}//PickAnyFromMenu public void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision) { if (collision.tag.ToLower() != "pedestrian") { return; } BasicAI pedestrian = collision.GetComponent <BasicAI>(); if (pedestrian == null) { return; } bool isPriceGood = District.Instance.TryAttactByPrice(Recepe.Price); if (!isPriceGood) { Debug.Log("Bad Price!"); return; } bool isRecepeGood = District.Instance.TryAttractByRecepe( ref Recepe.Brains, ref Recepe.Seasoning, ref Recepe.Drinks); if (!isRecepeGood) { Debug.Log("Bad Recepe!"); return; } pedestrian.SetState(BasicAI.StateMachine.standingInLine); waitingQueue.Add(pedestrian); } //OnTriggerEnter2D
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision) { if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Static Obstacle") { return; } var distance = Vector2.Distance(collision.gameObject.transform.position, this.gameObject.transform.position); if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Enemy") { ai = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <BasicAI>(); } else if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Player") { player = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerController>(); } DamageRange = ((int)(100 - (distance * 50))); if (DamageRange >= 1) { DealDamage(DamageRange); } else { DealDamage(1); Debug.Log("damage is negative == " + DamageRange); } }
}//Update public void RemoveFromWaitQueue(BasicAI pedestrian) { if (waitingQueue.Contains(pedestrian)) { waitingQueue.Remove(pedestrian); } }//RemoveFromWaitQueue
public static void speed() { GameObject go = GameObject.Find("Ian"); BasicAI script = (BasicAI)go.GetComponent(typeof(BasicAI)); script.speedUp = true; }
public void Initialize(int index) { _UIHealth.Initialize(1.0f); _UIStamina.Initialize(1.0f); _UIHealthNumber.Initialize(_health); _UIStaminaNumber.Initialize(_stamina); for (int i = 0; i < _meleeAmount; i++) { CreateMelee((Melee.Target)(i - 1), _meleeSprites[i], (i - 1) * _meleeOffset); } CreateNoMelee(_meleeAmount * _meleeOffset); CreatePotion(_itemOffset, false); CreatePotion(_itemOffset, true); CreateDisabler(_itemOffset, Debuff.CANNOTHEAD); CreateDisabler(_itemOffset, Debuff.CANNOTBODY); CreateDisabler(_itemOffset, Debuff.CANNOTLEGS); _itemMenu.Initialize(_itemActions); Reset(); _id = index; AI = gameObject.GetComponent <BasicAI>(); if (AI) { AI.Initialize(_meleeActions); } }
}//ServeClient public void CookAndServe() { List <BasicAI> toRemove = new List <BasicAI>(); for (int i = 0; i < orderedQueue.Count; i++) { BasicAI client = orderedQueue[i]; if (!cooking.ContainsKey(client)) { GameUtils.Utils.WarningMessage(client.name + " has no cooking food?!"); continue; }//if Recepe foodOnTheGrill = cooking[client]; bool isCooked = foodOnTheGrill.Cook(Time.deltaTime); if (isCooked) { toRemove.Add(client); ServeClient(client, foodOnTheGrill); } //if cooked } //for foreach (BasicAI served in toRemove) { if (!cooking.ContainsKey(served)) { continue; } //Destroy(cooking[served].gameObject); cooking.Remove(served); } //foreach } //Cook
public static void chasePlayer() { GameObject go = GameObject.Find("Ian"); BasicAI script = (BasicAI)go.GetComponent(typeof(BasicAI)); script.StateMachine = 2; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { spriteRect = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <RectTransform>(); levelmultiplier = LevelProgression.MasterLevelMultiplier; player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); WeaponContainer = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("WeaponContainer"); hitOnce = false; sound = gameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>(); //scriptedSwitchWeapons = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("WeaponContainer").GetComponent<SwitchWeapons>(); //CurrentPlayerWeapon = scriptedSwitchWeapons.weaponZero; //weaponstats = CurrentPlayerWeapon.GetComponent<WeaponStats>(); if (flashwait == 0) { flashwait = .1f; } if (levelmultiplier < 1) { basehealth = UnityEngine.Random.Range(50, 150); } if (levelmultiplier >= 1) { basehealth = UnityEngine.Random.Range(50, 150) * levelmultiplier; } if (levelmultiplier == 0) { xpvalue = (basehealth / 10); } if (levelmultiplier >= 1) { xpvalue = (basehealth / 10) * levelmultiplier; } score = basehealth * 10; dropbuff = Random.Range(1, 101); if (gameObject.CompareTag("FloatingEyebot")) { basehealth = Random.Range(25, 75) * levelmultiplier; } currenthealth = basehealth; music = GameObject.Find("Music").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); if (!gameObject.CompareTag("SpinBoss")) { basicAI = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <BasicAI>(); isclipPlaying = basicAI.clipPlaying; } playerstats = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <CharacterStats>(); characterAttackBonus = playerstats.attackBonus; xpGiven = false; //scaledone = false; healthHolder = this.gameObject.transform.Find("HealthHolder").GetComponent <Transform>(); originalscale = healthHolder.localScale.x; }
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D coll) { if (coll.gameObject.tag == "EnemyVision") { return; } if (coll.gameObject.tag == "Player") { player = coll.gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerController>(); player.TakeDamage(damage); Destroy(this.gameObject); } else if (coll.gameObject.tag == "Enemy") { AI = coll.gameObject.GetComponent <BasicAI>(); AI.TakeDamage(damage); Destroy(this.gameObject); } else if (coll.gameObject.tag == "Bullet" || coll.gameObject.tag == "PlayerBullet" || coll.gameObject.tag == "CanShootOver") { return; } else { Destroy(gameObject); } }
} //Cook /// <summary> /// Remove food from the grill for the given client. /// </summary> /// <param name="ofClient"></param> public void DisposeCooked(BasicAI ofClient) { if (cooking.ContainsKey(ofClient)) { cooking.Remove(ofClient); } }//DisposeCooked
public virtual void Start() { characterAI = GetComponent <BasicAI>(); basicMovement = GetComponent <BasicMovement>(); agent = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); originalSpeed = agent.speed; anim = transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>(); // Find all waypoitns var waypoints = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Waypoint"); // Only add waypoints that are close to the enemy so they don't run across the map. foreach (var waypoint in waypoints) { WaypointTransforms.Add(waypoint.transform); } var wayPointTransformsToRemove = new List <Transform>(); // Remove waypoints that are too far away foreach (var waypointTransform in WaypointTransforms) { if (!(Vector3.Distance(waypointTransform.position, transform.position) <= maxWayPointRange) || !WaypointInLOS(waypointTransform)) { wayPointTransformsToRemove.Add(waypointTransform); } } WaypointTransforms.RemoveAll(x => wayPointTransformsToRemove.Contains(x)); if (WaypointTransforms.Count > 0) { WaypointTransforms.Sort((a, b) => (Vector3.Distance(a.position, transform.position).CompareTo(Vector3.Distance(b.position, transform.position)))); IsPatrolling(true); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { PlayerAIs = new BasicAI[NumberOfPlayer]; PlayerAIs[0] = new AIPlayer_UtilityAI(); //is human player PlayerAIs[1] = new BasicAI(); }
public ArtificialIntelligence(UserInterface userInterface, VisualCortex visualCortex) { if (logicTimer != null) { logicTimer.Stop(); } // 0 = 40fps when set to 1ms, 8fps screen, 15fps is 7.5fps // 1 = 65fps when set to 1ms, 8fps screen, 40fps is 8fps // 2 = 1000fps when set to 1ms, 6 fps screen, 60fps is 6.35 fps // 3 = 1000fps when set to 1ms, 7.5 fps screen, 60fps is 7.65 fps, 200fps is 8fps logicTimer = new ATimer(3, 1, new ATimer.ElapsedTimerDelegate(() => { logic(); })); this.userInterface = userInterface; this.visualCortex = visualCortex; timerPerformanceStopwatch = new High_Performance_Timer.Stopwatch(); screenCapturePerformanceStopWatch = new High_Performance_Timer.Stopwatch(); basicAI = new BasicAI(); autoQueue = new AutoQueueManager(); logicTimer.Start(); }
private void OnSceneGUI() { BasicAI ai = (BasicAI)target; Vector3 pos = ai.transform.position; Handles.color = Color.red; Handles.DrawWireDisc(pos + ai.transform.up, Vector3.up, ai.attackDistance); Handles.color = Color.white; if (ai.fovLayers.Length > 0) { foreach (FOV fov in ai.fovLayers) { if (fov.angle >= 360) { Handles.DrawWireDisc(ai.transform.position + ai.transform.up, Vector3.up, fov.distance); } else { Vector3 angleA = ai.DirFromAngle(-fov.angle / 2); Vector3 angleB = ai.DirFromAngle(fov.angle / 2); Handles.DrawWireArc(pos + ai.transform.up, Vector3.up, angleA, fov.angle, fov.distance); Handles.DrawLine(pos + ai.transform.up, pos + ai.transform.up + angleA * fov.distance); Handles.DrawLine(pos + ai.transform.up, pos + ai.transform.up + angleB * fov.distance); } } } }
public static void startPatrol() { GameObject go = GameObject.Find("Ian"); BasicAI script = (BasicAI)go.GetComponent(typeof(BasicAI)); script.speedReset = true; script.StateMachine = 1; }
public GameHandler() { player1 = new Player(0); player2 = new Player(1); ai = new BasicAI(); StartGame(); }
public void SpawnAI(GameObject enemyToSpawn) { GameObject spawned = Instantiate(basicAIPrefab, startNode.tileTransform.position + Vector3.up, basicAIPrefab.transform.rotation); BasicAI spawnedScript = spawned.GetComponent <BasicAI>(); spawnedScript.startNode = startNode; spawnedScript.endNode = endNode; spawnedScript.PathThoughMaze(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { changeAttack = false; attackCount = 1; currentAttack = charge; charge = gameObject.GetComponent <TankChargeAttack>(); bouncy = gameObject.GetComponent <BouncyProjectileAttack>(); moveTowards = gameObject.GetComponent <BasicAI>(); }
}//TakeOrder public void ServeClient(BasicAI client, Recepe toServe) { float cash = client.RecieveOrder(toServe); _shopStorage.Cash += cash; if (orderedQueue.Contains(client)) { orderedQueue.Remove(client); } }//ServeClient
public void SetUp() { game = new GameModel(levelLines); level = game.CurrentLevel; testEnemy = new TestEnemy(game, new Point(1, 1)); level.PlaceObject(testEnemy); ai = new BasicAI(game, new List <BasicEnemy> { testEnemy }); }
// Start is called before the first frame update private void Start() { movement = GetComponent <BasicAI>(); var temp = GetComponent <Transform>().Find("Text"); text = temp.GetComponent <TextMesh>(); temp = GetComponent <Transform>().Find("SubText"); subText = temp.GetComponent <TextMesh>(); state = State.FindingSeat; timeLeftStateSwitch = Random.Range(timeStateSwitchMin, timeStateSwitchMax); timeLeftToEat = timeLeftStateSwitch = Random.Range(timeToEatMin, timeToEatMax); }
void Awake(){ myState = this.gameObject.GetComponent<AbstractEntity>(); ai = this.gameObject.GetComponent<BasicAI>(); set(myState.getMAXHP(),myState.getMAXMP(),myState.getHP(),myState.getMP(),leftX,topY,width,height); // animation timeLeftAnimationChange = timeBetweenAnimation; animationHealthForward = true; animationManaForward = false; animationHealthIndex = 0; animationManaIndex = 0; }
public void Play() { AI = new BasicAI(_mainPage.EnemyCellsList(), _mainPage.EnemyBoard()); bool gameOverFlag = false; while (!gameOverFlag) { gameOverFlag = _mainPage.IsGameOver(); _mainPage.WaitForStrike(); AI.StrikeCell(); Console.WriteLine(_mainPage.GetFinalNotification()); } }
//ReactToHit() is called in the RayShooter script once a GameObject with the Reactive Target script has been hit public void ReactToHit() { //Stops the BasicWanderingAI script //Enemys would still walk around after they got shot if SetDead wasnt set to true BasicAI behavior = GetComponent <BasicAI>(); if (behavior != null) { // behavior.SetDead(true); } //After the GameObject is hit it can die StartCoroutine(Die()); }
private void Awake() { ai = GetComponent <BasicAI>(); Target = ai.target; MaxHealth = health; enemyRenderer = GetComponentInChildren <Renderer>(); originalMaterial = enemyRenderer.material; attackTimer = timeBetweenAttacks * 0.5f; TimeBetweenAttacks = timeBetweenAttacks; EnemyAudioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); GamesManager = GameObject.FindWithTag("GameManagement").GetComponent <GameManagement>(); }
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D coll) { if (coll.gameObject.tag == "Enemy" && attacker != "enemy") { BasicAI ai = coll.gameObject.GetComponent <BasicAI>(); ai.TakeDamage(damage); } if (coll.gameObject.tag == "Player" && attacker == "enemy") { player.PlayerController Player = coll.gameObject.GetComponent <player.PlayerController>(); Player.TakeDamage(damage); Debug.Log(damage); } }
// public float distance; // Use this for initialization void Start() { AI = gameObject.GetComponent <BasicAI>(); agent = gameObject.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); anim = gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>(); if (gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <SpriteLookAt>()) { spritelookat = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <SpriteLookAt>(); } rends = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(); colls = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>(); StartCoroutine(Disappear()); rb = gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); //StartCoroutine(Disappear()); }
private void OnCollisionStay2D(Collision2D collision) { if (collision.gameObject.tag == "AICharacter" && isMelee) { //Debug.Log("AI & IsMelee"); BasicAI ai = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <BasicAI>(); if (!ai.meleeDamaged) { ai.Damage(meleeDamage); isInvulnerable = true; gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, invulnerableTransparency); Invoke("TurnOffInvulnerable", invulnerablePeriod); } ai.meleeDamaged = true; } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Player == null) { Player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); } if (Enabled == false) { return; } if (HowManyEnemiesToSpawn <= 0) { if (areAllDead() == true) { Debug.Log("Everyone is ded"); //shopController.alldead(); } } else if (Time.time > _nextSpawn) { if (Player == null) { return; } Transform currentSpawner = getRandomSpawnLocation(); HowManyEnemiesToSpawn--; _nextSpawn = Time.time + SecondsToSpawnAnotherEnemy; GameObject enemyInstance = Instantiate(Enemy, currentSpawner.position, currentSpawner.rotation) as GameObject; BasicAI aiScript = enemyInstance.GetComponent <BasicAI>(); aiScript.target = Player.transform; aiScript._following = true; foreach (object enemy in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy")) { i++; } i = 0; } }
private void OnValidate() { if (_creature == null) { _creature = GetComponentInParent <Creature>(); } if (_ai == null) { _ai = GetComponentInParent <BasicAI>(); } if (_shouldUpdate) { UpdateFOVMesh(); } }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision) { //Debug.Log(collision.name); if (collision.tag == "AIProjectile") { if (!isInvulnerable && collision.gameObject.GetComponent <Projectile>().hasTarget) { //Debug.Log("Invulnerable"); Destroy(collision.gameObject); //if (!isMelee) //{ //Debug.Log("Hit by " + collision.name); life--; if (life <= 0) { RestartGame(); } //} } else if (isInvulnerable) { Destroy(collision.gameObject); } } /* * Debug.Log("Collided"); * Debug.Log(isMelee); * Debug.Log(collision.gameObject.tag); */ if (collision.gameObject.tag == "AICharacter" && isMelee) { //Debug.Log("AI & IsMelee"); BasicAI ai = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <BasicAI>(); if (!ai.meleeDamaged) { ai.Damage(meleeDamage); } ai.meleeDamaged = true; } }