Example #1
        public bool Register(ref List <Unit>[] allUnits, tempMap gameData, int x, int y, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsDevice g, int owner, int mode)
        { //adds building to list (at mouse position (x,y))
            //mode 0 for building, mode 1 for unit creation (so they don't conflict)
            bool success = false;
            int  goldRequired, lumberRequired, foodRequired;

            //int owner = this.building.owner; //default
            //Set resource for each building here (I don't know yet)

            if (this.buildStr != null || this.newUnitStr != null) //we actually have stuff to build
                int typeIndex;
                if (mode == 0)
                    typeIndex = nameTranslation(this.buildStr);            //get index
                    typeIndex = nameTranslation(this.newUnitStr);
                goldRequired   = SplashScreen.unitData.goldCost[typeIndex];
                lumberRequired = SplashScreen.unitData.lumberCost[typeIndex];
                foodRequired   = SplashScreen.unitData.foodConsumption[typeIndex];
                int checkMode = 0;

                string curBuildStr;
                int    unitW, unitH;
                if (this.buildStr != null && mode == 0)
                    curBuildStr = this.buildStr;
                    unitW       = this.building.unitTileWidth;
                    unitH       = this.building.unitTileHeight;
                    //unitW = this.building.defaultUnitTileW;
                    //unitH = this.building.defaultUnitTileH;
                    checkMode = 0;
                    curBuildStr = this.newUnitStr;
                    unitW       = this.newUnit.unitTileWidth;
                    unitH       = this.newUnit.unitTileHeight;
                    //unitW = this.newUnit.defaultUnitTileW;
                    //unitH = this.newUnit.defaultUnitTileH;
                    checkMode = 1;

                if (gameData.canBuildOn(x, y, curBuildStr) && openSpace(x, y, unitW, unitH, allUnits, gameData, checkMode))
                    if (mode == 0 && gameData.gold[owner] >= goldRequired && gameData.lumber[owner] >= lumberRequired && this.building.unitType >= SplashScreen.numUnits)
                    {                                                                                                       //checks that we have enough resource
                        Unit temp = new Unit(curBuildStr, x, y, owner, this.findLastID(allUnits[owner]) + 1, ref gameData); //+1 for new id
                        if (temp.unitType >= SplashScreen.numUnits)
                            temp.setBuildFrame(1);                                         //set to construction frame for building
                        //Init minimap data for unit
                        Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color[] uCol = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color[1]; // Unit Color
                        uCol[0] = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.Yellow;
                        //Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D tempImg = getTextureFromBitmap(temp.objectImage, g);
                        //temp.objImg2D = tempImg; //store the img
                        Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D uRec = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D(g, 1, 1);
                        temp.uRec = uRec;

                        allUnits[temp.owner].Add(temp); //add unit

                        gameData.gold[owner]   -= goldRequired;
                        gameData.lumber[owner] -= lumberRequired;

                        //don't need to subtract/add food as that will be auto updated when unit added to screen

                        this.building = null;
                        this.buildStr = null;
                        success       = true;
                        buildCancel(); //finished building so cancel build mode
                    //else if (mode == 1 && gameData.gold[owner] >= goldRequired && gameData.lumber[owner] >= lumberRequired && (gameData.foodMax[owner] >= foodRequired + gameData.food[owner])) //a unit
                    else if (mode == 1 && (gameData.foodMax[owner] >= foodRequired + gameData.food[owner]))                 //a unit so only check if enough open population in order to register unit (if not the buffer will make it so we wait for enough population)
                    {                                                                                                       //unit creation probably
                        Unit temp = new Unit(curBuildStr, x, y, owner, this.findLastID(allUnits[owner]) + 1, ref gameData); //+1 for new id

                        //Init minimap data for unit
                        Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color[] uCol = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color[1]; // Unit Color
                        uCol[0] = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.Yellow;
                        //Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D tempImg = getTextureFromBitmap(temp.objectImage, g);
                        //temp.objImg2D = tempImg; //store the img
                        Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D uRec = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D(g, 1, 1);
                        temp.uRec = uRec;

                        allUnits[temp.owner].Add(temp); //add unit

                        //Don't subtract resource here, subtracted when queueing
                        //gameData.gold[owner] -= goldRequired;
                        //gameData.lumber[owner] -= lumberRequired;

                        //don't need to subtract/add food as that will be auto updated when unit added to screen

                        this.newUnit    = null;
                        this.newUnitStr = null;
                        success         = true;
                        if (mode == 0)
                            this.buildMode = 0;
                            this.buildStr  = null;
                            this.building  = null;
                    if (mode == 0)
                        this.buildMode = 0;
                        this.buildStr  = null;
                        this.building  = null;

            return(success); //if build fails, we have to change menus back (like calling cancel)