コード例 #1
    public void CreateParticles(int x, int y, int count, int type)
        ParticleEffect effect = Instantiate(ParticleEffectPrefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity) as ParticleEffect;

        effect.transform.parent = transform;

        effect.X = x;
        effect.Y = y;
        effect.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>().startColor = particleColors[type];
        effect.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>().Emit(count);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates GameObject containing the particle system this effect needs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static EffectInfo CreateEffectObject(Transform parent)
            ParticleEffect         templateParticleEffect = VehicleEffectsMod.FindEffect("Factory Steam") as ParticleEffect;
            MovementParticleEffect templateMovementEffect = VehicleEffectsMod.FindEffect("Gravel Dust") as MovementParticleEffect;

            if (gameObject != null)
                Logging.LogWarning("Creating effect object for " + effectName + " but object already exists!");

            if (templateParticleEffect != null && templateMovementEffect != null)
                // Load particle system from AssetBundle because we cannot access ParticleSystem modifiers from code.
                // The AssetBundle used contains a GameObject prefab with a ParticleSystem attached. The following modifiers are active:
                // Scale over time: scaling from ~7% to 100%.
                // Color over time: fade out near the end of the lifespan.
                // Velocity limit over time is active as well.

                Assembly asm        = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(VehicleEffectsMod));
                var      pluginInfo = PluginManager.instance.FindPluginInfo(asm);

                GameObject obj = null;

                    string      absUri = "file:///" + pluginInfo.modPath.Replace("\\", "/") + "/AssetBundles/particlesystems";
                    WWW         www    = new WWW(absUri);
                    AssetBundle bundle = www.assetBundle;

                    Logging.Log("Bundle loading " + ((bundle == null) ? "failed " + www.error : "succeeded"));
                    UnityEngine.Object a = bundle.LoadAsset("ParticleSystemSteam");
                    Logging.Log("Asset unpacking " + ((a == null) ? "failed " : "succeeded"));
                    obj = GameObject.Instantiate(a) as GameObject;
                catch (Exception e)
                    Logging.Log("Exception trying to load bundle file!" + e.ToString());

                if (obj != null)
                    obj.name = effectName;
                    obj = new GameObject(effectName);

                obj.transform.parent = parent;

                // Configure particle system
                var particleSystem      = templateParticleEffect.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>();
                var particleRenderer    = templateParticleEffect.GetComponent <ParticleSystemRenderer>();
                var particleRendererMov = templateMovementEffect.GetComponent <ParticleSystemRenderer>();

                var psCopy = obj.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>() ?? obj.AddComponent <ParticleSystem>();
                psCopy.gravityModifier = 0.2f;
                psCopy.startSize       = 8;

                psCopy.time       = 0;
                psCopy.startSpeed = 10;

                psCopy.startRotation   = 6.283185f;
                psCopy.startLifetime   = 5;
                psCopy.startDelay      = 0;
                psCopy.startColor      = Color.white;
                psCopy.simulationSpace = ParticleSystemSimulationSpace.World;
                psCopy.randomSeed      = 0;
                psCopy.playOnAwake     = false;
                psCopy.playbackSpeed   = 0;
                psCopy.maxParticles    = 10000;
                psCopy.loop            = true;
                psCopy.hideFlags       = HideFlags.None;
                psCopy.enableEmission  = true;
                psCopy.emissionRate    = 10;

                var renderCopy = obj.GetComponent <ParticleSystemRenderer>();
                renderCopy.cameraVelocityScale = 0;
                renderCopy.lengthScale         = 2;
                renderCopy.maxParticleSize     = 20.0f;
                renderCopy.mesh                 = null;
                renderCopy.probeAnchor          = null;
                renderCopy.receiveShadows       = true;
                renderCopy.reflectionProbeUsage = UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeUsage.BlendProbes;
                renderCopy.shadowCastingMode    = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off;
                renderCopy.sharedMaterial       = particleRenderer.sharedMaterial;
                renderCopy.useLightProbes       = false;
                renderCopy.velocityScale        = 0;

                renderCopy.enabled             = true;
                renderCopy.hideFlags           = HideFlags.None;
                renderCopy.lightmapIndex       = -1;
                renderCopy.lightmapScaleOffset = new Vector4(1, 1, 0, 0);
                renderCopy.sortingLayerID      = 0;
                renderCopy.sortingLayerName    = "Default";
                renderCopy.sortingOrder        = 0;
                renderCopy.renderMode          = ParticleSystemRenderMode.Billboard;

                CustomMovementParticleEffect vehicleSteam = obj.AddComponent <CustomMovementParticleEffect>();

                // Set custom properties
                vehicleSteam.m_canUseBezier    = false;
                vehicleSteam.m_canUseMeshData  = false;
                vehicleSteam.m_canUsePositions = true;

                vehicleSteam.m_maxVisibilityDistance = 1800f;

                vehicleSteam.m_minSpawnAngle     = templateParticleEffect.m_minSpawnAngle;
                vehicleSteam.m_useSimulationTime = templateParticleEffect.m_useSimulationTime;

                vehicleSteam.m_velocityMultiplier = 1.0f;
                vehicleSteam.m_spawnAreaRadius    = 0.25f;

                vehicleSteam.m_minMagnitude = 0.2f;                     // Gives occasional puffs of smoke when standing still
                vehicleSteam.m_magnitudeAccelerationMultiplier = 10;
                vehicleSteam.m_magnitudeSpeedMultiplier        = 20;

                vehicleSteam.m_maxStartSpeed = 1.7f;
                vehicleSteam.m_minStartSpeed = 1.5f;

                vehicleSteam.m_maxLifeTime = 1.3f;
                vehicleSteam.m_minLifeTime = 1.1f;

                vehicleSteam.m_maxSpawnAngle = 4.0f;

                gameObject = obj;

                Logging.LogError("Could not find default effects used for Vehicle Steam Effect!");