public TestSceneBackButton() { BackButton button; BackButton.Receptor receptor = new BackButton.Receptor(); Child = new Container { Anchor = Anchor.Centre, Origin = Anchor.Centre, Size = new Vector2(300), Masking = true, Children = new Drawable[] { receptor, new Box { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Colour = Color4.SlateGray }, button = new BackButton(receptor) { Anchor = Anchor.BottomLeft, Origin = Anchor.BottomLeft, } } }; button.Action = () => button.Hide(); AddStep("show button", () => button.Show()); AddStep("hide button", () => button.Hide()); }
// Går tilbage til visning af hele løbet i tabellen private void BackButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { headers--; isLeg = false; Put_Data(MainLeg); BackButton.Hide(); }
protected void Back() { NameLabel.Hide(); NameBox.Hide(); NameBox.Text = ""; TypeLabeld.Hide(); Typebox.Hide(); OwnerLabel.Hide(); OwnerBox.Hide(); OwnerBox.Text = ""; AddButton.Show(); ViewButton.Show(); BackButton.Hide(); DoneButton.Hide(); ScreenLabel.Hide(); ScreenSpin.Hide(); ScreenSpin.Text = "0"; CatLabel.Hide(); CatBox.Hide(); ExcLabel.Hide(); ExTablesButton.Hide(); ExTablesButton.Active = false; HoursLabel.Hide(); HoursBox.Hide(); HoursBox.Text = ""; }
public TicTacToePage() { InitializeComponent(); _state = new BasicObserver <MatchState>(); BackButton.Hide(); _gameOver = false; }
public string getExcuse() { string hereItIs = ""; int numExcuses = Settings.Default.ExcuseList.Count; int indx = rand.Next(0, numExcuses); bool allSeen = checkAllSeenExcuses(); if (allSeen) { ExcuseText.Hide(); RestartExcuses.Show(); ExcuseNotification.Text = "You've seen all the excuses!"; ExcuseButton.Hide(); SendToEmail.Hide(); CopyButton.Hide(); BackButton.Hide(); ForwardButton.Hide(); } else { if (Settings.Default.ExcuseSeen[indx] == "0") { hereItIs = Settings.Default.ExcuseList[indx].ToString(); } else { hereItIs = findNextUnseenExcuse(); } Settings.Default.CurrentExcuse = indx; Settings.Default.ExcuseSeen[indx] = "1"; Settings.Default.Save(); } return(hereItIs); }
private void RefreshButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { nested = 0; BackButton.Hide(); CancelButton.Hide(); DetailsButton.Show(); this.RefreshUsers(); }
public UsersPanel(ServerManager server) { InitializeComponent(); myServer = server; this.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom) | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left) | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right))); BackButton.Hide(); CancelButton.Hide(); }
public Scoreboard() { InitializeComponent(); pictureBoxes[0] = pictureBoxHusidman; pictureBoxes[1] = pictureBoxYeruham; pictureBoxes[2] = pictureBoxOrt; if (Global.whoPlay[0] && Global.whoPlay[1] && Global.whoPlay[2]) { this.BackgroundImage = score.Properties.Resources.ניקוד_סופי; BackButton.Hide(); } showScore(); }
private void RestartExcuses_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { resetSeenExcuses(); RestartExcuses.Hide(); ExcuseText.Show(); ExcuseButton.Show(); BackButton.Hide(); ForwardButton.Hide(); ExcuseNotification.Text = ""; ExcuseText.Text = "Excuses Ahead..."; BackBox.Items.Clear(); ForwardBox.Items.Clear(); BackBox.EndUpdate(); ForwardBox.EndUpdate(); Count = 0; Settings.Default.CurrentExcuse = 0; Settings.Default.Save(); }
//Hides Converter Menu private void HideConverter() { CategoryLabel.Hide(); CategoryComboBox.Hide(); InstructionLabel.Hide(); ValueOfLabel.Hide(); UserInputTextBox.Hide(); FromLabel.Hide(); InitialUnitsComboBox.Hide(); ToLabel.Hide(); ResultingUnitsComboBox.Hide(); ConvertSubmissionButton.Hide(); BackButtonLabel.Hide(); BackButton.Hide(); DividerLabel.Hide(); InitialValueLabel.Hide(); InitialUnitsLabel.Hide(); EqualsLabel.Hide(); ResultingUnitsLabel.Hide(); ResultingValueLabel.Hide(); //When navigating back to the main menu its important to clear the field values for the ComboBoxes ClearUnitsComboBoxes(); }
protected virtual void ScreenChanged(IScreen current, IScreen newScreen) { switch (newScreen) { case IntroScreen intro: introScreen = intro; break; case MainMenu menu: menuScreen = menu; break; } if (newScreen is IOsuScreen newOsuScreen) { OverlayActivationMode.Value = newOsuScreen.InitialOverlayActivationMode; if (newOsuScreen.HideOverlaysOnEnter) { CloseAllOverlays(); } else { Toolbar.Show(); } if (newOsuScreen.AllowBackButton) { BackButton.Show(); } else { BackButton.Hide(); } } }
private void ResetExcuses_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { RestartExcuses.Hide(); ExcuseText.Show(); ExcuseButton.Show(); BackButton.Hide(); ForwardButton.Hide(); CopyButton.Hide(); SendToEmail.Hide(); ExcuseNotification.Text = ""; ExcuseText.Text = "Excuses Ahead..."; BackBox.Items.Clear(); ForwardBox.Items.Clear(); BackBox.EndUpdate(); ForwardBox.EndUpdate(); Count = 0; Settings.Default.CurrentExcuse = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Settings.Default.ExcuseSeen.Count; i++) { Settings.Default.ExcuseSeen[i] = "0"; Settings.Default.Save(); } Settings.Default.Save(); }
/// <summary> /// Realiza la navegación al siguiente Panel T, transmitiéndole información /// para su inicialización. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Tipo del Panel.</typeparam> /// <param name="data">Información a enviar al Panel durante su inicialización.</param> /// <returns>Devuelve la instancia del nuevo Panel, ya inicializado.</returns> public T NextPanel <T>() where T : UserControl { // Revisar si es necesaio un Invoke. if (InvokeRequired) { return((T)Invoke( new Func <UserControl>(() => NextPanel <T>()) )); } UserControl nextPanel = null; UserControl currentPanel = null; var initializePanel = false; var hidePreviousButton = false; if (m_currentPanelNode == null || m_currentPanelNode.Value == null) { // Insertar el nuevo Panel como primer elemento de la lista. nextPanel = Activator.CreateInstance <T>() as UserControl; m_currentPanelNode = m_panelHistory.AddFirst(nextPanel); initializePanel = true; hidePreviousButton = true; } else { currentPanel = m_currentPanelNode.Value; if (m_currentPanelNode.Next == null || m_currentPanelNode.Next.Value == null || !(m_currentPanelNode.Next.Value is T)) { // Insertar el nuevo Panel como el siguiente del Panel actual. nextPanel = Activator.CreateInstance <T>() as UserControl; m_currentPanelNode = m_panelHistory.AddAfter(m_currentPanelNode, nextPanel); initializePanel = true; } else { // Navegar al siguiente Panel que ya se encuentra en memoria. m_currentPanelNode = m_currentPanelNode.Next; nextPanel = m_currentPanelNode.Value; } } Trace.WriteLine("Panel switch [>] " + nextPanel.ToString()); // Mostrar u ocultar el botón Atrás según sea necesario. if (nextPanel is Panels.IPanelNoBackButton || hidePreviousButton) { BackButton.Hide(); } else { BackButton.Show(); } // Preparar las animaciones de los Paneles. nextPanel.Parent = MainPanel; nextPanel.Top = 0; nextPanel.Left = nextPanel.Width + 30; nextPanel.Enabled = true; nextPanel.CreateControl(); nextPanel.Show(); nextPanel.BringToFront(); var animateNext = new EventHandler((Object s1, EventArgs e1) => { MainPanel.StopAnimation("Height", "Width"); if (nextPanel.Width != MainPanel.Width) { MainPanel.AnimateProperty <Animation.EaseInOutBack>("Width", nextPanel.Width); } MainPanel.AnimateProperty <Animation.EaseInOutBack>("Height", nextPanel.Height).AnimationFinished += (Object s2, EventArgs e2) => { nextPanel.AnimateProperty <Animation.EaseInOutElastic>("Left", 0).AnimationFinished += (Object s3, EventArgs e3) => { // Inicializar el siguiente Panel si es necesario. if (initializePanel) { nextPanel.SizeChanged += Panel_SizeChanged; } if (initializePanel && nextPanel is Panels.IPanelInitialize) { (nextPanel as Panels.IPanelInitialize).Initialize(); } // Ejecutar el evento de navegación en el Panel anterior. if (currentPanel is Panels.IPanelNextEvent) { (currentPanel as Panels.IPanelNextEvent).OnNextPanelNavigation(); } }; }; }); if (currentPanel == null) { animateNext(null, null); } else { var animator = currentPanel.GetCurrentAnimator("Left"); currentPanel.Enabled = false; nextPanel.Left = (currentPanel.Left > 0 ? CurrentPanel.Left : 0) + currentPanel.Width + 30; if (animator == null) { animator = currentPanel.AnimateProperty <Animation.EaseInOutElastic>("Left", -currentPanel.Width); animator.AnimationFinished += animateNext; } else { animator.AnimationFinished += (Object s2, EventArgs e2) => currentPanel.AnimateProperty <Animation.EaseInOutElastic>("Left", -currentPanel.Width).AnimationFinished += animateNext; } } return((T)nextPanel); }
/// <summary> /// Realiza la navegación al Panel anterior. /// </summary> /// <returns>Devuelve la instancia del Panel anterior.</returns> public UserControl PreviousPanel() { // Revisar si es necesaio un Invoke. if (InvokeRequired) { return((UserControl)Invoke( new Func <UserControl>(() => PreviousPanel()) )); } if (m_currentPanelNode == null || m_currentPanelNode.Value == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("There is exactly NO f*****g panels in history."); } if (m_currentPanelNode.Previous == null || m_currentPanelNode.Previous.Value == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("There is no panel to go back to."); } UserControl currentPanel = m_currentPanelNode.Value; UserControl previousPanel = m_currentPanelNode.Previous.Value; m_currentPanelNode = m_currentPanelNode.Previous; Trace.WriteLine("Panel switch [<] " + previousPanel.ToString()); // Mostrar u ocultar el botón Atrás según sea necesario. if (previousPanel is Panels.IPanelNoBackButton || m_currentPanelNode.Previous == null) { BackButton.Hide(); } else { BackButton.Show(); } // Preparar las animaciones de los Paneles. previousPanel.Left = -previousPanel.Width; previousPanel.Enabled = true; previousPanel.CreateControl(); previousPanel.Show(); previousPanel.BringToFront(); currentPanel.Enabled = false; var animateNext = new EventHandler((Object s1, EventArgs e1) => { MainPanel.StopAnimation("Height", "Width"); MainPanel.AnimateProperty <Animation.EaseInOutBack>("Width", previousPanel.Width); MainPanel.AnimateProperty <Animation.EaseInOutBack>("Height", previousPanel.Height).AnimationFinished += (Object s2, EventArgs e2) => { previousPanel.AnimateProperty <Animation.EaseInOutElastic>("Left", 0).AnimationFinished += (Object s3, EventArgs e3) => { // Ejecutar el evento de navegación en el Panel anterior. if (currentPanel is Panels.IPanelPreviousEvent) { (currentPanel as Panels.IPanelPreviousEvent).OnPreviousPanelNavigation(); } }; }; }); var animator = currentPanel.GetCurrentAnimator("Left"); var currentPanelOffset = (currentPanel.Width > previousPanel.Width ? currentPanel.Width : previousPanel.Width) + 30; if (animator == null) { animator = currentPanel.AnimateProperty <Animation.EaseInOutElastic>("Left", currentPanelOffset); animator.AnimationFinished += animateNext; } else { animator.AnimationFinished += (Object s2, EventArgs e2) => currentPanel.AnimateProperty <Animation.EaseInOutElastic>("Left", currentPanelOffset).AnimationFinished += animateNext; } return(previousPanel); }