// Here we have four cases:
    // 1) both creatures do not have plates/spines attached
    // 2) the creature that collided had at least one spine attached and the one that took the collision had no plates
    // 3) the creature that collided had no spines attached and the one that took the collision had at least one plate
    // 4) both creatures have at least one plate/spine attached

    // for case 1), if the creature that collided first is a carnivore then the other one if it is a herbivore, it immediately dies
    // for case 2), the result is instant death for the creature that took the collision
    // for case 3), the result is -25 hp to the creature that collided first
    // for case 4), both creatures take some damage, -25 hp for the creature that collided first and the same for the creature that took the collision.

    // if hp of creature reaches 0, the creature is dead.

    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        // save the tags of the creatures in two strings for easier comparison
        // save the creature's attachments that did the collision first in an array
        // use similar method to the first one to identify the joints of the creature that collided
        // get the healthscript of the creature that collided first so that we can increase/decrease/zero the health according to each case

        string collideOne = other.tag;
        string collideTwo = creatureRigidbody.tag;

        FixedJoint[] colliderFixedJoints;
        colliderFixedJoints = other.GetComponentsInChildren <FixedJoint>();
        HealthScript otherHealthScript = other.gameObject.GetComponent <HealthScript>();
        int          otherSpineNum     = 0;
        int          otherPlateNum     = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < colliderFixedJoints.Length; i++)
            if (colliderFixedJoints[i].connectedBody.tag == "Spine")
                otherSpineNum = otherSpineNum + 1;
            if (colliderFixedJoints[i].connectedBody.tag == "Plate")
                otherPlateNum = otherPlateNum + 1;
        // first case: a herbivore gets attacked by a carnivore (this means that the script is attached on a herbivore gameobject)
        if (collideOne == "Carnivore")
            if (collideTwo == "Herbivore")
                if (otherSpineNum == 0 && plateNum == 0)
                    Debug.Log("Carnivore with no spines attacked and killed herbivore with no plates");
                    // kill the herbivore
                    // increase carnivore's life by 10
                else if (otherSpineNum != 0 && plateNum == 0)
                    Debug.Log("Carnivore with at least one spine attacked and killed herbivore with no plates");
                    // kill the herbivore
                    // increase carnivore's life by 10
                else if (otherSpineNum == 0 && plateNum != 0)
                    Debug.Log("Carnivore with no spines attacked a herbivore with at least one plate");
                    // carnivore's hp reduced by 25
                else if (otherSpineNum != 0 && plateNum != 0)
                    Debug.Log("Carnivore with at least one spine attacked a herbivore with at least one plate");
                    // herbivore's hp reduced by 25
                    // carnivore's hp reduced by 25
        // second case: a carnivore collides with a herbivore (this means that the script is attached on a carnivore gameobject)
        else if (collideOne == "Herbivore")
            if (collideTwo == "Carnivore")
                if (spineNum == 0 && otherPlateNum == 0)
                    Debug.Log("Carnivore with no spines collided and killed herbivore with no plates");
                    // kill the herbivore
                    // increase carnivore's life by 10
                else if (spineNum != 0 && otherPlateNum == 0)
                    Debug.Log("Carnivore with at least one spine collided and killed herbivore with no plates");
                    // kill the herbivore
                    // increase carnivore's life by 10
                else if (spineNum == 0 && otherPlateNum != 0)
                    Debug.Log("Carnivore with no spines collided a herbivore with at least one plate");
                    // carnivore's hp reduced by 25
                else if (spineNum != 0 && otherPlateNum != 0)
                    Debug.Log("Carnivore with at least one spine collided a herbivore with at least one plate");
                    // herbivore's hp reduced by 25
                    // carnivore's hp reduced by 25