Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests if autopilot's ship would endanger a grid with a ship tool.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="grid">The grid that is potentially endangered.</param>
        /// <param name="input"><see cref="TestInput"/></param>
        /// <param name="result"><see cref="GridTestResult"/></param>
        /// True if the ship would endanger grid.
        private bool EndangerGrid(MyCubeGrid grid, ref TestInput input, ref GridTestResult result)
            Vector3D currentPosition = AutopilotGrid.GetCentre();
            Vector3D obstructPositon = grid.GetCentre();
            Vector3D rejectD         = input.Direction;

            Vector3D gridPosition = grid.GetCentre() - input.Offset;
            float    gridRadius   = grid.PositionComp.LocalVolume.Radius;

            Vector3  rejectDispF; Vector3.Multiply(ref input.Direction, input.Length, out rejectDispF);
            Vector3D rejectDisp = rejectDispF;

            IEnumerable <CubeGridCache> myCaches = AttachedGrid.AttachedGrids(AutopilotGrid, AttachedGrid.AttachmentKind.Terminal, true).Select(CubeGridCache.GetFor);

            foreach (CubeGridCache cache in myCaches)
                if (cache == null)
                    Logger.DebugLog("Missing a cache", Logger.severity.DEBUG);
                foreach (MyShipDrill drill in cache.BlocksOfType(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Drill)))
                    if (drill.IsShooting && ToolObstructed(drill, ref gridPosition, gridRadius, ref rejectDisp, ref result) && IsRejectionTowards(ref obstructPositon, ref currentPosition, ref rejectD))
                foreach (MyShipGrinder grinder in cache.BlocksOfType(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_ShipGrinder)))
                    if (grinder.IsShooting && ToolObstructed(grinder, ref gridPosition, gridRadius, ref rejectDisp, ref result) && IsRejectionTowards(ref obstructPositon, ref currentPosition, ref rejectD))

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests a grid for obstructing the ship via vector rejection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oGrid">The grid that may obstruct this one.</param>
        /// <param name="ignoreBlock">Block to ignore, or null</param>
        /// <param name="input"><see cref="TestInput"/></param>
        /// <param name="result"><see cref="GridTestResult"/></param>
        /// <returns>True if oGrid is blocking the ship.</returns>
        private bool RejectionIntersects(MyCubeGrid oGrid, MyCubeBlock ignoreBlock, ref TestInput input, ref GridTestResult result)
            //Logger.DebugLog("Rejection vector is not normalized, length squared: " + rejectionVector.LengthSquared(), Logger.severity.FATAL, condition: Math.Abs(rejectionVector.LengthSquared() - 1f) > 0.001f);
            //Logger.DebugLog("Testing for rejection intersection: " + oGrid.nameWithId() + ", starting from: " + (AutopilotGrid.GetCentre() + offset) + ", rejection vector: " + rejectionVector + ", distance: " + rejectionDistance +
            //	", final: " + (AutopilotGrid.GetCentre() + offset + rejectionVector * rejectionDistance));
            //Logger.DebugLog("rejction distance < 0: " + rejectionDistance, Logger.severity.ERROR, condition: rejectionDistance < 0f);

            IEnumerable <CubeGridCache> myCaches = AttachedGrid.AttachedGrids(AutopilotGrid, AttachedGrid.AttachmentKind.Physics, true).Select(CubeGridCache.GetFor);
            Vector3D currentPosition             = AutopilotGrid.GetCentre();

            CubeGridCache oCache = CubeGridCache.GetFor(oGrid);

            if (oCache == null)
                Logger.DebugLog("Failed to get cache for other grid", Logger.severity.DEBUG);

            bool checkBlock = ignoreBlock != null && oGrid == ignoreBlock.CubeGrid;

            Vector3 v; input.Direction.CalculatePerpendicularVector(out v);
            Vector3 w; Vector3.Cross(ref input.Direction, ref v, out w);
            Matrix  to3D = new Matrix(v.X, v.Y, v.Z, 0f,
                                      w.X, w.Y, w.Z, 0f,
                                      input.Direction.X, input.Direction.Y, input.Direction.Z, 0f,
                                      0f, 0f, 0f, 1f);
            Matrix to2D; Matrix.Invert(ref to3D, out to2D);

            float roundTo;
            int   minDistanceSquared;

            if (AutopilotGrid.GridSizeEnum == oGrid.GridSizeEnum)
                roundTo            = AutopilotGrid.GridSize;
                minDistanceSquared = 1;
                roundTo             = Math.Min(AutopilotGrid.GridSize, oGrid.GridSize);
                minDistanceSquared  = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Max(AutopilotGrid.GridSize, oGrid.GridSize) / roundTo);
                minDistanceSquared *= minDistanceSquared;
            int maxDistanceSquared = minDistanceSquared * 100;

            Profiler.StartProfileBlock("RejectionIntersects:Build ship");

            Vector2IMatrix <bool> apShipRejections;

            ResourcePool.Get(out apShipRejections);

            MatrixD worldMatrix = AutopilotGrid.WorldMatrix;
            float   gridSize = AutopilotGrid.GridSize;
            float   minProjection = float.MaxValue, maxProjection = float.MinValue;           // the permitted range when rejecting the other grids cells

            foreach (CubeGridCache cache in myCaches)
                if (cache == null)
                    Logger.DebugLog("Missing a cache", Logger.severity.DEBUG);
                foreach (Vector3I cell in cache.OccupiedCells())
                    Vector3 local = cell * gridSize;

                    MyCubeBlock block = (MyCubeBlock)cache.CubeGrid.GetCubeBlock(cell)?.FatBlock;
                    if (block != null && block.Subparts != null && block.Subparts.Count != 0 && !CellOccupiedByBlock(cell, block))

                    Vector3D world; Vector3D.Transform(ref local, ref worldMatrix, out world);
                    Vector3D relative; Vector3D.Subtract(ref world, ref currentPosition, out relative);
                    Vector3  relativeF = relative;

                    float projectionDistance; Vector3 rejection;
                    VectorExtensions.RejectNormalized(ref relativeF, ref input.Direction, out projectionDistance, out rejection);
                    if (projectionDistance < minProjection)
                        minProjection = projectionDistance;
                    else if (projectionDistance > maxProjection)
                        maxProjection = projectionDistance;

                    Vector3 planarComponents; Vector3.Transform(ref rejection, ref to2D, out planarComponents);
                    //Logger.DebugLog("Math fail: rejection: " + rejection + ", planar components: " + planarComponents + "\nto3D: " + to3D, Logger.severity.WARNING, condition: planarComponents.Z > 0.001f || planarComponents.Z < -0.001f);
                    Vector2 pc2 = new Vector2(planarComponents.X, planarComponents.Y);
                    apShipRejections[ToCell(pc2, roundTo)] = true;
                    //Logger.DebugLog("My rejection: " + rejection + ", planar: " + ToCell(pc2, roundTo));

            minProjection += StartRayCast;             // allow autopilot to move away from a touching object

            //Logger.DebugLog("projection min: " + minProjection + ", max: " + maxProjection + ", max for other: " + (maxProjection + rejectionDistance));
            maxProjection += input.Length;

            //Logger.DebugLog("checking other grid cells");

            Profiler.StartProfileBlock("RejectionIntersects:other grid");

            Vector2IMatrix <bool> otherGridRejections;

            ResourcePool.Get(out otherGridRejections);

            worldMatrix = oGrid.WorldMatrix;
            gridSize    = oGrid.GridSize;
            foreach (Vector3I cell in oCache.OccupiedCells())
                //Logger.DebugLog("cell: " + cell);

                Vector3  local = cell * gridSize;
                Vector3D world; Vector3D.Transform(ref local, ref worldMatrix, out world);
                Vector3D offsetWorld; Vector3D.Subtract(ref world, ref input.Offset, out offsetWorld);
                Vector3D relative; Vector3D.Subtract(ref offsetWorld, ref currentPosition, out relative);
                Vector3  relativeF = relative;

                Vector3 rejection;
                VectorExtensions.RejectNormalized(ref relativeF, ref input.Direction, out result.Distance, out rejection);
                if (result.Distance < minProjection || result.Distance > maxProjection)

                Vector3 planarComponents; Vector3.Transform(ref rejection, ref to2D, out planarComponents);
                //Logger.DebugLog("Math fail: rejection: " + rejection + ", planar components: " + planarComponents + "\nto3D: " + to3D, Logger.severity.WARNING, condition: planarComponents.Z > 0.001f || planarComponents.Z < -0.001f);
                Vector2  pc2    = new Vector2(planarComponents.X, planarComponents.Y);
                Vector2I cell2D = ToCell(pc2, roundTo);

                if (!otherGridRejections.Add(cell2D, true))
                    //Logger.DebugLog("Already tested: " + cell2D);

                //Logger.DebugLog("Rejection: " + rejection + ", planar: " + cell2D);
                //Logger.DebugLog("testing range. x: " + (cell2D.X - steps) + " - " + (cell2D.X + steps));

                ExpandingRings.Ring ring = default(ExpandingRings.Ring);
                for (int ringIndex = 0; ring.DistanceSquared <= maxDistanceSquared; ringIndex++)
                    ring = ExpandingRings.GetRing(ringIndex);
                    for (int squareIndex = 0; squareIndex < ring.Squares.Length; squareIndex++)
                        if (apShipRejections.Contains(cell2D + ring.Squares[squareIndex]))
                            if (ring.DistanceSquared <= minDistanceSquared)
                                IMySlimBlock slim = oGrid.GetCubeBlock(cell);
                                if (slim != null)
                                    if (checkBlock && slim.FatBlock == ignoreBlock)

                                    MyCubeBlock fat = (MyCubeBlock)slim.FatBlock;
                                    if (fat != null && fat.Subparts != null && fat.Subparts.Count != 0 && !CellOccupiedByBlock(cell, fat))

                                    result.ObstructingBlock = fat;
                                    result.ObstructingBlock = null;

                                result.Proximity = 0f;
                                Logger.DebugLog("Hit, projectionDistance: " + result.Distance + ", min: " + minProjection + ", max: " + maxProjection + ", ring: " + ringIndex + ", ring dist sq: " + ring.DistanceSquared + ", min dist sq: " + minDistanceSquared + ", max dist sq: " + maxDistanceSquared);
                                maxDistanceSquared = ring.DistanceSquared;
                                goto NextCell;

                NextCell :;

            result.Proximity = (float)Math.Sqrt(maxDistanceSquared);