// This method includes a tiny delay to ensure that the counter for mid-air rocket jumps isn't thrown off // AND so that the two forces aren't applied inhumanly fast resulting in a higher jump than is otherwise humanly reflexivly possible. public IEnumerator JumpThenRocketJump() { playerMovement.Jump(); // Comunicate with the Player_Movement script to force the player to jump. yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); RocketJump(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { //Get Input moveVertical = Input_Manager.GetAxis("Move Vertical " + (playerNum + 1)); moveHorizontal = Input_Manager.GetAxis("Move Horizontal " + (playerNum + 1)); lookVertical = Input_Manager.GetAxis("Look Vertical " + (playerNum + 1)); lookHorizontal = Input_Manager.GetAxis("Look Horizontal " + (playerNum + 1)); if (Input_Manager.GetAxisRaw("Move Vertical " + (playerNum + 1)) > 0 && previousMoveVertical == 0f) { if (Time.frameCount - lastTapFrame < 20) { RollForward(); } else { lastTapFrame = Time.frameCount; } } previousMoveVertical = Input_Manager.GetAxisRaw("Move Vertical " + (playerNum + 1)); if (Input.GetButton("Change Weapon " + (playerNum + 1))) { ChooseAttack(moveHorizontal, moveVertical); } if (Input.GetButton("Run " + (playerNum + 1)) && CheckGrounded()) { movement.runMultiplier = 1.75f; } else { movement.runMultiplier = 1f; } if (Input.GetKeyDown("k")) { movement.LockOnEnemy(); } //is input greater than 0 else if (!rolling) { if (CheckGrounded() && Vector2.SqrMagnitude(new Vector2(moveHorizontal, moveVertical)) > 0.1f) { //Moves the player using velocities movement.Move(moveHorizontal, moveVertical); } } if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump " + (playerNum + 1)) && CheckGrounded()) { movement.Jump(); } Attack(); movement.AnimateMovement(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { horizontal = Input.GetAxis(horizontalAxis); vertical = Input.GetAxis(verticalAxis); mouseX = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X"); mouseY = -Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y"); if (Input.GetButtonDown(fireButton)) { OnFire(); } if (Input.GetButtonDown(fire2Button)) { OnFire2(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftShift)) { OnExplodeMine(); } if (Input.GetButtonDown(specialButton)) { OnSpecial(); } if (Input.GetButtonDown(ultButton)) { OnUlt(); } if (Input.GetButtonDown(jumpButton)) { playerMove.Jump(); } }