コード例 #1
        internal void Resume(MonoBehaviour behaviour)
            if (_state != RadicalCoroutineOperatingState.Inactive && _state != RadicalCoroutineOperatingState.Paused) throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Failed to start RadicalCoroutine. The Coroutine is already being processed.");
            if (behaviour == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException("behaviour");

            _state = RadicalCoroutineOperatingState.Active;
            _owner = behaviour;

            if (_stack.CurrentOperation is IPausibleYieldInstruction) (_stack.CurrentOperation as IPausibleYieldInstruction).OnResume();

#if SP_LIB
            var manager = behaviour.AddOrGetComponent<RadicalCoroutineManager>();
            var manager = behaviour.GetComponent<RadicalCoroutineManager>();
            if (manager == null) manager = behaviour.gameObject.AddComponent<RadicalCoroutineManager>();
            _manager = manager;
            _token = behaviour.StartCoroutine(this);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the coroutine, one should always call this method or the StartRadicalCoroutine extension method. Never pass the RadicalCoroutine into the 'StartCoroutine' method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="behaviour">A reference to the MonoBehaviour that should be handling the coroutine.</param>
        /// <param name="disableMode">A disableMode other than Default is only supported if the behaviour is an SPComponent.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Disable modes allow you to decide how the coroutine is dealt with when the component/gameobject are disabled. Note that 'CancelOnDeactivate' is a specical case flag, 
        /// it only takes effect if NO OTHER flag is set (it's a 0 flag actually). What this results in is that Deactivate and Disable are pausible... but a routine can only play 
        /// through Disable, not Deactivate. This is due to the default behaviour of coroutine in unity. In default mode, coroutines continue playing when a component gets disabled, 
        /// but when deactivated the coroutine gets cancelled. This means we can not play through a deactivation.
        /// </remarks>
        public void Start(MonoBehaviour behaviour, RadicalCoroutineDisableMode disableMode = RadicalCoroutineDisableMode.Default)
            if (_state != RadicalCoroutineOperatingState.Inactive) throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Failed to start RadicalCoroutine. The Coroutine is already being processed.");
            if (behaviour == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException("behaviour");

            _state = RadicalCoroutineOperatingState.Active;
            _owner = behaviour;
            _token = behaviour.StartCoroutine(this);

            _disableMode = disableMode;
            if (_disableMode > RadicalCoroutineDisableMode.Default && _disableMode != RadicalCoroutineDisableMode.ResumeOnEnable)
                //no point in managing the routine if it acts in default mode... a flag of 'ResumeOnEnable' is a redundant mode to default
                var manager = behaviour.AddOrGetComponent<RadicalCoroutineManager>();
                manager.RegisterCoroutine(behaviour, this);

            if (_stack.Count > 0 && _stack.Peek() is IPausibleYieldInstruction) (_stack.Peek() as IPausibleYieldInstruction).OnResume();
コード例 #3
        public void StartAsync(MonoBehaviour behaviour, RadicalCoroutineDisableMode disableMode = RadicalCoroutineDisableMode.Default)
            if (_state != RadicalCoroutineOperatingState.Inactive) throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Failed to start RadicalCoroutine. The Coroutine is already being processed.");
            if (behaviour == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException("behaviour");

            _state = RadicalCoroutineOperatingState.Active;
            _owner = behaviour;
            _disableMode = disableMode;

            if (_stack.CurrentOperation is IPausibleYieldInstruction) (_stack.CurrentOperation as IPausibleYieldInstruction).OnResume();
            _stack.Push(com.spacepuppy.Async.RadicalTask.Create(this)); //we start the task as an async operation

#if SP_LIB
            var manager = behaviour.AddOrGetComponent<RadicalCoroutineManager>();
            var manager = behaviour.GetComponent<RadicalCoroutineManager>();
            if (manager == null) manager = behaviour.gameObject.AddComponent<RadicalCoroutineManager>();
            _manager = manager;
            _token = behaviour.StartCoroutine(this);
