Example #1
        private void invade()
            int pID = nameTranslation("Footman");

            if (this.workingUnit[pID] >= optimalArmy && invading == false) //we are ready to invade
                int weakestID = findWeakestPlayer();
                if (weakestID != -1) //we actually found a player
                    Tuple <int, int> ret = invadeLocation(weakestID);
                    if (ret.Item1 != -1 && ret.Item2 != -1) //found target location
                        int firstID = findFirstUnit("Footman");
                        if (firstID != -1)
                            this.invading = true;
                            this.leader   = allUnits[playerNum][firstID];
                            allUnits[playerNum][firstID].patrolling = false;
                            allUnits[playerNum][firstID].onCommand  = false;
                            allUnits[playerNum][firstID].xToGo      = (int)allUnits[playerNum][firstID].x;
                            allUnits[playerNum][firstID].yToGo      = (int)allUnits[playerNum][firstID].y;
                            allUnits[playerNum][firstID].target     = gameData.target(allUnits, ret.Item1, ret.Item2, allUnits[playerNum][firstID], 0);
                            allUnits[playerNum][firstID].findNearestOpenSpot(allUnits, ref gameData);
                            allUnits[playerNum][firstID].onCommand = true;
                            if (this.waitAndTryAgainI <= 0)
                                this.waitAndTryAgainI += this.waitTimer;
            else if (this.invading == true && notDead(leader) && this.followed == false && leader.startedBattle == false)
                foreach (Unit u in allUnits[playerNum]) //control all soldiers to invade
                    if (u.unitType == nameTranslation("Footman") && u.id != leader.id)
                        u.patrolling = false;
                        u.onCommand  = false;
                        u.xToGo      = leader.xToGo;
                        u.yToGo      = leader.yToGo;
                        u.target     = gameData.target(allUnits, u.xToGo, u.yToGo, u, 0);
                        if (u.target.owner != -1)
                            u.findNearestOpenSpot(allUnits, ref gameData);
                        //u.target.reset(); //commented this out at late night
                        u.onCommand = true;
                this.followed = true;
                if (this.waitAndTryAgainI <= 0)
                    this.waitAndTryAgainI += this.waitTimer;
            else if (this.invading == true && this.followed == true && ((notDead(leader) && ((int)leader.x == leader.xToGo && (int)leader.y == leader.yToGo)) || !notDead(leader))) //leader is dead or reached destination
                this.followed = false;
                foreach (Unit u in allUnits[playerNum])                                                            //control all soldiers to stop and find nearest unit (auto?)
                    if (u.unitType == nameTranslation("Footman") && u.id != leader.id && u.startedBattle == false) //stop all unit movements
                        u.patrolling = false;
                        u.xToGo      = (int)u.x;
                        u.yToGo      = (int)u.y;
                        //u.onCommand = false;

                        u.findBattleTargetMelee(allUnits, gameData);
                        //u.onCommand = true;
                if (this.waitAndTryAgainI <= 0)
                    this.waitAndTryAgainI += this.waitTimer;
            else if (this.workingUnit[pID] <= optimalArmy / 2)
                this.invading = false;
            else if (this.waitAndTryAgainI <= 0)
                this.waitAndTryAgainI += this.waitTimer;