// public Animator head_bobbing;
    //public float animSpeed = 0f; POOP - Is currently not implemented

    // Initializes values of player resources, game states, and movement
    void Start()

        /* MOVEMENT */
        // thisRigidBody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
        // Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
        // Cursor.visible = false;

        /* RESOURCES */
        health     = 100;
        healthMax  = 100;
        armor      = 0;
        ArmorMax   = 100;
        bullets    = 100;
        bulletsMax = 200;
        shells     = 10;
        shellsMax  = 50;

        /* GAME STATES */
        hasShotgun   = false;
        blueArmor    = false;
        greenArmor   = false;
        activeWeapon = "pistol";
        UI.ActiveWeapon(0); // Sets active weapon on UI to the pistol
        // camera = thisCamera.gameObject;

        // head_bobbing = camera.GetComponent<Animator>();

        game = GameObject.Find("GameController").GetComponent <GameController>();