private void computeAstar(Vector3 goalPosition)
        this.goalPosition   = goalPosition;
        this.goalPosition.y = model.getVehicle().transform.position.y;         // keep closeness-to-the-goal-control in 2D

        /* compute Astar */
        pathFinder = new Astar(MyUtils.precisionAstar, MyUtils.droneRadius, false);
        if (pathFinder.setNewTargetPosition(goalPosition) == true)       //set the target for A* algorithm
            path = pathFinder.getSolution();
            en   = path.GetEnumerator();
            isPathInProgress = true;
            //path = Chromosome.allPairPathsMatrix[CHromo,];
            Debug.Log("Target position unreachable");
        if (path == null)
            Debug.Log("Astar failed!");
    /* Computes all pairs distances between drones and customers in order
     * to be used later by the computing fitness function */
    private static void computeAllPairDistancesAndPaths()
        allPairDistancesMatrix = new float[Ngenes, Ngenes];
        allPairPathsMatrix     = new LinkedList <Vector3> [Ngenes, Ngenes];

        Astar   pathFinder = new Astar(0.1f, 0.5f);
        Vector3 pt1, pt2;

        for (int i = 0; i < Ngenes; i++)
            allPairDistancesMatrix[i, i] = 0.0f;
            for (int z = i + 1; z < Ngenes; z++)
                pt1 = positionAtIndex(i);
                pt2 = positionAtIndex(z);
                if (pathFinder.setNewTargetPosition(pt2) == true)
                    float solutionCost = 0;
                    LinkedList <Vector3> path = pathFinder.getSolution();
                    allPairDistancesMatrix[i, z] = pathFinder.getSolutionCost();
                    allPairDistancesMatrix[z, i] = pathFinder.getSolutionCost();
                    allPairPathsMatrix[i, z]     = path;
                    allPairPathsMatrix[z, i]     = path;

        /*	String str = "";
         *      for (int i=0; i<Ngenes; i++) {
         *              for (int z=0; z<Ngenes; z++) {
         *                      str+=allPairDistancesMatrix[i,z]+" ";
         *              }
         *              str+="\n";
         *      }
         *      Debug.Log (str);*/