private void PopulateCategories() { var uniqueCategories = new HashSet <string>(); // hard-coded to show all recipes uniqueCategories.Add(Loc.GetString("All")); foreach (var prototype in _prototypeManager.EnumeratePrototypes <ConstructionPrototype>()) { var category = Loc.GetString(prototype.Category); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(category)) { uniqueCategories.Add(category); } } _category.Clear(); var array = uniqueCategories.ToArray(); Array.Sort(array); for (var i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { var category = array[i]; _category.AddItem(category, i); } _categories = array; }
private void LoadExampleItems() { SelectExampleButton.Clear(); foreach (string sceneName in sceneLoader.GetCurrentChapterSampleNames()) { SelectExampleButton.AddItem(sceneName); } }
private void LoadChapterItems() { SelectChapterButton.Clear(); foreach (string chapterName in sceneLoader.GetChapterNames()) { SelectChapterButton.AddItem(chapterName); } }
public void InitResources(List <string> resourceList, Func <string, Texture> getTextureFunc) { resourceSelect.Clear(); resourceSelect.AddItem(""); foreach (var res in resourceList) { resourceSelect.AddItem(res); } getTexture = getTextureFunc; }
public override void _Ready() { compounds = GetNode <OptionButton>(CompoundsPath); maximumDistance = GetNode <Slider>(MaximumDistancePath); minimumAmount = GetNode <Slider>(MinimumAmountPath); colour = GetNode <TweakedColourPicker>(ColourPath); compounds.Clear(); maximumDistance.MinValue = Constants.CHEMORECEPTOR_RANGE_MIN; maximumDistance.MaxValue = Constants.CHEMORECEPTOR_RANGE_MAX; minimumAmount.MinValue = Constants.CHEMORECEPTOR_AMOUNT_MIN; minimumAmount.MaxValue = Constants.CHEMORECEPTOR_AMOUNT_MAX; }
private void _on_TabContainer_tab_selected(int tab) { //if add receipt tab button is selected, update the ingredient and volume options if (tab == 1) { //cleal the options first ingredientOption.Clear(); volumeOption.Clear(); //read list of ingredients from JSON and add it to the option button try { StreamReader r = new StreamReader(ingredientPath); string _json = r.ReadToEnd(); r.Close(); JObject rss = JObject.Parse(_json); //convert string to object var _list = rss["Ingredients"].ToList(); //convert to list using Linq for (var l = 0; l < _list.Count; l++) //add each item to list { ingredientOption.AddItem(rss["Ingredients"][l].ToString()); } } catch (FileNotFoundException) { //do nothing, failed to load file... } //read list of volumes from JSON and add it to the option button try { StreamReader r = new StreamReader(volumePath); string _json = r.ReadToEnd(); r.Close(); JObject rss = JObject.Parse(_json); //convert string to object var list = rss["Volumes"].ToList(); //convert to list using Linq for (var l = 0; l < list.Count; l++) //add each item to list { volumeOption.AddItem(rss["Volumes"][l].ToString()); } } catch (FileNotFoundException) { //do nothing, failed to load file... } } }
private void UpdateAvailableModsList() { modSelect.Clear(); foreach (var mod in mods) { // When clicking the OptionButton the opened list doesn't scale down the icon sizes so we can't use icons // TODO: report the above bug to Godot and get this fixed // modSelect.AddIconItem(ModManager.LoadModIcon(mod), mod.InternalName); modSelect.AddItem(mod.InternalName); } if (modSelect.Selected != -1) { ModSelected(modSelect.Selected); } }
private void _on_TabContainer_tab_selected(int _tab) { //if Browse tab is selected, load all receipts in to the receipt, volume and ingredient list if (_tab == 2) { //clear the lists and reset values receiptList.Clear(); ingredientOption.Clear(); ingredientVolumeOption.Clear(); ingredientSearchOption.Clear(); ingredientSearchList.Clear(); receiptSearch.Text = ""; ingredientSearchListCount = ingredientSearchList.GetItemCount(); _resetForm(); //read list of receipts from JSON and add their titles to the receipt list try { StreamReader _r = new StreamReader(receiptPath); string _json = _r.ReadToEnd(); _r.Close(); JObject _rss = JObject.Parse(_json); //convert string to object list = _rss["Receipts"].ToList(); //convert to list using Linq for (var l = 0; l < list.Count; l++) //add each item to list { receiptList.AddItem(list[l]["Title"].ToString()); } //sort list alphabetically receiptList.SortItemsByText(); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { //do nothing, } //read list of ingredients from JSON and add it to the option button try { StreamReader r = new StreamReader(ingredientPath); string _json = r.ReadToEnd(); r.Close(); JObject _rss = JObject.Parse(_json); //convert string to object var _list = _rss["Ingredients"].ToList(); //convert to list using Linq for (var l = 0; l < _list.Count; l++) //add each item to list { ingredientOption.AddItem(_rss["Ingredients"][l].ToString()); ingredientSearchOption.AddItem(_rss["Ingredients"][l].ToString()); } } catch (FileNotFoundException) { //do nothing, failed to load file... } //read list of volumes from JSON and add it to the option button try { StreamReader r = new StreamReader(volumePath); string _json = r.ReadToEnd(); r.Close(); JObject rss = JObject.Parse(_json); //convert string to object var _list = rss["Volumes"].ToList(); //convert to list using Linq for (var l = 0; l < _list.Count; l++) //add each item to list { ingredientVolumeOption.AddItem(rss["Volumes"][l].ToString()); } } catch (FileNotFoundException) { //do nothing, failed to load file... } } }