Example #1
        private void moveUnit(int id, int x, int y)
        {                                                                   //basically like the right click function
            //moves unit of unit id to location
            if (x >= 0 && x < gameData.mapW && y >= 0 && y < gameData.mapH) //we are within bounds
                if (gameData.isTree(x, y))                                  //we came into this if case because peasanto on tree
                {                                                           //so set tree as target
                    allUnits[playerNum][id].target.owner = 0;               //set tree owner to nature
                    allUnits[playerNum][id].target.index = -1;              //set to tree index
                    allUnits[playerNum][id].target.x     = x;
                    allUnits[playerNum][id].target.y     = y;
                    allUnits[playerNum][id].target = gameData.target(allUnits, x, y, allUnits[playerNum][id], 0);  //set the (normal) target (if any)
                allUnits[playerNum][id].xToGo = x;
                allUnits[playerNum][id].xToGo = y;
                allUnits[playerNum][id].findNearestOpenSpot(allUnits, ref gameData);

                allUnits[playerNum][id].onCommand = true;