// Thanks to taniwha's Extraplanetary launchpads!
        public Bounds GetAABB(ShipConstruct a_Ship)
            PartHeightQuery partHeight = null;
            Bounds aabb = new Bounds();
            bool initialize = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < a_Ship.parts.Count; i++)
                Part currentPart = a_Ship[i];
                Collider[] colliders = currentPart.transform.FindChild("model").GetComponentsInChildren<Collider>();
                for (int j = 0; j < colliders.Length; j++)
                    Collider currentCollider = colliders[j];

                    if (currentCollider.gameObject.layer != 21 && currentCollider.enabled) // Not sure where the 21 is coming from, have to ask taniwha
                        if (initialize)
                            initialize = false;
                            aabb = currentCollider.bounds;

                        float lowest = currentCollider.bounds.min.y;
                        if(partHeight == null)
                            partHeight = new PartHeightQuery(lowest);
                        partHeight.lowestPoint = Mathf.Min(partHeight.lowestPoint, lowest);

                            partHeight.lowestOnParts[currentPart] = Mathf.Min(partHeight.lowestOnParts[currentPart], lowest);

            for(int i = 0; i < a_Ship.parts.Count; i++)
                a_Ship[i].SendMessage("OnPutToGround", partHeight, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

            return new Bounds();