Esempio n. 1
 // reset state
 public override void Reset()
     base.Reset();             // reset the vehicle
     Speed  = 1.5f;            // speed along Forward direction.
     _trail = new Trail();
     _trail.Clear();           // prevent long streaks due to teleportation
Esempio n. 2
        // reset state
        public override void Reset()
            base.Reset();             // reset the vehicle
            Speed    = 0.0f;          // speed along Forward direction.
            MaxForce = 3000.7f;       // steering force is clipped to this magnitude
            MaxSpeed = 10;            // velocity is clipped to this magnitude

            // Place me on my part of the field, looking at oponnents goal
            SetPosition(b_ImTeamA ? Utilities.Random() * 20 : -Utilities.Random() * 20, 0, (Utilities.Random() - 0.5f) * 20);
            if (m_MyID < 9)
                if (b_ImTeamA)
                    Position = (Globals.PlayerPosition[m_MyID]);
                    Position = (new Vector3(-Globals.PlayerPosition[m_MyID].X, Globals.PlayerPosition[m_MyID].Y, Globals.PlayerPosition[m_MyID].Z));
            m_home = Position;

            if (trail == null)
                trail = new Trail(10, 60);
            trail.Clear();                // prevent long streaks due to teleportation
 public void Reset()
     foreach (var x in circles)
Esempio n. 4
 // reset state
 public override void Reset()
     base.Reset();             // reset the vehicle
     Speed    = 1.5f;          // speed along Forward direction.
     MaxForce = 0.3f;          // steering force is clipped to this magnitude
     MaxSpeed = 5;             // velocity is clipped to this magnitude
     trail    = new Trail();
     trail.Clear();            // prevent long streaks due to teleportation
Esempio n. 5
 // reset state
 public override void Reset()
     base.Reset(); // reset the vehicle
     Speed = 1.5f;         // speed along Forward direction.
     MaxForce = 0.3f;      // steering force is clipped to this magnitude
     MaxSpeed = 5;         // velocity is clipped to this magnitude
     trail = new Trail();
     trail.Clear();    // prevent long streaks due to teleportation
Esempio n. 6
        public override void Reset()

            RandomizeStartingPositionAndHeading();  // new starting position

            _trail = new Trail(7.5f, 600);
Esempio n. 7
        // reset state
        public override void Reset()
            base.Reset();                  // reset the vehicle

            Speed    = 0;                  // speed along Forward direction.
            MaxForce = 5.0f;               // steering force is clipped to this magnitude
            MaxSpeed = 3.0f;               // velocity is clipped to this magnitude
            trail    = new Trail();
            trail.Clear();                 // prevent long streaks due to teleportation
            GaudyPursuitAnnotation = true; // select use of 9-color annotation
Esempio n. 8
        // reset state
        public override void Reset()
            base.Reset();			// reset the vehicle

            Speed = 0;            // speed along Forward direction.
            MaxForce = 5.0f;       // steering force is clipped to this magnitude
            MaxSpeed = 3.0f;       // velocity is clipped to this magnitude
            trail = new Trail();
            trail.Clear();    // prevent long streaks due to teleportation
            GaudyPursuitAnnotation = true; // select use of 9-color annotation
Esempio n. 9
        // reset state
        public override void Reset()
            base.Reset();             // reset the vehicle
            Speed = 0.0f;             // speed along Forward direction.

            Position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            if (_trail == null)
                _trail = new Trail(100, 6000);
            _trail.Clear();                // prevent long streaks due to teleportation
Esempio n. 10
        // reset state
        public override void Reset()
            base.Reset();                          // reset the vehicle

            Speed = 3;                             // speed along Forward direction.

            Avoiding = false;                      // not actively avoiding

            RandomizeStartingPositionAndHeading(); // new starting position

            Trail = new Trail();
            Trail.Clear();                 // prevent long streaks due to teleportation
Esempio n. 11
        // reset state
        public override void Reset()
            base.Reset();             // reset the vehicle
            Speed    = 0.0f;          // speed along Forward direction.
            MaxForce = 9.0f;          // steering force is clipped to this magnitude
            MaxSpeed = 9.0f;          // velocity is clipped to this magnitude

            SetPosition(0, 0, 0);
            if (trail == null)
                trail = new Trail(100, 6000);
            trail.Clear();                // prevent long streaks due to teleportation
Esempio n. 12
        // reset state
        public override void Reset()
            base.Reset();                          // reset the vehicle

            Speed    = 3;                          // speed along Forward direction.
            MaxForce = 3.0f;                       // steering force is clipped to this magnitude
            MaxSpeed = 3.0f;                       // velocity is clipped to this magnitude

            Avoiding = false;                      // not actively avoiding

            RandomizeStartingPositionAndHeading(); // new starting position

            trail = new Trail();
            trail.Clear();                 // prevent long streaks due to teleportation
Esempio n. 13
    public void Kill()
        int i = Random.Range(0, 4);

        if (i == 3)
        transform.position = World.GetRandomPosition();
        Trail trail = GetComponentInChildren <Trail>();


        GetComponent <Movement>().PauseMovement();
Esempio n. 14
        // reset state
        public override void Reset()
            base.Reset();             // reset the vehicle
            Speed = 0.0f;             // speed along Forward direction.

            // Place me on my part of the field, looking at oponnents goal
            Position = new Vector3(_imTeamA ? RandomHelpers.Random() * 20 : -RandomHelpers.Random() * 20, 0, (RandomHelpers.Random() - 0.5f) * 20);
            if (_myID < 9)
                Position = _imTeamA ? (Globals.PlayerPosition[_myID]) : (new Vector3(-Globals.PlayerPosition[_myID].X, Globals.PlayerPosition[_myID].Y, Globals.PlayerPosition[_myID].Z));
            _home = Position;

            if (_trail == null)
                _trail = new Trail(10, 60);
            _trail.Clear();                // prevent long streaks due to teleportation
Esempio n. 15
 public void AddCircle(Circle c)
Esempio n. 16
 public override void OnSpawn()
Esempio n. 17
        // reset state
        public override void Reset()
            base.Reset();  // reset the vehicle

            Speed = 3;             // speed along Forward direction.
            MaxForce = 3.0f;        // steering force is clipped to this magnitude
            MaxSpeed = 3.0f;        // velocity is clipped to this magnitude

            Avoiding = false;         // not actively avoiding

            RandomizeStartingPositionAndHeading();  // new starting position

            trail = new Trail();
            trail.Clear();     // prevent long streaks due to teleportation