayers( player, name, true ); if( matches.Length == 1 ) { Player target = matches[0]; World targetWorld = target.World; if( targetWorld == null ) PlayerOpException.ThrowNoWorld( target ); if( targetWorld == player.World ) { player.previousLocation = player.Position; player.previousWorld = null; player.TeleportTo( target.Position ); } else { switch( targetWorld.AccessSecurity.CheckDetailed( player.Info ) ) { case SecurityCheckResult.Allowed: case SecurityCheckResult.WhiteListed: if( targetWorld.IsFull ) { player.Message( "Cannot teleport to {0}&S because world {1}&S is full.", target.ClassyName, targetWorld.ClassyName ); return; } player.StopSpectating(); player.previousLocation = player.Position; player.previousWorld = player.World; player.JoinWorld( targetWorld, WorldChangeReason.Tp, target.Position ); break; case SecurityCheckResult.BlackListed: player.Message( "Cannot teleport to {0}&S because you are blacklisted on world {1}", target.ClassyName, targetWorld.ClassyName ); break; case SecurityCheckResult.RankTooLow: player.Message( "Cannot teleport to {0}&S because world {1}&S requires {2}+&S to join.", target.ClassyName, targetWorld.ClassyName, targetWorld.AccessSecurity.MinRank.ClassyName ); break; // TODO: case PermissionType.RankTooHigh: } } } else if( matches.Length > 1 ) { player.MessageManyMatches( "player", matches ); } else { // Try to guess if player typed "/TP" instead of "/Join" World[] worlds = WorldManager.FindWorlds( player, name ); if( worlds.Length == 1 ) { player.LastUsedWorldName = worlds[0].Name; player.StopSpectating(); player.ParseMessage( "/Join " + worlds[0].Name, false, true ); } else { player.MessageNoPlayer( name ); } } } }
static void FBHandler(Player player, Command cmd) { string name = cmd.Next(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { CdFreezeBring.PrintUsage(player); return; } else { Player target = Server.FindPlayerOrPrintMatches(player, name, false, true); if (target == null) { return; } else { player.ParseMessage("/summon " + name, false, false); //to lazy to change target's coords, so ill just summon target.Info.IsFrozen = true; target.Message("&SYou have been frozen by {0}", player.ClassyName); return; } } }
private static void LeBotHandler(Player player, CommandReader cmd) { string cmdchat = cmd.Next(); string option = cmd.Next(); string helper = cmd.Next(); if (cmdchat == null) { player.Message(CdBot.Help); return; } if (option != null) option = option.ToLower(); if (cmdchat != "<CalledFromChat>") { cmd.Rewind(); option = cmd.Next().ToLower(); helper = cmd.Next(); player.ParseMessage(string.Format("Bot {0} {1}", option ?? "", helper ?? ""), (player == Player.Console)); return; } if (player.Info.TimeSinceLastServerMessage.TotalSeconds < 5) { player.Info.getLeftOverTime(5, cmd); return; } if (option == null) { player.Message(CdBot.Help); return; } if (player.Info.TimesUsedBot == 0) { player.Message( "&6Bot&f: This is your first time using &6Bot&s, I suggest you use \"/Help Bot\" to further understand how I work."); } bool sentMessage = true; switch (option) { case "go": Scheduler.NewTask(t => Server.BotMessage("5")).RunManual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0)); Scheduler.NewTask(t => Server.BotMessage("4")).RunManual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); Scheduler.NewTask(t => Server.BotMessage("3")).RunManual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)); Scheduler.NewTask(t => Server.BotMessage("2")).RunManual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)); Scheduler.NewTask(t => Server.BotMessage("1")).RunManual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4)); Scheduler.NewTask(t => Server.BotMessage("Go!")).RunManual(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); break; case "server": Server.BotMessage("The name of this server is " + ConfigKey.ServerName.GetString() + "."); break; case "joke": FileInfo jokeList = new FileInfo("./Bot/Jokes.txt"); string[] jokeStrings; if (jokeList.Exists) { jokeStrings = File.ReadAllLines("./Bot/Jokes.txt"); } else { Server.BotMessage("I cannot tell a joke at this time!"); return; } Random RandjokeString = new Random(); string joker = jokeStrings[RandjokeString.Next(0, jokeStrings.Length)]; Server.BotMessage(joker); break; case "idea": FileInfo adjectiveList = new FileInfo("./Bot/Adjectives.txt"); FileInfo nounList = new FileInfo("./Bot/Nouns.txt"); string[] adjectiveStrings; string[] nounStrings; if (adjectiveList.Exists && nounList.Exists) { adjectiveStrings = File.ReadAllLines("./Bot/Adjectives.txt"); nounStrings = File.ReadAllLines("./Bot/Nouns.txt"); } else { Server.BotMessage("I cannot tell you a build idea at this time!"); return; } Random randAdjectiveString = new Random(); Random randNounString = new Random(); string adjective = adjectiveStrings[randAdjectiveString.Next(0, adjectiveStrings.Length)]; string noun = nounStrings[randNounString.Next(0, nounStrings.Length)]; string ana = "a"; if (adjective.StartsWith("a") || adjective.StartsWith("e") || adjective.StartsWith("i") || adjective.StartsWith("o") || adjective.StartsWith("u")) { ana = "an"; } else if (noun.EndsWith("s")) { ana = "some"; } Server.BotMessage("Build " + ana + " " + adjective + " " + noun); break; case "protip": FileInfo tipList = new FileInfo("./Bot/Protips.txt"); string[] tipStrings; if (tipList.Exists) { tipStrings = File.ReadAllLines("./Bot/Protips.txt"); } else { Server.BotMessage("I cannot tell a protip at this time!"); return; } Random RandtipString = new Random(); string tipper = tipStrings[RandtipString.Next(0, tipStrings.Length)]; Server.BotMessage(tipper); break; case "time": TimeSpan time = player.Info.TotalTime; TimeSpan timenow = player.Info.TimeSinceLastLogin; if (helper == "total") { Server.BotMessage(player.ClassyName + "&f has spent a total of {0:F2} hours on this server.", time.TotalHours); } else { Server.BotMessage(player.ClassyName + "&f has played a total of {0:F2} minutes this session.", timenow.TotalMinutes); } break; case "promos": if (player.Info.Rank.Can(Permission.Promote) || player.Info.PromoCount != 0) { Server.BotMessage(player.ClassyName + "&f has promoted " + player.Info.PromoCount + " players."); } else { Server.BotMessage(player.ClassyName + "&f cannot promote players yet"); } break; case "bans": if (player.Info.Rank.Can(Permission.Ban) || player.Info.TimesBannedOthers != 0) { Server.BotMessage(player.ClassyName + "&f has banned " + player.Info.TimesBannedOthers + " players."); } else { Server.BotMessage(player.ClassyName + "&f cannot ban yet"); } break; case "kicks": if (player.Info.Rank.Can(Permission.Kick) || player.Info.TimesKickedOthers != 0) { Server.BotMessage(player.ClassyName + "&f has kicked " + player.Info.TimesKickedOthers + " players."); } else { Server.BotMessage(player.ClassyName + "&f cannot kick yet"); } break; case "blocks": if (helper == "total") { Server.BotMessage(player.ClassyName + "&f has built " + player.Info.BlocksBuilt + " blocks, deleted " + player.Info.BlocksDeleted + " and drew " + player.Info.BlocksDrawn + "."); } else { Server.BotMessage(player.ClassyName + "&f has built " + player.Info.BlocksBuiltThisGame + " blocks and deleted " + player.Info.BlocksDeletedThisGame + " blocks this session."); } break; case "funfact": FileInfo factList = new FileInfo("./Bot/Funfacts.txt"); string[] factStrings; if (factList.Exists) { factStrings = File.ReadAllLines("./Bot/Funfacts.txt"); } else { Server.BotMessage("I cannot tell a funfact at this time!"); return; } Random RandfactString = new Random(); string facter = factStrings[RandfactString.Next(0, factStrings.Length)]; Server.BotMessage(facter); break; default: player.Message(CdBot.Help); sentMessage = false; break; } if (sentMessage) { player.Info.LastServerMessageDate = DateTime.Now; player.Info.TimesUsedBot = (player.Info.TimesUsedBot + 1); } }
internal static void Join( Player player, Command cmd ) { string worldName = cmd.Next(); if( worldName == null ) { cdJoin.PrintUsage( player ); return; } World[] worlds = WorldManager.FindWorlds( worldName ); SearchingForWorldEventArgs e = new SearchingForWorldEventArgs( player, worldName, worlds.ToList(), true ); WorldManager.RaiseSearchingForWorldEvent( e ); worlds = e.Matches.ToArray(); if( worlds.Length > 1 ) { player.ManyMatchesMessage( "world", worlds ); } else if( worlds.Length == 1 ) { World world = worlds[0]; switch( world.AccessSecurity.CheckDetailed( player.Info ) ) { case SecurityCheckResult.Allowed: case SecurityCheckResult.WhiteListed: if( world.IsFull ) { player.Message( "Cannot join {0}&S: world is full.", world.GetClassyName() ); return; } player.StopSpectating(); if( !player.Session.JoinWorldNow( world, false, true ) ) { player.Message( "ERROR: Failed to join world. See log for details." ); } break; case SecurityCheckResult.BlackListed: player.Message( "Cannot join world {0}&S: you are blacklisted", world.GetClassyName(), world.AccessSecurity.MinRank.GetClassyName() ); break; case SecurityCheckResult.RankTooLow: player.Message( "Cannot join world {0}&S: must be {1}+", world.GetClassyName(), world.AccessSecurity.MinRank.GetClassyName() ); break; } } else { // no worlds found - see if player meant to type in "/join" and not "/tp" Player[] players = Server.FindPlayers( player, worldName ); if( players.Length == 1 ) { player.StopSpectating(); player.ParseMessage( "/tp " + players[0].Name, false ); } else { player.NoWorldMessage( worldName ); } } }
static void EditHandler(Player player, Command cmd) { string option; string target; try { option = cmd.Next().ToLower(); } catch (NullReferenceException) { CdEdit.PrintUsage(player); return; } if (option == "help") { player.Message("Options are Add and Clear.\r\n " + "'/Edit Clear Swears' will completely erase all the swears so you can start from scratch.\n " + "'/Edit Add Swears Monkey' will add the word 'Monkey' to the current list of swears."); return; } else if(option == "clear") { target = cmd.Next(); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(target)) { CdEdit.PrintUsage(player); return; } //clear the files switch (target.ToLower()) { case "swears": if (File.Exists(Paths.SwearWordsFileName)) { File.Delete(Paths.SwearWordsFileName); } File.Create(Paths.SwearWordsFileName).Dispose(); player.Message("&eThe swear words for the server has been wiped."); break; case "rules": if (File.Exists(Paths.RulesFileName)) { File.Delete(Paths.RulesFileName); } File.Create(Paths.RulesFileName).Dispose(); player.Message("&eThe rules for the server has been wiped."); break; case "greeting": if (File.Exists(Paths.GreetingFileName)) { File.Delete(Paths.GreetingFileName); } File.Create(Paths.GreetingFileName).Dispose(); player.Message("&eThe greeting for the server has been wiped."); break; case "announcements": if (File.Exists(Paths.AnnouncementsFileName)) { File.Delete(Paths.AnnouncementsFileName); } File.Create(Paths.AnnouncementsFileName).Dispose(); player.Message("&eThe announcements for the server has been wiped."); break; default: player.Message("&ePlease choose either 'greeting', 'rules', 'announcements' or 'swears' as an option to clear."); break; } return; } else if (option == "add") { target = cmd.Next(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(target)) { CdEdit.PrintUsage(player); return; } //append the files string newItem = cmd.NextAll(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(newItem)) { CdEdit.PrintUsage(player); return; } switch (target.ToLower()) { case "swear": case "swearwords": case "swearword": case "swears": if (!File.Exists(Paths.SwearWordsFileName)) { File.Create(Paths.SwearWordsFileName).Dispose(); } using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(Paths.SwearWordsFileName)) { player.Message("&eAdded &c'{0}'&e to the list of swear words.", newItem); sw.WriteLine(newItem); sw.Close(); } player.ParseMessage("/reload swears", true, false); break; case "rule": case "rules": if (!File.Exists(Paths.RulesFileName)) { File.Create(Paths.RulesFileName).Dispose(); } using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(Paths.RulesFileName)) { player.Message("&eAdded &c'{0}'&e to the /rules.", newItem); sw.WriteLine(newItem); sw.Close(); } break; case "announcement": case "announcements": if (!File.Exists(Paths.AnnouncementsFileName)) { File.Create(Paths.AnnouncementsFileName).Dispose(); } using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(Paths.AnnouncementsFileName)) { player.Message("&eAdded &c'{0}'&e to the announcements.", newItem); sw.WriteLine(newItem); sw.Close(); } break; case "greeting": if (!File.Exists(Paths.GreetingFileName)) { File.Create(Paths.GreetingFileName).Dispose(); } //File.Create(Paths.GreetingFileName).Close(); using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(Paths.GreetingFileName)) { player.Message("&eChanged greeting to {0}.", newItem); sw.WriteLine(newItem); sw.Close(); } break; default: player.Message("&ePlease choose either 'greeting', 'announcements', 'rules', or 'swears' as an option to add to."); break; } } else { CdEdit.PrintUsage(player); return; } }
static void checkBotResponses(Player player, string rawMessage) { if (player.Can(Permission.UseBot)) { if (rawMessage.StartsWith("Bot ", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && rawMessage.Length < 17) { player.ParseMessage("/bot <CalledFromChat> " + rawMessage.Remove(0, 4), false); } double BotTime = player.Info.TimeSinceLastServerMessage.TotalSeconds; if (LDistance(rawMessage.ToLower(), "how do i rank up?") <= 0.25 || LDistance(rawMessage.ToLower(), "how do we rank up") <= 0.25) { if (BotTime > 5) { Server.BotMessage("You rank up by building something nice, preferably big. Then ask a staff member for a review."); player.Info.LastServerMessageDate = DateTime.Now; player.Info.TimesUsedBot = (player.Info.TimesUsedBot + 1); } } if (LDistance(rawMessage.ToLower(), "who is the owner?") <= 0.25) { if (BotTime > 5) { PlayerInfo owner; if (PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfo(ConfigKey.ServerOwner.GetString(), out owner) && owner != null) { Server.BotMessage("The owner is {0}", RankManager.HighestRank.Color + owner.Name); } else { Server.BotMessage("The owner is {0}", RankManager.HighestRank.Color + ConfigKey.ServerOwner.GetString()); } player.Info.LastServerMessageDate = DateTime.Now; player.Info.TimesUsedBot = (player.Info.TimesUsedBot + 1); } } if (LDistance(rawMessage.ToLower(), "what is this server called?") <= 0.25 || LDistance(rawMessage.ToLower(), "what is the name of this server?") <= 0.25) { if (BotTime > 5) { Server.BotMessage("The server name is: " + ConfigKey.ServerName.GetString()); player.Info.LastServerMessageDate = DateTime.Now; player.Info.TimesUsedBot = (player.Info.TimesUsedBot + 1); } } if (LDistance(rawMessage.ToLower(), "where can i build?") <= 0.25 || LDistance(rawMessage.ToLower(), "where do we build") <= 0.25) { if (BotTime > 5) { Server.BotMessage("You can build anywhere outside of spawn. Just not on another persons build unless they say you can. "); player.Info.LastServerMessageDate = DateTime.Now; player.Info.TimesUsedBot = (player.Info.TimesUsedBot + 1); } } if (LDistance(rawMessage.ToLower(), "what is my next rank?") <= 0.25 || LDistance(rawMessage.ToLower(), "what rank is after this one?") <= 0.25) { Rank meh = player.Info.Rank.NextRankUp; if (BotTime > 5 && player.Info.Rank != RankManager.HighestRank) { tryagain: if (meh.IsDonor) { meh = meh.NextRankUp; goto tryagain; } Server.BotMessage("Your next rank is: " + meh.ClassyName); player.Info.LastServerMessageDate = DateTime.Now; player.Info.TimesUsedBot = (player.Info.TimesUsedBot + 1); } else if (player.Info.Rank == RankManager.HighestRank) { Server.BotMessage("You are already the highest rank."); player.Info.LastServerMessageDate = DateTime.Now; player.Info.TimesUsedBot = (player.Info.TimesUsedBot + 1); } } } }
void IoLoop() { short x, y, h; byte mode, type, opcode; Packet packet; int pollInterval = 200; int pollCounter = 0; int packetsSent = 0; try { LoginSequence(); canSend = true; while (!canDispose) { Thread.Sleep(1); packetsSent = 0; // detect player disconnect if (pollCounter > pollInterval) { if (!client.Connected || (client.Client.Poll(1000, SelectMode.SelectRead) && client.Client.Available == 0)) { world.log.Log("Session.IoLoop: Lost connection to {0}.", LogType.Debug,; return; } pollCounter = 0; } pollCounter++; // send priority output to player while (canSend && priorityOutputQueue.Count > 0 && packetsSent < Server.maxSessionPacketsPerTick) { lock ( priorityQueueLock ) { packet = priorityOutputQueue.Dequeue(); } writer.Write(; packetsSent++; if ([0] == (byte)OutputCodes.Disconnect) { world.log.Log("Session.IoLoop: Kick packet delivered to {0}.", LogType.Debug,; return; } } // send output to player while (canSend && outputQueue.Count > 0 && packetsSent < Server.maxSessionPacketsPerTick) { lock ( queueLock ) { packet = outputQueue.Dequeue(); } writer.Write(; packetsSent++; if ([0] == (byte)OutputCodes.Disconnect) { writer.Flush(); world.log.Log("Session.IoLoop: Kick packet delivered to {0}.", LogType.Debug,; return; } } // get input from player while (canReceive && client.GetStream().DataAvailable) { opcode = reader.ReadByte(); switch ((InputCodes)opcode) { // Message case InputCodes.Message: reader.ReadByte(); string message = ReadString(); if (Player.CheckForIllegalChars(message)) { world.log.Log("Player.ParseMessage: {0} attempted to write illegal characters in chat and was kicked.", LogType.SuspiciousActivity,; KickNow("Illegal characters in chat."); return; } else { player.ParseMessage(message, false); } break; // Player movement case InputCodes.MoveRotate: reader.ReadByte(); Position newPos = new Position(); newPos.x = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(reader.ReadInt16()); newPos.h = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(reader.ReadInt16()); newPos.y = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(reader.ReadInt16()); newPos.r = reader.ReadByte(); newPos.l = reader.ReadByte(); if (newPos.h < 0 || newPos.x < -32 || newPos.x >= * 32 + 32 || newPos.y < -32 || newPos.y > * 32 + 32) { world.log.Log( + " was kicked for moving out of map boundaries.", LogType.SuspiciousActivity); world.SendToAll( + " was kicked for moving out of map boundaries.", null); KickNow("Hacking detected: out of map boundaries."); return; } Position delta = new Position(), oldPos = player.pos; bool posChanged, rotChanged; if (!player.isHidden) { delta.Set(newPos.x - oldPos.x, newPos.y - oldPos.y, newPos.h - oldPos.h, newPos.r, newPos.l); posChanged = delta.x != 0 || delta.y != 0 || delta.h != 0; rotChanged = newPos.r != oldPos.r || newPos.l != oldPos.l; if (player.isFrozen) { if (rotChanged) { world.SendToAll(PacketWriter.MakeRotate(, newPos), player); player.pos.r = newPos.r; player.pos.l = newPos.l; } if (posChanged) { SendNow(PacketWriter.MakeTeleport(255, player.pos)); } } else { if (delta.FitsIntoByte() && fullPositionUpdateCounter < fullPositionUpdateInterval) { if (posChanged && rotChanged) { world.SendToAll(PacketWriter.MakeMoveRotate(, delta), player); } else if (posChanged) { world.SendToAll(PacketWriter.MakeMove(, delta), player); } else if (rotChanged) { world.SendToAll(PacketWriter.MakeRotate(, newPos), player); } } else if (!delta.IsZero() && !player.isFrozen) { world.SendToAll(PacketWriter.MakeTeleport(, newPos), player); } player.pos = newPos; if (player.isDummySpamming) { world.cmd.standardCommands.Dummy(player, new Command("/dummy " +; } } fullPositionUpdateCounter++; if (fullPositionUpdateCounter >= fullPositionUpdateInterval) { fullPositionUpdateCounter = 0; } } break; // Set tile case InputCodes.SetTile: x = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(reader.ReadInt16()); h = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(reader.ReadInt16()); y = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(reader.ReadInt16()); mode = reader.ReadByte(); type = reader.ReadByte(); if (type > 49 || x < 0 || x > || y < 0 || y > || h < 0 || h > { world.log.Log( + " was kicked for sending bad SetTile packets.", LogType.SuspiciousActivity); world.SendToAll( + " was kicked for sending bad SetTile packets.", null); KickNow("Hacking detected: illegal SetTile packet."); return; } else { player.SetTile(x, y, h, mode == 1, (Block)type); } break; } } } } catch (ThreadAbortException) { world.log.Log("Session.IoLoop: Thread aborted!", LogType.Error); } catch (IOException ex) { world.log.Log("Session.IoLoop: {0}.", LogType.Warning, ex.Message); } catch (SocketException ex) { world.log.Log("Session.IoLoop: {0}.", LogType.Warning, ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { world.log.Log("Session.IoLoop: {0}: {1}.", LogType.Error, ex.ToString(), ex.Message); } finally { canQueue = false; canSend = false; canDispose = true; } }
static void CancelHandler( Player player, Command cmd ) { if( cmd.HasNext ) { CdCancel.PrintUsage( player ); return; } if( player.IsMakingSelection ) { player.SelectionCancel(); player.MessageNow( "Selection cancelled." ); player.ParseMessage("/nvm", false, false);//LOL lazy } else { player.MessageNow( "There is currently nothing to cancel." ); } }
static void AbortAllHandler( Player player, Command cmd ) { player.IsPainting = false; // /paint player.ResetAllBinds(); // /bind player.ParseMessage( "/brush normal", false, false ); // /brush (totally not a sneaky way to do this) player.BuildingPortal = false; // /portal player.fireworkMode = false; // /fireworks player.GunMode = false; // /gun player.IsRepeatingSelection = false; // /static player.SelectionCancel(); // /cancel player.StopSpectating(); // /spectate player.towerMode = false; // /tower player.ParseMessage( "/nvm", false, false ); // /nvm }
private static void greetHandler(Player player, CommandReader cmd) { var all = Server.Players.Where(p => !p.Info.IsHidden).OrderBy(p => p.Info.TimeSinceLastLogin.ToMilliSeconds()); if (all.Any() && all != null) { Player last = all.First(); if (last == player) { player.Message("You were the last player to join silly"); return; } if (player.Info.LastPlayerGreeted == last) { player.Message("You have to greet someone else before you can greet {0} again.", last.Name); return; } string message = "Welcome to " + Color.StripColors(ConfigKey.ServerName.GetString()) + ", " + last.Name + "!"; player.ParseMessage(message, false); player.Info.LastServerMessageDate = DateTime.Now; player.Info.LastPlayerGreeted = last; } else { player.Message("Error: No one else on!"); } }