///  <summary>Calls the given action every frame for the given amount of seconds.
 ///         The parameter will be the amount of seconds already passed since the start frame.</summary>
 ///  <param name="mb">The MonoBehaviour to run this from.</param>
 ///  <param name="actionToCall">The action to call every frame with the seconds count.</param>
 ///  <param name="amountOfSecondsToTake">The time frame in which to call the action every frame.</param>
 public static Coroutine ActionEachFrameForSeconds(this MonoBehaviour mb, Action <float> actionToCall, float amountOfSecondsToTake)
     return(mb.ActiveInHierarchy() ? mb.StartCoroutine(mb.ActionEachFrameForSecondsCoroutine(actionToCall, amountOfSecondsToTake)) : null);