// Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (P1isDead || P2isDead)

        if (!HUDcontroller.pauseMenuOn)
            //Player 1 Fire Control.
            if (!whichPlayer)
                if (Input.GetButton("Fire_P1") || FlexToggle.myFlexBool == true)
                    //Calls the PlayerWeaponController script to use its fire function.

                    //Super goes here

                //Increments the number of taps a player has done.
                if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire_P1"))

                //If player has tapped the fire button once it starts to track time between taps.
                //If it's less than half a second keep tracking time. Otherwise reset it.
                if ((p1Total == 1) && (p1Delay < .5))
                    p1Delay += Time.deltaTime;

                //Resets tap and time counter if player has taken longer than half a second.
                if ((p1Total == 1) && (p1Delay > .5))
                    p1Delay = 0;
                    p1Total = 0;

                if ((p1Total == 2) && (p1Delay < .5) || FlexToggle.doubleTapActive == true)
                    //CallSuper Here
                    p1Delay = 0;
                    p1Total = 0;

                if ((p1Total == 2) && (p1Delay > .5))
                    p1Delay = 0;
                    p1Total = 0;

                //Makes sure chain fire weapons revert to the main gun when they start firing again.
                if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire_P1") || FlexToggle.myFlexBool == false)
                    weaponController.nextGun = 0;
            //Player 2 Fire Control
            else if (whichPlayer)
                if (Input.GetButton("Fire_P2"))
                    //Calls the PlayerWeaponController script to use its fire function.

                //Checks if player has tapped the button once.
                if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire_P2"))

                //If player has tapped the fire button once it starts to track time between taps.
                //If it's less than half a second keep tracking time. Otherwise reset it.
                if ((p2Total == 1) && (p2Delay < .5))
                    p2Delay += Time.deltaTime;

                //Resets tap and time counter if player has taken longer than half a second.
                if ((p2Total == 1) && (p2Delay > .5))
                    p2Delay = 0;
                    p2Total = 0;

                if ((p2Total == 2) && (p2Delay < .5))
                    //CallSuper Here
                    //Debug.Log("I'MA FIRIN MUH LAZOOOOOOOR TOOOOO");
                    p2Delay = 0;
                    p2Total = 0;

                if ((p2Total == 2) && (p1Delay > .5))
                    p2Delay = 0;
                    p2Total = 0;

                if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire_P2"))
                    weaponController.nextGun = 0;