using System.Numerics; // ... Vector3I vector = new Vector3I(1, 0, 0); // create a vector (1, 0, 0) Matrix3x3 transformation = Matrix3x3.CreateRotationZ(MathF.PI / 4); // create a rotation matrix that rotates 45 degrees around Z-axis Vector3I transformedVector = Vector3I.Transform(vector, transformation); // apply the transformation matrix on the vector Console.WriteLine($"Transformed vector: ({transformedVector.X}, {transformedVector.Y}, {transformedVector.Z})");In this code example, we first create a 3D vector with the values (1, 0, 0). Then we create a transformation matrix that rotates the vector 45 degrees around the Z-axis. Finally, we apply the transformation matrix on the vector using the Vector3I Transform function and output the resulting transformed vector. The package library for this function is part of the .NET Standard Library.