Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks of the two positions have a clear line of sight on the given MapId.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mapId">The <see cref="WCell.Constants.World.MapId"/> that corresponds to the desired map.</param>
        /// <param name="pos1">The start position for the LOS check.</param>
        /// <param name="pos2">The end position for the LOS check.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the LOS check was successful.</returns>
        public bool HasLOS(MapId mapId, Vector3 pos1, Vector3 pos2)
            if (pos1.DistanceSquared(pos2) > _maxLOSRadiusSquared)
                    "LOS request on points whose distance exceeds the maximum: Point 1: {0}, Point 2: {1}, Max Distance: {2}",
                    pos1, pos2, MaxLOSRadius);
                return false;

            Map map;
            return (((!TryGetMap(mapId, out map)) || (map.HasLOS(pos1, pos2))));
Example #2
        public void Vector3DistanceSquaredTest()
            var a = new Vector3(3.0f, 4.0f, 2.0f);
            var b = new Vector3(6.0f, 8.0f, 4.0f);

            var expectedResult = 29.0f;

            var r = a.DistanceSquared(b);

            Assert.Equal<float>(expectedResult, r);
Example #3
        public RayTraceHit RayTraceIntersection(Vector3 startSegment, Vector3 endSegment)
            // Plane intersection

            Vector3? southIntersection = Vector3.IntersectPointForSegmentAndPlane(startSegment, endSegment, this.Maximum, Vector3.XAxis);
            Vector3? northIntersection = Vector3.IntersectPointForSegmentAndPlane(startSegment, endSegment, this.Minimum, Vector3.XAxis);
            Vector3? topIntersection = Vector3.IntersectPointForSegmentAndPlane(startSegment, endSegment, this.Maximum, Vector3.YAxis);
            Vector3? bottomIntersection = Vector3.IntersectPointForSegmentAndPlane(startSegment, endSegment, this.Minimum, Vector3.YAxis);
            Vector3? westIntersection = Vector3.IntersectPointForSegmentAndPlane(startSegment, endSegment, this.Maximum, Vector3.ZAxis);
            Vector3? eastIntersection = Vector3.IntersectPointForSegmentAndPlane(startSegment, endSegment, this.Minimum, Vector3.ZAxis);

            // Check each intersection to be sure it lies within the other axis as well
            if (northIntersection.HasValue && !this.IsVectorWithinYZ(northIntersection.Value))
                northIntersection = null;
            if (southIntersection.HasValue && !this.IsVectorWithinYZ(southIntersection.Value))
                southIntersection = null;
            if (topIntersection.HasValue && !this.IsVectorWithinXZ(topIntersection.Value))
                topIntersection = null;
            if (bottomIntersection.HasValue && !this.IsVectorWithinXZ(bottomIntersection.Value))
                bottomIntersection = null;
            if (westIntersection.HasValue && !this.IsVectorWithinXY(westIntersection.Value))
                westIntersection = null;
            if (eastIntersection.HasValue && !this.IsVectorWithinXY(eastIntersection.Value))
                eastIntersection = null;

            Vector3? rayHitPoint = null;
            BlockFace faceHit = BlockFace.Self;
            if (northIntersection != null)
                rayHitPoint = northIntersection;
                faceHit = BlockFace.North;
            if (southIntersection != null && (rayHitPoint == null || startSegment.DistanceSquared(southIntersection.Value) < startSegment.DistanceSquared(rayHitPoint.Value)))
                rayHitPoint = southIntersection;
                faceHit = BlockFace.South;
            if (topIntersection != null && (rayHitPoint == null || startSegment.DistanceSquared(topIntersection.Value) < startSegment.DistanceSquared(rayHitPoint.Value)))
                rayHitPoint = topIntersection;
                faceHit = BlockFace.Up;
            if (bottomIntersection != null && (rayHitPoint == null || startSegment.DistanceSquared(bottomIntersection.Value) < startSegment.DistanceSquared(rayHitPoint.Value)))
                rayHitPoint = bottomIntersection;
                faceHit = BlockFace.Down;
            if (westIntersection != null && (rayHitPoint == null || startSegment.DistanceSquared(westIntersection.Value) < startSegment.DistanceSquared(rayHitPoint.Value)))
                rayHitPoint = westIntersection;
                faceHit = BlockFace.West;
            if (eastIntersection != null && (rayHitPoint == null || startSegment.DistanceSquared(eastIntersection.Value) < startSegment.DistanceSquared(rayHitPoint.Value)))
                rayHitPoint = eastIntersection;
                faceHit = BlockFace.East;

            if (rayHitPoint != null)
                return new RayTraceHit(rayHitPoint.Value, faceHit);
                return null;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns if the spell will hit the point when casted
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point">
        ///     Vector3 Target
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="castPosition">
        ///     Cast Position
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="extraWidth">
        ///     Extra Width
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     Will Spell Hit
        /// </returns>
        public bool WillHit(Vector3 point, Vector3 castPosition, int extraWidth = 0)
            switch (this.Type)
                case SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle:
                    if (point.DistanceSquared(castPosition) < this.WidthSqr)
                        return true;


                case SkillshotType.SkillshotLine:
                    if (point.ToVector2().DistanceSquared(castPosition.ToVector2(), this.From.ToVector2(), true)
                        < Math.Pow(this.Width + extraWidth, 2))
                        return true;

                case SkillshotType.SkillshotCone:
                    var edge1 = (castPosition.ToVector2() - this.From.ToVector2()).Rotated(-this.Width / 2);
                    var edge2 = edge1.Rotated(this.Width);
                    var v = point.ToVector2() - this.From.ToVector2();
                    if (point.DistanceSquared(this.From) < this.RangeSqr && edge1.CrossProduct(v) > 0
                        && v.CrossProduct(edge2) > 0)
                        return true;


            return false;